![Congressional Record—House H3224](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
H3224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 10, 2019 ‘‘Aspects of this plan present height- Sunayana’s husband, Srinivas, was field school system in 2010, officially ened risks of fraud, waste, and mis- murdered in a hate crime in Olathe, becoming principal in 2017. Students management that warrant particularly Kansas. My predecessor helped her ob- and teachers said he always had a close oversight.’’ tain a temporary visa, but she still smile on his face, and his energy was So now it is time for Congress to act faces a potentially decades-long wait infectious. to protect national service, not fund a to gain citizenship. This is because, It was this kindness of spirit that led plan that promotes fraud, waste, and with him gone, her status was at risk. Mr. Nelson to donate his bone marrow abuse. I urge my colleagues to cospon- These green card backlogs need to be to a 14-year-old boy in France. He did sor H.R. 1458, the Keep Community resolved. Sunayana is not alone. Many not know the boy, he just wanted to Service Local Act, which prohibits the people have applied for permanent resi- give something of himself to save a closing of State offices. dency and are stuck in long backlogs child’s life. f for green cards. He suffered a complication from the H.R. 1044 creates a fair and equitable procedure. He never woke up. ETO TESTING IN LAKE COUNTY first-come, first-served system, helping Mr. Speaker, with the passing of Der- (Mr. SCHNEIDER asked and was to even out green card lines and help- rick Nelson, we have lost a leader in given permission to address the House ing to prevent excessive backlogs for our community and a great and good for 1 minute and to revise and extend folks like Sunayana. It allows U.S. man. I extend my deepest condolences his remarks.) companies to focus on what they do to his family, and I hope they find com- Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, last best: hiring people with the right skills fort in knowing that the extraordinary month, I spoke on the floor about the to create products, services, and jobs. legacy he leaves behind will continue urgent need for EPA ambient air test- This is a piece of a larger, more com- to inspire and guide the people who had ing at two manufacturing facilities in prehensive reform needed to fix our the privilege to know him. Lake County that use ethylene oxide, a broken immigration system. f known carcinogen. f As well, I and my colleagues in the SAVE THE INTERNET ACT OF 2019 Illinois delegation have written to the ADVOCATING FOR MEDICAID BILL The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. EPA urging them to undertake ambi- (Mr. RUIZ asked and was given per- STANTON). Pursuant to House Resolu- ent air monitoring. mission to address the House for 1 tion 294 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- The neighbors living near these minute and to revise and extend his re- clares the House in the Committee of plants, as well as the local govern- marks.) the Whole House on the state of the ments, need to know that the air they Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Union for the further consideration of breathe is safe. Yet the EPA still re- in support of my bill to help working the bill, H.R. 1644. fuses to conduct any ambient air moni- Americans access quality, affordable Will the gentleman from California toring, instead insisting on using dis- healthcare. (Mr. CISNEROS) kindly take the chair. persion models based on estimates of Last month, I introduced the bipar- b 0915 smokestack emissions. tisan Medicaid Services Investment IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Such dispersion monitoring is com- and Accountability Act, which has al- Accordingly, the House resolved pletely inadequate because it fails to ready unanimously passed the House itself into the Committee of the Whole account for what are known as fugitive and Senate. With the President’s signa- House on the state of the Union for the emissions, EtO escaping into the envi- ture, this bill will help parents coordi- further consideration of the bill (H.R. ronment from locations other than the nate care for a sick child and protect 1644) to restore the open internet order smokestack. seniors from going bankrupt to pay for of the Federal Communications Com- Absent EPA leadership, the local mu- their loved one’s in-home care. nicipalities and the Lake County Pub- My bill will also address sky- mission, with Mr. CISNEROS (Acting lic Health Department have stepped up rocketing prescription drug costs by Chair) in the chair. The Clerk read the title of the bill. to pursue monitoring on their own. preventing pharmaceutical companies The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- Good for them, but it should not have from cheating State Medicaid pro- mittee of the Whole rose on Tuesday, come to this. They are only doing so grams. April 9, 2019, a request for a recorded because the EPA has failed to do its As an emergency physician, I know vote on amendment No. 6 printed in job. that timely access to care is critical to House Report 116–37 offered by the gen- Our communities deserve far better helping every family live a full, tlewoman from Virginia (Ms. WEXTON) from the EPA. This is about our fami- healthy, and productive life. We must had been postponed. lies and the public health. I urge the put patients first. EPA to do its duty and to begin this Mr. Speaker, I urge the President to AMENDMENT NO. 7 OFFERED BY MS. DAVIDS OF KANSAS vital testing immediately. sign this important bill into law imme- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order diately. f to consider amendment No. 7 printed in FAIRNESS FOR HIGH-SKILLED f part A of House Report 116–37. IMMIGRANTS ACT IN HONOR OF DERRICK NELSON Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. Mr. Chair, I (Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas asked and (Mr. MALINOWSKI asked and was rise today to offer an amendment. was given permission to address the given permission to address the House The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will House for 1 minute and to revise and for 1 minute and to revise and extend designate the amendment. The text of the amendment is as fol- extend her remarks.) his remarks.) lows: Ms. DAVIDS of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, Mr. MALINOWSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to voice my support for today I rise to honor a hero in my dis- Add at the end the following: H.R. 1044, the Fairness for High-Skilled trict who passed away this week. SEC. 4. GAO REPORT ON BROADBAND INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE COMPETITION. Immigrants Act, introduced by Con- Mr. Derrick Nelson was the principal Not later than 1 year after the date of the gresswoman LOFGREN. This bipartisan of the high school in Westfield, New enactment of this Act, the Comptroller Gen- legislation will help ease green card Jersey. He was known to students, to eral shall submit to the Committee on En- backlogs for those facing the longest parents, and to teachers for his gen- ergy and Commerce of the House of Rep- wait times and help our businesses re- erosity and selflessness. resentatives and the Committee on Com- tain the high-skilled staff they need to Mr. Nelson dedicated his life to serv- merce, Science, and Transportation of the be competitive. ing his country and community. He Senate a report that— Last month, I sat down with spent 20 years in the U.S. Army Re- (1) examines the efforts by the Federal Communications Commission to assess com- Sunayana Dumala, who shared her serves, including a deployment in the petition for providers of broadband Internet story with me. Middle East. access service (as defined in section 8.2 of It was only 2 years ago that our com- He began his career in New Jersey title 47, Code of Federal Regulations) in the munity was devastated when education in 2002 and joined the West- market; VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:43 Apr 11, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP7.003 H10APPT1 April 10, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3225 (2) describes how the Commission can bet- of politicians talking about this, Mr. for this outstanding complementary ter assess competition; and Chairman. These are certified smart amendment to a very important issue. (3) includes a description of the steps, if people, otherwise known as the real en- I am, I believe, very much sup- any, the Commission can take to better in- gineers, that we went to. portive, and I am supportive of the idea crease competition among providers of broadband Internet access service (as defined To quote their analysis, ‘‘5G net- of the GAO producing a report exam- in section 8.2 of title 47, Code of Federal Reg- works face the challenge of being de- ining the FCC’s efforts to assess com- ulations) in the market. veloped in a context of high uncer- petition. That is an important record The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to tainty, where most of the services that that we in the Congress need, and it House Resolution 294, the gentlewoman underpin 5G business models appear to complements the Save the Internet Act from Kansas (Ms. DAVIDS) and a Mem- be unlawful under current rules.’’ which represents true net neutrality ber opposed each will control 5 min- One example of the efficiencies that protections that are designed for today utes. can be realized in a 5G network is net- and tomorrow without loopholes.
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