James D. Richardson Award

James D. Richardson Award

JAMES D. RICHARDSON HONOUR AWARD RECIPIENTS JAMES D. RICHARDSON BEM 1910‐1987 Jim Richardson was one of the most beloved and respected members of Lions in the formative years of the Association in Australia. He served in the Royal Australian Air force during the 1939‐45 world war before establishing himself in the Brunswick ‐ Mullumbimby area of New South Wales. Jim was the second District Governor to be elected in Australia in 1956‐57 and the first Australian to serve as a Director on the International Board of Directors in 1958. He was recognised internationally for his magnificent oratory, which held people spellbound at conventions and gatherings of Lions. The growth of new clubs (fifty‐two) during his year as District Governor was never approached again by any District Governor. The demands he placed upon himself meant that he travelled enormous distances by road so that he could visit all his Clubs, attend to Association and other business, as well as run his hotel with the great support of his wife Pam. Jim suffered a Cerebral Thrombosis whilst attending the International Board meeting in New Orleans in 1959 and although he recovered after a long convalescence, he had lost his capacity to speak. He was never capable of carrying on a conversation or making a speech but continued to work for Lions at club level and attended conventions. James D. Richardson BEM was one of the most dedicated and respected early leaders of Lions in Australia. In recognition of him being our first Australian International Director, the Australian Lions Foundation has instituted the James D Richardson Honour Award. A donation of $500 to the Foundation enables the donor to request this Award for presentation to a worthy recipient. RECIPIENTS OF JAMES D. RICHARDSON HONOUR AWARD 67 Val Wilkerson S1 135 Mark Lee S3 203 Peter Sparnon S3 1 Alan Bryson N3 68 Eric Richards S1 136 Neil De Waele Q2 204 Lyle Bartlett S3 2 Jack W Heatley V5 69 David Cassidy S1 137 John Day S2 205 Harold MacDonald S3 3 Jim Hunter V5 70 Ray Davern Q3 138 Mike Guilfoyle Q2 206 Doreen Johnson V5 4 Gary Dengate N2 71 Bernie Hoy Q3 139 Gordon Bust Q3 207 Reginald Burgess S1 5 Brian Robinson N2 72 Les Kent Q3 140 Frank Scales Q3 208 Reginald J Price Q3 6 A K (Ken) Read S3 73 Phil Mitchell Q3 141 Les Boby Q3 209 Daivd W Doo Q3 7 Colin Orr S3 74 Wally Schwabe Q3 142 George Benson S3 210 Ronald H Scarfe V6 8 Ken Scells Q1 75 George Cox S1 143 George A Olive Q4 211 James W Mackey V6 9 Ted Lowe Q3 76 Dean Scott S1 144 Kevin Parker Q4 212 John McCabe N2 10 A James McLardie S1 77 Ben Gray S1 145 Alan Norman Bray Q4 213 Vic Lamb N2 11 John Higgins V1 78 Grahame Stewart Q3 146 Colin Roy Trickey W1 214 Bob Percival N1 12 Lindsay G Wood V1 79 John Asher Q2 147 Edgar Humphries W1 215 Kevin Smith N1 13 Eric L Hattam V1 80 James H G Douglas V1 148 Pat Christie W1 216 Jim Parsons N1 14 Peter Hill N2 81 Godfrey Maxwell V1 149 Chris Markey W1 217 Harry Brooks N1 15 LC Brunswick Mullumbimby Q1 82 Ken Scampton W1 150 Ken S Searle (Dec) S3 218 Patrick C McKenna Q4 16 Ray (Curly) McClure Q3 83 John Nott N3 151 Robert Morries Stuart Q1 219 Vincent Fitzgerald Q1 17 Elaine MacFarlane S1 84 Graham