54 J. ENTo~ l o L Soc . BnlT C OLL'.\ IIlIA 79 (1982). D Ec. 3 1. 1982 'Nhitehead . \V. E . 1926. Notes o n the current Iea froll er (Ca("() (' cia /"()S(l lI a L. ) in NO \'a Scoti a. Arcadia n en­ tomo\. Soc. Proe. 10: 76-7D . Wilkinson, A. T . S. 196.5 . Heleases of cinnaba r moth . lIypocri/a ja coiJa cac (L. ) (Lepidoptera: Arctiiuae) on tans\' ragwort in British Coillmbia. Proc. cntomo\. Soc. Brit. Co\. 62: 10- 13. Wilson. 19 12. Report fro m the Okanagan Distri ct: Insed pests of the \'car in the Okanagan . l'roc. entomo\. Soc. Brit. Co\. 2: 6. W vli e. H. C. HJ6 1. Insect parasites of the \\' inter llloth. OPl'ruplt/l'ra iJrllllla /a (L.) (Lepidoptera: Ceometridae) in \\'cs!t:rn Europe. Entolllophaga .5: 111 - 129. SIPHONAPTERA FROM MAMMALS IN ALASKA. SUPPLEMENT IV. REVISED CHECK LIST FOR SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA GLENN E . H AAS'. L OYAL J O HNSON' . Ai\D R O BEHT E . W O OD ' ABSTRACT The annotated check list grc\\' to 1.5 tax a \\'ith the addition nl Opisor/ aSljS v('speralis (Jordan) a nd C lt ae/opsyl/a se/os(l Hothsl'hild. both ne\\' for Alask a: Tar­ sopsyl/a nc/odeci/lldc lI /n/a co loradellsis (Baker), nl'\\' for southeastern Al aska: and an Oropsyl/a sp. Nine species of \\'ild mammals and the domesti c ca t a re reported as hosts of neas in sO lltheaste rn Alaska for th e first til1le, increasin g the total I1lll n ber of mammali an hosts to 2.5 identified species. Se\'entv ne\\' records for 10 isla nds a nd the mainla nd arc comhi ned \\'ith published records in a d istribution tabl e. 'vl or­ phological va ri a ti ons in the posteri or ma rgin of sternum V[I of females of MOll op­ syllll.\' rilia/lls pro/illllS (jordan) a nd distinguishi ng l'haraders of three ot he r taxa are ill ustra ted. INTRODUCTION AN NOTATED LIST The additio n of four fl eas to our first eheek list Pulicidae of mammal fl eas of southeastern Al aska (I [aas l'I 01. I . Cte,,()cepJw lides Jeli" Jelis (Bouche) 1980) raised thc total to 1.5 tax a . Especi alh­ This is the first record of fl eas in fes ti ng a cat in n ot e \\' o rth~ ' is a marmot fl ea of the genus Ompslllla. southeastern Al aska . The other three f1 eas a re kn own from British Col­ Record - l3aranof Isla nd , Sitka: two males, six umbia (Holland 1949). One of them . Ta/,.I'op.l'ljlla females (o ne gra\'id). o n cat. I .Xll . 1979. L. octodeci mdell/a/a coloradcl/ sis (Baler) is also kn own Joh nson. from Alaska west of the Yukon Territory (Holland 1963; Hopla 1965: lIaas a nd Wilson 1982). but H yst ri chopsy II idae Opisodasys vesperalis (J ordan) a nd Chae/opsylla 2. 1I11,,/riclr opsyl/o dippiei "pi",,/o Holi ancl (Figs . I setosa Rothschild a re new to the sta te of Alaska. a nd 2) New records a re presented fo r all fl eas in our first Nin e more specim ens were coll ccted. all from list except for Myodopsylla gel//ilis Jordan a nd martens ma ki ng a total of 16 fro m this mustelid and Rothschild a nd Chae/opslj l/a /Ilhe/,('/tia/ireps one from a mink. The ass ignment of southeaste rn (Bezzi). Alaska n specimens to this subspecies was facilitated !-.I am malia n hosts of th e fl eas a re listed (T a ble by dissecting male genita li a to ex pose tuhercles near I). The additional ten species res ili ted in a total of the inncr angle of sternum IX (Fig. I ). l\'ot a ll 25 identified hosts pillS an unkno\\'n species of tubercles are in fo cus but enough to show more than Micro/liS. These additions a rc thc hoan' marmot, Holl a nd (1 9.5 7) illustrated for II . d . /rll l/ca /a northern fl ying squirrel. sO llthern red-backed vo le, Holl a nd. [-Ie sho\\'ed th at tubercles a rc a bse nt in II . meado\\' \·ole. long-ta il ed vole, gray wolf, bl aek d . dippici Rot hschild. bear, ermine, wolverine, a nd domes ti c ca t. All ne\\' The aedeagus dissccted from our H . J. spilla/a a nd published loealit\· rt'cords a rc ta bulatcd 1)\· specimen is shown in Fig. 2. Aedeagi of H. dippici named isla nds a nd the mai nland (Table 2). (then known as H . gigas dippiei Rothschild) and II . oceidclI/alis (i. e . 