www.ukrweekly.com ЇГС( СВОБОДА A! SVOBODA Ж УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩО At Н НИК ^Щ^ иКЯЛІНІАШОЛІІУ UkrainiaENGLISH-LANGUAGnE WEEKLY EDITIOWeekN l V VOL. IJCXXVII. No. SO THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. APRIL 6. 1980 25 CENTS Khrystos Voskres — Christ Is Risen Symbol of rebirth Once upon a time a poor peddler went to the market to sell a basket of eggs. He came upon a crowd, jeering a man who staggered with a heavy, wooden cross on which he was about to be crucified. The peddler ran to his aid, leaving the basket by the roadside. When he returned, foe found the eggs transformed into intricately designed, brightly colored pysanky. The man was Jesus Christ and the peddler, Simon. And the pysanky became the symbol of rebirth for all mankind. UKRAINIAN FOLK TALE To all our readers we extend our sincerest best wishes on the occasion of I he Easter feast. Khrystos Voskres! Soviet authorities arrest Matusevych Thousands attend JERSEY CITY. N.J. - Olha Heyko SSR and the USSR in which she reveal­ Matusevych. a member of the Kiev- ed the investigations, interrogations, based Ukrainian Public Group to insults, harassment, surveillance and Bishop Gabro's funeral Promote the Implementation of the bodily searches she and her family had been subjected to by the KGB. CHICAGO, 111. - Some 2,000 faith­ Helsinki Accords, was arrested last ful, led by Archbishop-Metropolitan month after a search of her apartment, "Lackeys of the KGB! You have Myroslav Ivan Lubachiwsky, coadjutor dissident sources in Moscow told Reut­ boundless authority. The new constitu­ of Patriarch Josyf I, paid their Final ers on April 2. tion has completely untied your hands. respects to the Bishop Jaroslaw Gabro You have taken away from me my They said Mrs. Matusevych was of the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic ' husband, my parents; for all practical Eparchy, who died on Friday, March detained on March 12, but it is not purposes you have left me without known where she was being held. The 28, after a serious illness. He was 60 living quarters; you can fire me from my years old. official who led the search said she job and not give me the opportunity to would be charged with anti-Soviet settle down somewhere else, thereby . Concelebrating the Divine Liturgy slander which carries a maximum completely denying me the basis for an and the Requiem at St. Nicholas Cathe­ sentence of three years in jail. Reuters existence; you can even arrest me and dral here Tuesday, April 1, with Archbi­ reported. incarcerate me in a psychiatric hospital shop Lubachivsky were Archbishop- - I am not afraid of this. I will not Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk of Mrs. Matusevych. a philologist born Canada and Archbishop-Metropolitan in 1953. is the wife of Mykola Matuse­ renounce my husband whom I dearly love, and I will not betray Myroslav Stephen J. Kocisko of the Byzantine` vych. a Kiev group member who was Ruthenian Rite Eparchy of Pittsburgh. sentenced in March 1978 along with (Marynovych), whom 1 love as my own fellow Helsinki mon'tor Myroslav brother: 1 will not cease standing up in Also present were Cardinal John Marynovych to 12 years of imprison­ their defense," she asserted in the letter. Patrick Cody, Roman Catholic archbi­ shop of Chicago, Bishop Basil Losten of ment and internal exile on the charge of Soon after the trial of Matusevych anti-Soviet activity. Stamford, Bishop Neil Savaryn and and Marynovych had concluded, Mrs. Auxiliary Bishop Demetrius Greschuk In October 1977, severaj months after Matusevych, who was the youngest of Edmonton, Bishop Isidore Borecky the arrests of her husband and Maryno­ member of the Ukrainian Helsinki of Toronto, Bishop Andrew Roborecki vych, Mrs. Matusevych wrote a letter to iiroup. withdrew from membership in of Saskatoon, Bishop Michael J. Du- the. Supreme Soviets of the Ukrainian `,Y (C iiiiiiiitiril i4i імці– I.'l l( ..in.i,mil ,,it ріці,. If.) Bishop Jaroslav Cabro І НІ І KKAIMW Wl I M Y SIMMY AI'KII (`. ІЧМІ So" SO Kiev group appeals to colleagues in defense of Ukrainian rights activists " HELSINKI. Finland. - Members of pedagogue and professor Oleksa after four .wars of imprisonment (he correspondence and also uncensorcd the Ukrainian Public Group to Pro- Tykhy. lawyer and publicist l.cvko had been charged with "anti-Soviet literature, samvydav and literature mole the Implementation of the Hel­ Lukianenko. pedagogue-historian My­ agitation and propaganda"), was sen­ published outside the borders of the sinki Accords appealed in an October 6. kola Matusevych. engineer Myroslav tenced in February of this year to three USSR. They systematically cut off 1979. document to the Helsinki moni­ Marynovych. In 1979 the following years of strict-regime camps under a contacts, opportunities for meetings, toring groups in the Soviet Union and were the victims of repression: trumped-up charge of "resisting the direct communication and. not infre­ the United States and to the human On July 5. Petro Sichko. a member of