FISHERIES NEWS BULLETIN Allnlster: Published Monthly by the Department of Fisheries, Deputy Mtntster Hon. J. E. MICHAUD, M.P. Ottawa, Canada W. A. FOUND Vol. IX NOVEMBER, 1937 No. 97 re GAIN OF OVER $2,400,000 IN FISHERY EXPORTS IN FIRST NINE MONTHS OF '37 MAKE EXPORT SALE 40 TONS DOGFISH LIVERS Thirteen Per Cent Betterment Over Showing for Like Period of Last Year-Sales to Britain, U.S., other Formerly Worthless, Livers of Nuisance Countries Alike Improve-Increased Trade Fish Bring British Columbia Fishermen in Many Different Products Some $4,000 In brief, this is what happened in In the dried and pickled fish class Grayfish, or dogfish, probably don't Canada's export trade in fisheries prod- the principal product going into export know it yet but the livers they carry ucts in the first nine months of 1937 business is dried codfish and in January- about with them have taken on a value as compared with the business in the September there was a rise of very of their own. like period of 1936:- nearly S116,000 in the value of the dried Some forty tons of the livers have Export value increased by 13 per codfish shipments although in volume been shipped in recent weeks from cent, or $2,411,000, reaching a total they decreased. In January-September, British Columbia to a United States of S20,432,000, roundly stated. 1936, the exports of dried cod were company and the price the fishermen Sales to countries other than Great 141,354 hundredweights and in the corre- were paid was five cents a pound. Not Britain and the United States totalled sponding period of this year they were a big sum, perhaps, but no doubt a more than S5,387,000, an increase of only 137,590. In value, however, the welcome return from what was "new 25 per cent. '37 shipments ran to SS03,194, as com- business." When whole fish were sold Sales to the United Kingdom pared with S6S7,25S. by the fishermen to the liver-buying a, amounted to $4,919,000, an increase Sales of fish meal and oil made abroad agent, with the exact weight of the ned of 17 per cent. during the nine months amounted to liver obtainable from the body an un- we Sales to the United States amounted slightly more than 51,034,000, an in- certainty since the ratio of weight of to into $10,126,450, an increase of 7 per crease of about S2S2,000. Most of the liver to weight of carcass may vary cent. ther gain in the business was in the oils. consi lerably in the case of dogfish, the There ne3 was value increase in the price paid for the fish was SS a ton. business done in all four main cf The immeclia;e reason why the de- classes of fisheries products-Fresh and iller mand for the livers came to British Frozen Fish, Canned Fish, Dried and Columbia this autumn was to be found Pickled Fish, and Fish D1eal and Oil. 54 Fish, 30,840 Pounds ! in some troubles in Asia. The United The biggest export business, reckoned States company which made the Cana- in dollars, was done in fresh and frozen Fishing off one section of the Nova dian purchases had formerly been im- fish--,^,9,3S1,000, round figures. The porting one dogfish livers from Asiatic greater part of this trade, of course, Scotia coast this kummer sport fishermen men sources but this year there was un- was in shipments to the United States. landed 54 tuna with rod and line, and e of certainty of delivery and the company An interesting point, however, is that the fish weighed 30,S40 pounds or, on ^ther turned to British Columbia. Possibly the sales of frozen salmon and halibut the average, about 570 pounds. The the result of this occurrence may be to Great Britain increased both in figures come from the reports of the increased sales of Canadian dogfish quantity and value. Halibut sold to federal fisheries inspector for the dis- livers in future years. the United Kingdom totalled 14,961 trict. In another district 60 tuna were Fish Rich in Vitamins hundredtiveiâhts, with a value of landed by anglers. And in another 181 ,the $159,540, as compared with 13,473 hun- with a total weight of almost 50,000 Until comparatively recent years no- anal dredireights and S124,454 in January- pounds. In some other Atlantic dis- body knew that dogfish livers had any- tra^ September, 1936. In the case of salmon tricts, too, the tuna anglers had their thing to commend them, except, perhaps, veits the sales were 55,477 hundredweights, share of sport. Tuna, of course, are the fish themselves. When dogfish were shorr valued at SSS2,584, an increase of nearly captured for use in making meal and [ the also taken