Proflen Hir Set GPC0018 Tudalen 32516 Hydref 2006 11:17

Proflen Hir Set GPC0018 Tudalen 32516 Hydref 2006 11:17

Proflen hir set GPC0018 tudalen 32516 Hydref 2006 11:17 [Rhaglen feysydd GPC fersiwn 5.73 (IBM)] [Rhaglen hollti GPC fersiwn 3.03] [Rhaglen PostScript GPC fersiwn 1.23] FFEIL: !2 Dychweler at: Y Golygydd, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth sy23 3 hh 06/10/2006 © Hawlfraint Prifysgol Cymru / Copyright University of Wales, 2006 3251 AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY gwrthladdaf: gwrthladd bg.. a to expel , throw or thrust out , oust , eject , cast or throw away,,,,;,, drive or chase away beat off get rid of eliminate resist oppose impugn,,,,,;,,, withstand check drive back repel repulse keep out exclude ward off avert,;,(,.);,;,; turn away refuse reject request &c prevent hinder counteract frustrate refute,, disprove confound , controvert . 13g. gwrthladdedig abfl.. ()a expelled , driven out , banished , outcast , driven or chased away , excluded , &c .; rejected;, refuted controverted ; repelled , driven back , opposed or resisted . 13g. ()b expulsive . 1545. gwrthladdiad eg.,,,; counterblow opposition resistance repugnance a driving off or away,.; &c resistance of one material thing to the ( contrary ) movement or pressure of another(). in physics 1568. gwrthladdol a., resisting opposing . 1800. gwrthladdwr, gwrthladdydd eg. ll. - wyr , - yddion . resister , opposer ; repeller , expeller. 14g. gwrthlain eb. ll. - leiniau . lining . 1776. gwrthlais eg. ll. - leisiau . antiphon , responsory song ; echo , counter - cry ; opposing or protesting voice,. veto 1604–7. gwrthlam eg. ll. - au . rebound , recoil , repercussion . 1728. gwrthlamaf: gwrthlamu bg.,. to rebound recoil [].1783 gwrthlef1 eb. ll. - au . cry or outcry against , cry to reclaim or revoke , voice of protest or objection,. voiced or expressed protest or objection 1604–7. gwrthlef2 , gwrthlefaf: gwrthlefain bg.,. to cry or shout against or in reply cry down 1588. gwrthlefgar a.,,. obstreperous noisy clamorous 1778. gwrthleiniaf: gwrthleinio ba.( to line garment ,.). &c 1800. gwrthleisiaf: gwrthleisio bg.,;, to resound echo voice a protest clamour against . 1722. gwrthlen eb. ll. - ni . foil ( of mirror ). 1773. gwrthlenyddol, gwrthleol, gw.gwrth- + llenyddol, lleol. Ffynhonnell/Source: Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (arg. 1af./1st edn., 1950-2002): AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY Proflen hir set GPC0018 tudalen 32526 Hydref 2006 11:17 [Rhaglen feysydd GPC fersiwn 5.73 (IBM)] [Rhaglen hollti GPC fersiwn 3.03] [Rhaglen PostScript GPC fersiwn 1.23] FFEIL: !2 Dychweler at: Y Golygydd, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth sy23 3 hh 06/10/2006 © Hawlfraint Prifysgol Cymru / Copyright University of Wales, 2006 3252 AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY gwrthlewyrch, gwrthlewych eg.. reflection 1760. gwrthlewyrchaf, gwrthlewychaf: gwrthlewyrchu, gwrthlewychu bg. to reflect. [].1783 gwrthlidiad, gw.gwrth- + llidiad. gwrthlif eg. ll. - oedd . reflux , a flowing back , ebb , an ebbing ; contrary ( or adverse ) flow or current,-;. counter tide eddy 1604–7. gwrthlifaf: gwrthlifo bg.,;. to flow back or reflow ebb flow against 1604–7. gwrthlifeiriaf: gwrthlifeirio bg., to ebb reflow , flow back . 