anarchistmmiveehly the oppressive nature of British capitalism. While the Special Branch spies UlLEliT PiiClLui on us, the SPG is l^t loose in the streets to finish their job, AUi/UT 10,000 anti-fascists marched 4th International, thus making arresting and repressing the peo- silently last Saturday afternoon political capital out of the vio- ple of this country who courage- (22.6.64) through the streets of lent death of an anti-fascist com- ously refuse to go down on their central London, in protest against rade. Nevertheless, this march w knees under the weight of exploit- the police brutality which made a was, because of the absence of the ation. As in any other authori- another victim in the person of usual empty slogans and blaring tarian regime, the British Estab- Kevin Gately, the 21-year old stu- megaphones, one of the most imp- lishment will use any powerful dent from Warwick University, ressive since the war. It ended method to smash people's will for killed as a result of a mounted in Hyde Park, where student and change, especially those pushing police charge in Bed Lion Square trade union leaders denounced the forward for a just, equitable and on Saturday 15th. brutal class nature of the Brit- free society. ish police, particularly the in- Let's make sure that Kevin We noticed with regret that the famous SPG (Special Patrol Groups) Gately did not fight and die in Trotskyist sections of the march which have been specially set up, va|n. Oppose racism and fascism, chose not to respect the National trained and used to smash pickets, the ultimate tools of capitalist Union of Students' call for a strikes, demos, squats and other rule. Resist oppression. march without banners. The Inter- iiilitant forms of struggle against Smash the State, national Socialists had a banner and placards, the Workers' Revolu- Claude. tionary Party had also a banner, and the International Marxist Group was wearing T shirts and armbands with the, symbol of The Threshold of What? WHEN THRESHOLD agreements were in- price of oil have also pushed up troduced last year as-part of the cost of living but there is the Tory government's Phase 3 hardly a large company who did wages policy, no one really ex- not increase their profits last pected the cost of living index year. to rise as much as it has. At the time it was really a SOD Employers are now complaining a- thrown in to ease the wage res- bout the threshold agreements trictions imposed by law. which are now being triggered off by the increased cost of However, the miners' dispute living. They conveniently for- changed all that. They not only get about the profits they have got rid of the Tories but showed made in the past, when with the how direct action gets results. assistance of the government and The three-day week was the gov- the state they kept wage claims ernment's reactionary reply and to a minimum. We all know, or when they realised this policy (\(V-t«vi«. VAOYSf we should do, that profits are was going against the interests what the employers are in busi- of the employers and their pro- ness for. When these are on DIALOGUE fits, they went to the polls to save face. Increases in the Continued on back pace,.. Centra de Documenta;ao e Apoio a Pesquisa 3 4 unesp^ Cedap 17 18 19 20 21 22 THE COMMANDING DEPTHS 'DEMOCRATIC as this country is own bat. The Labour Party can ownership, socialization, nat- supposed to be and perfect as afford to have the hotheads in ionalization, public enterprise the Mother of Parliaments is government (i,e Benn, Heffer, or what-you-will, it can be assumed to be, there is actual- Foot and Castle) blowing their demonstrated that such a path ly no set procedure for a gov- tops every now and again. It is not the only alternative; ernment to resign when, and if, doesn't do any harm and it indeed, not a desirable alter- defeated. So last week when doesn't mean a thing with a native from the anarchist view- the minority (they all are!) minority government. point . government of Mr. Wilson was Herbert Head once said, defeated three times, Mr. Rejecting the thesis of right- "Nationalization, which was once rfilson merely exhibited wing anarchism that capitalism the official politics of the is a viable alternative to state crossed-fingers or said 'Sucks Labour Party, has been abandoned, boo', or some such schoolboy control it is possible to ac- except as a means of maintaining cept Benjamin Tucker's thesis profundity which retarded the salaries in the industries that the four evils of State schoolboy politicians resort to that the capitalists were will- socialism