
J943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE 7841 . to the Committee on Public Buildings and Speaker had affixed his signature to the The Senator from Missouri [Mr. TRu­ Grounds. following enrolled bills, and they were MAN] is absent on official business for the 2563. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the ·county of Los Angeles, Calif., petitioning con­ subsequently signed by the Vice Presi­ Special Committee to Investigate the sideration of their resolution with reference dent: National Defenl?e Program. to 9hinese, . and urging amendment of the S. 135. An act to confer Nrisdiction upon The Senator from Kentucky [Mr. Immigration Act of 1924; to the Committee the Court of Claims of the United States to CHANDLER] is necessarily absent. on Immigration and Naturalization. hear, determine, and render judgment on the Mr. McNARY. The Senator from claim of the General State Authority of the Massachusetts [Mr. LoDGE] is necessarily Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; S. 159. An act for the relief of the United absent as a member of the special com­ States Parcel Post Building Co., of Cleveland, mittee of the Senate investigating mat­ SENATE Ohio; ters pertaining .to the conduct of the S. 332. An act for the relief of Velma Pik­ war. TuESDAY, SEPTEMBE~ 28, 1943 karainen; The Senator from New Jersey [Mr. S. 426. An act for the relief of Maj. George BARBOUR] and the Senator from Nebraska (Legislative day ot Wednesday, Septem­ E. Golding; - ber 15, 1943) [Mr. BuTLER] are necessarily absent. S. 462. An 'act for the relief of Primo The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five 12 Giordanengo and Angie Giordanengo; Senators have answered to their names. The Seriate met at o'clock noon, S. 626. An act for the relief of Angeline on the expiration of the recess. Arbuckle; A quorum is present. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown S . 652. Ail act for the relief of Joseph A. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Harris, D. D., offered the following Lassiter; · prayer: Messages in writing from the President S. 787. An act for the relief of Samuel of the United States were communicated Our Father God, with our burdened Jacobs and Harry Jacobs; S. 789. An act to provide for the mailing to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his lives tense and strained in a violent of aniual notices to owners of. tax-exempt secretaries. world, we seek that peace which is the properties in the District of Columbia; gift of Thy grace to all those who yield GOVER'lllMENT FOR PUERTO RICo­ S. 824. An act for the relief of Dr. J. W. AMENDMENT OF ORGANIC ACT their wills to Thy will, their minds to Go in; Thy truth, their hearts to Thy obedience. S. 915. An act for the relief of Robert Kish The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the 0 God, our God, Thou hast fashioned Lee and Elizabeth Kish; · Senate the following message from the us so that. we faint and fall without the S. 929. An act for the relief of Dr. Douglas President of the United States, which breath. of Thy presence. Thou art the .E. Law.son; ·was read by the legislative clerk, and, ·desire beneath desire. When upon our S.1223. An act to fix the compensation of with the accompanying papers, referred mortal days there is lifted the light of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Co­ to the Committee on Territories and Thy countenance even trivial rounds and lumbia and the Superi:qtendent of the Na;- Insular Affairs: tional Training School for Girls; and y the common tasks are arched with the S. 1224. An act to designate the Public aura of infinite peace and power and joy. Library of the District of Columbia a public To the Congress of the United States: In the brightness of Thy throne we be­ depository for governmental publications. When sovereignty over Puerto ·Rico come sure of the vital and eternal things was transferred from Spain to the United that are stronger than the noise of the CALL OF THE ROLL States in 1899, the Treaty of Paris did world and against which the gates of hell Mr. HILL. I suggest the absence of not settle the exact position of Puerto cannot prevail. a quorum. Rico in the orbit of American sover­ Make us such ministers of Thine to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ eignty. It left that for determination by this stricken generation that the golden pore. The clerk will call the roll. the Congress of the United States. After dream of the ages may transfigure a The Chief Clerk called the roll, and a brief interval of military government, cleansed and chastened earth as the the following Senators answered to the Foraker Act in 1900 established a waiting continents and the isles of the their names: · framework of colonial government. Un­ sea are linked in a new fellowship for Aiken Guffey Radcliffe der it the legislative ass.embly was given the promotion of Thy glory and the good Andrews Gurney Reed ·rather