F. F . Mississi; Row Fl{ for Dei Ssippi Flares I )Emos ! Iiraigi

F. F . Mississi; Row Fl{ for Dei Ssippi Flares I )Emos ! Iiraigi

Weather - * ☆ FFinal ☆ mer rzfts < pQjr and W armer IPS e - ,, EditionE d of Nlno IrrlBnled Idnho Counllosm nllcs TheT ho MnMn^flc Valley N«ivfipnporipor Dcdic;DciIicAttd to Servins andn d Promoirrom otlnt the Growth of Nlno Irr - - ^ ^ _ TBN CENTS ' ____________ __ _______________ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, FRIDAY,.FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1904_______^ ........... I I I . I . , College DDis istric t 1 C#:" ip R .. ...■•PBTOP . Mississi;ssippi >etitionss G iven . l l RowR Fl{Flares i To C ountyity B oard Tko Twill Falls coimty ennimissicnmmis.Hlon Friday nccoplod Jaiffnulm-cR of 2 ,0r>7 c;ouril.y o u n t y residentnren on petltioim ForF. Dei)emos ! iblishinK a community college jnavcd iho wny for oHinblishlnK i ATr.ANrrcA TLy citv , Autr.Autr. 221 1 ((Uri)~Adm u InlHtrutIon S 111 Twin Kalin county.nty. .IiicicJack Shaw, chairman ofi i r a i g i pQtctit(ally explnflh'o crcdontlals ( i hftpcHbopCH ofc iwoldinic a potcutiuU y i iCommltlci) nf 25 ii KWroup ip liciUidedicated io tho promo- [ HjchtH tr h t ata t the PeniocraticIC national cconvention Kufforod a in of n two-yonr caUego in Uthe io cncounty, preHontod tho I - HothackH o th u ck Induy w hen MlaKlHHlppjIflftlHHippi IntIn tc R ra tio h iH tH r d jo c to ti luej lo W. W. Lowpry, chairmanchiiii-man of the connty oom- . Tho comprcmiflo, which wan ro- natiire,4 nn tho potitionH will I aa proposed p ro p o ! compromiKo. Tho compr jjlon. Lowory siiW n I portedp o r t e d to1 havo Whito H ouho appronpproval, wan called unnc- It * * * 1)0he cchecked h o c by tho clerk, of •y. chairm an of tbo prodominant- the d istric t cdnrfc to hiako L copabloc e p a b lo by Aaron Honry, chalrm/ui - • D io (Jiff ly Noprro MiHHiHHippi FreodomFreedom DI em ocratic party Huro th e HiKnorw woro qual- K - ly N e jr leactioii on m u c t h ■ (MFDP)(MFDP whorlly nherr heh o -------------- -------------------------------- — fiodf l e d eloctora,oil thus tnakinfir arrived wilh throo bunloadB th em elifflblo to Hljfn. f a r r i v e d of fiuppdrterff. *JOJJordan A sks lollegc P la ii O nly 1.000 algnntures were I . of fiupr needed, b u t In lenn Uinn a Wcok I Honry anld the MPDP would ^ 1 11 ■ nnotlfitl, ’ accept no conipromlsn In Ita bid tho backers of the Committee of r ! accept n Pensioners’ sFavoralne ■.K 2B h i"! nd Rnlncd nomo 2 .057 alunn- to be aenaeatod nt the convention In placo of Uie roRulnr aU-whlte-w hite ^I* I mllmliiary nurvoy ot one.na turos.turon. In If a t least 1.000 of Uie nam es Mlji.ilsalpMln.-ilsalppl clelflicntlon. 