2- and 3-le*er words defined from Collins Official Scrabble Words 2019 (CSW19) This list excludes very common and obvious words. It does include some common ones that have uncommon endings (e.g. -s, -ed, -ing; -er, -est) when used as a different part of speech. All word can be extended with ‘S’ except those in bold. The -s extension is shown where it’s unexpected. AlternaEve spellings of words are also shown. Code: adj. = adjecEve, arch. = archaic, Aust. = Australian, Chi. = Chinese, coll. = colloquial, dial. = English dialect, Ger. = German, Heb. = Hebrew, interj. = interjecEon, Mao. = Maori, n. = noun, obs. = obsolete, offen. = offensive, pl. = plural, poet. = poeEc, S Afr. = South African, Sco. = Scosh, Shak. = Shakespeare, Spa. = Spanish, Spen. = Spenser, v. = verb Twos EF the leWer ‘F’ AA rough jagged lava in Hawaiian volcanos EH-s to express an enquiry (EHED, EHING) AB abdominal muscle EL elevated railway AD adverEsement EM printer's measure AE (Sco.) one (also YAE) EN printer’s measure (half an EM) AG agriculture ER-s European vetch AH-s to express pleasure (AHED, AHING) ES the leWer ‘S’ (also AAH) EW interj. of disgust AI three-toed South American sloth EX to cross out (EXES, EXED, EXING) AL East Indian tree FA musical note (also FAH) AN-s ‘ifs and ans’, things that might have FE Hebrew leWer (also FEH) happened but did not FY exclamaEon of disgust (also FIE) AR the leWer ‘R’ GI judo or karate costume AW (US) oh GO-s Japanese board game AX (US) axe GU Shetland violin (also GJU, GUE) AY aye; an affirmaEve vote HE-s BA the eternal spirit in EgypEan mythology HM interjecEon of though`ul consideraEon BE-s second leWer of the Hebrew alphabet (also HMM) (also BETH) HO-s to stop BI-s bisexual person ID part of the psyche BO (US) friend IN-s to harvest (INNED, INNING) BY-s side issue IO cry of joy CH (dial.) I JA yes DA heavy Burmese knife (also DAH) JO (Sco.) sweetheart (also JOE) DE of or from KA to serve (also KAE) DI pl. of DEUS, a god KI (Jap.) energy or spirit, in marEal arts DO-s party, celebraEon KO (Mao.) a digging sEck EA (dial.) river KY pl. caWle (also KINE, KYE) ED educaon LA musical note (also LAH) EE (Sco.) eye (pl. EEN) ME-s musical note (also MI) MI musical note (also ME) MM exclamaEon of saEsfacEon MO moment; moustache Threes MU Greek leWer NA interj. of disbelief (NAS is an old AAH-s to express surprise (AAHED, AAHING) verb form ‘was not’) AAL East Indian shrub NE (arch.) not ABA Arab women’s outer garment NO-s no vote ABB texEle yarn NU Greek leWer ABO (Australian) aboriginal NY-s to approach (also: NIE, NIGH, NYE) ABY-s to pay as a penalty (ABIES, ABOUGHT, OB objecon ABYING) (also ABYE) OD mysEcal universal force ACH (Sco.) interj. of impaEence (also OCH) OE (Sco.) grandchild (also OY, OYE) ADO-s OH-s to express surprise (OHED, OHING) ADZ (US) adze OI-s NZ petrel AFF off OK interj. of assent AFT behind; near the stern of a vessel OM syllable intoned as part of a mantra AGA Turkish commander ON-s to go on (ONNED, ONNING) AHA interj. of triumph OO-s (Sco.) wool AHI Hawaiian tuna OP abstract art style AIA Indian nursemaid (also AYAH) OR-s (heraldry) the colour gold AIN Hebrew leWer OS bone AIT small island in a river (also EYOT) OU-s bloke AJI spicy pepper OY (Sco.) grandchild (also OI, OYE) AKA NZ vine PE Hebrew leWer (also PEH) AKE (obs.) to ache PI to jumble or disorder (PIEING, PIING) ALA pl. ALAE, any winglike body part PO chamber pot ALB long white priest’s vestment QI Chinese life force ALF unculEvated Australian RE-s a musical note (also REH) ALT high tone SH interj. requesEng silence ALU (Hindi) potato (also ALOO) SI musical note AMA Indian wet nurse (also AMAH) SO-s musical note (also SOH) AME soul ST excl. of impaEence AMI friend (fem. AMIE) TE musical note (also TI) AMP-s to increase the level of (AMPED, AMPING) TI musical note (also TE) AMU unit of mass UG-s to cause hatred (UGGED, UGGING) ANA collecEon of anecdotes UH interj. of disbelief AND-s ampersand, the & symbol UM-s to express hesitaEon (also UMM) ANE (Sco.) one (also YIN) UN (dial.) one ANI tropical American bird UR interj. of hesitaEon ANN payment to a parish minister’s widow UT musical note (also ANNAT) WO curse APO protein XI Greek leWer APP a computer applicaEon XU Vietnamese coin APT-s (obs.) to adapt (APTED, APTING) YA-s Asian pear ARB share trader YO interj. call for aWenEon ARD early plough YU precious jade ARE-s unit