Item No: 2 Reference: B/16/00397/OUT Parish: COPDOCK & WASHBROOK Ward Members: Cllrs Barry Gasper and Nick Ridley Location: Land east of Lane Farm, Folly Lane, Copdock and Washbrook, IP8 3JQ Proposal: Outline - Erection of 16 No. dwellings Applicant: Mr Geelmuyden Case Officer: Gemma Pannell Date for Determination: 23 June 2016 RECOMMENDATION: Refuse Planning Permission This application is referred to Planning Committee as the proposal is of a scale that requires consideration by Members. THE SITE 1. The site comprises former agricultural land, previously used in association with a neighbouring fruit farm and extends to 1.1ha. The site abuts the built up area boundary on its eastern edge. The site is opposite to a working farm, Lane Farm. To the north-east the site is bordered by an area of woodland, to the northwest and south-east by the gardens of neighbouring residential properties. THE PROPOSAL 2. The application is outline, with all matters reserved, for 16 dwellings. The applicant has provided an indicative layout to demonstrate that the site could accommodate this scale of development, which represents 14.5 dwellings per hectare. The applicant has also confirmed that the site would include 5 affordable dwellings. 3. The application documents can be viewed on line via the planning pages on the District Council’s website. RELEVANT HISTORY 4. Land east of Lane Farm, Folly Lane, Copdock And Washbrook B/89/01106/OUT Outline - residential development (maximum 5 dwellings) Refused B/80/00029/ O/A Residential development Refused W/3866/ Erection of Bungalow (Wandelaar) Granted NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK 5. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) contains the Government’s planning policies for England and sets out how these are expected to be applied. Planning law, and the NPPF, continues to require that applications for planning permission are determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The policies contained within the NPPF are a material consideration and should be taken into account for decision-making purposes. Planning Committee 7 September 2016 40 6. The NPPF is supported by the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG), which assists applicants and decision makers to interpret the NPPF. Both the NPPF and PPG are referred to within this report where relevant to the assessment. PLANNING POLICIES 7. The Development Plan comprises the Babergh Core Strategy 2014 and saved policies in the Babergh Local Plan (Alteration No.2) adopted 2006. The following policies are applicable to the proposal: Babergh Core Strategy 2014 CS1 Applying the Presumption in favour of sustainable development in Babergh CS2 Settlement Pattern Policy CS3 Strategy for Growth and Development CS11 Strategy for Development for Core and Hinterland Villages CS15 Implementing Sustainable Development in Babergh CS18 Mix and Types of Dwellings CS16 Affordable Homes CS21 Infrastructure Provision Babergh Local Plan (Alteration No.2) 2006 HS32 Public Open Space (New Dwellings and Sites up to 1.5ha) CN01 Design Standards CR07 Landscaping Schemes TP15 Parking Standards – New Development 8. The relevant policies can be viewed on line. Please see the notes attached to the schedule. CONSULTATIONS 9. Copdock and Washbrook Parish Council – No objection in principle to residential development of this site, however the following comments are made: Present proposals are an overdevelopment; The layout is not in keeping with adjacent properties; Folly Lane is considered too narrow to accommodate this level of traffic; Houses were out of keeping with the existing residential properties and that either bungalows or chalet bungalows would be more in keeping; The site access is sited in an unsuitable position; Insufficient parking spaces for the type and number of dwellings proposed; No amenity space provided in the scheme. 10. County Highway Authority - The Highway Authority has no objection to the principle of residential development on this site. However, the access route to the site, Folly Lane leading to London Road, is not adequate in its current form to adequately or safely serve residential development traffic, both pedestrians and vehicles. 11. The Applicant, via the Agent, has acknowledged the deficiencies of the access route and have accepted the need for highway improvements. The submitted Design and Access Statement and accompanying Site Layout drawing both indicate acceptance to provision of road and footway improvements along Folly Lane. 12. The required highway improvements can all be accommodated within the existing highway land (as researched by the Agents) and do not require third party land. The Planning Committee 7 September 2016 41 improvements are listed as follows: Widening and adjustment of the existing Folly Lane junction with London Road. The width of Folly Lane is only approx. 