This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu April 8, 1994 TO: SENATOR DOLE FROM: MARCIE ADLER RE: BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA EVENT HOSTED BY BILL & LINDA DANIELS RE: ELIEHUE & NANCY BRUNSON ELIEHUE BRUNSON, FORMER KC REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, HAS ADVISED ME THAT HE IS ATTENDING THIS EVENT AND HAS OFFERED TO HELP US IN THE ALABAMA AREA. (I'M SENDING THAT INFO TO C.A.) ELIEHUE WAS APPOINTED BY PRESIDENT BUSH AND DROVE MRS. DOLE DURING THE JOB CORPS CENTER DEDICATION IN MANHATTAN. ALTHOUGH LOW-KEY, HE DID WATCH OUT FOR OUR INTERESTS DURING THE JOB CORPS COMPLETION. HE ALSO DEFUSED A POTENTIAL RACIALLY SENSITIVE SITUATION IN KCK WHEN GALE AND I WERE STUMPED AND CALLED HIM FOR ADVICE. ELIEHUE AND NANCY MOVED TO BIRMINGHAM AFTER TCI - COMMUNICATIONS HIRED HIM TO SERVE AS REGIONAL GENERAL COUNSEL. YOUR LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION WAS A KEY FACTOR IN HIS HIRE. Page 1 of 55 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 111 AP 04-08-94 12:06 EST 29 Lines. Copyright 1994. All rights reserved. PM-AL-ELN--Governor-James,200< URGENT< Fob James to Run for Governor Again as Republican< BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) Former Gov. Fob James decided toda to make a fourth bid fo s a Re ublican. Jack Williams, executive director of the Republican Legislative Caucus and chairman of the Draft Fob James Committee, said James would qualify at 3 p.m. today at the State Republicans Headquarters in Birmingham. James, a millionaire businessman, was originally a Republican. but s wit c nea to the Democrat ic Party in 1978 to run r or governor. He won the race by beating three o f Alabama's best - known politicians: Bill Baxley, Albert Brewer and Jere Beasley. James ran again for governor in 1986 and 1990, but finished third in the Democratic primary both times. A Mason-Dixon Political-Media Research poll last week showed James would be the leading candidate at this point for the Republican nomination if he decided to enter the race. Without him in the race, Montgomery businessman Winton Blount and state Sen. Ann Bedsole of Mobile were the leading GOP candidates, the poll said. Other Republicans who have announced for the governor's race are Donald Champion of Millbrook, Mickey Kirkland of Montgomery, and Robin Swift of Atmore. Page 2 of 55 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Enclosed you will find the following: o A selection of Chairman Peters radio addresses o Bio on Rep. Spencer Bachus o Bio on Perry Hooper, Sr. o List of possible gubernatorial candidates o Evans-Novak Outlook on Governors' '94 o List of attendees o News clips o Bio on AL GOP leadership o AL DFP with note from Ann Bedsole campaign o District map Page 3 of 55 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu April 8, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO THE LEADER FROM: SUZANNE HELLMANN .£11 RE: ALABAMA ISSUES OF CONCERN o GOP polls show education to be the number one issue. o Crime is the #2 concern for Alabama residents. o Purpose of the GOP rally is to put fire into the Republican party for the 1994 races. o Republicans have a good shot at electing Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. o The Alabama GOP has requested that you mention Judge Perry Hooper in your remarks (bio enclosed) . He is the GOP candidate for Chief Justice of the Alabama supreme Court and is also National Committeeman and has been in that position since 1972. Hooper has no primary opposition. o Rep. Spencer Bachus will be attending the rally and introducing you (bio enclosed) . At this time he has no primary or general opposition. This is also the case for Reps. Sonny Callahan and Terry Everett -- however, they will not be attending the events. (NOTE: filing deadline is 5:00 PM Friday, April 8) o Chairman Elbert Peters was appointed as Chair when Spencer Bauchus decided to run for Congress in 1992. Peters upset many in the Party who had been working hard to change their image when he charged that then Governor Hunt was not given a fair trial because he did not have a jury of his peers - instead they consisted of "women and blacks." Mary Gant at the time served as Senior Vice Chairman but had to leave that position out of her anger towards Peters. (See more under LA DFP) . Page 4 of 55 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu GUBERNATORIAL RACE Filing