of metric land measure ZA pizza ARF barking sound ZE gender-neutral pronoun = ‘they’ ARK-s to place in an ark ZO Himalayan cross between yak and cow ARY (dial.) any (also DSO, DZO, DZHO, ZHO) ATT LaoEan monetary unit AUA NZ fish CIS having certain atoms on the same side of AUE interj. of astonishment the molecule AUF elf’s child CIT dishonourable man AVA kava CLY to seize or steal AVE prayer to the Virgin Mary COR-s Hebrew measure AVO monetary unit of Macao COS crisp, long-leaved leWuce (pl. COSES) AWA (Sco.) away COX to direct a rowing crew AWK computer-programming language COY-s to caress AWL pointed boring tool COZ (slang) cousin (pl. COZZES) (also CUZ) AYU small edible fish CUM-s to ejaculate AZO containing nitrogen CUZ (slang) cousin (pl. CUZES, CUZZES) BAC baccalaureate, a set of exams (also COZ) BAD-s something evil CWM a Welsh valley BAE (US) sweetheart BAH interj. of disgust (also PAH) DAE (Sco.) to do BAL shrub DAH heavy Burmese knife (also DA) BAM to hoax or cheat (BAMMER) DAK in India, the mail post (also DAWK) BAO (Chi.) a filled steamed dumpling DAL Indian edible pea (also DAAL, DAHL, DHAL, BAP large flat bread roll DHOLL) BEL measure of noise DAN level of achievement in Japanese marEal BEN (Sco.) a mountain arts BEY Turkish governor DAP to fish by floaEng bait (also DIB) BEZ second Ene of a deer’s horn (pl. BEZES) DAW to dawn (DAWEN) BIG-s (Sco.) to build (BIGGED, BIGGING) DEB debutante BIZ (slang) business DEE to damn BOH (interj.) boo DEF (slang) excellent (DEFFER, DEFFEST) BOI boyish lesbian DEG to water (a plant) BON good DEI plural of DEUS, a god BOR (dial.) a neighbor DEL mathemaEcal symbol BOT to cadge DEP department store BRR interj. to show feeling cold (also BRRR) DEV Hindu god (also DEVA, fem. DEVI) BRU in South Africa, a buddy DEX sEmulant (also DEXIE, DEXY) BUR to remove a rough edge from DEY former governor of Algiers (also BURR) DIB to fish by floaEng bait (DIBBER) (also DAP) DIS (slang) to dismiss, put down (also DISS) CAA (Sco.) to call DIT (Sco.) to block CAF cafeteria DIV evil Persian spirit CAG cagoule, light anorak DOD (Sco.) to knock, thump (also DAUD, DAWD) CAL ‘low cal’ DOH a musical note CAY low islet DOL a unit of pain intensity CAZ (slang) casual DOM Etle given to monks CEE leWer ‘C’ DOO (Sco.) dove CEL celluloid DOP to dip CEP large edible mushroom (also CEPE) DOR to mock, scoff (also DORR) CHA tea DOX to publish personal info on the internet CHE (dial.) I DOW to be able CHI Greek leWer (also KHI) DOY beloved person CID heroic chief DRY-s ConservaEve poliEcian in 1980s UK CIG cigareWe (also CIGGIE, CIGGY) DSO cross between a yak and a cow (also DZO, DZHO, ZHO, ZO) DUH (interj.) ironic response to a quesEon FAR-s to remove to a distance DUI plural of ‘duo’ FAW gypsy DUM in Indian cookery, steamed FAY to clean out (also FEY) DUP to undo FED-s federal agent DUX leader FEG segment of an orange DZO cross between a yak and a cow (also DSO, FEH Hebrew leWer (also FE) DZHO, ZHO, ZO) FEM passive homosexual FEN low marshy land EAN (Shak.) to give birth to FER (dial.) for EAU water (pl. EAUS, EAUX) FET (obs.) to fetch ECH (Shak.) to eke out (also ECHE, EECH, ICH) FEU to rent or hold land in feudal Scosh law ECO ecology FEW-s ECU European currency unit FEY to clean out (also FAY) EDH old English leWer (also ETH) FID conical hard-wood pin EEK interj. of fright FIE interj. of disapproval (also FY) EEN (Sco.) eyes (pl. of EE) FIL vehicle shan EEW (US) interj. of disgust (also EEEW) FIZ to fizzle (also FIZZ) EFF (euphemism) fuck FOH interj. of disgust EFT newt FON to compel EIK (Sco.) to eke out FOO temporary computer file ELD old age FOU bushel ELF-s (Shak.) to entangle hair FUD rabbit’s or hare’s tail ELT young sow FUG to cause a hot, closed atmosphere EME (obs.) an uncle FUM mythical Chinese bird (also FUNG) EMO type of rock music ENE (dial.) the eve of an event GAD to wander about idly (GADDER) ENG phonec symbol GAE to go (GAEN, GANE, GAUN) EON eternity (also AEON) GAK (slang) cocaine ERE (obs.) to plough GAM to visit socially between whaling ships ERF South African garden plot (pl. ERVEN) GAN to go ERG unit of work GAR (Sco.) to compel (also GARRE) ERK (slang) an aircransman GAT pistol ERM interj. of hesitaEon or doubt GAU poliEcal district of the Nazi regime ERN (arch.) to earn GAW imperfect rainbow ERS the biWer vetch plant (pl.
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