Liv~ Q,oo~ \ l 218 LIVY, BOOK ONE I I · the coc.trast, Tarquinio ••• Jiberatorem, tum this sentence into the I' passive. I 1. 14. regnatum (est), impersonal pass.,' there were kings'. I 1. 14. ab condita ••• Jiberatam. The perf. parties. pass. are to be n VOCABULARY rendered here by English DOUDS : r from the foundation of the city to its liberation '. (In the following vocabulary only irregular vwb5 are given thllir principal 1. 16. coDSUles. Actuallythesetwomagistrateswhotookoverthe parls in fall. Othllrwise Iha ficuru (1), (2), (3), (4), foUowing a vwb d8nou functions of the kings were called praetors until the time of the that ii is a raplar exampk of that conjucation. No conjucation numbw is decemvirate. given in Iha casa of -io vwb5 like capio. Refwmcu are lo section nos.) 1. 16. comitiis centuriatis, 'at the assembly by centuries'. It is ' very doubtful whether this assembly was in existence at this time. a, ab, prap. with abl., from, by ; on, ab81lm, -eae, afui, be absent, dis­ in consequence of, after. tant. See the notes on Chap. 43, ll. 30, 37, 43· abdo, -ere, -t1idi, -cli\um (3), con­ abUDdans, -antis, excessive, super- l. 16. a praefecto urbis. The praefectus is presiding over the ceal, bide away. fluous. election in the capacity of interrex. The latter name is actually abduco, -ere, -clmi, -cluc\um (3), abundo (1), overflow. given by one historian Dionysius ( V, 84) to Lucretius, father of lead away. ac, 566 atque. Lucretia. abeo, -ire, -ii, -itum, go away, acceclo, -ere, -cesai, -cessum (3), go depart ; 'Withdraw. to, approach, be joined, added to. l. 17. ex commentariis, 'in accordance with the memoranda of abhorreo (2). shrink from. accendo, -ere, -di, -sum (3), set on S.T.' abigo, -ere, -egi, -actum (3), drive fire, or ablaze, inflame. away. accemeo, -ere, -ui, -mum (2), ablego (1), send away. reckon among. abnuo, -ere, -ui (3), refuse. acer, -eris, -ere, shalp, keen ; abolesco, -ere, -levi (3). vanish, dis- fierce, violent. appear. accingo, -ere, -mi, -nctum (3), Aborigines, -um, m. pl., the earliest prepare for action. inhabitants of Italy. accio (4), summon ; invite (35. 3). abrogo (1), cancel, take away, accipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum, re­ abrogate. ceive, admit, adopt (32. 14) abaem, -mis, absent. hear, be told. abaolvo, -ere, -TI. -utum (3), acceptus, -a, -um, popular, wet. acquit. come, acceptable. absonua, -a, -um, out of harmony, accola, -ae, m., neighbour. incompatible. acc\180 (r), accuse• abatergeo, -ere, -Bi, -IUDl (2), wipe .Achivi, -arum, m. pl., the Greeb. away. acies, -ei, f., line of battle, pitched abmneo, -ere, -ui, -en\um (2), fore­ battle, army ; acie, in the field. go ; refrain from attacking. acr.iter, adv., keenly, vigorously. abatuli, 516 aufero. .Actiacu.s, -a, -um, of Actium. Q 219 220 LIVY, BOOK ONE VOCABULARY 221 ad, fmip. with acc., to, at, for, near: adlicio, -ere, -lesi, -lectum, allure. adsumo, ._.., -mpai, -mptum (3), .Aequicoli, -orum, m. pl., the Aequi- towards, until, in answer to : entice, attmct. enrol : assume. coli. corresponding to. adloquium, -i, n., address, speech. adulllllC8Dll, -Dtis, m., young man, aequo (1), equalise; equal, match. adaequo (1), level. adloquor, -i, -locutus (3), address, youth. aequus, -a, -um, level, even ; equal. adclaro (1), manifest. speak to. adulter, -eri, ni., adulterer. aes, aeris, n., copper ; money, asses. adcresco, -ere, -crevi, -cretum (3), administro (I), administer, gowrn. adulterium,. -1, n., adultery. aetu, -tam, f., age, generation, admiratio, -ionis, admhation. grow, increase. f., aduncus, -a, -um, hooked. period, time, youth. addico, -ere, -xi, -ctum (3), (of admiror (1), wonder at, admire. advena, -ae, c., foreigner ; as adj., age dum, ttrlerjeaion, come. omen) give assent, be favourable. admitto, -ere, -misi, -:missum (3), foreign. ager, agri, m., land, territory, field, adduco, -ere, -:s:i, -ctum (3), bring approve. advenio, -ire, -veni, -ventum (4), country. admodum, ad11., greatly, very. to, develop (into). anive. agger, -erls, m., mound. adedo, -ere, -ecli, -eaum (3), eat up, admoneo (2), remind. advantus, -us, m., anival, coming. agitatio, -ionis,j., play (of weapons). admonitus, -us, m., advice, in- consume. adveraor (1), resist (oftsn with dat.). agito (1), ponder, think over or of. adeo, adv.. to such a degree, so. stance, suggestion. ad'7erBUll, -a, -um, facing, opposing; agman, -inis, n., colUIDD, band ; adeo, -ire, -ii, -limn, approach. admoveo, -ere, -movi, -motum (2) advena pugna, defeat. procession (29. 5). adequito (1), ride·up to. bring up. adver&Ull, prap. with acc., and adv., agnosco, -ere, -novi, -nitum (3), adfecto (1), aim at, aspire to : seek. adnitor, -i, -lCUll (BUI) (3), strive. towards, against, in face of (2. 4). recognise. adfero, -ferre, attuli, -J.atum. bring adnuo, -ere, -ui, -utum (3), nod. advoco (1). summon. ago, ~ere, egi, actum (3), do, drive, forward ; strike (#en'or) into. adolesco, -ere, -evi, -ultum (3), aecliflcatio, -ionis, j., building. carry along (1~. 4) ; spend (of adflcio, -are, -feci, -fectum, atiect ; grow up. aecliflcium, -i, n., building. rrip, 32. 3); hold (offestival). adoperio, -ire, -ui, -erl1m1 (4), cover with poena, punish. aecliflco (1), build, build on. agrestis, -a, rustic ; as noun, adtlnitas, -tatis, /., connection by up. aedes, Of' aec1ia, -is, /.. temple : "' peasant, countryman. marriage. adorior (4), attack. pl., house. .Agrippa, -ae, m., Agrippa (Alban adflnno (1), affirm, strengthen, adorno (1), distinguish, hon01(r. aeger, -gra, -grum, sick. king). adpeto, -ere, -ii (ivi), -itum (3), aim establish. aegre, adv., with difficulty ; with aio, tkfecl. 11b., say. adfilgo, -are, -xi, -ctum (3), afilict, at ; intrans., approach. pati. fern, to feel aggrieved or ala, -ae, /., wing. distress, crush. adprobo (1), approve. resentment at, to feel vexed at. Alba, -ae, m., Alba (Alban king). adgredior, -i, -gressum. attack : adquiro, -are, -aivi, -aitum (3), gain. aegrltudo, -inis, /., mortification, .Alba Longa, f., Alba Longa. advance. acquire. melancholy. Albanus, -a, -um, Alban, of Alba. adhibeo (2), invite, apply: em- adsclaco, -ere, -scivi, -scitum (3), aemulati.o, -ionis,f., act of rivalling. album, -i, n., white tablet. ploy (7. 12). adopt. aemulor (x), aspire to. a1ea, -ae, /.. hazard. -si, -1111Dl adhortor (1), encourage. adsentio, -ire, (4), agree. Aeneas, -ae, m., Aeneas. ales, -itis, c., bird. adicio, -ere, -ieci, -iectum, add, adsid111111, -a, -um, perpetual. Aeneas Silvius, -ae, -i, m., Aeneas alias, adv., at other times ; other­ apply : tum (20. l). adsoleo (2), only 3rd pws., be.wont. Silvius. wise. adimo, -ere, -emi, -emptum (3), adsto, -are, -atili (1), stand before. aeneua, -a, -um, of copper or alienigena, -ae, c., foreigner. -feoi, take away (with dal.). adsuefacio, -are, -factum, bronze. alienus, -a, -um, of others, strange adipiscor, -l, adeptus (3), obtain. accustom. aequalis, .:.e, equal ; as noun, (58. 