
APPENDIX: PARTICIPATING STATES OF THE MONTREUX DOCUMENT1 There are currently 54 states that support the Montreux Document. Seventeen states jointly finalized the document on the occasion of a con- cluding meeting in Montreux, Switzerland, on September 17, 2008: 1. Afghanistan 2. Angola 3. Australia 4. Austria 5. Canada 6. China 7. France 8. Germany 9. Iraq 10. Poland 11. Sierra Leone 12. South Africa 13. Sweden 14. Switzerland 15. United Kingdom 16. Ukraine 17. United States of America The following additional states have joined the Montreux Document since its release, with date of communication of support: © The Author(s) 2018 187 M. Boggero, The Governance of Private Security, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69593-8 188 APPENDIX: PARTICIPATING STATES OF THE MONTREUX DOCUMENT 18. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (February 3, 2009) 19. Ecuador (February 12, 2009) 20. Albania (February 17, 2009) 21. Netherlands (February 20, 2009) 22. Bosnia and Herzegovina (March 9, 2009) 23. Greece (March 13, 2009) 24. Portugal (March 27, 2009) 25. Chile (April 6, 2009) 26. Uruguay (April 22, 2009) 27. Liechtenstein (April 27, 2009) 28. Qatar (April 30, 2009) 29. Jordan (May 18, 2009) 30. Spain (May 20, 2009) 31. Italy (June 15, 2009) 32. Uganda (July 23, 2009) 33. Cyprus (September 29, 2009) 34. Georgia (October 22, 2009) 35. Denmark (August 9, 2010) 36. Hungary (February 1, 2011) 37. Costa Rica (October 25, 2011) 38. Finland (November 25, 2011) 39. Belgium (February 28, 2012) 40. Norway (June 8, 2012) 41. Lithuania (June 13, 2012) 42. Slovenia (July 24, 2012) 43. Iceland (October 22, 2012) 44. Bulgaria (January 8, 2013) 45. Kuwait (May 2, 2013) 46. Croatia (May 22, 2013) 47. New Zealand (October 14, 2013) 48. Czech Republic (November 14, 2013) 49. Luxembourg (November 27, 2013) 50. Japan (February 6, 2014) 51. Ireland (November 13, 2014) 52. Monaco (April 1, 2015) 53. Madagascar (November 5, 2015) 54. Estonia (July 6, 2016) APPENDIX: PARTICIPATING STATES OF THE MONTREUX DOCUMENT 189 Fig. A.1 Participating States of the Montreux Document NOTES 1. The map and the list are both available at: https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/ en/home/foreign-policy/international-law/international-humanitarian- law/private-military-security-companies/montreux-document.html, courtesy of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Accessed 31 August 2017. INDEX1 A Arms control, 33 Abductions, see Boko Haram; Piracy Arms to Africa Affair, see Sierra Leone Abrahamsen, R., 2, 4, 5, 102, 133, Arms Trade Treaty, see Arms Control 150–152, 155, 156, 165, 169, Army of Liberia, see Liberia 182 AU, see African Union Abu Ghraib, 43 Austria, 182 Africa, 2, 7–9, 14, 17–19, 47n18, 60, Avant, Deborah, 1, 5, 15, 18, 39, 41, 62, 77, 80, 85, 95–103, 105n5, 43, 45, 49n33, 49n34, 65, 78, 107–113, 115n13, 119, 120, 143, 166, 181, 182 125, 126, 132, 137, 138, 143, 144n4, 151, 152, 156, 157n4, 161–174, 179–183 B African National Congress (ANC), see Barlow, Eben, 119–121, 126n1, South Africa 126n2, 127n7 African Union (AU), 16, 22n25, 36, Bayart, Jean-Francois, 9, 20n10, 96, 47n12, 64, 100, 125, 139, 103n1, 115n14 145n11, 172 Beijing consensus, 167 AFRICOM, 4 Benhabib, Sheila, 14, 21n19 Anti-mercenary