are the money mono- in their games. ing to relinquish as dispens- poly, the land monopoly, the Nevertheless the mere dist- able." The major nationalized tariff monopoly and the patent ant trumpet of an election was institutions have been the great monopoly. sufficient to set the Fleet financial flops — the mines and So obsessed with the profit Street warhorses pawing the the railways, for example. If motive and the necessity of ground and the Great tfhore of anything seemed like paying its capital are some socialist Liberalism preparing to strut way - for example road transport theoreticians (e.g. Cole and her stuff once more. Fleet and the steel industry - nation- Durbin) that they believe that Street and the Tories looked alization was never fully around for a campaign and a achieved. State enterpriies must make a profit in order to capitalize scapegoat and found it ready- Even under the Tories the further developments. Under made in Tony Benn who, idealis- lane ducks' of industry were State ownership (as it is in tic prattler that he is, is gathered under the State wing, many fields today) a profit is prepared to take the pratfall e.g. Rolls Royce, and many an necessary so that the money be and custard pies for Harold addled egg (particularly Con- put into one pocket and taken Wilson. It was he who bad to corde, Maplin and Defence pro- out of the other. Nationalized take the can back for Concorde. jects) (has been nurtured under boards often compete with each Remember the white heat of the wing of the State. other like commercial firms, technology? 'Twas Tony Benn Countless research and defence to the detriment of the con- who stoked it up, only having projects, particularly in the sumer. to damp the fire down next time nuclear field, have been spon- in office. sored by the State. That pri- The ownership of land is bas- ic to the problem of rent, The campaign was on nationa- vate enterprise takes over housing and farming but rarely lization, and Robert Carr when developed and profitable is anything proposed to be done. screwed up Benn's speech to a is another story. Whilst one In a free society it is obvious Marxist plot to take over Brit- can demonstrate that private that one would own the land on ain. The howl was taken up by enterprise (i.s capitalism) is which one's house was built - all the press and it was hate- not utterly opposed to public Benn month. 'fildon Griffith, a continued on Page 7... matching Tory idiot, produced - (like McCarthy) a list of 20 companies whose books were be- ing examined by the Govern- Our Finances ment - presumably with a view to takeover. These were a Comrades our position is again We can only survive if you keep curious lot — British Leyland, perilous. Even though we have the donations coming, and we make two breweries, Gallaher the had some generous donations (e.g. efforts to get more subscribers tobacco firm, Grand Metropoli- last week we had a £20 share of and sales, AND SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE tan Hotels. .etc. Twenty amount collected by US Italian RENEWED PROMPTLY WHEN THE! FALL companies in all. Hardly 'the comrades at a picnic), the press DUE. There are no fewer than •oaraanding heights of the eco- fund is not making up the dif- 151 subscription in arrear. All nomy1 to U38 Bevan's phrase. ference between what FREEDOM these have had a further remind- er at the rate (£3.25) which has It was no surprise when they costs and the amount coming in in subscriptions and sales. By operated up to now. If you are turned out to be firms whose the cheaper method of production one of these subscribers, please books the government wished to we last year ended up with a sur- send your subscription for this examine for a variety of reas- plus from which we bought an IBM year NOW. ons — mostly because they had typewriter to improve on the prin- received assistance and tax ting face. We tried to keep the PRESS FUND concessions from the govern- subscription the same for this men! In fact this proves once year, but after the year had 13 - 19 June 1974 more that private enterprise . started our print bill went up is not hostile to State 'inter- by a total of £750 for the year, ference' when it takes the and so has every other cost risen LEEDS: A.P.K. 26p; LONDON E16: shape of State 'assistance'. A from rail fares to ribbons and ludicrous denial that tax con- P.W. £1; BOXFORD: A.A. 50p; stationery to now postages again. FALL RIVER, Mass. £1.10; LONDON cessions were 'assistance' was the weak answer.
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