Department of Tamil M.A. Tamil Programme Outcome Tamil 1. jkpH;bkhHpapd; MHk;/ bjhd;ik Mfpatw;iw mwpe;J bfhs;syhk;. 2. ,yf;fpa ts';fisa[k;/ ea';fisa[k; mwpe;J bfhs;syhk;. Programme Specific Outcome 3. jkpH; bkhHpapd; ,yf;fzg; gug;ig mwpe;J bfhs;syhk;. 4. tskhd eilapy; vGJtjw;Fk; ngRtjw;Fk; chpa ce;Jrf;jpiag; bgwyhk;. Courses Outcome Courses Outcome 1. ftpijapd; tot';fisa[k;/ ftpijfSf;fhd fs';fisa[k; mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. ,f;fhy ,yf;fpak; 2. ftpij vGJtjw;fhd moj;jsj;ijf; ftpija[k; ehlfKk; fw;Wf;bfhz;ldh;. 3. ehlf ,yf;fpaj;jpd; gd;Kfj; jd;ikia mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. jkpH; bkhHp mikg;g[Uthf;fj;ij mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. ,yf;fzk; - I 2. vGj;Jf;fspd; tifikfisa[k;/ tsikiaa[k; bjhy;fhg;gpak; vGj;J mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 3. bkhHp g[zUk; ,ay;g[fis mwpe;J bkhHpiag; gpiHapd;wp vGjf; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 1. g[idfijfspd; njhw;wk; kw;Wk; tsh;r;rp epiyia 3. g[idfija[k; mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. ciueila[k; 2. gilg;ghw;wiy tsh;j;J bfhz;ldh;. 3. ciueilj; jpwid tsh;j;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. gy;ntW mw ,yf;fpa';fis mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. thH;tpaYf;F mog;gil mw ,yf;fpa';fs; vd;w vz;zj;ij cUthf;fpf; bfhz;ldh;. 4. mw ,yf;fpak; 3. xGf;f bewpfisf; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 4. rKjha tpGkpa';fisg; ngQtjw;Ff; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 1. ehl;lhh; tHf;fhw;wpay; g[yj;ij mwpe;J 5. ehl;lhh; tHf;fhw;wpay; bfhz;ldh;. mog;gilfs; 2. kz;zpd; kug[fisg; g[hpe;J bfhz;ldh;. (rpwg;g[ jhs; I) 3. ehl;lhh; tHf;fhw;wpay; g[yj;ij xU r_f mwptpay; g[ykhf mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. Clf';fspd; tuyhw;iw mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. Clf';fspd; gy;ntW gzpfisj; bjhpe;J 6. Clfj;jkpH; bfhz;ldh;. (rpwg;g[ jhs; II ) 3. jkpH; ,yf;fpa tsh;r;rpf;F Clf';fspd; g';F vd;d vd;gij mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. bkhHpapd; njhw;wk;/ tsh;r;rp epiy gw;wp fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 7. bkhHp tuyhW 2. jkpH; bkhHpapd; tuyhw;iw mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 3. bkhHpfspy; epfH;fpd;w khw;w';fis bjhpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. jkpH; ,yf;fzj;jpy; ,lk;bgWk; brhw;fspd; tifikfisa[k; tUif Kiwfisa[k; mwpe;J bjspt[ bgw;wdh;. 8. ,yf;fzk; - II 2. jkpH;r; brhw;fl;likg;gpd; MHj;ija[k; tsh;r;rp bjhy;fhg;gpak; bghUs; epiyfisa[k; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 3. ,yf;fz E]y;fspy; fhzg;gLk; ntWghLfis mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. Md;kPfj;jpd; rpwg;iga[k;/ cz;ikiaa[k; czh;e;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. rka ,yf;fpa';fs; gy;ntW bja;t';fis 9. gf;jp ,yf;fpak; TwpdhYk;/ guk;bghUs; xd;nw vd;gjpy; bjspt[ bgw;wdh;. 3. rka ey;ypzf;fk; cUthf;ff; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 1. rpw;wpyf;fpaj;jpd; ,yf;fpa eaj;ij czh;e;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. rpw;wpyf;fpa';fs; thapyhf gy;ntW fhy';fspd; 10. rpw;wpyf;fpak; murpay; NH;epiyiaf; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 3. kf;fspd; csg;gz;g[/ thH;f;if epiy nghd;wtw;iw fw;W bjspt[ bgw;wdh;. 1. ehl;lhh; kug[fisj; bjhpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. ehl;lhh; kug[fs; r_fg; gz;ghl;L thH;nthL 11. ehl;lhh; gz;ghl;L bfhz;Ls;s bjhlh;ig mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. kug[fs; (rpwg;g[ jhs; I) 3. kug[fspd; bjhd;ika[k; mtw;wpd; epfH;fhyg; ghpzhk';fisa[k; mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. jkpH; ,iza';fs; Fwpj;j g[hpjiy cUthf;fpf; 12. ,iza jkpH; bfhz;ldh;. (rpwg;g[ jhs; II ) 2. ,iza js';fs; jkpH; fy;tpf;F cjt[k; tifia bjhpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. jkpH; fhg;gpa ,yf;fz';fspy; bjspt[ bgw;wdh;. 2. jkpH; fhg;gpa tiffis mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 13. fhg;gpa ,yf;fpak; 3. fhg;gpa ,yf;fpa';fs; r_fr; NHiy cs;th';fp tsh;r;rpaile;Js;sd vd;gij mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. bghUs; ,yf;fz kugpid bjspthf czh;e;J 14. ,yf;fzk; - bfhz;ldh;. bjhy;fhg;gpak; bghUs; 2. fst[ fw;g[ Fwpj;j nfhl;ghLfis mwpe;J (1-5) bfhz;ldh;. 3. nghh; bewpapd; rpwg;g[fis mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. ciuahrphpah;fs; ,yf;fpak; kw;Wk; ,yf;fzj;jpd; capnuhl;lj;jpw;F mspj;j g';fspg;gpid mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 15. ciukug[ 2. ciukug[/ ciuj;jpwd; Mfpatw;wpd; rpwg;g[fis fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 3. ciuapd; gaid czh;e;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. Ma;t[ czh;it bgw;wdh;. 2. Muha;r;rpf;F mog;gilahd bewpKiwfisf; 16. Muha;r;rp bewpKiwfs; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 3. Kiwg;goahd Ma;ntl;il cUthf;f bjspt[ bgw;wdh;. 