Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07975-5 - The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt: From the Predynastic Period to the End of the Middle Kingdom Nadine Moeller Index More information Index Abdel Nasser, Gamal, 34 Ankhtifi, 231 Abu Ballas trail, 182 Antef III, 308 Abu Rawash, 117, 119–123, 125, 156, 158,160, 215 Anubis, 282 pyramid complex of, 119, 345 Arnold, Dieter, 262, 335 Abusir, 24, 25, 119, 123–125, 151, 155, 156, 158, 160, 161, 346 Arnold, Dorothea, 37, 262, 335 Abusir papyri, 124 Arnold, Felix, 148 Abydos, 4, 11, 18, 20, 21, 35, 39, 40, 52, 53, 63, 71, 76, 81, 96, artificial basin irrigation, 45, 219 97, 109, 117, 164, 219, 239–241, 244, 290, 334, 376, 377, 379, Askut (fort), 297, 311 See also Wah-Sut, Kôm es-Sultan Assiut, 161 activity area(s), 194, 232, 254, 259, 334, 347, 370 Aswan, 47, 49, 51, 56, 113, 241, 242, 252, 307 Adaima, 37 Aswan High Dam, 34, 44 Adams, Matthew, 239, 241 Avaris, 38, 51, 321, 325, See also Tell el-Dab’a Adams, Robert Mc., 7, 44 Ayn Asil/Balat, 18, 53, 117, 154, 174, 175, 179, 182, 184, 186, 187, administrative building(s), 4, 21, 24, 52, 71–76, 108, 109, 125, 192, 206, 210, 211, 226, 241, 357, 358 128, 136, 156, 166–168, 174, 206, 226, 281, 315, 327, 379, Eastern Apartments, 206–209, 186, 201, 212 See also governor’s palatial complex; governor’s residence; gubernatorial palace complex (First Intermediate Period), palatial complexes; Royal Administrative Building 241–243 (Heit el-Ghurab); sealings gubernatorial palace complex (Old Kingdom), 174–182, in Upper Egypt, 374 206–210 Lahun, 283–285 settlement evidence (First Intermediate Period), 241–243 Tell Edfu, 317–321, 374 Western Apartments, 179, 186, 207–210, 212 aeolian deposits, 13, 53–54 Ayn el-Gazzareen, 53, 182–186, 210, 211, 379 aerial photographs, 37 Building C of, 182–186, 210–211 agricultural land, 8, 12–14, 17, 26, 35, 52, 113, 160, 278, 289, 296, 378 Ayn Soukhna, 24, 116, 175 agricultural exploitation by central government and, 12, 13 at Amarna, 13 Bagnal, Robert, 39 Wilbour Papyrus and, 14 Bahr Yussef, 49, 52, 249 agriculture, 6, 9, 21, 25, 45, 53, 89, 92, 113, 158, 216, 256, 259, 273, Balat. See Ayn Asil 278, 339, 382 Ball, John, 54 Ahmose (king), 296, 328 Bard, Kathryn, 40 alluvial deposits, 9, 47, 53, 54–55 bed niche, 292, 324, 344, 347, 350, 351, 353, 355, 365, 367, 370 Al-Shaykh Sa’id, 24, 116, 162 beer production, 18, 37, 68, 70, 83, 86–87, 92, 134, 136, 168 Amarna. See Tell el-Amarna Beersheva culture, 62 Amenemhat I, 16, 52, 218, 249, 289, 334, 360, 361, 364 Beni Hassan, 216, 217, 218, 219 Amenemhat II, 249, 261 Bent Pyramid complex. See Dahshur Amenemhat III, 249, 288, 289, 307, 357, 359, 363 bent-axis approach, 63, 283 amethyst, 24 252 Bietak, Manfred, 35–36, 265, 321, 324, 326, 350, 352, 370 ancient urbanism, 1, 4–7, 34, 38, 40, See also urbanism in ancient house layouts established by, 344–347 Egypt Birket Qarun lake, 49, 50, 52, 262, 271. See also Fayum region, city-states vs. territorial states, 6–7, 8, 12, 35, 39, 40, 382 Lake Moeris comparative studies on, 1, 4, 5, 33, 35, 38–40 Bisson de la Roque, Fernand, 32 theoretical framework of, 2, 6, 8, 383 Blue Nile, 44 421 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07975-5 - The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt: From the Predynastic Period to the End of the Middle Kingdom Nadine Moeller Index More information INDEX Boessneck, Joachim, 36 Dakhla oasis, 18, 53, 154, 174, 175, 177, 182, 186–187, 192, 195, Borchardt, Ludwig, 33, 125, 271, 273, 335–336 206, 226, 241, 243, 357 Bourriau, Janine, 37 Ayn Asil gubernatorial palace complex (Old Kingdom), bread, 18, 24, 37, 83, 86, 92, 116, 132, 133, 134, 137, 141, 143, 157, 174–184, 206–210 162, 168, 184, 200, 204, 220, 242, 264, 296, 304, 339 Ayn el-Gazzareen (Old Kingdom), 182–186, 379 Breitraumhaus (Broad Room House), 348 Building C (Ayn el-Gazzareen), 210–211 brewing installations, 62, 68, 70, 86, 108, 168 Darb el-Arbain, 53 at HK 11C (Hierakonpolis), 88 Deir el-Bersha, 216–217 at HK 24A (Hierakonpolis), 86 Deir el-Medineh, 4, 10, 13, 14, 22, 32–33, 35, 38, 39, 40–41, 311 House Unit 1 (Heit el-Ghurab), 134, 136 Dendera, 19, 117, 164, 217, 219, 235–239, 244, 379 wadi sites of the early Predynastic Period, 84–86 desert edge settlements, 4, 11, 16, 22, 44, 51–52, 83–84, 93, 95, Brown, Barton, 10 113, 117, 119, 154, 158, 160–161, 217, 271, 290, 300, 327, Bruyère, Bernard, 32 360, 376, 379 Bubastis, 19, 20, 56, 326, 360, See also Tell Basta Deutsche Orientgesellschaft, 33 Buhen (fort), 39, 281, 297, 317, 374 Dimbleby, Geoffrey W., 39 burial customs, 1, 249, 351 Djedefra. See Radjedef Bussmann, Richard, 143 Djehuty (king), 320 Buto, 10, 17, 19, 20, 37, 38, 59, 63, 64, 71, 76, 81, 103–107, 108, Djoser pyramid complex, 76 117, 161, 212, 325 drill core surveys, 4, 10, 51, 54, 55, 81, 83, 84, 95, 104, 105, 107, Buto-Maadi culture, 55, 62, 104, 105, 107 155, 160, 161, 215, 246, 252 Butzer, Karl, 36, 45 Early Dynastic Period, 3, 11, 12, 17, 19, 39, 45, 55, 59, 61, 62, 63, cattle corral(s), 25, 137–138, 186, 192. See also Standing Wall Island 64, 70, 71, 81, 89, 109, 117, 158, 160, 164, 212, 308, 376, 377 (Heit el-Ghurab) Abydos, 76 cemeteries (cemetery), 1, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 32, 35, 52, 53, 56, 61, Buto, 103–107 63, 68, 81, 83, 86, 94, 109, 117, 139, 160–162, 166, 168, chronology of, 61, 114 216–218, 229, 231, 235, 236, 239, 244–245, 249, 260, 269, Elephantine, 108 271, 272, 304, 307, 320, 323, 326, 327, 334, 338, 344, 348, enclosure walls and, 76 356, 360, 379 mud-brick architecture, 62–64 elite, 39, 62, 70, 86, 91, 92, 108, 182, 216–217, 324–325, 327 Nekhen (townsite at Kom el-Gemuwia), 92–94, 83, 84, 103 modern, 126, 153, 155 palace-facade complex (Hierakonpolis), 96–103 of Qau/Matmar, 244 Tell el-Farkha, 75 royal, 16, 39, 119, 126, 158, 160–161, 215 Eastern Town. See Heit el-Ghurab census lists, 10, 380 Eastern Town House (Heit el-Ghurab), 136–137, 201–202 ceramic evidence, 36–37, 68, 94, 95, 96, 103, 182, 184, 186, 194, Egypt Exploration Society, 36, 56 210, 214, 217, 229, 232, 256, 269, 317, 324, 339 Egyptian Antiquities Information System (EAIS), 56 ceremonial structures, 70–71 el-Ashmunein, 216–217 Childe, Gordon V., 12 Elephantine, 4, 10, 11, 17–19, 36, 45, 51, 59, 64, 76, 107–108, city-states vs. territorial states, 6–7. See also ancient urbanism 116–117, 162, 229–230, 235, 244, 289, 297, 319–321, clay sealings. See sealings 326–327, 