Index Page numbers in italics refer to Figures; page numbers in bold refer to Tables Acarinina spp. 200 Apennines 3, 22-23, 27-29, 36, facies cycles Acquarone Ridge 351 38, 40 concept of 177-179 Ad-Dour-Khalladi massif 167 Alpes-Apnnin: 42 description 179, 181,182, Adra Unit 30, 32, 32, 36 Northern 3-5, 19, 23, 33-34, 183, 184, 185, 186, Adige embayment 248, 254 36, 37, 39-41 187-188 Aeolian Island Arc 350, 351 Post-Pseudoverrucano 4 sedimentological significance aeromagnetic surveys Pseudoverrucano 4 188-189 bottom reduction method see also Helminthoid Flysch factorial correspondence analysis application of results Southern 4, 18, 23, 33, 34, 40, methods 148-152 343-347 278-279 results 152-156 data processing 338-339 Argille Varicolori unit 279 results discussed input data 338 evolution 283-286 156-158 signal analysis 339-343 stratigraphy 280-281 significance for African Domain 120, 121 structure 281-283 palaeogeography A1 Alya-A1 Hatba massif 167 Post-Pseudoverrucano 6-9 157, 158 Alboran Basin 3 Pseudoverrucano 4-6 deformation 166-167, 168, Alboran Domain 87-89, 98, 101, structural setting 289-291 170 102, 110, 114 see also Sant'Arcangelo nappe 147-148, 150, 152, Alboran Ridge 112 Basin 155-160, 162, 162-163, Alboran Sea 217, 218 Variszisch-apenninischen 43 164, 165, 165, 167, 168, A1Hamra 138-139 Anageniti Minute formation 19, 168-173, 175 196, 205 Ali Montagnareale Unit 7, 23-24, 20, 21 stratigraphy 163, 164 24, 26, 36 Apuane Unit 3, 19, 20, 21-22, 23, structure 165 Aliano Group 293 39, 40, 42-43 stratigraphy 48 Aliano synthem Apulian Block 324 Bdni Snassen 75, 79, 81, 84-85 palaeogeography 306-312 Apulian Plate, collision vii Beni Mzala Unit 28, 29, 29, 36 tectonics 312 Apulian Platform 278, 290 Betic 14, 15, 16, 28, 31, 32, 34, Almeria-Nijas Basin Arenicolites 184, 185, 187 36-39, 42-43, 87-88, 91, 98 gravity survey Argille Varicolori unit 279 Chain 1, 16, 33, 39 methods 219-220 evolution 283-286 Cordillera 2, 3, 9, 12, 12, 26, results 223-226 stratigraphy 280-281 28-30, 34-35, 38-42 Neogene sediments 218 structure 281-283 External Zone 217 tectonic evolution 226-228 Assilina sp. 200 Internal Zone 217 tectonic structures 219 Asterigerina sp. 200 Maghrebian External Domain 2, brittle structures 221-223, Anti Atlas Domain 131-134, 12 224 141-143 Post-Pseudoverrucano 13 folds 220-221,222 Atlas belts 75-76, 83, 84 Pseudoverrucano 12-13 Alpine domain 75, 76 Atlas Foreland 101, 108, 110 see also Almeria Nijar Basin defined 245 Austroalpine Nappe System 245,247 biostratigraphy fault systems 248-253 Austroalpine-Peninnic collisional Crotone Basin 328, 330 Alps 83, 84 wedge 245-248 Tunisia 67 evolution vii fault systems Bolivina spp. 330 Italian see Italian Alps Brenner detachment 250-251 bottom reduction method in Alpujarrides 30, 32, 34-36, North Giudicarie line 250 aeromagnetic surveys 38, 40, 43 Schio-Vicenza line application of results 343-347 Complex 12, 29-30, 248-250 data processing 338-339 32-33, 38, 43 Miocene tectonics 253-254 input data 338 Units 26, 29-30, 31, 32, present day tectonics 251-253 signal analysis 339-343 34, 37, 38, 41 Boquete de Anjera Unit 29, 29 Alya-Dar Mimen massif 163, Bagni Unit 7, 23, 24, 26, 39 Bou Draa Ridge 89, 107 166, 167 Baides oil well, Cretaceous Bou Draa-Sidi Fili fault zone 103, Anti-Atlas domain 120, 121, stratigraphy 234, 237 111, 112-114 132, 133 Belice earthquake 365 Bouguer anomaly see gravity seismic residuals 121 B6ni Ider flysch 113, 147-148, survey Apenninic Platform 161-162, 148, 161, Breccias Nummuliticas 46-47, 48 278, 279 calciturbidite studies Brianqonnian nappes 2 From: MORATTI, G. & CHALOUAN, A. (eds) 2006. Tectonics of the Western Mediterranean and North Africa. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 262, 379-384. 0305-8719/06/$15.00 The Geological Society of London 2006. 380 INDEX Brenner detachment 250-251 carbonate sedimentology facies correlations 205, 206 Buntsandstein 2, 19 Tagus Basin, Cretaceous 231-232 stratigraphy 48, 201 sequence stratigraphy 238-242 Dra~ E1 Merga 108, 113 Calabria 161,163 stratigraphy 233-238 Calabria-Peloritani Arc 3, 7, 8 Tunisia, Cretaceous Orbata Eastern Meseta of Morocco see Calabrian Accretionary Formation Oujda Mountains Wedge 324 biostratigraphy 67 E1 Babat Calabrian arc vii 1, 5, 2, 4, 7, 8, 8-9, correlations 68-70 E1 Babat nappe 11 13, 15, 26-27 depositional model 70-72 E1 Babat Triassic Red Beds 9, 12 Calabrian-Peloritanian Arc 2-4, 7, lithostratigraphy 62-67 E1 Pradillo oil well, Cretaceous 7-8, 16, 23-24, 27, 33-37, 40, sequence stratigraphy 67 stratigraphy 235 42-43 carbonate turbidites see Eocene Calabrian transgression 333 calciturbidites palaeogeography, Apennines Calcareous Chain see Dorsale Carboneras Fault Zone 111, 269-270 Calcaire 112, 218, 221-223, stratigraphy, Morocco 46 Calcari con Selce Formation 226-227 Eoradiolites 61, 62 279, 280 Castelluzzo fault 369, 371, 373 Euganeo-Berico-Lessinian wedge calciturbidites Catapsydrax spp. 200 248 facies cycles Cefal?a Basin 349, 350, 351 eustatic/tectonic interactions concept of 177-179 Central Gneiss 245-246 Cretaceous of Tagus Basin description 179, 181, 182, 183, Chiaromonte-Serra Corneta 242-243 184, 185, 186, 187-188 synthem Cretaceous of Tunisia 70-72 sedimentological significance palaeogeography 314 Pliocene of Crotone Basin 333 188-189 tectonics 314-315 External Domain, see External Rif factorial correspondence analysis Choffatella decipiens 58, 62, 67 External Prerif 101, 102, 103, methods 148-152 Chondrites 183, 184, 185, 187 deformation events 104-108 results 152-156 chronostratigraphy, Helminthoid External Rif 88-89, 147-148, results discussed 156-158 Flysch 261 161-162, 217 Helminthoid Flysch 259-260 Cibicidoides dutemplei 326, 330 calciturbidite studies chronostratigraphy 261 Clavegerinella eocanica 200 facies cycles palaeogeography 267-270 collisional wedges see Italian Alps concept of 177-179, petrography 226, 264 Corleto Sandstone Formation 283, 180, 181 provenance 265-266 284, 285 description 179, 181,182, 183, sedimentology Cretaceous 184, 185, 186, 187-188 bulk composition 261-263 calciturbidites see calciturbidites sedimentological heavy mineralogy 262-263, palaeogeography 267-269 significance 188-189 264, 265 sedimentology see Helminthoid factorial correspondence analysis lithostratigraphic units Flysch; Tagus Basin (Spain); methods 148-152 260-261 Tunisia results 152-156 seismicity 267 stratigraphy, Morocco 46 results discussed 156-158 