have been summarized in Krissek and Homer (1986, 1987, Geochemical indicators 1988, in press) and contributions to Antarctic Journal (Collinson of source lithologies and and Isbell 1986, 1987, 1988; Isbell and Collinson 1988; Miller and Waugh 1986, 1987; Miller and Frisch 1986, 1987). Our weathering intensities ultimate objective is to extract provenance and paleoclimatic in fine-grained Permian clastics, information from the mineral and chemical compositions of central Transantarctic Mountains the fine-grained sediments in the Permian section, which rec- ords the transition from a glacial regime (Pagoda Formation), through a subaqueous fan/delta setting (Mackellar Formation, LAWRENCE A. KmSSEK and TIM0rilY C. HoINEI to fluvial environments (Fairchild Formation) with coals (Buck- ley Formation). Byrd Polar Research Center In the past year, our efforts have concentrated on using the and geochemistry of approximately 100 samples of fine-grained Department of Geology and Mineralogy sediments to evaluate lithologies and weathering regimes of Ohio State University their source regions during the Permian. The aluminum oxide/ Columbus, Ohio 43210 titanium oxide (Al203/TiO2) ratio has been used as a prelimi- nary indicator of source rock composition (Nesbitt 1979), while During austral summer 1985-1986, we collected approxi- the chemical index of alteration (CIA) of Nesbitt and Young mately 310 samples of fine-grained clastics from 24 measured (1982; CIA = [Al203 ± (Al203 + CaO + Na2O + K20)] X sections in the Permian sequence of the central Transantarctic 100) has been used to estimate the intensity of weathering. Mountains (figure 1, table). Our fieldwork and preliminary The aluminum oxide/titanium oxide ratio increases from ap- results, as well as collaborative efforts by other sedimentolo- proximately 10 for basalts and gabbros to approximately 47 for gists from Ohio State University and Vanderbilt University, rhyolites and granites (Le Maitre 1976), while the chemical index of alteration increases from approximately 50 for unal- tered feldspar to approximately 75 for illite and 100 for kaolin- I tOE ite. Neither of these geochemical parameters covary with vitrinite reflectance values for this data set, confirming the relative sta- bility of the major element geochemistry of fine-grained sed- iments during diagenesis. Stratigraphic sections have been grouped geographically (ta- ble), and the geochemical parameters have been examined for 83,S geographic and stratigraphic variations within these groups. Average aluminum oxide/titanium oxide ratios range from 17 to 27 for all stratigraphic intervals in all areas (figure 2) indi- cating intermediate average compositions (equivalent to diorite MM to granodiorite) for the sediment sources. The ratios remain relatively uniform within each region through the Pagoda and MM MM Mackellar formations, with lowest values in the southeastern MM zf, and southern portions of the study area. In all regions except the southernmost, ratios decrease above the Mackellar. The geographic distribution of values suggests that the southern parts of the study area consistently received a larger contri- bution of basic material, supporting the conclusion of Collin- MP,MPU son (in press) that a volcanic influence migrated from the R southeast into the Beardmore Glacier region through this time. 84S W 84S The general stratigraphic pattern is consistent with the obser- vation that a significant volcaniclastic contribution to the entire M A 4, M A 5 Beardmore Glacier region began during Buckley deposition M A 6 (Barrett, Elliot, and Lindsay 1986; Collinson, Kemp, and Eggert 1 1987; Collinson in press). The southern portion of the study eo ^4 area does not follow the general stratigraphic trend, and con- km 50 - tains anomalous Mackellar paleocurrents and mineralogic in- dicators of weathering conditions, suggesting that it records a transition from the Beardmore portion of the Permian depo- sitional basin to the remainder of the basin to the south and southeast. Chemical index of alteration values (figure 3) increase up- qMB section in most geographic regions, recording the transition 9 165E Figure 1. Geographic distribution of measured sections, Beard- more Glacier area, central Transantarctic Mountains. (See table for CaO denotes calcium oxide; Na20 denotes sodium oxide; K20 de- definitions of the section designations.) notes potassium oxide. 