police." quently, also correspondence among rigft"ts groups in Poland and СгссЬо– the group and formerly a prisoner of On March 6. the well-known writer defenders of rights, among people who - Slovakia, urging them: "raise your Stalinist camps, was arrested. Twenty- Oles Berdnyk. founding member and arc suspected of dissent, their relatives . vpices in defense of Ukrainian defend­ three-year-old Vasyl Sichko. a member the leader of the group, was arrested... and friends. Along with this they exhibit ers of rights." of the group, was sent to a psychiatric Frequent searches were conducted in an arrogant disregard for human rights ` - The appeal was signed by Oksana hospital for examination; in 40 days he Kiev and other cities. Berdnyk was and human dignity. Meshko, Nina Strokata. Iryna Senyk. was transferred to a KGB prison. Both., charged with "anti-Soviet agitation and Here is one of many examples. In Ivan Kandyba. Vitaliy Kalynychenko. father and son. are charged with propaganda." At this time he remains in April of this year, during a search of the Vasyl Striltsiv, Vasyl Stus, Volodymyr "spreading slanderous fabrications prison under investigation, in complete living quarters of group member Nina Malynkovych. Vyachaslav. Chornovil which discredit the Soviet state and isolation. This is the second arrest for Strokata. she and Oksana Meshko. who and the Rev. Vasyl Romaniuk. It is one social order." for their appearances at Berdnyk: he had been imprisoned for was there, were subjected also to a of the First documents of the Kiev group the grave of the young poet and com­ five years and was rehabilitated in 1955. personal search - just as in prison which is signed by its newest members poser Volodymyr Ivasiuk. who died Mykhailo Melnyk. historian, ped­ stripped naked, the seams in their (Senyk. Stus, Chomovil. Romaniuk). under suspicious circumstances. agogue, had been persecuted in recent clothing inspected inch-by-inch etc. (In The full text of the document in (According to the official version. years... (particularly, he was deprived of the city of Tarusa. Kaluga Region. English translation was released by the Ivansiuk had hanged himself.) the opportunity to work in the field of Strokata lives under administrative "Smoloskyp" Information Service and On August 6. Yuriy Lytvyn, a poet his specialization and worked as a surveillance, deprived of the right to is reprinted below. (Ellipses indicate and member of the group, was arrested. guard): he committed suicide after a travel outside the boundaries of Tarusa. passages which were illegible in the This is his fourth arrest on ideological search on March 6-7. which was accom­ and from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. does not have original copy.) grounds: from I9S1 to 1977 he was panied by the threat of further, more the right to leave her living quarters...to We ask you to turn serious attention imprisoned for IS years. Two weeks severe repressions. unwarranted raids by the police). to the ever-intensifying atmosphere of before the most recent arrest Lytvyn On April 23. Yuriy Badzio was The authorities attempt to discredit terror in which the participants of the was taken, completely sober, to a arrested for the second time this year. defenders of rights, taking every ad­ Ukrainian movement in defense of drying-out tank where, having bound During the search a handwritten copy vantage of disinformation and slander. rights find themselves. As is known, him to a bed. they beat him up; they beat of his major historiographic work "The And so they spread rumorsabout group Ukrainians form a majority among him on the stomach...unhealed scars Right to Live" was confiscated... member Meshko. that she keeps.... those who are repressed in the USSR. from a recent operation (a stomach charges of "anti-Soviet agitation and trades in valuables, engages in currency Members of the Ukrainian Helsinki ulcer...a hernia). Although Lytvyn propaganda." transactions. group have been sentenced to many offered no resistance, a case was initiat­ By means of unrestricted searches Volodymyr Malynkovych (radio­ years of bondage of martyrs: the well- ed on a charge of "resisting the police." they take away all unofficial informa­ logist), soon after he became a member known writer Mykola Rudenko Vasyl Ovsienko. a philologist and tion (notes in one form or another), of the group, was beaten on the street (founder and leader of the group). pedagogue who was released in 1977 personal literary creations, personal (( ішііші(чі mi |Kigt- 15) Since 1961 the KGB has been continuously and severely persecuting thc'UCECB Arrests of Christians in USSR continues for its faithful service to God. The UCECB stands for complete separation ol church and state, absolute freedom of conscience, the absolute authority of the Below is the text of an appeal on behalf of Christians in the USSR, written and Bible in all questions of life and faith, and the widespread preaching of the Gospel distributed hy Pastor Georgi Vins in February.
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