deadline: April 8 Primary: June 7 o There are three-five potential GOP candidates for Governor. Republicans have reason to believe they can win this race (see enclosed poll which shows Gov. Folsom with less than 50% in head-to-head with GOP candidates) . o Former Governor Fob James (Democrat turned Republican) was lobbied by Chairman Peters to run for Governor and has decided to run and has qualified. This apparent backing of Fob James by the seated Chairman of the State GOP has the other gubernatorial candidates a bit upset. Be aware that Peters and Hooper may hope to have you say some words of approval for James -- doing so would obviously hurt the other primary candidates. o Gov. Folsom (D) is almost certain to have a primary -- Paul Hubbert, President of the Alabama Education Association and '90 candidate, has announced. Page 5 of 55 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu State Legislators House: Republicans 23 Democrats 82 Senate: Republicans 8 Democrats 27 1992 Presidential vote (2nd highest for Pres. Bush in nation) Bush 47.9% Clinton 41.1 Perot 10.9 Page 6 of 55 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu ··--"' ALABAKA R)t!~UBLICAN PA.RTY Embargoed until Contact: Mike Burton 7:01 a.m. March 5, 1994 (205)324-1990 BAHD-PIORBRS AT XT AGAIN P~~ERS WlUlNS J. Elbert. Petei.-s, Republican St<:ite Chairman, warnQd Alabamians Saturday to beware of the Democrat Party's most recent effort to hand-pick candlddL~s against the wishes of Alabama voters. ln his weekly radio ~tlur~ss, Peters accused Attorney Ceneral Jimmy Evans and State Supreme court Chief Justice Sonny Hornsby of conspiring with black politioal leaders and the p1aintiff trj~l lawyers to keep control of th~ Alabama Supreme court in the hands of plaintitt trial lawyers. 11 Peters noted that Evans recen'tly announced d "settlement of a lawsuit brought by Joe Reed's Alabama Democratic Conference. Reed sued to have. two positions tha.'t were creat.e'1 several ye~:i:-s ago on the State Supreme Court void~d because the lawsuit claimed the positions were not cleared by the U.S. Justice Department. In the settlement proposed by Jinuny Evans, judges on the supreme Court, the court of Criminal Appeals and the Court of Civil Appeals up for election or re-election this year would not be affected. Before the next elections, however, the Gov~rnor would be required to appoint two blacks to the Court of Criminal Appeals, two blacks to the Court of Civil Appeals and one additional black judge to t.he Suprem~ Court, which already has one black justice. 0 This ~o-called 11 s:P.t-.tl A.manttt looks and smells like a "sell out1' with Jimmy Evans and Chief Justice Sonny Hornsby as the head ~alccmen. This proposed s~tt. 1"1rnP.n't: is just another backroom deal by Alabama Democrats," Peters· said. The Republican Party Chairman said the best tonic for what Evans and the other hand-pickarG aro t:ryin9 t .o no i.s to vote for Republicans on the three appeals courts and take control away from the wheeling und dealing Democrats. ··-.-'' PO Box 320800 • Hirmingham , AL 35232 I 2.94.0 UazrmonJ At't'nUP • Eirmingham, AL 35205 I (205J .121 - 19.90 • FAX (205) 334 -0682 Page 7 of 55 GlJ d 17 0 0 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Embarqoed until E contact; Mike Burton 7:01 AM, Maren i 2, l994 F9 ' \.... (205) 324-1990 PETERS ACCUSES TRIAL LAWYERS OF ATTEMPTING TO BUY COURTS Birmingham, >.labama---.J. El.:bert Peters, r.hairman of the Alabama R~publican Party, said in his weekly radio aaclress today that r e cent campaign contri.ou.t.1.ons receivod hy Democrat supreme Court jud~P-s shows that Alabama's coutts are bought and paid for by trial lawyers. "When more than two-thirds of a jud9o's campaiqn money comes from trial lawyers, quess who's go1ng to have the most in!luence witn that judge?'' Peters said. "'l'hat'' 5 right, the lctwyer." Peters said the almost total destruc;,;tion of Alabama's "Tort Reform" l~ws, whinh were designed to end outrageous multi-million dollar verdicts in civil lawsuits, prove~ that the GtatR supreme court is controlled hy the plaintiff trial lawyers. "If tho qood citizens of this state are to ever again see a balanced judicial system in Al.abam"', they mu~t rP.place these liberal pro-plaintiff trial lawyer judges with good Republican judges who will stop the liberal interprt!tation of our i::ta.te law," Pet~rs said.
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