7) : inappropriate (20. 3) ; adiectio, -ion.is, j., addition. adsuesco, -ere, -nevi, -suetum (3), friend (of same age). as noun, stranger, alien. adiungo, -ere, -xi, -ctum (3). add. become accustomed. aequaliter, adv., equally. alio, adv., in another direction. adiuvo, -are, -iuvi, -iutum (1), adsum, -esse, -fui, be present. help, Aequi, -arum, m. pl., the Aequi aliqu.amdiu, adu., for some timo. assist (oftsn with dal.) assist. (Itali11n trib1J), aliqU&Ddo, adv., sometimes. VOCABULARY 223 :z:z:z LIVY, BOOK ONE ~o, -Ire, -ii, -itum, go before, arceo, -ere, -ui, -ctum (2), repel, aliquanto, adv., considerably. amitto, -ere, -mid, -miuum (3), take the lead (S9· 6). save. aliquantum, adv., considerably. lose. Antemnates, -ium, m. pl., men of arcesso, -ere, -ivi, -itum (3), sum- aliquanms, -a, -um, considerable ; amnis, -ill, m., river. Antemnae. mon. aliquan\um spatii. for some c:oll­ amo (1), love, like. Antenor, -ods, m., Antenor (11 arcuatua, -a, -um, covered, tilted. siderable distance (2s. 8). amor, -oris, m., love. TfTJj1111). .Ardea, -ae, j., Ardea. aliqui, -ae, -quod, some, any. amplector, -i, -plans, (3) cla.sp, antiquitu, -tatia, f., :mtiquity, old ardeo, -ere, -Bi, -111111l (2), burn. aliqnis, -quid, some one cw thing. embrace. times. ,-- ardor, -ods, m., ardour, eagerness. aliquot, indaclin., some, several ampliflco (1), enlarge. antiquus, -a, -um, ancient, of first area, -ae, f., open space, site (38. 7, aliquotillDll, adv., several times. amplimdo, -inill, f .. grandeur. importance. SS· 2). amplius, adv., more (than). allier, adv., otherwise. antmes, -m.. c., priest ; priestess. Argei, -orum, m. pl., -. "'111 on alius, -a, -um, other, difierent, amp11111, -a, -um, large, grand. &DDlu, -1, m., ring. 21. S· another ; alii ••• alii, some ••• Amuliua, -1, m., Amulius (lri"f of amilll, .... -um, anxious. argantum, -i, n., silver. others. .i.llb11). •p=~ire, -ul, -tum, (4) open. Argiletum, -i, n., Argi1etum (dis­ alluvies, -ei, f., Inundation, over- an, or, whether (in ![1"slions). lricl of Roma). anceps, -ipitis, too swift for the eye flow. aperte, adu., openly. argao, -en, -ui, -utum (3), allege, alo, -ere, alui, altum (3), support, to follow (25. S) ; wavering apertum, -1, fl., the open. charge ; censure (28. 6). keep, maintain. (28. 9). apertu, -a, -um, open. Aricia, -ae, f .. Aricia. jncbius, -ae, m., Anchises (/allier Alp1111, -ium, f. pl., the Alps. Aplolae, -arum, f, pl., Apiolae. Aricinus, -a, -um, of Aricia. alte, adv., deeply, deep ; on high. of ;4ene11S). apparatus, -us, m., magnificence. lilies, -etil, m., battering-ram. alter, -a, -um, one of two, other, ancile, -ill, n., sacred shield (of appareo (2), appear, be plain. arma, -orum, n. pl., arms ; shields. Mars). apparitor, -mis, m., attendant. one's neighbour. anci11a, -ae, f., handmaid &l'JDllJltum, -1, "·· herd. altercatio, -ioniB, altercation. appeDo (1). name, call; appeal to armiDa, -ae, f., bracelet. f., .Ancus Martilll, -i -1, m., AD.ens alms, -a, -um, high ; deep. (40. s). amw (1), arm ; armati, m. pl., Martius (4'h Iring of Roma). alveus, -i, m., hollow vessel, appono, -en, -pa111i, -podum (3), armed men. in arms. ango, -ere (3), distress, vex. basket. ' place Of' set before. aro (1), plough. ambagel, -ium, pl., riddle ; anguis, -is, m., make. apte, adv., deftly. arripio, -ere, -ui, -eptum, seize.
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