commercially. This year's 15,000 hundredweights in the quantity oil in fish• reduction plants the livers commercial catch-tuna fishing is over Tog and nearly $259,000 on the money side. were cooked and ground up with the for the year-was about 897,000 pounds, Yhm Canned salmon accounted for well rest of the body. In the same way, entb over half the export trade in canned as shown by unrevised reports made to halibut and swordfish livers used to be tbe f1sh products, or approximately $4,593; the Dominion Department of Fisheries thrown away as worthless in the days At 060 out of $7,330,000. The salmon sales by officers on its staff in Nova Scotia. before it was discovered that it is veII esceeded those for the first nine months All of Canada's commercial catch of vitamin content which gives cod liver of last year by almost $782,000. tuna is taken in Nova Scotia waters. (Con2inued on pape L) FISHERIES NEWS BULLETIN 2 LOBSTER FISHERMEN HAVE BETTER LUCK, British Columbia Catch MORE DOLLARS COME WITH CATCH GAIN of Halibut Rises Again Ten-Month°iFigures Show Aggregate Canadian Catch Canada's catch of Pacific halibut last of 287,500 Hundredweights or 20,000 Increase- year was the biggest since 1915 but the landings for the 1937 season have risen Landed Value of Fares to Fishermen a million pounds and more above the Up Nearly $320,000 1936 total. Final '37 figures have not yet been compiled but preliminary re- ports show that when the season came Signs are that when figures for the as follows, though it may be noted that as the lobster fishery regulations set to a close under the regulations adopted year are complete, Canada's lobster fishing seasons for different by the International Fisheries Commis- catch for 1937 will have exceeded the different parts of the coast the use of the phrase sion, or Pacific halibut commission, the 1936 landings fairly substantially. "January-October period" does not mean British Columbia halibut fishermen had When lobster fishing came to a close that lobster fishing was continuously in landings of nearly 11,760,000 pounds of early in October, pending a reopening progress in all areas during that time:- fish to their credit. In 1936 their catch of the season on part of the coast at had totalled slightly less than 10,600,000 Cwts. mid-November, the lobstermen of the pounds. four Atlantic provinces, the Dominion's Nova Scotia. 140,810 A good deal of improvement has taken producing area, had landed a catch of New Brunswick.. .. .. 68,290 place in the Pacific halibut fishery since 287,500 hundredweights since January 1, Prince Edward Island.. 59,210 the joint Canadian and United States or about 20,000 hundredweights more Quebec.. .. .. .. .. .. 19,190 commission was appointed some few than the traps had taken in the corre- Although Nova Scotia continued to years ago with a view to conserving the As a matter sponding period of 1936. be the largest producer, it was New fishery and building up the stocks of of fact, the January-October catch, as Brunswick which showed the biggest fish, which had been seriously reduced shown by unrevised statistical reports gain over the catch for January-October, in quantity by uncontrolled fishing. made to the Dominion Department of 1936-a gain of some 15,400 hundred- Both Canadian and United States fisher- was slightly larger than the Fisheries, weights. The Nova Scotia increase was men have been the gainers from the total catch of last year. Revision of 7,500 hundredweights. In Prince Edward improved conditions. Further considera- the reports may make some downward Island there was a decrease of nearly tion will be given to problems of the change in the '37 figures but no great 300 hundredweights and Quebec's land- fishery at the 1937 meeting of the com- change is likely. ings decreased by about 2,700. mission, which is being held in Seattle The only part of the coast where early in December. lobster fishing is permitted in the last More in the Cans? two months of the year is a compara- Lobster pack for the ten months was MAKE EXPORT SALE (Cont.) tively small section of the southwestern about 88,C00 cases and as there is no health value and that part of New Brunswick, where this year, canning of lobsters in the New Bruns- oil its great halibut and swordfish livers are also as last year, the season opened on wick district where the fishing season A few years ago, November 15. The catch in this area reopened in November the pack for rich in vitamins.
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