The St. Lawrence County Historical Association OUAR TERLY' Volunre XVI - Nunrber 4 - Fall 2001 The St. Lawrence County Historical Association at the Silas Wright House The St. Lawrence County Historical Association is a private, not-fo based at the Silas Wright House in Canton, New York. Fou constitution, by-laws, and Board of Trustees. The elect its trustees. 2002 Officers: 2002 Trustees: President: Carl Stickney, No Chris Angus, Canton Vice-President: Patricia Carson, Canton Treasurer: Carol John Richard Foster, Rossie Secretary: Susie R. Shawn Gray, Massena ,.: ......."...:? ,..? E. Jane Layo, Waddington ,..:$ Stan Maine, Pierrepont 2002 sta@,Jy Trent Trdock, Executive Director Todd Moe, Norwood sue .J.+e&shore, Collections Manager Cathleen O'Horo, Canton Maryellen Jones, Archives Manager ~everl<~~ownell, ..:.<. Administrative Assistant Tim Strong, Potsdam '<> ..>. ..>. 7..., .... "'-, Peter Van de Water, Cant <::... <::... :*::. "...,., ..... ..>. ..:.. The St. Lawrence County Historical serves as an educational resource for the use in the County's history and traditions. The Assoc to the County's history. In cooperation and coll understanding of and appreciation for the Coun Lawrence County Historical Association operates within museum standards established by the American Association of Museums. SLCHA Membership Membership in the St. Lawrence County Historical Association is open to all interested parties. Annual membership dues are: Individual, $25; SeniorIStudent, $20; Family, $35; Contributor, $50; Supporter, $100; Patron, $250; Businesses, $50 to $1,000. Members receive the SLCHA Quarterly, the Historical Association'sbi-monthly newsletter, and various discounts on publications, programs and events. St. Lawrence County Historical Association at the Silas Wright House 3 East Main Street, PO Box 8 Canton, New York 13617 (315) 386-8133 fax (315) 386-8134 e-mail: [email protected] www.slcha.org -- Published continuously since 1956 I The St. Lawrence County Historical Association The QIIUI lowed in memory of I Albert Pr I and Ella Waterman Newell. 'ublication of The Q ~carterlyis ,also made Volume XLVl - Number 4 - 2001 )ossible with public funds from i the New ISSN: 0558-1931 fork State Council on the Art s, a State I Lgency. CONTENTS Editor's Notes Managing Editor: By Pamela Ouimet Pamela Ouimet An Honorable Position: an Honorable Man Production Editor: Reprinted from The Hermonitor Susan L. Dresye Advisory Board: Chris Angus, Canton Gouverneur Round Table Club Arthur Johnson, Potsdam By Kenneth R. Ross Herb Judd, Canton Mary Ruth Judd, Canton Heritage Grist Mill Association Acquires Copyright 02001 by the St. Lawrence County Historrcal Vintage Separating Machine Association. All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts, no part of this Massena Students Get a Feel For History publication may be copied or repro- duced without the express written per- mission of the author and the Historical Former Town of DePeyster Association. The St. Lawrence County Historical Association is not respons~ble Historian Passes Away for the statements, interpretations, and opinions of contributors to TheSLCHA Quarterly. I Grand Opening of the New Norfolk Museum The SLCHA Quarterly is published Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall each SLCHA Annual Holiday Open House and year by the St. Lawrence County His- torical Association for its members and Red Barn Grand Opening: friends. December 7, 2001 Additional copies may be obtained from the St. Lawrence County Historical Association, P.O. Box 8, Canton, NY Issue Editor: 13617 at $4.00 each ($2.00 for mem- Ouunet bers), plus $1 .OO for postage. Pamela Contributions: Cover Illustration The SLCHA Quarterly welcomes con- First Baptist Church, Church Street, Hermon, NY: tnbutions. To submit a manuscript, or (Photograph courtesy of Agnes Woodrow, for further informat~on,please contact Mary Smallman and Robert Jennings.) the editor through the St. Lawrence County Historical Association. Please address communications to: Managing Editor, TheSLCHA Quarterly, P.O. BOX Editor's Notes By Pamela Ouimet If you will be traveling or taking an extended vacation, please not@ the St. Lawrence County Historical Association so we can either put your issue(s) of the Quarterly on hold or forward it to another address. You may contact the SLCHA by calling 3 15-386-8133, emailing [email protected] mailing us at St. Lawrence County Historical Association, 3 East Main St., PO Box 8, Canton, NY 13617. We appreciate your attention to this request. St. Lawrence Corcnry Historical Association Qrrarterly An Honorable Position: An Honorable Man Reprinted from The Hermonitor We took a look around He started his term on Janu- The couple resided at the Jail, Hermon and made note of two ary 1, 1907, but a great event had where Nilie's mother was also unusual mementos honoring