1. khdpltpay; g[yj;ij mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. ,yf;fpa Ma;t[f;F khdpltpay; g[yik njit 17. khdpltpay; vd;gij czh;e;J bfhz;ldh;. mog;gilfs; (Elective) 3. gz;ghl;il kPl;LUthf;fk; bra;af; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 1. mwptpay; jkpHhf;fk; Fwpj;J mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 2. jkpH;bkhHp tuyhw;wpy; mwptpaypd; g';if bjhpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 3. mwptpaiy jkpH;g;gLj;jYk;/ mk;Kaw;rpfis nkw;bfhs;Sk; ,af;f';fs; Fwpj;Jk; bjspt[ 18. mwptpay; jkpH; bgw;wdh;. 4. jkpHpy; fiyr; brhy;yhf;f Kaw;rpfs; Fwpj;J mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 5. jkpH;tHp kUj;Jtk; - kUj;Jt kug[ Fwpj;j kUj;Jtf; fiyr;brhw;fs; Fwpj;J bjspt[ bgw;wdh;. 1. r';ffhy kf;fspd; thH;tpaiy mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 19. gz;il ,yf;fpak; 2. r';f ,yf;fpaj;jpd; bra;a[s; El;g';fis mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 3. jpizf; nfhl;ghLfis fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. 1. bghUsjpfhuj;jpy; ml';fpa[s;s mfk; kw;Wk; g[w 20. ,yf;fzk; - ,yf;fz';fspd; mog;gilfis mwpe;J bjhy;fhg;gpak; bghUs; bfhz;ldh;. (6-9) 2. kugpaypd; rpwg;gpay;g[fis mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. ,yf;fpa nfhl;ghLfisa[k;/ bfhs;iffisa[k; 21. ,yf;fpaj; mwpe;J bfhz;ldh;. jpwdha;tpay; 2. ,yf;fpaj; jpwdha;tpd; tiffis bjspthfg; g[hpe;J bfhz;ldh;. 1. ,yf;fpa thrpg;gpw;F khdpltpaypd; njitia czh;e;J bfhz;ldh;. 22. ,yf;fpa khdpltpay; 2. khdpltpay; mog;gilapy; ,yf;fpa';fis mQFtjw;Ff; fw;Wf; bfhz;ldh;. DEPARTMENT OF MALAYALAM U.G. Programme Outcome Programme specific outcome • A type of writing that uses language to express 1st semester imaginative and emotional qualities instead of or in Poetry addition to meaning. • Poetry may be written as individual poems or included in other written forms as in dramatic poetry, hymns, or song lyrics. nd 2 semester • Short Story : Think for a few moments about a moment Gadhya Sahithyam in your life. • Novel: A novel is help of thinking the life and get a life inspiration. rd 3 semester • Auto biography : Students know the sense of events in their lives and to communicate an important personal statement about life. th 4 Semester • Drishyakala Sahithyam: Students know about the traditional and cultural awareness. • Journalism : Though if may be interesting of even entertaining, the foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the informed. DEPARTMENT OF HINDI U.G. Programme Outcome Programme specific outcome • Short Story : Think for a few moments about a moment 1st semester in your life. Prose • Grammer: Know the basic of language. • Journalism : Though if may be interesting of even entertaining, the foremost value of news is as a utility to empower the iformed. • nd Drama : To express the feelings. 2 semester • Grammer: Know the basic of language. Drama, Novel, Grammer • Novel: A novel is help of thinking the life and get a life inspiration. • Develop the Communication skill. • Poetry may be written as individual poems or included in 3rd semester other written forms as in dramatic poetry, hymns, or song Poetry, Play lyrics. ,Transilation • One act Play : Express the Humanity. • Transilation : To know the new language and creative thinking. 4th Semester • Modern poetry, Indian Know about the modern culture. Culture, Prosody and Poetics • Deep knowledge of poetry. Department of English B. A. ENGLISH PROGRAMME OUTCOME Read a variety of texts critically and proficiently to demonstrate in writing or speech, the comprehension, analysis and interpretation of those texts. Demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of major texts and traditions of language& literature written in English as Programme specific outcome well as their social, cultural, theoretical and historical contexts. Read with interpretive and analytical proficiency one or more creative literary form. Speak clearly, effectively and appropriately in a public forum for a variety of audiences and purposes. COURSES OUTCOME Courses Outcomes I B.A. English I SEMESTER • To know about the history of Indian Writing. Indian Writing in • This Indian Writing in English helps the students to Learn about English the culture, Tradition and Customs of Indians • Know about the history if Australia. Australian Literature • Know about the culture, tradition and customs of the native people of Australia. • Students were aware of the various British authors and their British Fiction writing style. • The works teach the students the importance of life. • Students can learn belief out line of British History. Social History of • England This subject helps the students to meet the exigency of examinations. II SEMESTER • To know about famous authors Indian Writing in • Focus the basis idea in the Literature. English • Learn the culture, Tradition, Customer of India. • Know about American History. American literature • American authors. • Literary movements started at America. • To develop the communication skills.
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