THE 1 9 5 9 ASKLEPIEION PRESENTS • the second edition of your annual-<lepicting the life at 1he University of Tennessee Medical Units at Memphis, Tennessee. The ASKLEPIEION, as it was called by the Gre<!ks, was a temple al Memphis, Egypt. erected in honor of the famous Egyptian physician-Imhotep. Just as the Medical Units at Memphis. Tennessee, this temple was an oul.!.tanding center for the study and practice of the he3IU1g arts. So the ASKLEPIEION is a most appropriate name for our yearbook. It is symbolic of the preparation we must go through to enter our professions. We of today have bmefiUed tremendously by the steady, sometimes spectacular, progress of knowledge of the healing arts from the most ancient times. Likewise as we gain knowledge it is our duty to further progress that body of Information. MEDIC ENE ....,, '' -' -" ... ..... ,, ~ . ' \ ' ' : ;~~--~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ PHARMACY z ~ NURSING BIOLOG CAL SCIENCES ......J MEDICI E ~. llD. DENTISTRY • Th• CoUtg• o( O.ntlstry WU Orpnlud and put inl<> oporation in the City of Nashville in th• y•ar 1878. The school was looated on Mark.i Stttet now the Public Sq...... Afttt th• d-ol the fim -on. the d..,la) col­ leire .,._. taken into the Stat• Unh~ralty and made ...the. dental department of th• Unlvtrsily o( Tel\n... In 1883 th• school rnoved lo largor quartors on Brood Stttet. ConUnued lrowth, howevor, Decessi­ taled funhor mov.. and finally, In order 1o secure still larger facU111 .. for the clinical work. the tc:hool wu moved lo Memphis In 1911, lo a location Conn­ erly occupied by the Y.M.C.A at 177 Union Avenue. In 1915 it wa.s moved to 718 Union Avonuo, Rogers Hall; and In UM9 It wa.s moved lo ha Pteaont loca­ tion at 847 Monroe Avenue. The original laeulty was COlnt>Ot<d or eleven members, headed by Robert Russell, Dean and Pro. lessor of Operative O.ntlstry. El&ht men have aerved as dean of the D<lntal Colloge since Dr. Rus­ aell and prior lo Dr. J omea T. Clnn, the present dean, who was Installed ln 1950 and~ been serving sine• that date. p HAR MACY • The School ol Pharmacy was organU.ed m 1898 at Knoxville u a part of the Chemistry Depanmt'nt. In 1909 lllA! MedtcaJ Department of the University was consolidated With the Medical Departmmt ol th<' University of Nashvtllt' and the School of Pharmacy wu moved from Knoxville IO Nashville where it "-as operated as a Departmt'Rt of Phar­ macy under the Medical Department. In 1911 th<' Board ol Trustees of th" Uni•-enlty remo"ed w Nashvul<' MC'dkal Coll<!ge to Memphis when.