ISSN: 2170-1822, Al Naciriya: Journal of sociological and EISSN: 2600-6189 historical Studies Vol. 10, N°2, Décembre 2019 pp. 863-883 The Sino-Arab political relations The Sino-Arab political relations during the T’ang Dynasty (618-907AD) Imane CHABANE 1, Ahmed CHERIFI 2 University of Algiers 2 - Abu Qasim Saadallah, [email protected] 1 University of Algiers 2 - Abu Qasim Saadallah, [email protected] 2 Received: 02 /07 /2019; Accepted: 19/11 /2019 @òîiŠÈÛa @òîäî–Ûa @òîbîÛa @pbÓýÈÛa @ Hâ907 @M 618 I@Íãbm @òÛý @†èÇ @Þý @ @ Z@ —‚ܽa @Íãbm@ òÛý @ †èÇ @ Þý@ òîiŠÈÛa @ òîäî–Ûa@ pbÓýÈÛa@ òa‰…@ †Èm @Ò†è @ ‡gm @ L òbnÛa @ @ tb¡þa @ ¿@ òàè½a @ Éî™aì½a @ åß â@H 907 @M 618 I @ïbßìÜi†Ûa L@ ïbîÛa@†îÈ–Ûa@óÜÇ @´ÏŠİÛa@´i@Þ…bjn½a@qdnÛa@‰bèà ⁄ @ƒí‰bnÛa@ ìçë âL@ 907 @òíbË @ âµg@ 618 @ åß @ ñ†nà½a @ ñÐÛa@ ¿ @ ðŠØÈÛaë @¿@ õbu @ @sîy@L´–Ûaë@lŠÈÛa@´i@ïbî@Þb–ma@Þëc @éîÏ @@ ðˆÛa @µg@ p†Ïëc@ lŠÈÛa@ …ýi@ æc @ òîiŠÈÛaë @ òîäî–Ûa@ òbnÛa@ ‰…b–½a æbjÈ‘@æb¹g @ZÝaŠ½a@ÑÛû½a @@ò튕bäÛa [email protected] 2019 @àí… @2@…†Ç @10 @Z †Ü© 863 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al Naciriya: Journal of sociological and EISSN: 2600-6189 historical Studies Vol. 10, N°2, Décembre 2019 pp. 863-883 The Sino-Arab political relations @òÐîܨa @ÝjÓ@åß @òîbßìÜi…@òrÈi@Þëc @ Íãbm @ òÛý @†èÇ@¿@´–Ûa @òíì ßþa@ òÛë†Ûa@ †èÇ @ ¿@ ôŠc@ pbrÈi@ bènÜm ë@ LæbÐÇ@ åi@ æbàrÇ @pa‰ìİnÛbi@bib¯gë bjÜ@ @´ÏŠİÛa@òÓýÇ@pŠqdm@†Óë @N òîbjÈÛa@òÛë†Ûa ë @òybÛa@ óÜÇ@ bàèäß@ Ý×@ é‰b¹@ ðˆÛa@ ‰ë†Ûaë@ òîÛë†Ûaë @ òîàîÜÓ⁄a @ @ Nòîbî Ûa @ÕíŠ [@ ÷ý [@ òjînÓ ó[@ İìÛa@bîe [@ òîbjÈÛa òÛë†Ûa @Zòîybnнa@pbàÜØÛa @ @ .ŠíŠ§a Abstract: The study of " The Sino-Arab political relations during the T’ang Dynasty (618-907 AD) " is one of the most important topics that had occupied a large part of the historical researches; it aims to highlight the first contact among Arabs and China which took place during the T’ang Dynasty. According to Chinese and Arabic historical sources, Arab countries sent to China during this period (618-907 AD) the first diplomatic mission by Caliph Othman Bin Affan, followed by other missions during the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. The relations between the two sideshave been negatively and positively affected by regional and international developments and their respective political roles in the region. Keywords: Abbasid; Central Asia; Qutaiba; Talas; Silk Road. א·_à== = = 2019 @àí… @2@…†Ç @10 @Z †Ü© 864 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al Naciriya: Journal of sociological and EISSN: 2600-6189 historical Studies Vol. 10, N°2, Décembre 2019 pp. 863-883 The Sino-Arab political relations .1Introduction: Both Arab and Chinese civilizations were known to have flourished during the Medieval Ages or their so-called Golden Era, especially in the political domain where they have reshaped the geographical map of Asia by their policies and military campaigns. The expansion of these two forces in the region led to a military struggle between them that resulted in a continuous race to bring allies for each of them. However, relations between them have not always been characterized by competition and hostility; their mutual relations went much better occasionally because of some common interests. For example, after the famous An-Lushan rebellion when the Tibetan forces started invading the Chinese territories taking advantage of the weakness of the T’ang military forces of that time, China sought help from the Arabs in 798 AD when Abbasid caliph Haroun Al-Rasheed sent his forces to expel the Tibetans and free the invaded territories. The Silk Road also played an active role in the Arab- Chinese political relations, where it linked the Chinese political city of Chang’an to Iraq and Syria going through Central Asia. The Silk Road made it possible to establish the first Arab embassies sent by the Caliph Othman Bin Affan to China during the T’ang dynasty (618-907AD). 2. Background: The location of China: China was referred to in numerous Arab sources, which is an evidence of their knowledge of the Chinese empire and the mutual friction between them. א·_à== = = 2019 @àí… @2@…†Ç @10 @Z †Ü© 865 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al Naciriya: Journal of sociological and EISSN: 2600-6189 historical Studies Vol. 10, N°2, Décembre 2019 pp. 863-883 The Sino-Arab political relations Below, some of the most important Arab Sources where China was mentioned during the T'ang dynasty: Al-Idrīsī mentions in his book called: Nuzhat al-mushtāq : JK , liھH اMRUVWق TN اQRSاق اMNOق:fi khtirāq al-āfāq (Arabic Pleasan Yourney in o faraway lands: he Chinese loca