one taken place the evening before. residing when she died Apr. 2, of Hermon's finest. With the Re. G. M. Gerrish pre- 1908. His father at that time re- siding, Nilie was married that sided in DeKalb Junction. Both In the belfj of the First Bap- New Year's Eve to Minnie L. are buried in Hermon Cemetery. tist Church is the three-faces Gillett at her parents' home on clock, mentioned as the second West Street, Canton. Minnine Although it was customary at town clock in the county. The had been born Feb. 12, 1861 to that time for the Sheriff's spouse story of how and why it is there Jeremiah and Mary (Agon ) to also serve as Jail Matron, we is our first complete one for our Gillett. find no evidence of Minnie's members. Born in Hermon, actually near West Hermon, in 1873 the only son of John W. and Christeen Noble Hyland, Nilie M. Hyland brought great credit to his par- ents, his town and to his county. In 1898 Nilie left here to become Under Sheriff for Sheriff Charles C. Caldwell, remaining 3 years until J. Frank Harder of Gouverneur became Sheriff, at which time Nilie returned to Hermon. In 1904 Caldwell again was elected and engaged Nilie as Under Sheriff. But in 1906 he entered the race for Sheriff him- self on the Republican ticket- and won handily. The local press commented that Nilie was remarkably adapted to his position, an officer invaluable, fearless and with a retentive memory. He recalled every face and the record of each person coming under his care. He was reticent and undemon- strative with remarkable ability Portrali oJ.CSlre I\/. Hvlatrd ~rsrt/i,\lasonrc e~lrblenr~thrclz rs actiralbpr~l~retlto to secure information. the lrkeness, 24 x 30 rn n~assrveframe rn the Hermon Masonrc Lodge ti500. Loaned by the Lodge for this stoly courtesy of Eli Tracy. 3 St. Lowrence Couny Historical Association Q~iarterly doing so. Was his mother serv- clot." A nurse stayed with him certificate. One details "Under- ing in that capacity? On Jan. 1, along with friends that night taker Colville of O'Callahan un- 1910 Glyndon S. Phillips of while his wife was telephoned dertaking room"; the other "the Hammond became Sheriff and for. She reached the 'Burg by remains were removed to the Nilie was once again named Un- train in the morning and by that McGillis morgue and in the af- der Sheriff During the next year time Nilie had been taken to the ternoon taken to his father's in he worked on several high-pro- hospital. Soon after her arrival DeKalb." file cases. In the summer of 191 1 there, he went into convulsions he spent much time investigat- and died immediately of "heart Handsome is as Handsome ing "an Italian murder case," as failure," as one obituary men- Does the papers termed it. tions. At any rate, at the age of 38 Nilie had had notable local Later news reports told that The extensive accounts in lodges association as he was ini- the evening of July 25 a "stab- Ogdensburg and Canton vary on tiated into Hermon's Lodge #500 bing affray occurred in an Ital- so many points it has been diffi- of the Free and Accepted Masons ian shack near the filtration plant cult to get the complete story on Feb. 1, 1905, to Fellow Craft at Ogdensburg during which without a copy ofthe actual death on Feb. 15. He was raised to Thomas Peretine of Rome was fatally stabbed with a knife by Behold St. Lawrence set in mourning- Just a little while to linger another Italian, Aurelio Capone. And you too will fall asleep. Peretine died on Wednesday. Mourning o'er one bravest son; Stricken in the heat of battle 1 District Attorney Crapser and When victory was nearly won. Now the moon's pale light is gleaming Asst. D. A. James C. Doland held O'er a hillock cold and bare; a hearing that week, Friday and ilie Hyland brave and generous Underneath a warrior's sleeping, Saturday. Peretine had been the Sweetly sleeping free from care. storekeeper at the filtration works. Capone, 26, escaped and Weep not kindred of Sir Hyland- was last seen walking south on Weep not thou his widowed wife. the New York Central tracks." Born and reared in Hermon village Not in shame, but stainless honor All his boyhood was beloved; He lay down his useful life. On Friday Aug. 4, Doland and Snows will come and Springtime's sunsl U. S. Deputy Marshall E.C.J. And the many friends who miss him Hope to meet him up above. Flowers bloom and fade away, Smith met with Hyland in While he's resting, silent sleeping Ogdensburg. They were report- Waiting for the coming day. edly sitting on the Seymour Thinking o'er his work one evening Of a lovely summers' day; House verandah discussing the Till he hears the Saviour calling, case, when Hyland "in his usual The Angel Death approached him Saying, "You must come this way!" Calling him in loving tone; robust health" suddenly said he "Come ye blessed of my Father, was feeling ill.
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