- it was eo0>01Jdated "''th th .. Col­ l~ oi Physicians and Surgeons. at which time the School of Phannacy was operatt'd by them. In 1911 and 1912, all pbarmaceulical equ1pm"'1t was moved to ~f('mphls and the Pharmacy School was then operat('d as a separate xhool Crom the medical colJ<!ge. In 1914 th<! School was recogni.ied by the New York Board of Regents. and in 1924, it was recognized by the Amencan Association of Colleges ol Pharmacy and upon personal In­ spection became a Cull memb<!r. The School ls accredited by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education. N u R s I N G • The University of Tennessee School of Nursing was established in 1898 as the Memphis General Hospital School of Nurslnc. Jn 1926 th" University of Tennessee School of Nursing cam" Into b<ina through a rontractural arrangement between the University and the Memphis Gen=l Hospital. The School became an autonomous Wilt within the University in 1949 and the prognm leading to the desrtt of Bachelor of Scien4'e in Nursing was esi.bUshed In Scptemb<r 1950. The School of Nursing is approved by the Tennessee Board ol Nurs­ ing. G.raduale$ may be admit1'!<1 lo the examinaUons for Ueense to practice as registered nurses, (R.N.). • The School o( 81oloe1e:al Sc••nc~ v.h1<h '""' J an 1928. cONbb ol fivt DavQtOns 01\t• I l.iC>fl o( Anatomy. 01\'UUOn or Cheml!!itr). 01\'"'1on or Pathology and M1<rob1ol~. OJ\'lsion of Pharm.­ I colollY; and D1v.,.1on ol Phy510I011Y Studeni.. of ...-v­ "'•i prol..,.lonal ...,hools and college. which eom- J 1>1 ~t· l.hfl ~1edical Units rtt<'l\'4! theu ~a.: K1tn1.·e - 1n.lll'lh,:llon In lhc~ Otvl.~tons. A. lirnltcd numbe1 or qualafied t.t vd~nts .,. •d· mlttl'<I to the Craduat• School Craduat<• •tudy 1n ~' tho School ol Bloloa•<OI Sc1ene<> muy l~ad to th• Miuter ol Sclrooe degree ond th• degree of Doctor ;:.;, " . or Philo"°phy The '..chool, 1n its eonduct of itradu­ • t<' a.tudent tralnlnJ. opc1at<"• •s un t·xtcn~ton of o-· tho Collea• of Liberal Ari.. of tho Uru'"''">' and , BIOLOGICAL un~r genco·al dh1'cuon of the Craduoto School ... , 0 .· s c I E N c E s Tho Dean and li\'C Chief• of 01v.. 1ons of th< School of B1oloR1cnl Sc1cnCC'• arc m•mber. of th~ F'"<uh)' Counoib ol th• 1<>voral profe<~onal C'OI• lcgca and ochools ,_ 5 THE ADMINISTRATION DR. 0 . W. ttntAN Vice-President of the Unive.nhy in Charre of the Medical Units - WALI..AC'E ti MAYTOS, .IL OIOat t:Kl~'Kl.1. Anotomy c,.,.,,,,,.._,, ... ,...,.,. o''"'""'· r.Mk lk&.U-' Olrtttor. P91itfrMWatt Dt,.l19Mnl OR ROLA 'iO n. AU>L' UH J()ff' L. \\ 000 l ..Wf •I ""' 01\'S.a C:hHf of 1~ Ohba.• i\ 0 j\ f 1 I S TR ATION D 1 v I s I 0 NS O F I N STR UCT C O N • MJSS &MlLY H Mt"ct.fltOY Ub-rariaa F J )10,'TGO\tt.JCY 1'01holo1!' ,.nJ lli~'obiolo1 1 Olrttler of SltMlt'nl "' tlfar~ OR DOUGLAS II. SPKlt!\. r Ch~t of U1t Ol\'blor1 l'hnr1uotolo•Y OK flODUtT A \\ OOOBUR \' c. h lt!f of 01.- l>h ltlc:11t I C. Q . TIPTON Ph~"1iolo•1· M lS.S K.A"" A ST A NLEY AdmllllRr•tlve l\.u-lstanl OR J . P . QUIGl..EY DR''"'' I'"'"' tJtA.SK Tt;UJS ......... &. lht: Vlire-Pret.ilknt C'll~f of tM Oh b:loa Cllkol of ta.. Ol\Won I I 1, I • 01,,,,.,,,c.