Biddulph Q4 152 William (Bill) Wedd T1 220 Charles Summers Q1 18 Denis R J Morrissey S1 85 Bruce Robson N5 153 Graham Higgs S1 221 Ronald W Hedger Q1 19 Roy Burr S1 86 Ian Jacob Q1 154 Edmond John Narik S1 222 Alan Carpenter Q4 20 John Brydon N2 87 John Hayes N3 155 John Koster S1 223 Mary Eiseman S3 21 District 201 N2 N2 88 Vincent Millington N3 156 Brian Carter S1 224 Maurice Tanian V2 22 Dick Gailey N5 89 Reginald Weir S3 157 Colin Barrett S1 225 Barney Barritt V2 23 Robert King S1 90 Mal Goff Q4 158 Merv Keenihan S1 226 Bruce Hedgson V2 24 Raymond H Buttery S1 91 Max Ody Q4 159 Colin Kuchel S1 227 George Cooper V1 25 Russell Christofis Q1 92 Wayne Couper Q4 160 John Mertin S1 228 Alan Gloyn S2 26 John Shaw Q4 93 Doug Omond OAM S3 161 Lindsay A McIntyre Q4 229 Ralph J Beare S2 27 Stewart Edgar V1 94 Robert Langley V1 162 Peter Panagaris S2 230 Harry Macklin-Shaw S2 28 John Dallwitz V1 95 Arthur Tuckett V1 163 Albert H Small Q1 231 John R Dyer OAM S2 29 Bill Dunn N2 96 Kenneth Western V1 164 David Wilson Q3 232 William L McCarthy N1 30 LC Inglewood W1 97 George Coppin W1 165 Harold Clancy Q3 233 Bruce Radford V1 31 Tom Moylan W1 98 Graham Arnold Q4 166 George Forsyth N5 234 William Burge V1 32 Dick Arnot V1 99 Bill Hendy Q1 167 Gilbert D Gunthorpe Q1 235 Jack Warnock V3 33 Fred Thorpe Q1 100 Max Lawson Q1 168 Rev Keith Horne S3 236 George Cranwell V1 34 Jack Noonan Q3 101 Geoff Fellows Q1 169 Bert Eade N1 237 Jack Grantham V1 35 Kevin Hodgson S3 102 Dr Keryn Williams S3 170 Stan McKeough N1 238 Graham Angus V5 36 John Balkin Q3 103 Bob McKay Q3 171 John Rooimans N1 239 Bill McAloney V5 37 Rex A Bassey S1 104 John Clive Reynolds N3 172 John Wenke Q4 240 John McCraith V1 38 Amos Downs Q3 105 Lance Gliddon S2 173 Terry Ward Q1 241 Don Hayward Q3 39 Tom Cronin S2 106 Ron Congdon W1 174 Joan Thompson N5 242 Graham Bourchier V4 40 Kevin Tiller S2 107 Duanne Bazzo W1 175 Warren Fox Q3 243 Geoffrey S Stubbs V4 41 John Stevens S3 108 Barry Rothery Q4 176 Jim Lilley Q3 244 Vernon Tedge V4 42 Jack Mordue Q4 109 Ross Francis O'Dea S2 177 Charles Newton Q2 245 Jim Prater V4 43 Clem Kwaterski S2 110 Donald V Keast Q1 178 Mick Broughan V6 246 Nancy Dean V4 44 Harry Barker Q1 111 Robin Randall T1 179 Lance Price Q1 247 Andrea P Pavone V1 45 Stewart Edgar V1 112 Bruce Davis V1 180 James P Ledingham N5 248 David Neil Beyer Q4 46 Joan Grohn Q4 113 Milton Donaldson S1 181 Daniel J Halberstater Q3 249 Will Bauer Q4 47 Max Lawson Q1 114 John Minks S1 182 Bob McKenzie S1 250 Bill Trout Q4 48 Allan Menham Q4 115 Wal Watts S1 183 Kevin Ashelford S1 251 Frank Wright Q4 49 Al O'Connell S2 116 Dr Robert T Steele S1 184 Lou Radin N4 252 Wallace Lodge Q4 50 Neville T Lilley Q3 117 Len Matthews V5 185 Bruce Hennessy N5 253 Rick Sullivan W1 51 Malcolm C Lohse Q3 118 Len Oliver V5 186 Brian Luke N5 254 Norm Innnes W1 52 Fred Burford S2 119 Bruce Banks V1 187 Garth Inglis Q1 255 Bill Dente W1 53 Max Mangelsdorf S2 120 Robin Mitchell V1 188 David G Pearl S3 256 Richard Carter W1 54 Paul Manning S3 121 Fred Peverill V1 189 David R Moller S3 257 Val Knowles W1 55 Marion Hobbs Q3 122 Jean Hicks Q4 190 Don Knowles Q4 258 Graham John Barrett S3 56 Elizabeth Alcock Q3 123 Maurice Anderson Q4 191 Carlene King S2 259 Ivan