OFFICIAL GAZETTE ENGLISH EDITION SOVERKI3EHT?B!MTfM6BUREAU No. 190 FRIDAY/ NOVEMBER 15,1946 Countersigned: IMPERIAL RESCRIPT Prime Minister 1 YOSHIDA Shigeru I hereby order in accordance with Article 7 and Minister of Commerce and Industry Article 41 of the Imperial Constitution that the Im- HOSHI'JIMA Niro perial Diet be convened in Tokyo on December 27th of this year. Imperial Ordinance No. 539 Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor The following amendments are made to the Re- This fourteenth day of the eleventh month of the gulations governing " the Organization of the Board of twenty-firstyear or Showa (November 14, 1946) Trade." In Article 2, " Secretary of Commerce and In- ■≫- Countersigned: Prime Minister and concurrently dustry fulltime 52, fulltime 28 " shallread " Secretary of Commerce and Industry, fulltime 77, fulltime 70 " Minister for Foreign Affairs respectively. YOSHIDA Shigeru " Technical Official of Commerce and Industry, Minister of State full time 8, fulltime 8 " shall read " Technical Official Baron SHIDEHARA Kijuro of Commerce and Industry, fulltime 13, fulltime 13/' Minister of Justice In paragraph 1 of Article 4, " Foreign Trade Of- KIMURA Tokutaro fice" shallread "Area Foreign Trade Bureau." Minister for Home Affairs In paragraph 2 of the said Article," The Head of OMURA Seiichi a Foreign Trade Office" shall read" " The Director of Minister of Education an Area Foreign Trade Bureau." TANAKA Kotaro Article 5. There shall be established a Board of Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Advisers in the Board of Trade. WADA Hiroo The Board of Advisers shall consist of a certain Minister of State numbers of advisers and shall deliberate upon allim- SAITO Takao portant matters concerning the business of the Board Minister of Communications of Trade. HITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi The Director General of the Board of Trade shall report allimportant matters concerning the Board busi- Minister of Commerce and Industry ness to the Board of Advisers and seeks for their HOSHIJIMA'Niro advices on those matters. Minister of Welfare The Board of Advisers may present to the Director KAWAI Yoshinari General of the Board of Trade their opinion on any Minister of State important matters concerning the Board business. ・* UEHARA Etsujiro Advisers shall be appointed by-the Cabinet from Minister of Transportation among the officialsoffirstclass of various Ministries HIRATSUKA Tsunejiro concerned as well as men of learning and experience Minister of Finance through the recommendation of the Minister of Com- ISHIBASHI Tanzan merce and Industry to the Throne. Minister of State The tenure of officeof Advisers shall be one year. KANAMORI Tokujiro All necessary matters concerning the Board of Minister of State advisers with the exception of those prescribed in the ZEN Keinosuke preceding five paragraphs shall be determined by the Minister of Commerce and Industry. IMPERIAL ORDINANCE I hereby give My Sanction to the Imperial Ordinance concerning the partial amendments of matters relating to the application of the provisions of Article 101-(3) I hereby giveMy Sanction to the Imperial Ordi- and Article 104 of the Law for the Election of the nance concerning the amendments to a part of the Members of the House of Resentatives, the Imperial Regulationsgoverning the Organizationof the Board Ordinance No. 96, of the twenty-first year of Showa of Trade. (1946) under the Imperial Ordinance No. 542 of the Signed: HIROHITO, Sealof the Emperor twentieth of Showa (1945) concerning Orders to be This fourteenthday of the eleventhmonth of the issued in consequence of Our Acceptance of the Potsdam twenty-firstyearof Showa (November 14, 1946) Declaration and cause the same to be promulgated. I __ \ Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor Board of Advisers of the Board of Trade as follows: This fourteenthday of the eleventh month of the Minister of Commerce and Industry twenty-firstyear of Showa (November 14, 1946) HOSHIJIMA Niro Countersigned: Regulations of the Board of Advisers of the Board Prime Minister of Trade. YOSHIDA Shigeru Article 1. The meeting of the Board of Advisers of Ministerfor Home Affairs the Board of Trade (hereinafter called the Board OMTTRA cuiirhi Meeting) shall be convoked by the Director General of the Board of Trade. Imperial Ordinance No. 540 Article 2. The Board Meeting shall be convoked The following amendments shall be made to a monthly, and the Director General may callfor an part of the Imperial Ordinance No. 96 of 1946. extraordinary meeting, when deemed of urgent Following "provisions of Article 104", shall be necessity. added " (including those cases of applying corres- The advisers may request the Director General pondingly to other Laws and Ordinances)"; and next to to call for an extraordinary meeting with the "candidates of the members," shallbe added "candidates consent of more than half of the Advisers, when of Governor general of Tokyo-Metropolis, prefectural .they deem it especiallynecessary. governors, including those of Governor-General of Ho- When the Director General of the Board of kkaido mayor or heads of wards." Trade