4.4 metres wide between the existing kerbs at the junction and this provides difficulty for 2 cars trying to pass each other. This means that any vehicle waiting to turn into Folly Lane is having to wait on London Road if a vehicle is leaving Folly Lane at the same time. Provision of a footway along Folly Lane to link the application site with the existing footway and bus stops on London Road. As there is currently only a footway on the north bound (or Ipswich bound) side of London Road, there is a need for a short section of footway to be provided across the central reservation on London Road. This will allow residents to access the existing bus stop and shelter on the south bound (or Capel St Mary bound) side. Folly Lane is not wide enough to allow two vehicles to pass each other so there will be a need to widen Folly Lane between London Road and the application site access. Widening of Folly Lane on the site frontage will require the repositioning of the existing drainage ditch. 13. All of the above improvements will be subject to appropriate design and can be accommodated either within the existing highway or the application site. 14. Environment Agency - The submitted application form does not include any information on how foul water from the development will be dealt with. Section 7.3 of the Design and Access Statement states that ‘This is an Outline Application, and any upgrades or provision for foul and surface water drainage will be included as part of the details of the proposal and will be agreed as Reserved Matters.’ However, without this information, we are unable to provide advice on any water quality concerns we may have. Even when establishing the principle of the development at the outline stage, the applicant must supply adequate information to demonstrate that the risks of pollution posed to water quality can be safely managed. 15. The first presumption should be to provide a system of foul drainage discharging into a public sewer to be treated at a public sewage treatment works. A private means of foul effluent disposal is only acceptable when foul mains drainage is unavailable. Information we hold shows that the site is served by public sewers and it is therefore assumed that the development will be connected to the main foul sewer, although you should ensure this is confirmed before you make your decision. Anglian Water Services should be consulted regarding the available capacity in the foul water infrastructure. If there is not sufficient capacity in the infrastructure then we must be consulted again with alternative methods of disposal. 16. County Archaeologist – No objection, subject to condition 17. Anglian Water – No objection: The foul drainage from this development is in the catchment of Chantry Water Recycline Centre that will have available capacity for these fulls. The sewerage system at present has available capacity for these flows. The proposed method of surface water management does not relate to Anglian Water assets and therefore advice should be sought from the Lead Local Flood Authority. 18. Natural England – No comment 19. Suffolk Wildlife Trust – Based on the available information, we are satisfied with the findings of the consultant and request that the recommendations made within the report are implemented in full, via a condition of planning consent, should permission be granted. 20. Suffolk County Council Planning Obligations Manager - I refer to the planning application consultation for the scheme in Babergh. Planning Committee 7 September 2016 42 Proposed number of dwellings from outline proposal: 16 Approximate persons generated from proposal 38 21. The local catchment schools are Copdock Primary School, East Bergholt High and Suffolk One. We currently forecast to have no surplus places at the primary and secondary school, but do have surplus places at Suffolk One. Therefore we require CIL contributions for the pupils generated from the development. School level Minimum pupil yield: Required: Cost per place £ (2016/17): Primary school age range, 5-11: 3 3 12,181 High school age range, 11-16: 2 2 18,355 Sixth school age range, 16+: 1 0 19,907 Total education contributions: £73,253.00 22. From this development proposal we would anticipate up to 2 pre-school pupils at a cost of £6,091 per place. There is 1 provider in this area with no surplus spaces available. Minimum number of eligible children: Required: Cost per place £ (2016/17): Pre-School age range, 2-4: 2 2 6,091 Required pre-school contributions: £12,182.00 23. Using established methodology, the capital contribution towards libraries arising sought from this scheme is stated below and would be spent at the local catchment library and allows for improvements and enhancements to be made to library services and facilities. Libraries contribution: £21,600.00 Summary Table: Service Requirement Contribution per Capital Contribution dwelling Education - Primary £2,283.94 £36,543.00 Education – Secondary £2,294.38 £36,710.00 Education – Sixth Form £0.00 £ 0.00 Pre-School Provision £761.38 £12,182.00 Transport £0.0 £0.00 Libraries £1,350.00 £21,600.00 Waste £0.00 £0.00 Total £6,689.70 £107,035.00 24.
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