1922-1 948 Part A – SIDEMAN IN THE STUDIOS Notes about Part A 1921/1922* In this first section I have attempted to compile all of Ory‟s June early recordings from 1922 to 1928. Mostly, these were as a Recording for the Spikes brother‟s Sunshine Records at the Nordskog Record sideman, with only the initial Nordskog/Sunshine session ever Company, Santa Monica, Los Angeles. appearing under his name. The band (or vocalist‟s) name that heads each entry is the one which appeared on the original SPIKES' SEVEN PODS OF PEPPER ORCHESTRA** label. In the previous editions of this discography I included all Mutt Carey, tpt. Fred Washington, pno. Kid Ory, tbn. Ed Garland, sbs. formats (78s, 45s, EPs, LPs, cassettes, videos and CDs). Dink Johnson, clt. Ben Borders, drs. However, in this current volume I have limited the entries to the original issue (whether 78 or other format) and CDs. 3009A*** ORY'S CREOLE TROMBONE In this section I have omitted any recordings that others have 3009B SOCIETY BLUES proposed to feature Ory, but do not sound like Ory to me! ROBERTA DUDLEY In some cases the trombone player that have been suggested Roberta Dudley, vcl; Orchestral accompaniment. have included John Thomas, Henry Clark, Roy Palmer, Al Wynn, 3007A KROOKED BLUES Geechy Fields and Charlie Green. These are just six of the many muscians identified as Ory. 3007B WHEN YOU'RE ALONE BLUES Further details can be found in Part G „Non Ory and Is it Ory?‟ RUTH LEE Ruth Lee, vcl; Orchestral accompaniment. Sometimes there was more than one take in a recording 3008A MAYBE SOME DAY session and where there is doubt as to which take was used, I have listed the most issued side and marked it with a (?). 3008B THAT SWEET SOMETHING DEAR 78**** A selection of notes, quotes, anecdotes and illustrations has 3009A & 3009B been included to lighten the pages of numbers and letters! Nordskog 3009, 5001 (reissued 1st September 1951), Sunshine 3003 3007A & 3007B Nordskog 3007, Sunshine 3001 3008A & 3008B Nordskog 3008, Sunshine 3002 Part A – SIDEMAN IN THE STUDIOS CD 3009A & 3009B Quote ASV(E) CDAJA5148 “I met with Kid Ory and his band at a nightspot to arrange for Ory‟s first 3009A recordings in 1922. The date was set for 8.00am the next morning. „How should Best of Jazz (F) 4023, History(Is) 20.30131, Charly(E) CDGR 180-2, Rhino we dress‟ asked Ory, „Tux!‟ cried his trumpet player. Sure enough, came Ory in R2 75872, Upbeat(E) URCD187, Quadromania(G) 222466, Membran(G) his tuxedo at 8.00am sharp, just ahead of the milkman, to play into the horns that 221981-306 could not see, and to no end of kidding by his fellow players”. 3009B Jazz Greats(E) CD070 Arne Andrae Nordskog, Downbeat, 10th August 1951 3009A, 3009B, 3007A & 3007B Hot „n Sweet(F) 152222, EPM (F) 159212 3007A, 3007B 3008A &3008B Document(Au) DOCD-5470 All on Document(Au) DOCD-1002, Classics (F) 1069, Archeophone ARCH OTR- MM10-C1***** Notes: * Robert A Nordskog (son of Arne Nordskog, founder of the record company), in an interview with Floyd Levin in 1990 claims the above was recorded in 1921, however the label on Nordskog 5001, the 1951 reissue states " This is an electrical reproduction from the original mechanical recording made by Nordskog in 1922". ** As “Ory‟s Sunshine Orchestra” on the Sunshine issues, but