1 ^ - . ^ Vk Tliurjklny li' th e old T w in I i i • Any cccompromise with thfc reg-MB- lX o lll. c o n n c ' B o o s t Swwnslte imllcaled thatftt nre aura uall fled nltinaturcs, Uie er county commljinloncrs will pre- Ularn.ularn, ho aald, would be ''evil."Honrv WASHINOTON., Aur. 31 W — i rtl P*1U rculdcnt# there either ' n sent tho petition to the atate --------- , ’ TThe h e ccompromise plnn ofHonry th e *■, ” Increftalnjr from $1,700 > ^"ivor of eKtftblWilna Ilsa board of education for approval. // ^ rejflctedrejnctfld cnilod for aentlna ofrocoa- the •3,400 tho allowable outnlde In- J i college la T w in PalU,ji Tlio ntnto bonrd cf education II \ reirnlarregular doletrntlon while locrntnrocoff- • ‘'• 7 *’«‘=lpl"n(a of aoclal «e- J nlzlnu th o jiYoodom Dom ocrntn „ Jf , iJU county or have not decided.a See* PKTITIONH,J! Paie 2. Col. 4 k V J n»7.1nff t (Uhoiit ctirlty bcneflta wna Introduced In BgM ptTMiu reaponded to a *’*" * *■' \'. • a -- nana aa JlJraletnaV uroup \vUho\it the senate todny by Ben. Len 11. toei-Ne«i Burvey conducted In X ■~ votea. t the V " / U., Ida. I hloek bounded by Seventh M lu y I IIf f thithe IDcmocrnta aenttrnUon Uie ' moasure, Jordan aald, ^ ^ ghth ivonue* an d SecondI Plumbers in ■ resDrctrulnr lar . Mlimlfialppl d o lejrnnoRtt- tlo n .__ permit recipients of aoolal H he nnld. It would "roalater noRa- J 'Hilrd atrsetji norU i. 3'VJur y ^ ‘ 1 he thou- '“ ‘^^‘■^ty pnymenla to enrn up to noni iltmed ft p etitio n u ra ln u f k ] ■ ■ lively wlUj thouannda and thou- • ■ nnnda of NeRroea ncroaa thei coun- “ y®“*' wlUioufc IncurrJnir I bowd of county com m lM lon-™ Northwest H B k nnnda would ‘■‘’‘1‘tctlon In their benefit rate. ’ J B ■ try." Ho predicted Uiey would "■ JT i to place Uie lu u e on th e H< He anld enactment of the men- j smnber btiUoU Starto t t l Strilce /' h K auro would "llbemllxe the aoclal ! Bntttr, matt ot Uia xlffnensrs aecurlty proaram and help older ley fiEATTLE, Alia. 31 U ^A n ee- O n e Day . peraona brlnur themaelvea up to a IdUuy were not iiurei how th e y fiE A T lrna(ur*« ef 2.057 r««l(1enU wora p re - •o- tlmated 4.800 plumbers In Uiree ( which were prdaentad lo the Twinvln ceuntycounty enmmlaaloner. The alrna(ur*« ef 2 f™ ; O T .w ro ttT , n . l , AUK. » l Sf.™!!"dlanllled and n\®ai\lnBtul axlat- Doldwle, tvenUxQuaUthepro- tlmated JJ ntaCUKSlNG I-ETITIONS «hloh wor. ler, aentcd to the eommlaalonemm KrldayFriday by Shaw and wlH b« for- Rd junior oolleK* ap peared to NorfflvwNorUvwttib atatea went on ttrlke Pall*» ,,* eounty enmmUilon Fridayday are, frontrom left, Hxrold Ijtnoaater, aentcd IM ... Wi - m ™. John r. K.nii.dj- ence." am w arded U, the aUta boardI of education!education for approval, (Tinte«- will b. IU..1 .1 th . B.mo- I iood Idea on th a iu rfa cee. tiKlayUxlay InJr a wa«a dUwite. a* elerk; W'. W. Lowery, ohalrmanflhalrman of tlie oounty oommfaafon; wardetf o^in "Many of our older cllltena see 6C- No plokoUnar waa reported aa Committee of 2 i , and Maurlea Klaaa,lat. New*New )ipltnto)_____________________---------------------------------------—. ,. _____........