is applied to with the request of preceding paragraph, he is obligated to convoke the Board Supplementary Provisions: Meeting. The present Ordinance shall come into force as Article 3. The Director General may let the advisers, from the day of its promulgation. individuallyor as members of the committees, assist The provisions of the Imperial Ordinance No. 96 him in the discharge of the functions of the Board of 1946, after the present amendments, shallbe applied of Trade. as from the day of its promulgation, in regard to those Article 4. The resolutions of the Board Meeting shalj elections to which are to be correspondingly applied to be made by more than half of the voters present. the provisions of Article 101 (3) and Article 104 of the In case of an equilibrium of votes, it shallbe Election Law for Members of the House of Representa- decided by the Chairman. tives. Article 5. The Director General shall act as the Chairman of the Board Meeting. MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE Article 6. The Chairman of the Board Meeting shal preside over and represent the Board Meeting. Minutes of all meetings shall be kept and the Ministry for Home Affairs Ordinance No. 48 voting and other important matters of the meeting November 15, 1946 shall be entered therein. Regulations controlling Election Campaigns for Article 7. The Officialsof the Board of Advisers shall Members of Local Assembly and Others are established be some Secretaries and Clerks. as follows: The Secretaries and the Clerks shall be ap- Minister for Home Affairs pointed from among the firstor second classofficials OMURA Seiichi and Clerks shall be appointed from among the third Regulations controlling Election Campaigns classofficialosf Ministry of Commerce and Industry, respectively by the Minister of Commerce and for Local Assembly and Others. Industry. To an election for members of a prefectural as- The Secretary shalladminister the miscellaneous sembly, Governor of Tokyo-to, Prefectural Governors businesses under the direction of the Chairman. (including Hokkaido Prefectural Governor), Mayors and The Clerk shallbe engaged in the miscellaneous Headmen of Districts, to which are applied with businesses under the direction of the Secretaries. necessary modifications the provisions of Chapters 10 and 11 of the Election Law of Members of Parliament, Supplementary Provision: are applied with necessary modifications the provisions The present Ministerial Ordinance shall come into of Articles 2 to 10 of the Regulations controlling force as from the day of.itspromulgation. Election Campaigns for Members of Parliament; to an election for members of town or village assembly and headman of town or village,the provisions of Articls2 NOTIFICATIONS to 6 and 10 of the Regulations. Additional Rules: Price Board Notification No. 177 The present Ordinance shall come into force on November 15, 1946 and after the day of its promulgation. Regulations controlling Election Campaigns for In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Price Control Ordinance, the controlled selling Members of Parliament are abolished. prices of serums which are put to practical use for domestic animals are designated as follows, and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce Notification Ordinance No. 50 No, 404 of April 1944 (concerning the designation of November 15, 1946 the prices of serums which are sold at the instituteof We hereby provide for the Regulations of the cattle-plagueinvestigation)shall hereby be abolished. 2 ― Director-Generalof PriceBoard large quantity those may be sold in receptacles in ZEN Keinosuke which are collected some bottles for convenience. A) The products of the institute of cattle-plaguein- B) The articles of Kitazato Research Institute vestieation. Controlled Price Quantity of one Controlled price Description (per Quantity 100 cc.) ampule Description (per of one / 60 cc. 100 cc.) ampule Anti-StranglesSerum \ 150 \100 Anti-Anthrax Serum \ 120 /100 cc. 60 \200 StranglesVaccine 130 / 30 Anti-BlacklegSerum 100 Rabies \100 /100 include the Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum 220 \200 The controlled prices of this table Anti-Swine-ErgsipelasSerum 120 100 receptacle and the forwarding charges. Anti-Canada-Hors-Pox Serum C) The articlesof Japan Veterinary-Surgeon Research Anti-Fowl-Cholera Institute Anti-Fowl-Dephtheria , Controlled Price Anti-Strang-les , /100 150 \200 Description per per per per per ≫ 1,000 cc. 100 cc. 50 cc. 20 cc. 10 cc. Anti-Dog-Distemper , 120 50 Anri-Strangles Anti-Tetanus , /100 150 \200 Serum \1,330 \ 150 \ 85 \ \ Anti-Calf-Paratyphoid , 120 100 Anti-Hog- Anti-Ing. Abortus (Equina) /100 Cholera Serum 2,030 220 120 Serum 150 \200 Anti-Tetanus , 1,330 350 85 23 Anthrax Vaccine No. 1 1,000 10 Anti-Swine-Ery- No. 2 sipelas Serum 1,030 120 70 Blackleg /100 Strangles Vaccine 430 60 40 60 \200 Anthrax , /20 Rabies 130 No. 1 1,000 510 108 \50 Anthrax , /100 150 No. 2 1,000 510 108 Hog-Cholera \200 Blackleg Vaccine 430 66 40 60 / 50 Hog-Cholera , 1,330 23 Swine-Plague , \100 150 85 Swine-Plague Swine-Brysipelas , Vaccine 430 23 Inf.
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