343, 379 colonization / colonizing efforts, 13, 50, 249, 252, 259, 262, 289, cemeteries for the elite at, 217, 327 322 Early Dynastic Period settlement, 108 columned hall(s), 70, 194, 206–208, 212, 283, 297, 304, 317–320, fortress of, 76–78, 103, 108 339, 355–359, 366, 374 governor’s residence (H2), 177, 174–175, 179, 212, 220–226, complex adaptive system (CAS), 2 278, 285, 309, 317, 358 courtyard house(s), 310, 346, 370, 372, 372, 381–382 Middle Kingdom houses, 346–347, 351, 356, 362, 369–374, 382 Cowgill, George, 6, 7, 12 Middle Kingdom settlement, 305–317, 377, 379, 382 Crete (Minoan), 287, 289, 326 Nile floods in, 45 Cypriote pottery, 287 Old Kingdom houses, 169–174, 195, 204–206 Cypriote sherds. See Cypriote pottery Old Kingdom settlement, 164–174, 186–187, 276 Czerny, Ernst, 256, 258–259 settlement evidence (Early Dynastic Period), 108 settlement patterns (6th Dynasty and First Intermediate Period), Dahshur, 16, 37, 141, 160–161, 215, 249, 346 219–220 Arbeitshaus (work-house), 126 storage Building H84 (Middle Kingdom), 309–314, 340–342 Bent Pyramid complex, 34, 141–144 temples and shrines in, 71–72, 281, 307–309, 381, 382 Dahshur decree, 55, 154, 155, 157 el-Ghonameya, pyramid of, 168 Red Pyramid, 55, 126, 128, 155 elite residence(s), 109, 192–194, 195, 290, 343, 352, 358 422 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-07975-5 - The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt: From the Predynastic Period to the End of the Middle Kingdom Nadine Moeller Index More information INDEX Ayn Asil/Balat, 187 Tell el-Dab’a, 258, 261 Ayn el-Gazzareen (Building C), 210 Lahun, 285 Elephantine, 204–206, 208 Fayum region, 13, 21, 49–50, 113, 168, 216, 249, 251, 269, Heit el-Ghurab, 203 289, 335 Kôm el-Gemuwia (Hierakonpolis), 103 Birket Qarun Lake, 52, 262, 271. See also Lake Moeris Lahun, 21, 285–287, 364–367 El-Lisht, 16, 249 Tell el-Dab’a, 352–356 Fayum depression, 49–50, 52 Tell el-Farkha, 71 Lahun, 10, 31, 40, 52, 249, 271, 289, 296 Wah-Sut, 290, 295, 367–369 Karanis, 33–34, 54 Elkab (Nekheb), 38, 84, 108, 117, 219, 230, 231–232, 307, 320 Qasr el-Sagha (Middle Kingdom), 10, 20–21, 262–271 el-Lisht, 16, 21, 37, 52, 249, 289, 296, 344 First Cataract region, 11, 36, 51, 64, 108, 164, 305, 307, 308, 373 house remains (Middle Kingdom), 360–364 First Intermediate Period, 2, 17–18, 23, 55, 142, 161, 214, 216, enclosure wall(s), 4, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 61–62, 76–81, 103, 281, 327, 249, 304, 307, 344, 378, 380 379 Abydos settlement evidence, 239–241 Abydos, 40, 241 Ayn Asil/Balat, 179, 182, 241–246 Ayn Asil/Balat, 177 Dendera, 164, 235–239 Ayn el-Gazzareen, 182–184 el-Ashmunein, 216–217 Buto, 105 Elephantine, 164,174, 219–222, 226 Dahshur Valley temple of Snofru, 142–143 Elkab, 231–232, 307 Dendera, 235–236, 239 Giza, 215 Elephantine, 76–78, 108, 164, 169, 174, 305, 307–308 governor’s residence (Elephantine), 220–226, 285 Elkab, 84 Karnak, 232–234 Giza Menkaura industrial settlement, 139, 141 Kôm Ombo, 231 Heit el-Ghurab, 129, 133–134, 136 Mit Rahina (Memphis), 160 Hierakonpolis, 71–76, 83 regionality in, 344 Karnak, 301–302, 304, 305 settlement evidence in Middle Egypt, 216–219
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