![1909-09-17, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
* ■ —■J" 1 A TEXAS CLERGYMAN SIX MONTHS. ¥' ’ Edward H. Harriman, the railroad -m THE MERIDIAN TIMES king, was burled at Ardeo, N. Y.. on Speaks Out for the Benefit of Suffer- Sunday. While the services were pri­ V ing Thousand«. John F. Baird, Publisher. vate, only members of the family «ni In History of close friends of the Harriman family PEARY TELLS OF HIS VOYAGE Rev. G. M. Gray, Baptist clergy- rant MSIUDIAN IDAHO being present, a number of Wallstreet man, of Whitesboro, Tex., says: V rith notables were present at the Inter- “Four years ago I v *1 Ou ment. suffered misery with id IDAHO STATE NEWS Past Week Plenty of evidence designed to back First| Authentic Account of the Won­ lumbago. Every IS np his st at enrol that Dr. Cook did not m movement was one labil reach the north pole 1« In the hands of pain. Doan’s Kid­ Tat 1-awler, from Jordan Valley, ha* ¥ uf Commander Peary, according to as­ ney Pills removed ML Keen arrested at Caldwell charged ! The Newi Happenings of sertions made at North Sydney, N. fl, derful Expedition, Related the whole difficulty with dtvlig passed three worthless Seven Dajta Paragraphed by Herbert U Bridgman, secretary of after only a short Checks ter a total of ISO. the Pes Arctic club, time. Although I do At an exciting school election at \ j Two were kilted and n’ne injured by by Explorer. h not like to bave my Grange ville the dry ticket, |io -miring | Mrs. Bill—Now, tell me at onc the Burlington A Quincy passenger name used publicly, where have you been all this timo Cine month* school, won over the j I make an exception INTER MOUNTAIN. ;nrin with a freight near Burnham, Bill — Why, dear, It hasn’t L H •"wet" ticket by a majority of I to In this case, so that other sufferers tors of the Irrigation commit- ! In the story, not only of Peary’s Jour- long. A sal* of (,MH arm* of Ada mty ! ! George Brosche, an electroplater, and IMPORTANT TO PUBLISHERS. from kidney trouble may profit by my Mrs. BUI—How dare you tell skate land B be held »« the c am 1 lift of the United rtiales senate reach m-y to the north pole, but also of a 30. j *d fheye luvday night, having) tt- A. Cook,a plasterer, lost their lives The following preliminary account by remarkably fast sledge trip over the experience.” that? You have been out all night. Imturo in Dot««, October 9 The Ulnds Commander Pea^y of hit sueeaasful voy­ Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a ben. „ I complet le In t Ion of fifteen In a fir« which gutted two brick build- Ice of the open polar sea. il b* •“-m appraised at from «10 lu mont Irrlgat'on projects j !ng* In Sacramento, Cal. age to the north pole waa lusued on Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Not Ashamed of Economy. ISO. !.. September t by the New York Time* The dispatch says that the Roose­ Discussing England and the EnriJ In north we* -rn stale« wttbln the last j WASHINGTON. Company at the request of Commander velt passed the winter of 1908-1909 at I im Tha tend need I WHY NOT? from an American point of view, a J Fi thirty days, '• Newell, who la ! Commander Peary’s first official no- Peary and for hta protection, a book Cape Sheridan, on the coast of Grant x mrrimilum IJM rt* cent American writer In * England ise accompanying the nrnttte«, reports ! iifti ation to the navy department, d - only, copyrighted and exposed for sale The vessel had threaded the f#o$*** t&«f ttmr fife* Irond. serves: “Nobody, from the king J rai ill project* it Mhipi rect of hi* return and of his discovery before any part of It waa reproduced by comparatively narrow channels, sev­ Vane* with er of the /v* I A England down. Is either ashamed » IPP John Va*"' lea who j of north pole came to the dpart any newspaper In the United Slate* or eral hundreds of miles in length, lead­ m .. I» ‘■f ■ ■ Europe, in order to obtain the full pro­ afraid to be economical. Here a m« irai killed Officer I owery in Booth ; mem Katurdsy morning, September ing from Cape Sabine to the Arctic ! j stntet r tection of the copyright law*. Tlie repro­ or a woman is thought to be a îm >xp Omaha last February, tbu* starting j |J, in a dispatch sent by him from ocean. A r% duction of thl* ac< ount. In any form, or a vulgarian who is not carefnl g 1911 !b« Soulb Omaha «lois, has been sen- j Battle Harbor. without permission. I* forbidden, The This Journey Is apt to' be difficult M3{4raf ifMICfei* nmm i expenditure, while in America m. A ■ It I* 4 to be banged January in. At The coast and geodetic survey will penalties for violation of thl* form of and sometimes Impossible, but the over copyright Include Imprisonment for any conditions were evidently favorable. waiters have been clever enough b is pro ibl, the MMl tç a ro i t form ? ! and J tinderiat to arbitrale the Rea. y make it appear that economy is tas —TlTs-S. j drove ail the Greeks out of Mouth j took north pole controversy, provio- person aiding or abetting such violation. The ship that disappeared In the fog r*s. II'-!. wi bull rlty at a Copyright, 190», by the New York Times while the crew of Peary’s auxiliary and as a nation we suffer according >r ha ; Ii»k Dr Cook requests that It should of lie. aw ’onipany. steamer Erik were watching Its de­ ly. We are fools to be fooled in thj, id Ki Of the reg! iiration flgu • I lam Bhang and lamg Tong, two Ban , *«> manner.” eelioii In Rotse, i FiancUcn fTiinatnen. who have been | The seventeen Japanese poachers parture from Etah made a good pas­ r ter the It» tt option *i Report on the discovery of the north sage through the long channels, and |6oi tv« la the j under arrest since the murder of Bo* j recently taken prisoners In Alaskan J Troubles of People on Venus, shows «I» Ml new pole by Robert E. Peary, commander arrived safely on the shores of the [age Koto a t'hlnese girl, who was killed waters will be tried at Valdes on Oe- Inhabitants of Venus, if there e«y «tac* I« gM : U. S. N., copyright, 1909, by Charles sea, where the explorer was to start u [ agi I rots* ! on August If. have been indicted on loher 4, according to a dispatch to fail, ms*lag the • [»led tol R. Miller, as vice-president of the on his sledges for the north pole. any, must feel It extremely difficult tt 188 1 eharges of murder In the first degree, the revenue cutter service office re. One of the preachers has asked the establish units of time. Venus alwaji of the rii ».MW New York Times Company. But at Cape Sheridan Peary was not 1 molt bench an- | The local nptlonists lost in the «toc- ceived lu Washington. members of his congregation to bring turns the same face toward the svn; Tbs p«* »I K Battle Harbor, Irobrador, via Wire­ as far west as he probably had hoped yei abtiabtag of a ***.» In kda county, Idaho, the city of "<*ood progress is being made on their canary birds to church. Why so the planet has no day, and tfc. rejntrtsf la less, Capt. Ray, N. F.—As It to be. He had announced his Inten­ S Eu tv»*'office by the govern morn to b* ] IkitJo ruling s heavy majority for the i’anama canal and four section* not try to save some of the parrots? lack of a moon deprives it of a month. may be Impossible to get my full tion, in the previous year, of making me •awed lianas It will be on the Way- the “wets” of It have been ftiilshed,’’ »aid Colonel story through In time for to-morrow's his sledge route to the pole along Finally, it has no year, for its axis <t Gocthuls. chief engineer In charge o? rotation Is perpendicular to the plat» 1 ais* towns!t* st*. II don mil«« «11« ! 1w< men were killed, three injured paper, partly as a prelude which may some meridian much further to the CUTICURA CURED HIM. I ch; laot from Emm j ano two ong'ne« and a box car were ihe ' construction of the canal, upon stimulate interest and partly to fore­ west of his route in 1906, when he of Its orbit, and the latter is almost ba, witil* Kensi a l$-ye«r-oId boy. ! a -eck'-d as .« result of a head-on eil­ hi* arrival In Washington from the stall possible leaks, I am sending you made the highest north attained up Eczema Came on Legs and Ankle*-— circular. ig on the Blmpson ranch j listen of a pasmnger train and switch Isthmus. a brief summary of my voyage to the Could Not Wear Shoea Because ne to that time—87 d. 6 m. His Helping Hand. I five mite* U thwest of Meridian, was [ en ilia* at Missoula, Mont Lieutenant General Henry C. Cor­ north pole, which Is to be printed ex­ On that occasion he was greatly im­ First Him—When that man feu H I fr< MMridsntaity hot through the calf o j One man waa killed, five seriously bin, V.
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