is misspelt “Ory‟s Sunshinne Orchestra” on some labels. *** These are not matrix numbers, but Nordskog‟s stock numbers, which are embossed in the wax. **** Recent research by Brad Kay of Venice, CA suggests that these sound better played at 85.3 r.p.m. *****The Archeophone CD has interviews with Ory and his daughter Babette Part A – SIDEMAN IN THE STUDIOS Part A – SIDEMAN IN THE STUDIOS 9485 Allegro CRG218061, Bella Musica(G) BM14.4032, Castle Communications(E) 1925 MACCD 167, Giants of Jazz(I) CD0242, CD53001, CDB1205(CD X 3 set), Fri 12th November Goldies(P) GLD63308, History(Is) 20.3002, It‟s Music(G) 22718, Jazzmen(G) Recording for The Okeh Phonograph Corporation, Chicago. 625-50-013, Laserlight 15721, SOHO(G) CD020, Universe(G) UNI107, ASV(E) CDAJA5252. LOUIS ARMSTRONG AND HIS HOT FIVE 9486 Louis Armstrong, cor,sp-1 Lil Armstrong, pno. Columbia C4K57156(CD X 4 Set), Bellaphon(G) 625.50.018, Avid(E) AVC541, Kid Ory, tbn,sp-1 Johnny St. Cyr, bjo. Best of Jazz (F) 4023, Charly(E) QBCD 14, Columbia C4K57176, Columbia Johnny Dodds, clt. C4K63527, Columbia(Eu)504506-2, Goldies GLD25312-1-3(CD X 3 Set), History (Is) 20.30131, Jazz Kings(F) 7243 8508672 4, Jazzmen(G) 625-50- 9484-A MY HEART 018, Makin‟ Friends(G) 74321 14166 2, Membran(G) 221981-306, Naxos(Eu) 8.120541, Radio France(F) 211752, Retro(E) R2CD4004, Universe(G) 9485-A YES! I'M IN THE BARREL UNI107. 9484 & 9485 9486-A GUT BUCKET BLUES -1 Bellaphon(G) 625.50.013, Columbia CK463527, SME Records(Jap) SRCS- 8995. 78 9484 & 9486 9484 Déjà vu(It) D2CD04, Retro(It) R2CD 40-04. Okeh 8320 9485 & 9486 9485 & 9486 Allegro CRG218061, Avid(E) AVC541, CeDe International CD66012, Okeh 8261 Classics(F) 600, Recall(E) SMDCD 397, Signature 2063, World Star Collection(G) WSC 99012. CD All on 9484 4 Ever Records(Eu) CD910002, JSP(E) JSPCD312, CBS(Eu) 460821 2, CBS(Eu) 460821 2, Charly Le Jazz(G) CD DIG 17, Columbia CK44049 & Charly(E) CDDIG17(CD X 4 Set), Charly Le Jazz(G) CD DIG 17, Columbia CK463527, Columbia River Entertainment CRG1155, CRG212002, Definitive CK44049, Classics(F) 600, Recording Arts(I) JZCD324, CBS(Eu) 460821-2, Records(And) DRCD 11178, Déjà vu(It) D2CD04, EMI(F) 781083 2 (Jap) (Eu)467278.2(CD X 3 set), Columbia River Entertainment CRG1155, TOCJ-5221, History(G) 204513 204514 205300 205301, Jazzmen(G) 625-50- Columbia River Entertainment CRG212002, Definitive Records(And) DRCD 004, Jazzterdays 102416, JSP(E) CD312, King Jazz(It) KJ146FS, Masters of 11178, EMI(F) 781083 2, EMI(Jap) TOCJ-5221, History(G) 204513, Jazz(F) NJCD 162, Membran(G) 220766 & 221988, Mondo Musica(It) MMJ History(G) 204514, History(G) 205300, History(G) 205301, Jazzterdays 88100, Newsound 2000(E) NST024, NSTBX420, Nota Blue(It) 9407230, Past JTD102416, Jazztime(F) 781083.2, JSP(E) CD312, King Jazz(I) KJ146FS, Perfect(G) 204529 & 204530, Recording Arts(It) JZCD 324, Retro(It) R2CD Masters of Jazz(F) NJCD 162, Newsound 2000(E) NST024, NSTBX420, Nota 40-04, SME Records(Jap) SRCS-8995, Sony Jazz CK86999, Weton(Eu) LA20, Blue(It) 9407230, Past Perfect(G) 204529 & 204530, Recording Arts(It) JZCD LA005. 