Carl Walsh Q4 57 Adrian "Mac" McGuiness Q1 124 Brian Nish Q4 192 Ian Drew V4 260 Bert Hooker Q1 58 Doug Emonson V1 125 Des Fleming Q4 193 Damien Jones Q4 261 Lou Hanau Q1 59 Allan Sloan S1 126 Wes Grimshaw Q4 194 John G Fry W2 262 Kevin Hinz Q4 60 Graeme Armstrong Q1 127 Arthur James Nutt W1 195 Elliot M Isaacson S3 263 Alan Miller V1 61 John Odgers V5 128 Barry John Herbert S3 196 Charles Gilmont Q1 264 Doug Souter V1 62 Robert Gatnerum V5 129 Ted Clancy Q4 197 Keith Bowen S2 265 Windsor Choi V1 63 Bob Sigmont V5 130 Lionel Jones (dec) Q1 198 Sally Salotti S1 266 James Goodwin Q4 64 Leo Previtera Q4 131 Steven Comas Q2 199 Eddie Fishers S3 267 Ken Richards V1 65 George McCall Q4 132 Otto Myer S3 200 Keith McEwan S3 268 James M Gibson N3 66 Meryl Barreira S1 133 Gordon Kane (dec) Q2 201 John Jenner S3 269 Eric Draper N2 134 Lotti Semetka N3 202 Trevor Hunt S3 270 Greg Jackson Q2 271 John Allen Q1 365 Douglas James Gorton Q1 459 Bill Rienecker Q1 553 Geoff Heinecke N2 272 Max & Val Little Q1 366 Vorn Waples N3 460 Mick Leedham W1 554 Len Reece - Hoyes Q3 273 Byron White Q1 367 Merv Musch Q1 461 Sandy Varley W1 555 Gordon Connor V5 274 Keith York Q1 368 Lorna Hodgson N3 462 Murray Fletcher W1 556 Herb Warren V5 275 Pam Richardson Q1 369 David Tuckerman OAM N5 463 Frank Mansfield W1 557 Alan Knowles V5 276 Kurt Hubbers Q4 370 Brian Daniels N5 464 Albert Van Gorkom Q4 558 John A E Rann Q1 277 Charlie Fred Walker Q4 371 Bede Long N5 465 Cec Tattam Q1 559 Glenda Howe N3 278 Sidney George Walker Q4 372 Neil Williams N5 466 Keith H Jones S3 560 Anthony Maynard V5 279 Glyn Morgan Jones Q4 373 M J (John) Booth N5 467 Milton H Checker S1 561 John Faircloth Q4 280 Joseph Brian Hodges Q4 374 Roger Sherrington N5 468 Joseph MPritchard S1 562 Lionel Rowe Q4 281 Dennes Thomas S3 375 Neil Groth N5 469 Lorraine Burton V1 563 William S Arnel V3 282 Arthur Paton N2 376 Geoff Cossart N5 470 Joe Clark Q1 564 Peter Seaton W1 283 Norman Brian Sims T1 377 Shirley May Walker Q2 471 Noel James Q1 565 Jack Kenneth Gorely N1 284 Darcy McFadden Q1 378 Herbert Walker Q2 472 Elaine Codrington Q4 566 Elizabeth J Ferguson N2 285 Ellis Austen Q1 379 Iris Anderson Q2 473 Derek Challis V2 567 Ronald Fox Q3 286 Les Clarke Q1 380 Heather Jagerndorff Q2 474 Ross Forrest Q1 568 Graham Cameron V6 287 Alan Clive Price Q4 381 Max Christensen Q1 475 Dot Loveday Q4 569 Ray McColl N3 288 Munir Azmi N5 382 Franz Mairinger N2 476 Phil Wensley V5 570 Noeline Heggart N3 289 John Kelly W1 383 John Johnston N2 477 Ralph Howard N2 571 Alan McKim N3 290 Noel Ryan W1 384 Peret Estreich N2 478 Ronald Trotter N2 572 Ray Thompson N3 291 Ian M Stockdale MBE V3 385 Keith Goodwin N2 479 Bevan Treloar S1 573 Ray Schott Q4 292 Morris J Hutcheson V1 386 Duncan MacLennan N2 480 Jim Mader S1 574 Arthur Luhrs Q4 293 Barry Lyons V1 387 Peter Morrow V6 481 Noel Gully S1 575 Jim McIntosh N3 294 Barbara Miels S3 388 Brian R Kaehne S2 482 Merv Mortimer S1 576 Alan Farley N3 295 Alan Ernest Wickham Q1 389 John G Rodger S2 483 Arthur Shepherd S1 577 Brian M Smith V1 296 John P Imbruglia Q1 390 John Moffat Q1 484 Keith Ackroyd W1 578 Michael F Harkin V1 297 Terrence D Arnold Q1 391 Keith Kent N2 485

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