Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council Animal Resources Development Department Office of the Principal Officer(ARDD) Khumulwng, Jirania, West Tripura, Pin: 799045 NOTICE INVITING TENDER (3'd CAIII FOR SUPPLY OF MURRAH BUFFALO NIT No. Otlz01o DatedllftJ t)lzozo Sealed Tender is hereby invited on behalf of the TTAADC from the reputed, resourceful, Government registered Co-operative Societies/local authorized dealers experienced in supplying good quality livestock, to procure 20 No's Milch Murrah Buffalo along with 20 no's female calves in phase manner. Preference will be given for Milch Murrah Buffalo from productive region of lndia. The details of tender document and its terms and conditions can be seen and downloaded from the website of TTAADC. (or.r.*Wg Principal Officer (ARDD) TTAADC, Khumulwng -t"o-llPapc Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District council Animal Resources Development Department Biddins Document (Certified Copy) os Notice Inv Tender ment o Milch alo No's fe Breedi Department, TTAADC Name of the Department A,-rirnal Resources Development Name of work Procurement of 20 No's Milch Murrah Buffalo along with 20 No's female calves for Buffalo Breeding Farm, Belbari, TTAADC NIT NO. 0rl20ZO Bid Document Published Date & Download 2710112020 0310212020 till 05:00 pm Bid Submission Start Date & End Date and time zuoltzozo at I 1:00 A.M to for Receipt of Hard Copy of Bid Document through Registered/Speed/courier Post only for tender (ARDD)' Tender (Technical & Financial Bid) Receiving Receiving Counter TTAADC; Address O/o the Chief Executive Officer, Khumulwng, Jirania, West TriPura. Bid Opening Date and Time 0410212020 at l1:00 A.M, possible Place of Opening of Bid Office of the Principal Officer (ARDD), TTAADC, Khumulwng, Pin: 799045 along with 20 no's Approximate QuantitY (Number) 20 Nos. Milch Murrah Buffalo female calves Estimated Tender Value Rs. 40.00lakh. only Cost of tender form Rs. 1000/(Rupees One thousand) EMD Rs. 1.00 Lakh (Rupees One Lakh) only Bid Document contains pages excluding cover 0r-l4 nase 2lPage A. DETAIL OF ITEM & TECHNICAL PARAMETERS: I. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM: 'sl. Name of the item Description Quantity Remarks No. Milch Murrah Buffalo: Age: Not more than 4-5 Years of age : Firsti Second lactation The number of Milch Murrah Lactation Buffalo Milch Milk yield: 10-12 litre/day 20 Nos. Milch Buffalo may be 01 with female Buffalo should be disease free, Munah Buffalo with increased or calves vaccinated, de-wormed, good 20 noos female decreased. reproductive health status, Average calves. body weight should be more than 450 Kg and height should be 1.32 meters, Tail should be long reaching uPto fetlock joint with long switch. Calves: Female calf at least age of 3 month and should be disease free, vaccinated and de-wormed. THE ANI 1. Breed: Murrah 2. Type of animal: Milch Munah Buffalo with Calves. 3. Age: Not more than 4-5 years of age for Milch Buffalo & 3 months or above for female calf. 4. Lactation: First/ Second lactation 5. Milk yield: l0-12 litre/day. 6. Health: Good health without any bruises, injuries, skin infection, any deformities etc. 7. Disease status: Apparently free from contagious and infectious diseases. Certification of fitness/health Certificate is required and also the Brucellosis free certificate from registered Veterinary Practitionerl competent authority. 8. Vaccination status: Must be vaccinated against HS, BQ, FMD etc. with necessary certification from Registered Veterinary practitioner' Signed: Date: In the Capacity of Duly authorised to sign this bid for and on behalf Signature &stamp of tender with complete postal address and contact number 3lPage 9. Reproductive health status to be certified by Registered Veterinary Practitioner. supported by 10. Supply shall comprise of good quality high yielding variety as per specification a declaration cerlificate from a registered Veterinary Practitioner on each animals health, reproductive health status, breed, age, body weight recorded by a subject specialist and duly authenticated. vaccination record, lactation yield 1 l. To support with detailed health status, de-worming and etc. duly certified by a registered Veterinary Practitioner' less 12. The Milch Murrah Buffalo to be supplied should have valid insurance coverage for not than l5 (frfteen) on the date of supply' 13. Photograph of Animals to be supplied. B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: l. Bidder must be a Government registered cooperative society I local authorised dealer having experience'in supplying livestock and business dealings with state milk federation/district milk unions/ Govt. Dairies. be 2. Bidder should submit a declaration that the bidder/firm should not banned/blacklisted/temporary suspended by any Government DepartmentlOrganization. 