tectonics 270-271 Crotone Basin 323, 325 significance for turbidity current triggers Pliocene evolution palaeogeography 157, 158 266-267 methods of sediment analysis stratigraphy 202-204 see also turbidites, carbonate v. 324-327 see also Intrarif; Mesorif; Prerif siliciclastic results 327-332 Caldarosa unit 280 results discussed 332-334 facies analysis see calciturbidites Caliandro Group 293 Cutro Marly Clay 324, 325 factorial correspondence analysis see Caliandro synthem Cythereis btaterensis 62 calciturbidites palaeogeography 302-305 Cytherella 67 Fahi~s fault zone 111, 113 tectonics 305-306 Cytherelloidea 67 Faro fault 367, 369, 370, 373 Calovetto Sequence 6, 7, 38, 42 faulting and seismicity in Sicily Capo Vatico Promontary and Dendropoma reef 370-371,375 active faults Ridge 351 Dhar Kharroub-Ammarya study in San Vito lo Capo Carbonate Formation massif 167 analysis 367-371 geodynamic significance 80-83 Diplocraterion 185, 187 tectonic significance 371-375 setting 75-76 Dorsale Calcaire 9-11, 11, 15, 28, seismicity 365, 367 synsedimentary structural 34, 38, 41-42, 147, 148, structural elements 324, 366 study 195-196 tectonic setting 365-367 breccias 77-79 calciturbidite study faults and tectonic evolution gliding 76-77 methods of analysis 148-152 Almeria-Nijas Basin 221-223 normal faults 79-80 results 152-156 Oujda Mts 79-80 reverse faults 79 results discussed 156-158 South Alpine domain 248-253 slumps 79 significance for Federico Units 28, 28, 29, 29-30 tectonic analysis 80 palaeogeography 157, 158 Fez area 133, 136 INDEX 381 Fez-Tissa-Ta'fneste fault zone 111, Glossifungites 180, 186, 187, 188, Italy 112 329 southern, structural elements 324 Filali Micaschists 47 Graphoglyptids 187 see also Apennines;CrotoneBasin; fluid geochemistry and tectonic gravity anomalies, relation to seismic Sicily setting in Morocco residuals 125, 126 methods of analysis 133-134 gravity survey of Ahneria-Nijas Jbel Bou Draa 102, 103, 107, 108, results Basin 108, 111, 112 gas chemistry 137-139 methods 219-220 Jbel E1Hamra site 76-77, 79-81, 80, water chemistry 134-137 results 223-226 81 results discussed 140-142 Greater Kabylia 3 Jbel Kannoufa, stratigraphy and Flysch Domain (Intrarif) 88- 89, 161, Guardi Pericara Group 293 structure 89, 102, 103, 106, 106, 196 Guenfouda site 76, 79, 80, 80, 81, 81 112, 114 see also B6ni Ider Flysch also Jbel Moussa Group 47,194, 196,197, Tisir~ne Flysch Hafa Uestia unit 148, 204, 205 Flysch Rosso 281 Hafa Ferkennix unit 148, 150, Jbel Outita 102, 103, 107, 108 Flysch Trough 196, 205 154-156, 157 Jbel Trhat 87-89, 90, 92, 93, 94, stratigraphy 48 heat flow 94, 95, 97, 102, 103, 104, fold and thrust belt, South Alpine effect on aeromagnetic surveys 105, 106 245-248 339-340 palaeostress studies 92-93, 94, 95 folds, Almeria-Nijas Basin 220-221, northern Morocco domains, stratigraphy and structure 105-106 222 relation to seismic residuals Jbel Tselfat 102, 103 foraminifera in biostratigraphy 200, 123-126 Jbel Zalagh, stratigraphy and 326, 328, 330 heavy mineralogy, Helminthoid structure 89, 102, 103, Flysch 262-263, 264, 265 104-106 Gafsa Fault 55, 57 Helminthoid Flysch 259-260 Jbel Zerhoun 87-90,
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