1632. gwrthlithraf: gwrthlithro bg.,. to relapse backslide [].1783 gwrthlithrwr eg. ll. - wyr . backslider , apostate . 1630. gwrthlofnodaf: gwrthlofnodi, gw.gwrth- + llofnodaf: llofnodi. gwrthlu, gw. gwythlu. gwrthlun eg. ll. - iau . antitype ; reflection ; foil ; symbol . 1770. gwrthluniaf: gwrthlunio ba.;. to reflect copy [].1783 gwrthluydd eg.. rebellion 1632. gwrthluyddaf: gwrthluydda bg.. to rebel 1632. gwrthlwg a.. antiscorbutic 1793. gwrthlyngyrol a.. medicinal for cure of intestinal worms 1850. gwrthlys1 eg.ahefydfel a . 1. repugnance,,, aversion hatred hatefulness , antipathy ; repugnant , antagonistic , hateful. Dchr. 14g. 2. whitlow,. felon c. 1400. gwrthlys2 eg.; coltsfoot asarabacca . 14g. gwrthlywiaf: gwrthlywio ba.,, to bear rule or exercise authority over domineer over tyrannize. 1567. gwrthlywodraeth, -ol, gw.gwrth- + llywodraeth, -ol. Ffynhonnell/Source: Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (arg. 1af./1st edn., 1950-2002): AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY Proflen hir set GPC0018 tudalen 32536 Hydref 2006 11:17 [Rhaglen feysydd GPC fersiwn 5.73 (IBM)] [Rhaglen hollti GPC fersiwn 3.03] [Rhaglen PostScript GPC fersiwn 1.23] FFEIL: !2 Dychweler at: Y Golygydd, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth sy23 3 hh 06/10/2006 © Hawlfraint Prifysgol Cymru / Copyright University of Wales, 2006 3253 AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY gwrthmin eg.,. object with bent or crooked point curved edge 1632. Gw. hefyd gwrthfin. gwrthminiog a.. having a bent or curved point or edge 1632. Gw. hefyd gwrthfiniog. gwrthmun, gw. gwrthun. gwrthnaddaf: gwrthnaddu ba.( to hew cut or chip ) against . 16–17g. gwrthnaid eg. ll. - neidiau . rebound , recoil , a leaping back , backward leap . Diw. 15g. gwrthnatgar a.. obstreperous 1778. gwrthnaturiol a., unnatural contrary to nature , preternatural . 1740. gwrthnau, gwrthneu eg. ll. - neuau , - neuon . a retching , a vomiting , nausea ; objection,,,. refusal protest appeal c. 1400. gwrthnaws eg. ll. -( i ) au , a hefyd fel a . antipathy , repugnance , aversion ; disagreeableness,; unpleasantness intemperateness ,,,. contrariness wilfulness perverseness 1604–7. Fela . antipathetic , repugnant , hostile , perverse , averse , nauseous . 1834. gwrthnawsedd eg., antipathy antagonism , repugnance ,,;. enmity aversion allergy 1684. gwrthnawsig a.( opposed of tone or feeling ),, inclined to resist antagonistic ;, austere severe. 1567. gwrthnead, gw. gwrthneuad. gwrthnebair, gwrthnebedd, gwrthnebus, gw. gwrthwynebair, gwrthwynebedd, gwrthwynebus. gwrthnegroaidd, gw.gwrth- + negroaidd. gwrthneidiaeth eb.. g ability to rebound , spring , resilience , elasticity . 1805. gwrthneidiaf: gwrthneidio bg.,(,),,. to rebound leap start spring back recoil also fig 1604–7. gwrthneidiol a.,,,, rebounding recoiling springy elastic able to expand and contract , resilient. 