ion: "It’s in the tenth part of the first Territory,which is the world’s extremity from the east, followed by the Chinese Sea, -9Al" ... ( اcalled: the sea of Thnka ([\]^ ) or ElSanf ( _]`W IdrFsF,2000:87:. : Mk, liرhi اAl-aaDbbF in TGrFkh al-aaDbbF 9Arabic: TcdefgW The his ory of aaDubi:: "The world was devided into seven territories: the first one is India whichis limited easterly by the sea and China ... and the seventh territory extends from China to Morocco... " 9Tarikh al-aaDubi, 2010:115:. Al-Masldm in MurbYadh-dhahabwa-maGdin al-Yawhar Qq, li : Meadows of Gold andوج اtWھs وMfqدن اdnWھ9Arabic: Q Mines of Gems) : " The wise divided the world into eastand west, north and south. Then,sectioned it into two parts: habited and uninhabited ... As for the seven territories, the first one is the land of Babylon, Khorasan and Persia ... and the seventh is China ..."9Al-Masldm, 2015: 69-70:. Al-4alDavandF in Sobh al Aesha fi sinaea al-iinsha :: ﺻwx اTN [UzO ﺻ[HzM ا }9Arabic: MUK " … The territory of China is surrounded from the west by the lands between it and India, it isenclosed southward by the Sea (the Sea of India), and eastward by the Sea Ocean, א·_à== = = 2019 @àí… @2@…†Ç @10 @Z †Ü© 866 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al Naciriya: Journal of sociological and EISSN: 2600-6189 his orical S udies Vol. 10, N&2, D(cembre 2019 pp. 863-883 The Sino-Arab poli ical rela ions and from the north by the land of Gog and Magog and other unknown lands … "9Al 4alDavandF, 1917:779:. Ahmad Ibn 0us ah in Ki Gb al-AElGk an-NafFsa 9Arabic: MR•, li : /ook of Precious 0ecords:referenced heب اzO•ق اH}g~]W se3en erri ories and defined China as he firs one: " The first territory starts from the east, from the far reaches of China then passes by the shores of the Sea in the south of the Sindh, and crosses the sea to the Arabian Peninsula and the land of Hijaz ...to the Sea of Morocco." 9Ahmad ibn0us ah, 1892:102-107:. li : The , ﺻdرةاOرض :Ibn.awDal in bra al-Ar 9Arabic face of he Ear h:: " ...and the Chinese Kingdom includes all other countries of the Turks and some of the Tibet… the world was divided into south and north, so if taken from the east... there is the land of China… "9Ibn .awDal,1992:20:. I is percep ible hrough he pas sources, ha he Arabs knew abou he Chinese geographical loca ion where he Arab his orians agreed ha China is he se3en h erri ory in he far reaches of he Eas . .3Political relations: The rela ions be ween China and he Arabs ha3e increased during he T8ang dynas y when 2 hman Ibn Affan, he hird Caliph of he 0ashidun Calipha e 9r.23-35 A. 5 677 - 656 AD: sen hir y-se3en missions o China, hen during he 2mayyad Calipha e 960 -132 A. 5 661 - 750 AD: named by China: Whi e Tazian, followed by he Abbasid Calipha e א·_à== = = 2019 @àí… @2@…†Ç @10 @Z †Ü© 867 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al Naciriya: Journal of sociological and EISSN: 2600-6189 his orical S udies Vol. 10, N&2, D(cembre 2019 pp. 863-883 The Sino-Arab poli ical rela ions 9132- 656 A. 5 750-1258 AD: 9/lack Tazian: o her embassies were sen . 9Mohamed .assan Mohamed .amad, 2006:52:. 3.1The relations between Rashidun Caliphate and T’ang dynasty: A grea change ook place in he Arabian Peninsula a he end of he 6 h cen ury ADsince he emergence of he Islamic religion and he launch of he Mohammedan call which would ha3e a 3ery impor an impac on he world, where he prophe Mohammed es ablished he founda ion s one for building a s rong Islamic s a e wi h 3as borders, followed by rashidun caliphs who comple ed he assignmen .9aousef SaDar, 2011:17: The diploma ic rela ionships among he Arabs and China in he medie3al era began during he 0ashidun Caliphs8s rule. In 651 AD,i was a mission sen by he Caliph 2 hman ibn Affan o emperor Aaozong of he T8angdynas y. 9Mohammed bin Nasser AlAbboudi: 68: .owe3er, he Chinese-Muslim his orian Muhammad Mayi au 91900 -1961 AD:said in his book "The general his ory of Muslims in China": " The connection is likely due to the life of the Prophet Muhammad between 618-626 AD ; whereas the Prophet Muhammad sent four of his companions to China to deliver his call.Waqas was the oldest; he went to Guangzhou (Canton) and built a mosque there. The other three went to Quanzhou (Zaiton) ".( .adiAleulwi, 2000: 290:. I is men ioned ha he Chinese emperor Aaozong sen o he Caliph O hman bin Affan 927-85 A. 5 635 - 655 AD: א·_à== = = 2019 @àí… @2@…†Ç @10 @Z †Ü© 868 ISSN: 2170-1822, Al Naciriya: Journal of sociological and EISSN: 2600-6189 his orical S udies Vol.
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