THECOPTBIOHT, 1887, «T TUB SPURTIXO Lir« PUBLISHING Co. SPORTING LIFE.KMIRID AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SICOND CLASS MATTIE. VOLUME 10, NO. 8. PHILADELPHIA, PA., NOVEMBER 30, 1887. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. team with the lead apparently "let up" or "let down,' money for the purpose just stated. Manager Powell may act M substitute. It Is understood that tho mon- (whichever term Is preferred), believing it unneces­ has gone to his home in Shenandoah, Pa, with power aKeinfnt h-i-t decided to give Gitlvin a big alvance ia NEW AND NOVEL. sary to exert itself farther. That fact had A targe THE MINORS. to sign such players as he may see fit. He wires that LATE atlary, aud terms may be arranged with the veteran bearing on the total number of rnna scored during the he haa signed a catcher named Heffron. Jack Sueed, NEWS. shortly. CIBCLE. season. The championship table by runs has a more catcher Moollc and second baseman Billy Geiss were "eyeablo" (thanks to Mr. Brunell for ihe word) ap­ signed during ths past week. It is quite likely that pearance, too, than the table of percentage, and ita Gt-isa' younger brother, who had quite a reputation in THE AMERICA'S CITP. New Method of Awarding effect on the public should be better. The average of A Start Made for Repre­ Chicago last season, wilt also be signed. Hanlan Again Beaten by runs appear to illustrate to the reader a more near ap­ Official Report of the Committee and all Correspondence Made Public. proximation to an IN GOOD SHAPE. Pennants. EQUALIZATION OP PLATING STRENGTH sentation. Beach. Special to SPORTING LIFE. of teams. The difference between the averages of the The Des Moines Club Well Oft Financially NEW YORK, Nov. 26. At a recent meeting leader and file closer in the table of runs is but 2.82, Ten Mon Signed. of the New York Yacht Club, a resolution to while the g*p in the percentage table is .405. The print fifteen hundred copies Percentage of Runs Instead of reader of base ball literature, as a rule, is a superficial The New International Asso­ DES MOINES, Ia., Nov. 21. The Des Moines Brooklyn Makes a Big Deal- of the report of tho one. The retina of his eye grasp and retain the awful Club is almost ready for the business of next America's Cup Committee, was offered and Games to Decide Cham­ discrepancy in the cold, printed figures, while almost ciation Makes the season. The directors and stockholders have Harvard Feels Ag­ passed. It appeared yesterday in pamphlet entirely ignoring the important little decimal points. held their annual meeting, the treasurer has form, and as a record of the late contest between That Is the chap who must be catered to instead of his made his report, and officers for the ensuing the Volunteer and Thistle is a most interest- pionships. legs numerous but more observant and analytical grieved, Etc, First Move, year have been elected, and are as follows: R. i:"K paper, whowini clearly the th trough and efficient mathematical brother. Even the manner in which the labors entailed were performed CARELESS REPORTER \V. Wartield, president; C. M. Sherman, secre­ by the committee. tary; W. BEATEN AGAIX. BALTIMORE, Nov. 24. Editor SPORTING who chronicles the changes in the race for the pennant The official call for the meeting 0. Finkbine, treasurer; and these, with In addition to the report a copy of the entire corres­ from day to day ia betrayed into extravagance of ex- of the Board With no other object in view than the good of of Arbitration is out. It will be held at the the addition of J. W. Chase and J. G. Berryhill, pondence botwe-n the seeretuiea of the Royal Clyde the game, its increased patronage and conse­ pres-uon and utterly ignores the qualifying little rogue form the board of directors. The treasurer's re­ The World's Champion, Beach, Again aiid New York yacht club-, tho America's Cup Com­ of a decimal. He writes Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, Dec. 7. This will Triumphs Over lljinUin. quent financial benefit to'plavers and proprie­ for the subscribers to his port showed the financial standing of the club mittee, and all that took place during the controversy paper (that Baltimore ia "a hnadred points" behind its give minor leagues just a week and a half to get Special to SPORTING LIFB. regarding the diecref ancy in the estimated and meas­ tors, its enhanced quality of entertainment to nearest compvtitor and conveys the impression of an matters into shape for to be all that could be desired in every way. ured water line length of the Tliisile. as well aa representation upon the SYDNEY-, N. S. spectators and the consequent increase of en­ awful, if not a bloody, chasm beUyeeu the team