HELMHOLTZ – WE DO RESEARCH FOR PEOPLE ANNUAL REPORT 2011 THE HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION OF GERMAN RESEARCH CENTRES TABLE OF CONTENTS HELMHOLTZ – WE DO RESEARCH FOR PEOPLE 04 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 05 PARTNER IN THE JOINT INITIATIVE FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 11 Research FIELD Energy 15 Goals and challenges, research programmes, examples of current research Research FIELD Earth AND Environment 23 Goals and challenges, research programmes, examples of current research Research FIELD Health 31 Goals and challenges, research programmes, examples of current research Research FIELD AERONAUTICS, SPACE AND TRANSPORT 41 Goals and challenges, research programmes, examples of current research Research FIELD KEy TECHNOLOGIES 47 Goals and challenges, research programmes, examples of current research Research FIELD STRUCTURE OF MATTER 55 Goals and challenges, research programmes, examples of current research THE HELMHOLTZ ASSOCIATION IN FACTS AND FIGURES 63 Performance Record 64 Programme-Oriented Funding 67 Costs and Staff 2010 68 Science Awards 2010/2011 71 Central Bodies 72 Helmholtz Association Governance Structure 75 Member Centres of the Helmholtz Association 76 Locations of the Research Centres 78 PLEASE NOTE: The Helmholtz Annual Report 2011 shows the actual costs of research in 2010 and the financing of research programmes as recommended by the Helmholtz Senate for 2009 to 2013 in the research fields Earth and Environment, Health, and Aeronautics, Space and Transport. It also presents the financing recommendations for the programme period 2010 to 2014 for the research fields Energy, Key Technologies and Structure of Matter. The general section of the report presents developments at the Helmholtz Association from 2010 to August 2011. We contribute to solving the major and pressing problems facing society, science and industry today by conducting high-level research in the strategic programmes within our six research fields: Energy, Earth and Environment, Health, Key Technologies, the Structure of Matter, and Aeronautics, Space and Transport. We research highly complex systems using our large-scale facilities and scientific infrastructure in cooperation with national and international partners. We are committed to shaping our shared future by combining research and technological developments with innovative app lications and prevention strategies. This is our mission. 03 WE DO RESEARCH FOR PEOPLE Professor Jürgen Mlynek Dear Readers, The Helmholtz Association focuses its research strategy This annual report is designed to inform you about de- on the most pressing problems and challenges of the day. velopments, projects and achievements at the Helmholtz We do research for people. This motto applies not only to Association. We have made a conscious decision to keep our research in the area of health, where we investigate it short in order to provide you with a quick overview. You the causes and mechanisms of major common diseases, can read our annual report as an online magazine and on but also to our other five research fields, which range all modern mobile devices. from energy to fundamental questions about the struc- ture of matter. Research deepens our understanding of I wish you a stimulating read, nature and enables us to conserve and wisely use re- sources such as water, the atmosphere, soil, energy and raw materials as a means of ensuring prosperity and qual- ity of life over the long term. With its strategically based, solutions-oriented research, the Helmholtz Association is making an important contribution to achieving these goals. Jürgen Mlynek, President 04 Helmholtz researchers are seeking to identify new active pharmaceutical ingredients and improve them for future patients. Thanks to this research, patients are benefiting more quickly from new findings. Photo: HZI/U. Bellhäuser PRESIDENT’S REPORT Over the past year, the Helmholtz Association has grown the expertise of German researchers with regard to major dynamically, strengthened its profile and continued to common diseases. Our research agenda is focusing on increase its visibility. These developments reflect the these and other issues that will become increasingly vital Helmholtz Association’s importance and mission as an as we move into the future. We are also working to ensure umbrella organisation of national research centres in the strategic relevance and scientific excellence of Helm- Germany. Helmholtz research deals with pressing prob- holtz research through the competitive process of pro- lems and complex challenges and seeks to develop ef- gramme-oriented funding. Our entire core budget of more fective solutions. A prime than two billion euros will example of such a challenge be awarded on the basis of is the pending transform- We are working to ensure the strategic this process, with the rele- ation of the energy economy, relevance and scientific excellence of vant research programmes for which Helmholtz energy Helmholtz research through the competitive coming under review at five- research will provide an im- process of programme-oriented funding. year intervals. Together with portant underpinning. We are our funding bodies, we have also facing major challenges examined and enhanced in the field of health research. In ageing societies such as this process over the last year (“Programme-Oriented ours, the percentage of the population in need of medical Funding III”). We have retained the basic features of a assistance will continue to grow and, as a result, we need method that has proved highly successful as a whole, but to conduct goal-oriented research in order to develop ef- adapted individual stages to the new conditions emerging fective preventative measures, new diagnostic procedures in the world of scientific research. and options for treatment. To this end, the Helmholtz cen- In order to enhance the actual impact of Helmholtz re- tres have been involved in setting up “German Centres search, we have developed visions for the future in all six of Health Research”, whose goal is to pool and increase fields of research as part of a comprehensive portfolio 05 The first PET/MRT scanner to be approved for patients in Germany is based on an innovative technology that integrates two imaging procedures. It enables doctors to perform combined scans of the entire body for medical research. Photo: Helmholtz/ HZDR/F. Bierstedt development process that has involved experts from all the Helmholtz centres. We have also identified a range of DEVELOPMENT OF THE research topics that are closely aligned with our mission and will now be given higher levels of funding. HELMHOLTZ PORTFOLIO At the same time, the infrastructure required for future re- During the year under review, the Helmholtz As- search fields must be planned and built in a timely fashion sociation pressed ahead with the portfolio devel- so that we can conduct research in Germany that is up to opment and foresight processes initiated in indi- international standards. Helmholtz researchers have made vidual fields of research in 2009. Drawing on all strategic preparations for this planning process, drawing the key groups, the association sought to identify up a roadmap that identifies the most important research gaps in research and important future topics in infrastructure. The results are currently being discussed order to strengthen its profile and focus research with funding bodies in the federal government and the fed- even more systematically on pressing issues in eral states. science, industry and society. The results of these Furthermore, after a thorough review, we have expanded processes will provide a foundation for defining and optimised the Initiative and Networking Fund together the orientation of the Helmholtz Association’s with other internal instruments. In the process, the Helm- research agenda in the upcoming third period of holtz Association has made an important contribution to programme-oriented funding. In the initial phase, modernising the German research landscape. a variety of research topics were selected: energy storage/battery research, water research, climate The Helmholtz Association is growing* research, the bioeconomy, active product ingredients Thanks to the higher level of funding and the association’s research and gas separation membranes. new members, we are now in a better position than ever The additional funds made available to the Helmholtz to provide excellent conditions for research and to fulfil Association from the Joint Initiative for Research and our mission. Total funding for fiscal year 2011 – amounting Innovation II have played a special role in the portfolio to 2,203 million euros – grew by 8 percent over fiscal year development and foresight processes. The planned 2010. There are two reasons for this growth: the 5 percent 5 percent increase in the total budget each year will be increase in funding from the Joint Initiative for Research used, among other things, to implement the resulting and Innovation (Pakt für Forschung und Innovation), and the decisions. The Helmholtz Association is aware of its increase in financing levels for special investments (Sonder- special responsibility to use these funds efficiently to tatbestände). An additional factor was the Helmholtz-Zentrum achieve the initiative’s aims. Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), which was transferred to the Helmholtz Association from the Leibniz Association in early g www.helmholtz.de/en/portfolio 2011. The HZDR has a staff of around 800 and a total budget of more than 118 million euros. *See also the chapter “The Helmholtz
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