1-1. a. sylva/i clIs Campos a nd Sta rk) fro m south of Canada were ill ustrated b\· 1.3.37 California St. No, 7. Boule/I 'r Cit ~. \, \ '. U .S. A. H!) OO.) . Traub (1950) a nd Campos a nd Sta rk (1979). res pec­ ~ St at e of Ala ~b Oepartlllt'nt of Fi ~ h allll C a ll1t' , P.O , 13 0.\ · W ~), tively. Our specimen appears cl ose to T raub's, Sitka. A" . L.S.I\ , 99S3.S. although the scl erotizecl inner tubc curves toward .1 Stalt' of Ala." ka Departrnl'lIt uf Fi .., h am! CaIlH" 41:'1 ~ l ain St . Hm . 20S. I\ l'iciJik<:i n, A K . L:.S.A. 8nnO i its ex it (Fi g. 2). J. EI>iTO~ ! {)L. Soc. BIUT . COI.l; ~ !I1 I A 79 ( 1982). D EC. 3 1. 1982 .55 Records - All all m a rtens. Ba ranof Island. Isla nd, Ketchikan. 19.6 km NW (Ward Cree k): o ne Nak\\'asina Passagc: one male (Figs. 1 & 2). fe male. o n dee r mouse. 2G. XI.I DRO. Skagwa\·. 4 km 3.\:11.1 979, L. J .: Sitka. 8.8 km ;\ (Starrigm'an ;\E (Skagwa\' Hi \'er Valle\') : one felllale. on deer Creek): thrce males. o ne female. 3 1.,\ 11 . 1079. L. J . mouse. 1.5.V [II . 19RU: ,5 km NW (Tai\'a Hi\'ef Boca de Quadra: one female. 27. 1. 1H80. R. W ood. Valle\'): o ne female. o n long- tailed \·o le. KrLl zof Island: one fe malc. 2 .,\1 1. 19/0, L. J .; Suko i IG .V IIi . H)80 . Wrangell Island, \Vrangell. 28 km S Inlet: onc male . 29.XII .1970. L. J . HC\'illagigedo (Pats C reek \Va\'side): o ne male. on southcrn red ­ [sland: one male. 1.5. [1.1 980. H. W . backed volc, 22.:\I.I D80. 3. lI".s/,;chops"l/a occidel//ali., occidel//alis Holland ,5. Velo/eli, hollmll/i Srn it On'" three more specimens of this flea of This rare flea was coll ected again in shrc\\·s. certain rod ents. a nd ot her , mall mammals southeaste rn Al aska after a lapse of O\'er 30 \'ears (Ilolland 1!)'57; Call1pos a nd Stark 1979) \\'Cre (S mit 19.53). Ne\\' Alaskan host and local its· rec;Jrds. collecll'd. sha rcd \\'ith C. charlottellSis. arc the southern red­ Records - Ha ra nof Island. Sitka, 8.8 km N backed \'ole (Table I ) and Wrangell Island (T a hle (Starriga\'an C reek): one female. on e rmine. 2). .5. ,\11 . 1980. L. J. H aincs. 13 . .5 km ;\\\' (C hilkoot Hecord - Wrangell Isla nd. \V rangell. 2R km S La ke): one femule, o n deer mouse. 13.V IlI.1 980. (Pats C reek Wa\'side) : o ne female, in sO llthern Juneau. 62 km E (Crescent La ke): one female. on red-backed vole. 22 ..'\I.l !JRO . mead o\\' \·ole. 17.V1.1 981. U.S. Forest Sen·ice. 4. Ca/al/agia charlotte""i, (Baker) Ischnopsyllidac This species and the next (D . hollalldi) are the 6. ,\J'Iodol"''1I1t1 gel//ili,s Jordan and Ro thschild first to be recorded fro m the southe rn red-backed \ \'e ha\'C no ne\\' records of this bat fi ca. \'o le in Alaska (Table I ). This species i.s a lso record­ ed from four of the la rger islands fo r the first t ime Ceratophyllidac (Tahlc 2). 7 . .lf ega/}()/hris tli>tlll/i" (Hothschild) Records - Admiralt\· Island. Hood Ha\·. South Ne\\' records o f this \'ole a nd jumping mouse flea Arm : o nc female. on cle~r mouse. 10. V1. 1980. L. I. include a specime n fru m a long-tail ed \'ole, but II H aines , 13 . .5 km NW (Chilkoot Lake): two males. specime ns were from mice a nd red- backed \·o lcs. on deer mouse, 13. VIII. 1980. Mitko f Island, ;\0 collections \\'e re on islands. Pete rsburg. 25.6 km SE (Ohme r C reek): o ne Hecords - Haines. 10 km SE (Chilkat Penin­ female. o n dee r mouse. 20.XI. 19RO. Revill agigedo sul a): one m 31e, o ne fe male. on no rthe rn red · TABLE L Mammalia n hosts o f f1.eas in the annotated list. So re.r G!Jgra lls Ba ird Vagrant Shrew ': 3". '7 Myotis IlIcijllg lls (LeConte) Little Brown M votis': 6 !\farlllo/a caligo/a (Eschscho ltz) lIoar,' M a rmot; 12 TOII/iascillrus /lIIdSO lliclIS (Erxleben) Red Squirrel: R Glaucomys sabrill us (S haw) :"iorthcrn F I,'in g Squirrel (nest): 10.
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