board, and they must needs push matters unless The report also showed that during the League W., Nov. 26. The sculling Reflree George L. Schuyler's decision, are given in, thusiasm, it suggests itself how this may in strength represented by the Oriole-i and that perhaps season there wore sixty-three League and seven exhi­ race for the championship of the world be­ full. of the rival Re-is of Cincinnati, when in they wish to get left. This is,the chance they bition games played on tho home grounds; that 84,- The committee consisted of the following gentlement ome measure be dune in a very simple manner, fact it is but .100 wbich ia a very different have long waited for and if allowed to slip now 400 persons purchased tickets aud passed through the tween Beach and Hanlan, took place to-day and without any very great revolution of system. .'aims D. Smith, chairman; Gilbert L. Ilaight, Philip mutter. However, this ia a phase of the subject that may not again present itself in a hurry, a3 fail­ turn-stile, aud of these 31,344 bought seats in the on the Nepeau River, and was won by Beach. Sthuyler, John S. Dickerson, William Krebs and No doubt, any intelligent baseball man is ready may not strike the legislators as being at all vital, but ure to act now would be taken to mean that grand siand. This shows an average of 1,206 paid ad­ tbf tlHgcffioTd of the New York Yacht Club ex- it is given for what It is worth. The thorough im­ missions at each game, not including those who were The race was an exciting one. Beach took to admit, that if the above general good can be representation and reservation were not craved officio; Commodore E bridge T.Gerry and Vice Commo­ portance of the efft-ct of the proposed change, how­ admitted oil passes. This id a showing that the city the lead at the start, and though closely pressed dore Charlea Coolidgo Haight. accomplished without annihilating some pet to the extent that the big leagues had been led ever, to incite players to exert their best skill, energy should be proud of, aud it is undoubtedly far better by Hanlan, held it throughout, winning by two form of manager, player or public, the theoret­ and vim, from beginning to end of the game, ia one to believe. The International Association has, than any other city iu tho League can present. ical compensating result i$ worthy a practical thai should not be hastily overlooked. T. T. T. we are gJad to sec, taken the initiative in this Tho Des Mi-ines Club paid to visiting clubs almost lengths. The contest was witnessed by thou­ 'Physical Education Association" Meeting* Special demonstration. If the reading base bull man important matter, as after a consultation be­ 84,00i> mure than it received from the other cities when sands of enthusiastic spectators. to SPORTING LIFE. AN EASTERN^ LEAGUE. It visited them, the satue percentage of receipts paid NEW has now been elevated to a dizzy height in anti­ tween the club president. Secretary White was YOBK, Nov. 26. Tho American Associa'ion for cipation of some complicated scheme, difficult of by the DtH Moines Club to visiting clubs being ob­ CARUTHERS' TRANSFER. the Advancement o* Physical Education held its third What the Frozen Out International Clubs instructed to open correspondence with the sec­ served in the other cities. Milwaukee wai the only execution and sacrificial of vital and established annual sension yesterday iu Adelphi Academy, Itrook- Propose Doing. retaries of other minor leagues. Here ia Mr. city in the League that paid our club more than was Cincinnati M;ikes a Bid Brooklyn Claims lyn. President Hitchcock, ol' Amherst College, methods of play, he will be dropped from the WILKESBARRE, Nov. 24. Notwithstanding White's circular, which explains itself: paid to them, und that was but 939 m excess. read an interesting account of tho work of the past unsubstantial clouds of imagination by the The club haa now signed and contracts have been to Have Him. jcar, aud stated that he would be compelled to decline the turbulent times at the International League TO THE MI SOUS. approved with ten Special to SPORTING LIFE. SIMI'LICITY OF THE PROPOSITION men and other contracts have been a ro-elec'ion. M. K. H. FallowsandC. G. llathman read meeting at Toronto, which resulted in the dis­ A MOVEMENT FOR THEIB RELIEF REPRESENTATION made which will increase the number to fourteen. No CINCINNATI, Nov. 26.- Cincinnati has long papers on "Physical Training in Elenii-ntary Schools," when it id learned that the means from which ruption of the League as an internatio'nal organ­ UPON THE ARBITRATION COMMITTEE Now TO BE ball player has been engaged ou trial for next season, ai.d Prof.
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