Report No. 487a-NIR Current Econonmic Position and FEL Cop Development Prospects of Niger (In Three Volumes) Public Disclosure Authorized Volume IIl: The Agricultural Sector (Annexes) August 20, 1974 Western Africa Regional Office Not for Public Use Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Document of the International Bank for, Reconstruction and Development International Development Association Public Disclosure Authorized This report was prepared for official use only by the Bank Group. It may not be published, quoted or cited without Bank Groulp authorization. The Bank Group does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or comrjleteness of the report. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Before 1969: US$1.00 = C.^'AF 247 1969-1971: US$1.00 = CFAF 278 1972: US$1.00 = CFAF 252 1973: US$1.00 = CFAF 222 1974 and after: US$1.00 = CFAF 250 WEIGHTS AND EASURES (Metric System) 1 hectare (ha) = 2.469 acres 1 kilometer (km) = 0.6215 miles 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2047 pounds 1 ton (t) = 1.1023 short tons = 0.9842 long tons 1 liter (1) = 1.057 US quarts FISCAL YEAR October 1 - September 30 NIGER CURRENT ECONOMIC POSITION AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS LIST OF ANNEXES I. The Drought II. Current Situation of Agricultural Research III. OFEDES and the Problem of Water Resources IV. Exports of Fresh Vegetables: SONIPRIM V. Badeguicheri Project VI. Rural Development Project for the Zinder Region VII. Maradi Integrated Rural Development Project VIII. Rural Development Project for the Department of Dosso IX. Feedlot Fattening Using Irrigated Fodder Crops: The Tiaguirire Project X. Irrigation Development in the River Niger Depressions XI. List of Projects Plaking up the Emergency Program (1 973) XII. List of Pre-Investment Studies XIII. Marketing Institutions XIV. Projections: Production, Exports, Investment This report is based on the findings of an economic mission that visited Niger in October-November 1973. The mission included Messrs. L. de Azearate (chief), P. Streng (economist), and R. Sordoillet (agronomist, consultant). This volume was prepared by Messrs. Sordoillet and de Azearate. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BDRN Banque de D6veloppement de la R6publique du Niger CCCE Caisse Centrale de Coop6ration Economique (France) CFDT Compagnie Fr;anqaise pour le D6veloppement des Fibres Textiles CNCA Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole CSPPN Caisse de Stabilisation des Prix des Produits du Niger FAC Fonds d'Aide et de Coop6ration (France) FED Fonds Europeen de D6veloppement FNI Fonds National d'Investissement IRAT Institut de Rlecherches.Agronomiques Tropicales NER 1inistere de l'Economie Rurale NITEX Societe Nige:rienne des Textiles OCDN Organisation Commune Dahomey-Niger des Chemins de Fer et des Transports OFEDES Office des EDux dii Sous-Sol CLANI Office du Lait du Niger OPVN Office des Produits Vivriers du Niger SEPANI Societe d'E)cloitation des Produits d'Arachide du Niger SHN Societ6 des Tuileries du Niger SCONIGER Societe Industriel)e et Co5merciale du Niger SNC Soci6t6 Nationale de Cimenterie SONARA Societ6 Nig6:rienne de Commercialisation de l'Arachide SONERAN Societ6 Nige:rienne d'Exploitation des Ressources Aniimales SONICERAY Soci6tg Nig6erienne de C6ramiques SONIFAMIE Societ6 Nigercienne de Fabrication de Neubles Netalliques SONIPRINi Soci6t6 Nige:rienne des Prineurs SOTRAMIIL Soci 6tA de T:ransformation du Yil et du Sorgho UNCC Union Nig6rienne de Cr6edit et de Cooperation Page 1 of 3 pages ODUNTRYDATA - NIGER ARA POPULATION DENSITY 1,2167,000 ka2 4.25 ifUon (rid-19172)* 32 /a Per km2of arable land SOCIAL INDICATORS ReferenceCountries RiEr lyV7 1970 I0F GNP PER CAPITA US$ (ATLAS hASIS) a 130 90 b 100 /b 120 /b 260 /b DEMOGRAPHIC Crude birth rate (per thousand) 52 /e 52 'A 49 /d,e 49 44 Crude death rate (per thmwand) 27 o 23 24 1,: 18 22 Infant mortality rate (per thouaand live births) 200. .. 94 156 If Life expectancy at birth (years) 37c 4,2 39 48 b2 Gross reproduction rate /2 3.1 3.5 3.2 3.4 3.0 Population growth rate 3.0 2.9 / 26 /g 2 2.31I Population growth rate - urban 6Ah 77E 7r 41,5 Age structure (percent) lo-lb 44 45 44Sab/D 45 42 15-64 531 527i 52 7. 