norm, see Social norms Best Management Practices (BMP), see Apartheid, see South Africa Voluntary Regulations Armed conflict, 32, 35, 42–44, 46n1, Blackwater, 5 46n11, 67, 68, 78, 86, 100, 111, Boko Haram, 8, 100, 119, 122, 123, 115n11 126, 127n2, 127n7, 127n10 Armed guards, see Private Military and Branović, Zeliko, 19, 119, 183 Security Companies (PMSCs) Brautigam, Deborah, 167, 169 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2018 191 M. Boggero, The Governance of Private Security, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69593-8 192 INDEX Bryden, Alan, 56, 135, 144n5 D Buhari, Muahammadu, see Nigeria DCAF, see Democratic Control of Bureau of Maritime Affairs, see Liberia Armed Forces Bures, Oldrich, 6 Defensive measures, see Piracy Burundi, 109 Definition of mercenaries,see Bush administration, see US Mercenaries Government Democracy, 18, 95, 133, 162, 164–166, 168 Democratic Control of Armed Forces C (DCAF), 17, 33, 39, 80n2, 85, Cameroon, 70n17, 124 86, 135, 157n4 Canada, 150 Democratization, 121, 163–166 Carmola, Kateri, 2, 4, 5, 14, 57, 58, De Nevers, Renée, 4, 6, 90n2 67, 88, 141, 166 Denmark, 182 Chabal, Patrick, 9, 16, 96, 97, Diamonds, 113, 132, 149, 150 115n14, 167 Diamonds, see Natural Resources Chartered Companies, 38 Diamond Works, 150 Chibok schoolgirls kidnappings, Dickinson, Laura, 7, 8, 85, 90n4 127n7 Disappearance of norms, see Social China Norms Huawei, 101 Disarmament, see Arms Control Montreux negotiations, 14, 91n9, Disarmament, demobilization and 95, 166, 170 reintegration (DDR), see Liberia natural resources, 167 Draft Convention, see Convention on origins of Chinese private security, Private Military and Security 102 Companies Taiping Civil War, 171 Drezner, Daniel, 87 Chinese PMSCs, 8, 45, 97, 99, Dunigan, Molly, 5, 7, 40, 41, 170 101–103, 167 See also Contracting state, military Civil society, 61, 83, 85, 90n4, 135, effectiveness 144n5 DynCorp, 97, 103n3, 135, 136 Civil war, see Liberia Coastal States, 133 Cold War, 39, 42, 48n27, 65, 182 E Contracting states, 31, 40, 66, 68, 77, Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), see Sierra 114, 114n4, 125, 151, 156, 180 Leone military effectiveness, 40, 41 Economic Community of West African Convention on Private Military and States Monitoring Group Security Companies, 10 (ECOMOG), 149, 150 CPA Order #17, see Iraq Economic activity, 154 INDEX 193 Economic cooperation, see Economic G activity Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas, 182, ECOWAS, 125, 172, 174n12 183 Elections, 110, 121, 123, 133, 150, Gberie, Lansana, 132 164–166 General Assembly (GA), see United Electoral violence, 166 Nations Ellis, Stephen, 132, 134 Geneva Conventions, 11, 34, 38, 43, Emergency regulation, see Natural 44, 49n30, 59, 64, 69n8, Disasters; State of Emergency 115n11, 121, 136 (SoE) Germany, 63, 89, 142, 183 Epidemic, see Ebola Virus Disease Gilder, Barry, 165 Equatorial Guinea, 16, 36, 37, 99, Goodluck, Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, 109, 110, 120, 121, 161, 172 123 Ericson, R. V., 14 Gourevitch, Peter, 10 European Union (EU), 39, 139, 183 Government of Sierra Leone, see Sierra EVD, see Ebola Virus Disease Leone Executive Outcome (EO), 110, 113, G4S, 4, 100, 101, 155, 162, 171, 182 