limited powers; and the Governor of all mankind. We ask it in the dear Austin Hatch Revercomb and an appointed executive council held Bailey Hawkes Reynolds Redeemer's name. Ameri. Ball Hayden Robertson the real substance of authority. The in­ Barl{ley Hill Russell habitants were to be citizens of Puerto DESIGNATION OF A PRESIDING OFFICER Brewster Holman Scrugham Rico-American· nationals, but not citi- A. Bridges Johnson, Calif. Shipstead zens. · · The Secretary <Edwin Halsey) read Brooks Johnson, Colo. Stewart the following letter: . · Buck Kilgore Taft In 1917, the Puerto Ricans received full UNITED STATES SENATE, Burton Langer Thomas, Idaho American citfzenship. · At the same time Bushfield Lucas ~ Thomas, Okla. the Congress, by the Organic Act of PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Byrd McCarran Thomas, Utah Washington, D. C., September 28, 1943. Capper McClellan Tobey Puerto Rico, created a full-fledged legis­ To the Senate: Caraway · McFarland Tunnell lature, and provided for a much greater Being temporarily absent from the Senate, Chavez McKellar Tydings participation by Puerto Ricans in the I appoint Hon. CARL A. HATCH, a Senator from Clark, Idaho McNary Vandenberg . executive department of the Govern­ the State of New Mexico, to perform the­ c :ark,Mo. Maloney Van Nuys Connally May bank Wagner ment, reserving to the President the . duties of the Chair during . my absence. Danaher Mead Wallgren power of appointment of only the Gov­ CARTER GLASS, Davis Millikin Walsh President pro tempore. Downey Moore Wheeler ernor, the attorney general, the com­ Eastland Murdock Wherry missioner of education, the auditor, and Mr. HATCH thereupon took the chair Ellender Murray White the justices of the supreme court. This as Acting President pro tempore. Ferguson Nye Wiley George O'Daniel Willis action of the Congress in 1917 bound THE JOURNAL Gerry O'Mahoney Wilson Puerto Rico much more closely to the Gillette Overton United States and provided a substan­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by Green Pepper . unanimous consent, the reading of tlie tial advance in local self-government . Journal · of the proceedings of the cal­ Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sen­ During the 45- years which have passed endar day Friday, September 24, 1943, ator from Washington [Mr. BoNE], the since the occupation of the island by the was dispensed with, and the Journal was Senator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS],-and United States the economic situation of approved. -the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. the Puerto Rican . people, although ma­ SMITH] are absent from the Senate be­ 'terially improved in some respects, has MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED cause of illness. not changed in essential character. In­ BILLS SIGNED The Senator from Alabama [Mr. stead of development toward. economic A message from the Eouse of Repre­ BANKHEAD] and the Senator from Mis­ self-reliance, there has been- a steady sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its sissippi [Mr. BILBO] are detained on im­ tendency to become more dependent reading clerks, announced that the portant public business. upon outside markets for disposal of the 7842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE SEPTEMBER 28 single great crop, sugar, and upon out­ assist in framing the required legisla­ continuing economic and political studies side so.urces for food, clothing, building tion, in case the Congress should decide of all the elements of the Puerto Rican materials, and most of the other neces­ to grant this power to the people of situation and of American necessities, sities. Partly because of economic and Puerto Rico, I appuinted a committee to guide us for the future. This council geographical factors and partly because composed of an equal number of Puerto must report at least once quring the life of tariff preferences and shipping laws, Ricans and continental residents. I re­ of each Congress. • these relationships are, by now, aln1ost quested them to make a study of the In addition to the Secretary of the wholly with the continental United amendments to the organic act neces­ Interior, the council would consist of the States. sary to authorize the election of a Gov­ Governor of Puerto Rico and the Com­ Ti1e population of Puerto Rico has in­ ernor and to redefine the relationshiP-? 0f missioner General, who shall serve ex creased from 950,000 to about 2,000,000, the Federal and Insular Governments officio, and also four persons to be ap­ making this one of the' most densely in­ affected thereby. pointed by the President of the' United habited areas on earth. Depending upon That committee met in Washington States, and five persons to be appointed the obligation implied by our active par­ almost daily for 3 weeks this last summer. by the Governor of Puerto Rico.
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