1773. gwrthneidioldeb, gwrthneidiolder eg.,. elasticity resilience 1800. gwrthneidiolrwydd eg.,. elasticity resilience 1773. Ffynhonnell/Source: Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (arg. 1af./1st edn., 1950-2002): AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY Proflen hir set GPC0018 tudalen 32546 Hydref 2006 11:17 [Rhaglen feysydd GPC fersiwn 5.73 (IBM)] [Rhaglen hollti GPC fersiwn 3.03] [Rhaglen PostScript GPC fersiwn 1.23] FFEIL: !2 Dychweler at: Y Golygydd, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth sy23 3 hh 06/10/2006 © Hawlfraint Prifysgol Cymru / Copyright University of Wales, 2006 3254 AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY gwrthneidrwydd eg.,. elasticity resilience 1816. gwrthnerth, gw.gwrth- + nerth. gwrthneu, gw. gwrthnau. gwrthneuad eg.,,,. contravention objection protest appeal c. 1401. gwrthneuaf: gwrthnau bg.. a ()a to refuse , reject , nauseate ( food , &c .); object or take exception to , demur to , gainsay,; protest against avoid or be averse to ; be affected with nausea . 14g. ()b to contravene a witness when he rises to give testimony before a judge ; also , contravene a judge. 14g. gwrthneugar a., fastidious squeamish ; objecting or protesting ,,, adverse contrary averse. 1773. gwrthneugarwch eg., fastidiousness squeamishness ,. nausea [].1783 gwrthnewid eg.. antimetabole 1552. gwrthnifiog, gwrthnifiad a.,, that cannot be refused or denied irresistible unopposable. c. 1510. gwrthnod, gwrthnofiaf: gwrthnofio, gwrth-Nosticaidd, gwrthnyddaf: gwrthnyddu, gw.gwrth- + nod, nofiaf: nofio, Gnosticaidd, nyddaf: nyddu. gwrthnysig a.,,, stubborn obstinate obdurate intractable , headstrong ,-, self willed perverse,, refractory backsliding ,. rebellious c. 1400. gwrthnysigrwydd eg., obstinacy stubbornness , perverseness , refractoriness , persistent inclination to backslide,,, contrariness disobedience rebelliousness . p. 1584. gwrthod eg.ahefydfel a .ll.- ion . refusal , rejection . c. 1250. Fela . repudiated , rejected ; ( in pl .) refuse , waste . 14g. Cfn.:,,.ar wrthod: in a destitute or forlorn state rejected repudiated 1621. gwrthodadwy a.. bfl that may be rejected or repudiated , refusable , exceptionable ; repudiated,,. cast away forsaken 1588. gwrthodaf: gwrthod bg.. a ()a to reject ; refuse , decline ; deny ( person ) his request ; renounce , disavow , forsake , abandon;,,,,,. turn back drive off expel repel resist frustrate 13g. ()b to drive away , set aside , put away , leave or divorce ( a wife ). Ffynhonnell/Source: Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (arg. 1af./1st edn., 1950-2002): AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY Proflen hir set GPC0018 tudalen 32556 Hydref 2006 11:17 [Rhaglen feysydd GPC fersiwn 5.73 (IBM)] [Rhaglen hollti GPC fersiwn 3.03] [Rhaglen PostScript GPC fersiwn 1.23] FFEIL: !2 Dychweler at: Y Golygydd, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, Aberystwyth sy23 3 hh 06/10/2006 © Hawlfraint Prifysgol Cymru / Copyright University of Wales, 2006 3255 AT DDEFNYDD PERSONOL YN UNIG / FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY 14g. Cfn.:&c.’,,gwrthod cam (fy ngham, eich cam, ): to right one s wrong do oneself right reject an injustice. c. 1400. g. y #ydd: to renounce the faith or one’.g. s religion 15 Gw. hefyd ymwrthodaf: ymwrthod. gwrthodai eg.. ablative case 1800. gwrthodedig a. bfl . a hefyd fel eg . b . ll. - ion . rejected , forsaken ; lost , reprobate . 13g. Fele . rejected one , esp . by God

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