119, 120, 131, 132, 149–151, Guantanamo, 42 183 Gulf of Guinea, see Piracy Extremism in the Sahel, 122–124 Gumedze, Sabelo, 7, 16, 47n12, 77, See also Terrorism 81n6, 111, 115n9, 135, 172 Gurkha Security Guards, 149 F Finnemore, M., 10, 11, 80, 81n15, H 180 Haas, Ernst, 17, 78 Fisheries (protection of), see Maritime Haufler, Virginia, 14 Security Herbst, Jeffrey, 155 Flag(s) of convenience, 104n6, Hijacking, see Piracy 138–140 Hirschman, Albert, 179 Flag States, 138, 140–143, 145n18 Home states, 18, 31, 125 Floating armories, see Maritime Hong Kong, see China Security Huawei Security, see Chinese PMSCs Forced labor, see Human Rights abuses Human rights, 11, 19, 35, 38, 48n23, Foreign enlistment, 18, 33, 107–114, 49n39, 55, 61, 64, 69n12, 126, 179 70n18, 81n13, 84, 85, 88, 90n2, Forsythe, David, 39, 42, 43, 48n23, 90n4, 95, 99, 126, 137, 142, 48n24, 48n25, 48n27, 49n32, 154, 162–166, 168–170 49n37, 49n39, 167 Human Rights abuses, 43, 47n14 Forum shopping, 83, 87, 88, 90, 183 Human Rights Law, 44, 46n1 Frontier Services Group, see Prince, Human trafficking,see Human Rights Erik abuses 194 INDEX Huntington, Samuel, 164 International Humanitarian Law Hydén, Goran, 16 (IHL), 32, 35, 36, 42–44, 46n1, 46n11, 66, 70n18, 84–86, 99, 126, 153, 162 I International law, 8, 35, 58, 86, ICoC, see International Code of 115n11, 125, 136 Conduct International Maritime Organization ICoCA, see International Code of (IMO), 15, 45, 137–139, Conduct Association 141–143, 145n18, 145n19 ICRC, see International Committee of International Organization for the Red Cross Standardization (ISO), 69n6, 88, ICS, see International Chamber of 91n11, 91n15, 145n18, 165 Shipping Iraq IFC Performance Standard, 4, 164 CPA Order #17, 39, 48n22 IGAD, see Intergovernmental Nisoor Square, 43 Authority on Development South Africans in Iraq, 110 IHL, see International Humanitarian Third Country Nationals in Iraq, Law 109 IMO, see International Maritime torture and human rights violations Organization (in Iraq), 43 Information asymmetry, 163, 173n5 Islamic State, 6 Insurance, 14, 15, 22n22, 131, See also Terrorism 137–143, 144n9 ISO, see International Organization for Intergovernmental Authority on Standardization Development (IGAD), 172 Italy, 183, 184n6 Internally displaced person, 153 Ivory Coast, 110, 114n5, 120, International Chamber of Shipping 121 (ICS), 141, 145n15 International Code of Conduct (ICoC), 3, 10, 37, 38, 44, 47n16, K 47n17, 69n6, 69n11, 83–85, 88, Kamajors, 150 90n1, 101, 126, 141, 142, 164, Katanga, see Mercenaries 165, 174n12 Katzenstein, Peter, 10, 13, 14, 42, International Code of Conduct 49n35, 99, 163 Association (ICoCA), 69n6, 84, Kenya, 100, 108 86, 87, 90n5, 90n6, 91n9, 142 Keohane, Robert, 10, 20n6, 42, 45, International Committee of the Red 49n35, 99, 163 Cross (ICRC), 11, 15, 32–36, Khartoum attack, see Sudan 38–41, 45, 47n11, 48n24, 48n27, Kinsey, Christopher, 4, 6, 7, 149, 49n31, 49n36, 50n43, 50n44, 157n3, 165 50n45, 57, 69n8, 90n3, 115n11, Krahmann, Elke, 5, 7, 15, 22n23, 58, 115n12, 141, 157n4, 162 61, 63, 64, 69n6, 69n10, 89 INDEX 195 L Mattli, W., 8, 10, 20n9, 103n4, Landmines, 11 127n6, 138, 140 Lawfare, 42 McCallum, Jamie, 85 Legro, Jeff, 9, 12 McFate, Sean,
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