• •,., c,,,.""o1,,.,. ,,.,,;.,,1c.1 Ceneral O~ntl11rr O~retiu Denliatry OR. llAKOLO ... TllO)IAS OR• .IAl\olES T . AN"DR.6"'$ OJI PHILIP C. SCtUtCJ(]t DK.. r. THOMAS Mll'CH£LI. Chttf of lh~ Dlvt"~" Chll'f or lhe OhU'" thkf ., tk Dl\Wff Chlf'f ol lhf' Olvl:1~n DIVISIONS 0 F I NST R UCT IO N Orol M edicine anfl. SMr1rry,. oa. "'lLLIAM tt. JO&,.U;Y Ac-line CltJd of the Dlrisloel 01.. H.UWEU. WU.SOS Plt•rn•«o«no.r ),,. Cllkf or die D~~ OK AUlt)tT H "•l.'SICK rrttefttl-r,. Vffict11,. Ctlkf of Ow Oh1U.. Da. UL~a\• PACKt:.a CMe-f et UM Dt'f..,... ,.,,,,,.. Crow,., Brid&"· anfl p #tar m OC)' ,.,.. ,,,,~,~ l),,.,.,,. ,,.,.,,.,. •, . Perti•l o,.,.,,.,,. Pro.tltrai• OL SEl..DOS' D. t--.:CRT '\tlC\S Rt.,."Tlf 'o'rtL '\IURR\ O&. •A&TOS 1... \ilc(i.llut C'hkf ., lk Ol'"l'"- OR. THOMAS IL M£Al>O\\'S Ch.kl ., tM Dl.-W.. Acdq CWd .. lht Oh-... 0.kot of lhe Oh W.. • C L A S S E S , 7 I The University ol Tenn- Medical School is the largest m the Uruted States, presently ha''"'I an enrollment ol 632 students. It has the unique leatu"' of betni operated on a quarter system under wluch a class IS graduated lour times a year. The achoo! IS under the dinet1on ol Or. M. K. Callison. I The first two yean or the curriculum com­ prise the pre-clinical yean with inSlt\Jcllon m the basic sciences. Followina are the third and I fourth yean, the clmical yean, devoted lo lur­ I"\ ther instruction plus actual clinical patient ex­ ll ' ... perience. The main University teaching hos­ pital is the John Gaston, which has 566 beds. The school is also associated with five other hospitals 111 the Medica.1 Center supplying lur­ ther experience lo the Junior and Senior stu­ dents. l • r .' I I College of Medicine I I :__ Medical Graduates Medical Graduates Fin! Row: First Row: DONALO ALBERT FRANK, Preoidf1\t Lake Villiige, Ark. HERBERT JON&S La Grange, Tenn. ELLIOTT N. FORTESCUE, V~e - Pru!d•n< Alcoa, Tenn. 0 . JAMES H. MILLARD, JR. Maryville, Tenn. DOY L. FREEL.AND, S•cr•14rv Bruceton, Tenn. HAROLD E. MITZELFELT Nashville, Tenn. 5->nd Row: Stto.nd Row: WILLIAM NESSET HOF, JR. Kamas City, Mo. ELBERT C. CUNNINCHAM, Tre.,.rer Oak Ridge, Tenn. FRIDTJOF E. NUSSBAUMER Clarksville, Tenn. RICHARD E. AKERS West Point, Miss. JOHN H. OV&RALL, JR. Manch~ttr, Tenn. JAMES W. BERNARD Caruthersvillt, Mo. Third Row: JAMES H. PEOPLES Bristol, Tenn. 'niitd Row: HOWARD C. POMEROY Nashville, Tenn. NATHAN U'.Su& BURl<BARIYI'. JR. Knoxville, Tenn. JULIAN L. RAGSDALE Memphis. Tenn. EUCENE C. CAPPS Waverly, Ttnn. ALBERT H. CHAVANNES Knoxville, Tenn. Fourth Row: CARL B. RANKIN Monllcello, Ky. Fourtll Row: JERRY B. ROGERS Fountain City, Tenn. RUFUS R. CLIFFORD, JR. Lawrenceburg. Tenn. JOSEPH P. ROWLAND GrcenvUte, N. C. BILLY LANIER COUCH Humboldt, Tenn. CULVER C. CRADDOCJ< Memphis, Ttnn. f iflb Row: WILLIAM BRUCE SANDERS Greenwood, l.1iss. A. BARNETT SCOT!' Humboldt, Tenn. firth Row: JOHN D. SMOOT Knoxville, Tenn.
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