52 54 65 and over 37T 37; 4 7ii 3 4 Dependency ratio A 1.6 7;i 1.0 7an 1.1 7E 1.0 /n 1.1 /n Urban population as percent of totaL 6A 8 A 6 It 12 129IA Fanily planning. No.of acceptors oamolative (thous.) .. ,. No. of users(% o married wnaen) ZeNPYKNNT Total labor force (thousands) 770 1,900 /a 2,000 / ?,4OC/e 1,600 /e,q Percentage employed in agriculturn. - 91 7 88 7p 80 7i 73 Percentage unemployed 7 INCOMEDISTRIBUTION Percent o- national income roceived by highest 5% 23 .. Percent of national income received by highest 20% 42 .. Percont of national income received by lowest 20% 6 . Percent of national incomc received by lowest 40% 18 .. DISTRIBUTIONO LANDONRSH}P %owned by top 109 of owners .. .. S owned by smallest 10% of owners HEALTH aND NUTRITION Fopulation per physician 71,000 Ir 58,260 75,250 /I 15,94G, 31,940 Population per nursing person 7,5oo 7;r 7 040 16,090 7i 1,950 2,1,10 Population per hospital bed 1,880 Zt 2,230 640 1,04,0 /u 730 /u i'r capita calorie supply as %of requireaento / .. 90 /I 98 85 /r 96 /v Per capita protein eupply, total (gross per day) .. 78 7; o 59 7; 64 7i Of which, animal and pule .. 24 77 9 24 7; 28 7i; Death rate 1-4 yearn .. .. SWCATION AdJusted 8 prilmary school enrollanL ratio 6 14 37 25 /a 44 If Adjust.d cecoradary school enrollunt ratio 0.3 hv 1 3 9 7 7 72 Tears of achooling provided, first aid second level 13 13 14 12 13 Vocational enrollment as %of sec. s:hool enrolleent 4 2 6/s 3 1 /a 12 /a Adult literacy rate % *- *- *- 19 7; 10 7; hOUSIN Average No. of persons per room (uwbin) .. .. 1.9 /aa 2.5 /e,v Percent of occupied units without piped water 78 7o ab 36 a Access to electricity (as %of total population) 16 S_ 3 26 Percent of tural population connected to electricity .. .. 0.0 NStPTION Radio receivers par 1000 population 1 36 20 12 If 69 Passenger cars per 1000 population 0.6 t 1 2 2 11 Electric power consumption (kwh p.c.; 3 9 32 25 81 Newsprint censumption p.c. kg per year 0.03 O .0. .014 0.2 0.08 Notes. Figures refer either to the latel,t perioda or to a*oount of noviroorental tmperature, body weights, and the latest yearn. Lateet periods refer :n principle to diatribution by age and * x of national popalations. the years 1956-60 or 1966-70 the latest years in prin- / Protein standards (requirenents) for all countries am estab- ciple to 1960 and 1970. - liehed by aSDAEconceio Research Service provide for a minimum a The Per Capita GNP estimate it at maruet prices for allowance of 60 grams of total protein per day, and 20 pams of other than 1960,calculated by Ihe asse conversion animal and pulse protein, of which 10 gron should be animal technique as the 1972 World Bank Atl,,s. protein. Theme atandarda are somewhat lower than those of 75 2. Average numaber of daughters per womaxuof reproductive vrams of total protein and 23 grams of animal protein am an age. average for the world, proposed by lAO in the Tbird World Poond L2 Population growth rates are for the Cecades ending in Survey. 1960 and 1970. a Somnestudies have auggested that crude death rates of children &L Ratio of under 15 and 65 and over age brackets to ages 1 through 4 aay be used as a first approximation index of those in labor force bracket of ages 15 through 64. malnutrition. & FAO reference standarda represent physiological re- Li Percentage enrolled of oorreaponding population of school age quirements for normal activity and health, taking am defined for each nountry. * Resent 2ek ision estint. for mid-1972 is 4.2 1-. /a 1969; A 1972; /c 1959-60; /d 1965-70, U estimte; /s Estimatel /f 19681 /g 1960-72; A Definition not evaiSb4e; It -Ai tomabips and to planning areas and i district cenere; LI 7E;ty-eight tewn's A Cap-not region and the cities of Saint-Louis, Thies, aolack, Dicurbel and Ziguinchor- /1 Eatimate for dejure population, bae d on reslts of smple surve y k! 1966; /j Ratio of population ander and 65 and over to total labor forcel Lo Estimate based on the resulta of a sample srveY and excludee labor force of iazq city, nomad population and reignera; & 110 estimt;l q 1970-71n r 1962; LB Cavrage of data incoaplete; A 1963; ^ a Government hospital eatablishmenter; /a lPdjp.66f hgNot inolvding privat vocational schoole; /x 1965; Public oducation only; /s Not inaludfng teacher tr iling; / 1967; /ab Urban only; /ac 1964. Senegal has been selected as an objective country since its ONP in about three times that of Niger; both countrien ame in the same geographical rea, have similar production patterqs (with the same dominant crop -- groundnuts), share the same monetary aytem and have about the same population. R2 Novotber 5, 1974 A.N, imic Page 2 of 3 pages ECONOMIC INDICATORS GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT IN 1969 ANNUAL RATE OF GROWTH (%, constant prices) FCFA Bln % 196 -6 196 - 19 GNP at Market Prices 103.0 100.0 Gross Domestic Investment 6.3 6.1 Gross National Saving 4.9 4.8 Current Account Balance - 1.4 - 1.4 Exports of Goods, NFS 10.6 10.3 Imports of Goods, NFS 17.2 16.7 OUTPUT, LABOR FORCE AND PRODUCTIVITY IN 1971 Value Added Labor Force V.A.
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