1989 REVIEW 13 Guide to measured sections in the Beardmore Glacier area, units at each section, and their geographic regions. Section Locality Units Region MK Mount Korsch Mackellar, Fairchild N MMC Mount Weeks Pagoda, Mackellar NW MMQ Moore Mountains Mackellar NW MMP Moore Mountains Pagoda NW MMA Moore Mountains Mackellar, Fairchild NW MMD Helm Glacier Mackellar, Fairchild, Buckley NE TR Turnabout Ridge Pagoda, Mackellar, Fairchild NE CP Clarkson Peak Pagoda, Mackellar NE MMZ Mount Miller Pagoda, Mackellar NE WG Wahl Glacier Buckley Central TGA Tillite Glacier Pagoda, Mackellar Central TGF Tillite Glacier Mackellar, Fairchild Central MP Mount Picciotto Buckley Central MA4 Mount Archernar Upper Buckley SW MA5 Mount Archernar Middle Buckley SW MA6 Mount Archernar Lower Buckley SW LP Lamping Peak Buckley SW MR Mount Ropar Buckley SW MD Mount Deakin Mackellar, Fairchild SE Cl Cherry Icefall Pagoda, Mackellar SE MB Mount Bowers Mackellar, Fairchild, Buckley S AVERAGE Al203 /Ti 02 RATIOS N NW NE CENTRAL SW SE S 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 I I 1 I I I I I I II L lit I I t I I Upper Buckley Lower Buckley Fairchild Upper Mackellar Middle Mackellar Lower Mackellar Upper I Pagoda Lower Pagoda Figure 2. Stratigraphic profiles of aluminum oxide/titanium oxide ratio by geographic region in the Beardmore Glacier area. Geographic groupings are outlined in the table. Lower ratios reflect the increasing importance of basic source rocks. 14 ANTARCTIC JOURNAL AVERAGE CIA VALUES N NW NE CENTRAL SW SE S 70 8070 8070 8070 8070 8070 8070 80 _....Jt 1 It I II I II I II I II I _I Upper Buckley _] Lower / Buckley Fairchild Upper Mackellar I Middle Mackellar Lower Mackellar Upper Pagoda Lower Pagoda Figure 3. Stratigraphic profiles of the chemical index of alteration (Nesbitt and Young 1982) by geographic region in the Beardmore Glacier area. Geographic groupings are outlined in the table. Increasing chemical index of alteration values record the increasing importance of chemical weathering. from glacially dominated weathering in the pagoda sources to References chemically dominated weathering during Buckley deposition. Variations in the style and stratigraphic position of the increase Barrett, P.J., D.H. Elliot, and J.F. Lindsay. 1986. The Beacon Super- between regions are interpreted to reflect local variability in group (Devonian-Triassic) and Ferrar Group (Triassic) in the Beard- weathering regime, and have been recognized previously in more Glacier area, Antarctica. In M.D. Turner and J. F. Splettstoesser the clay mineralogy of these samples (Krissek and Homer 1987). (Eds.), Geology of the Central Transantarctic Mountains. (Antarctic Re- The upsection decrease in chemical index of alteration values search Series, Vol. 36.) Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical in the northern and northwestern portions of the study area Union. probably reflects the general coarsening of Mackellar and Fair- Collinson, J.W. In press. The paleo-Pacific margin as seen from East child lithologies in that direction (Barrett, Elliot, and Lindsay Antarctica. In M.R.A. Thomson, J.A. Crame, and J.W. Thomson Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- 1986; Homer and Krissek 1987), so that the chemical index of (Eds.), Geologic evolution of Antarctica. versity Press. Collinson, J. W., and J. L. Isbell. 1986. Permian-Triassic alteration is controlled more by grain size-dependent changes sedimentology of the Beardmore Glacier region. Antarctic Journal of in mineralogy than by weathering influence on equivalent the U.S., 21(5), 29-30. grainsizes. Collinson, J.W., and J.L. Isbell. 1987. Evidence from the Beardmore These preliminary results indicate that the mineral and Glacier region for a late Paleozoic/early Mesozoic foreland basin. chemical compositions of fine-grained sediments can provide Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 22(5), 17-19. valuable provenance information in the study of a depositional Collinson, J.W., and J.L. Isbell. 1988. Sedimentologic comparison of basin. More detailed examinations of the geochemical data are Permian post-glacial black shale sequences in the Ellsworth Moun- presently underway (Homer in preparation). This project was tains and Beardmore Glacier region. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., funded by National Science Foundation grant DPP 84-18354. 23(5), 5-7. 1989 REVIEW 15 Collinson, J.W., N.R. Kemp, and J.T. Eggert. 1987. Comparison of the Geological evolution of Antarctica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Triassic Gondwana Sequences in the Transantarctic Mountains and Press. Tasmania. In G.D. McKenzie (Ed.), Gondwana Six: Stratigraphy, Se- Krissek, L.A., and T.C. Homer. 1988. Geochemical record of prove- dimentology, and Paleontology. (Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. nance in fine-grained Permian clastics, central Transantarctic Moun- 41.) Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. tains. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 23(5), 19-21. Homer, T.C. In preparation. Mineralogy, diagenesis and provenance of Le Maitre, R.W. 1976. The chemical variability of some common ig- fine-grained Perintan clastics from the Beardmore Glacier area, Antarctica. neous rocks. Journal of Petrology, 17, 589-637.
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