1 8- I 9. J. proof of financial status in the form of ITR for the assessment year 2017 -18 & 201 (Milch animals, calves) to any ',| Bidder should have experience in supply of Livestock Government Department/other Govt, underlaking/Semi Govt. organisation. Photocopies of earlier orders/ certificate from concern agency shall have to be furnished in support of this. code for 5. Bidders should furnish their complete address along with phonei Fax number and STD the purpose of further correspondence pertaining to bidding document Bidder shall also submit PAN/Aadhaar, as applicable as ID proof' 6. The cost of bid documents/ Tender fee & EMD in the shape of "Demand Bank Draft" only issued from any Nationalized Scheduled Bank prepared in favour of "P.O, ARDD, TTAADC' Khumulwng" payable at TGB, Khumulwng, Branch. No other type of deposit will be enteftained. 7. Authentic documentary proof of exemption for non-depositing of Earnest Money/Security deposit should be submitted along with the tender by the central & State Public Sector underraking. Submission of Finance Dept. Memo No. F. 10(19)-FIN(Gy69(P-1) dated, 25'h Sep' l99g will not be treated as valid document in support of their claim for exemption toward non- deposition of Earnest Money/Security deposit. Signed: Date: In the Capacity of Duly authorised to sign this bid for and on behalf Signature &stamp of tender with complete postal address and contact number 4lPage i. Negligence oi the bidder in preparing hid confers no rigfrt to withdraw the bid after it was opened. 8. Specifications, conditions, schedules of bidding document constitute an integral part of the bid. All the bids along with technical specification and submitted document should be in English only. g. The bidding document shall be governed and interpreted according to the laws of the union of India. 10. Allthe bidclers should quote rates both in figr-rre and words only as per the specifications and delails given in this bidding docurnettt onlv in ilnancial bid' 11. Bidders are requested to strictly adhere to specifications giren in the tencier fbrms. i2. Bidder will submit the sealed tender along with all necessary docum.ents to the ' Receiving Counter for Tender (ARDD) , Olo the Chief Executive Officer, TTAADC, Khumulwng through registered/speed post w.e.f. 28101i2020 at 11:00 a.m to 0310212020 till 5:00 p.m, No Tender will be received after scheduled date and time under any circu mstances lr hatsoever. i3. Negotiation rvill be conducted with the lowest bidder, if felt necessary. l,f. The accepted price shall remain valid until or unless subsequenf new price is accepted by TTAADC. 15. The rate shall be on F.O.R. basis to the specified site of Animal Resources Development Department (ARDD), TTAADC 16. Sgpplier will arrange transportation of Milch lviurrah Buffalo animals rvith female calves to thesuppll point ar Composite Livesrock I'arnt. Uelbari. fTAADC. Khulnulung. Pin: 7q9045 ar his oun risk llrelerabll in office hour inlbrnring wcll adr,'attce to thc oftrce. 17, The technical coinrnittee will supervise and examine the animal at the tirne of delivery which is empowered to reject any animal not fulfilling tender specification. 18. The animal rvill be kept at quarantine sheci, Composite l-ivestock Farm, Belbari. T'I'AADC at least lbr l5 days belbre deliverl 19. Transit insurance and cost of transporlation fcr ea.ch animal to be borne b)' th. successful bidcier/ supplier. Transpoftation of anirnals shoLrld be as per the rules and regulations oithe Covernmen Sigrred: Date: In the Capaciti, ol_ _- to ii uiO tot * U.f'uLr' Drily author'ir.O -ignTt -'A Signature &stamp of teitder with complete postai address and contact number 5lPage 20' Successful bidder/ supplier also provide adequate cow handler, necessary concentrated f'eed, straw, green grass water, medicines etc. for all Milch animals along with calves during transportation to the delivery point till 15 days quarantine periods. 2l' All the laws related to transpoltation etc. should be allowed as per the guidelines of CpCSpA and Covernment of India. 22'The quantity of Mitch Buffalo and calves as mentioned in the tender document mav varv as per requirement. 23. All Milch animals should yield 10-12 litres of milk per day and supplier has to show this quantity of milk yield upto l5 days after arrival at the specified site at O/o the CLF, Belbari, TTAADC, Khumulwng. In case the milk yield falls below the specified level, the rate of the supplied animal will be proportionately reduced. 24' Proper care should be taken for Milch animals and calves during transit. proper bedding should be arranged 25' Required number of labours should be accompanied with the canying vehicle. proper rest should be given during transportation. 26. Emergency medical kit should be made available in the carrying vehicle. 27. Aft.er issuing purchase the order, requirement of Milch animals and calves to be supplied may vaty' However, the change in requirement will be informed to the supplier in advance. 28' If any diseased animals are detected or animals not fulfilling the technical specification at the time delivery/supply of would be rejected and supplier/successful bidder will remove such animals from the delivery point at his own cost.
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