__— erailoeralie national eonventlon In tttLelJa iro«tetJ«r, 7J8 S«<5- . Ja c k Hlinw. chairm an ot th e Comm ittee o AUantlo Clly on ll* final1 daydav * iiibew » lIderlnarjaltUBtlon today,** l ^ t north, teemed to echolho 1^1® atrlke bofran at B ajn. ' anld Jordan. "On the one hand len <3»^t Wood, buslnoea n«ent of next week. fam '[ urRed to aeek employ- (Hjorlty’i lontlmenta when Uie eoattJo unton local, aold Uie _ 0 _ A iipokeaman al lier fam« lad, “I wont to hear more Nkw- ^ Increaae Uie country'a J, pkm ibers w o uldn't p ick et ‘'un'leia ^ 3 n o w H i t s Ily'B aum m er bom a In New- will ProducUvlty.„ * On Uie other hand, »ind con*. I d o n 't Uel I te n d F r e e FootF c of Sno\^ ^ r membeni of nome otlier craft try%8j500^ttem port aaid Mr*. Kennedy onivwtll °***'P™“'" aecurlty law contain* a • tflOUBh Jrtformatlon yet to to d o om* work." rva attend tbe eonvention lieonly la built-in, ‘f.f, penalty for Rolna to work li#» decision. I..M ntrllfo waa called n tltr U f on th a day w hen trib u tehua- la redijclnar beneflta Wr eam- n i il«n the petition becau«e members of 13 alllod local* of ^ g d N o r t h e r n1 W 3 y o m i n g paid her auwaalnated hura-bus- ®J‘ceaa of »l,300. II ^ible a lot cC sood «ould pj I B a rb ecu e N ( the Plumber* and IMpeflttera Jerome' Bari —Illtthwny crewa were buay clearlnBlearlnB h*nd, pmbabVy neat Thur.- "Many of these older peraona BM from having a Junior co l- imlon^u^ton rejeotodr an Indtuitry offer . ,,le d LOVICLIj, Wyo., Auk. ai «^-Hltihwny < would like to earn money to aup- A record crowd oatimatedmted atftt 8,ROO8 , perHona nttondod,„i.. anowLovJt from the roada In northern:.hem WyomlnaWyomln mountnlna thla middle-middle- fo n n e r flrn l lad y a r - t* In Ul* are*.*' by an vovote o f J.775 to 4M. A jnrbocuo at the Jeromo county **■' ^ Tlw nlaht Ple««ont Uielr aoclal lecurlty In- OwllnlnK to allow her name' to piumlpiumbom In Uie Uire« atate*.t«*. thet h e 1f i f t h a n n u a l f r o o b a r b o c u o a , ^ of-AuRUat mornlnB. ira like ‘‘•''•d at Newport Uat nl(ht day >n,o D ishorn m ountnlnn 400 mllea eant ofo Lovell looked moraJ^Jco ooe. attain a better living nued, one peraon aald tlie J u1 n "” - WfloJjJnWaehln<rt!oiJ. n o rth Id a Jio nndind ffnirKroundfl a i r / ; Thursday ftftornoon.iftornoon, OfXicinls nftid Fridny S tffi •»**•; i" ?oTfor tthemselvea. And maay of han Inet year nnd tlm food v/naw as an winteiwinter wonderland Uian a. r.ummcrfiummcr vncavncatlonland when more tlmn • ” **' r college "would be fine If we northiMnorthoa. 1t Oronon. now have!iu* a tf .y, liir ^ e r c v o w d t h a n l a a t y JO nrea TlmrBdoy night. Drlfta Impeded . ,, boycot- people have much needed . banlc Ksale of *4.3B pw hopr plua •ado tv foot of anow blnnkoled tho nrea Tliuroj iSSff disapproval by boycot- ii)f“akllbl that cnn be uUllw»d bath ™ '>‘“1“ “ Ml- gono by 8:30 p.m.

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