324, Sony Jazz CK86999, Weton(Eu) LA20 & LA005. Part A – SIDEMAN IN THE STUDIOS Quote “We didn‟t rehearse much on those records with Louis. We rehearsed right in the studio before we started. If we were going to do eight 1926 numbers we would start about 45 minutes, an hour at the most, with the Mon 22nd February whole numbers”. Recording for Okeh, Chicago Kid Ory interview, Bill Russell, „New Orleans Style‟ LOUIS ARMSTRONG AND HIS HOT FIVE Louis Armstrong, cor Lil Armstrong, pno Kid Ory, tbn Johnny St. Cyr, bjo Johnny Dodds, clt, alt 9503-A COME BACK SWEET PAPA 78 9503-A Okeh 8318 CD 9503-A 4 Ever Records(Eu) CD910002, JSP(E) JSPCD312, Bellaphon(G) 625.50.018, CBS(Eu) 460821-2, 467278-2(CD X 3 set), Charly(E) CDDIG17(CD X 4 Set), Classics(F) 600, Columbia CK44049, C4K63527, (G) 472092 2, (BRZ) 721022, Columbia River Entertainment CRG1155 & CRG212002, Definitive Records(And) DRCD 11178, EMI(F) 781083 2 & (Jap) TOCJ-5221, Giants of Jazz(F) CD0242, Goldies(P) GLD63308, Goldies GLD25312-1-3(CD X 3 Set), HDC(G) HDJ4033, History(G) 204513, 204514, 205300 & 205301, History (Is) 20.3002, Jazz Time(F) 781083.2, It‟s Music(G) 22718, Jazzmen(G) 625- 50-018, Jazzterdays(?) JTD102416, JSP(E) CD312, King Jazz(I) KJ146FS, Laserlight 15721, Masters of Jazz(F) NJCD 162, Membran(G) 221981-306, Newsound 2000(E) NST024 &NSTBX420, Nota Blue(It) 9407230, Past Perfect(G) 204529 & 204530, Sony Jazz CK86999, Weton(Eu) LA20 & LA005, World Star Collection(G) WSC 99012. Part A – SIDEMAN IN THE STUDIOS CD 9533 (Georgia Grind) 1926 Bellaphon(G) 625.50.004, Columbia CK463527, Giants of Jazz(I) CD0242, Fri 26th February CD53001, CDB1205(CD X 3 set), Charly(E) CDDIG17(CD X 4 set), Fremeaux Recording for Okeh, Chicago (F) FA201, 230, Jazzmen(G) 625-50-004, Mondo Musica(It) MMJ 88100, 9534 (Heebie Jeebies) LOUIS ARMSTRONG AND HIS HOT FIVE ASV(E) CDAJA5171, Bellaphon(G) 625.50.009, Classic Jazz Collection(E) Louis Armstrong, cor,vcl-1 Lil Armstrong, pno,vcl-2 JAZCD001, Columbia CK64613, C4K57156(CD X 4 set), CK86539, Kid Ory, tbn Johnny St. Cyr, bjo (Eu)501030-2 & (Eu)508604-2, Crown Collection(E) CWNCD2028, Retro(E) Johnny Dodds, clt R2CD4004, Falcon Neue Nedien(G) 3405 3407, FA 230 - CDx2 Set, HDC(G) HDJ4033, Milan/Universal(F) 198265-1, Phontastic(Sd) PHONT CD9308, 9533-A GEORGIA GRIND -1 & 2 Recording Arts(I) JZCD324, SME Records(Jap) SRCS-8995, Sony(E) CK64613, Summit(E) SUMCD 4080, 9534-A HEEBIE JEEBIES -1 9535 (Cornet Chop Suey) ASV(E) CDAJA5171, Avid(E) AVC541, Bella Musica(G) BM14.4032, 9535-A CORNET CHOP SUEY Bellaphon(G) 625.50.009, Best of Jazz(F) 4004, CeDe International CD66012, Charly(E) CDDIG17, Charly(E) CDGR108-2, Classic Jazz Collection(E) 9536-A ORIENTAL STRUT JAZCD001, Columbia CK64613, C4K57156(CD X 4 set), (Eu)504506-2, (BRZ) 721022, Crown Collection(E) CWNCD2028, Disky(F) DCD8001(CD X 2 set), 9537-A YOU'RE NEXT Document(E) 222689, EPM Jazz Archives(F) 158722, Fremeaux(F) FA201, Giants of Jazz(I) CD0242, CD53001, CDB1205, Goldies GLD25312-1-3, 9538-A MUSKRAT RAMBLE History(Is) 20.3002, It‟s Music(G) 22718, Jazz Archive(F) 158132, Jazz Greats(E) CD003, Jazz Portraits(I) CD14530, Jazz Roots(I) CD56010, Marshal 78 Cavendish(E) CD003, Membran(G) 222689-321 & 221988, Milan/Universal(F) 9533 198265-2, Proper(G) EMCD06, Proper(E) R2CD4088, Radio France(F) Okeh 8318 211752, Recording Arts(I) JZCD324, Retro(E) R2CD4004, Sony(E) 64613, 9534 Universe UN1017, World Star Collection(G) WSC 99012.
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