AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES Published by Number 1295 THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY September 10, 1945 New York City NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF ITHOMIINAE (LEPIDOPTERA, NYMPHALIDAE) BY RICHARD M. Fox Mr. Frank Martin Brown sent me the comparison with a good series from Colom- Ithomiinae from his Ecuadorian collection, bia in the Mengel collection at the Reading with the request that I study them and Public Museum. The differences are more pass them on to the American Museum of numerous than mentioned by Haensch and Natural History for permanent deposit. are perfectly consistent. This form is Based on this study, three new genera and found only in western Ecuador. No repre- 12 new species and subspecies are presented sentative of the species has been recorded here. All the type material is from Ecua- from the Oriente region. dor and, except as otherwise noted, from MALE AND FEMALE: Like idae idae ex- the Brown collection; holotypes and allo- cept as follows. The black margins of the types, except as otherwise noted, are in the hindwings are strikingly narrower, being American Museum of Natural History; 5 to 7 mm. wide at M3, as compared to a paratypes are in the American Museum of width of 9 to 12 mm. in idae. Further- Natural History, Academy of Natural more, the proximal boundary of this border Sciences of Philadelphia, Carnegie Mu- is clean cut and definite, while in idae it is seum, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Museum of ill defined and obscured by a median band Comparative Zoology, Reading Public of black brown scaling which suggests the Museum, and United States National more definite median band of the "Lycorea Museum. pattern"; in vespertina this scaling is This paper is being published while I am wholly wanting, the tawny ground color in the Navy "somewhere in the Pacific." being clear and clean. The expanse of the I am sincerely indebted to those who have forewing is less, 75 to 80 mm. as compared helped prepare for publication my rough with 80 to 85 mm.; the apex is more acute. original material. Especially kind in this The yellow postmedian spot of the fore- respect have been Dr. Walter Sweadner wing at M3-Cu1 is tiny, vestigial, or want- of the Carnegie Museum, and Miss Annette ing; in idae it is always well developed and L. Bacon and Miss Alice Gray of the definite. As a general rule the black wedge- American Museum. And in this, as in all shaped spot in the forewing cell is prolonged other projects on which I embark, my Wife nearly to the base under the median in has functioned as my alter ego. vespertina; in idae this spot is chunkier and not prolonged basad. On the forewings Melinaea idae vespertina, new subspecies beneath, the orange tawny below Cu2 in Figure 21 vespertina extends to the edge of the yellow Haensch (1909, in Seitz, Macrolepidop- spot in the anal angle; in idae the yellow tera of the world, vol. 5, p. 124) noted that anal angle spot is surrounded by black. the Ecuadorian race of Melinaea idae C. TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype, male, and R. Felder varies from the Colombian Playas de Juan Montalvo, Los Rios, race in its narrower hindwing margin and Ecuador, 30 meters, March, 1938. Allo- smaller size. In itself this may appear type, female, topotypic, March 14, 1938. trivial. However, a large series of both Paratypes: 55 males and 15 females, topo- sexes in the Brown collection from the typic; six males and one female, Santo Pacific drainage has enabled me to make a Domingo de los Colorados, Pichincha; 12 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [No. 1295 males and five females, Palmar, Manabi; 4, 1941 (genitalia slide 435). Allotype, two males and two females, Balzapamba, female, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Bolivar; two males, Huigra, Chimborazo Pichincha, Ecuador, 500 meters, January 1, (Rhoades); one male, Hacienda Cutu- 1941. Paratypes: one male, Palmar, Ma- guay, Chimborazo (Coxey). nabi; one female, Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Pichincha; one male, Rio Ithomia diasia browni, new subspecies Toachi, Pichincha; one male and one fe- Figures 1, 26 male, Morro-Morro, near Pinias, El Oro; A small series from the Brown collection six males, Dos Puentes, Chimborazo captured on the Pacific slopes appeared to (Coxey); one male, Hacienda Cutuguay, be Ithomia diasia Hewitson but upon com- Chimborazo (Coxey); two males, Ecua- parison with a set of specimens from dor (von Hagen). Colombia in the Reading Public Museum The Whymper record of Ithomia diasia turned out to be undescribed; no doubt it from Chimbo cited by Campos (1921, Rev. is mixed with diasia in collections. Colegio Nac. Vicente Rocafuerte, no. 4, MALE AND FEMALE: Ithomia diasia p. 20; and 1927, ibid., nos. 27-28, p. 9) browni is a little smaller than diasia diasia probably is this form. in both sexes, the forewing apices are slightly less acute, the black margins and Hypothyris meterus zephyrus, new subspecies 0.5 mr- Figure 28 The species as a whole may be recog- nized by the two light spots near the mar- gin of the forewing, M,-Cu1 and Cul-Cu2; these are in the submarginal position, but the persistence of these two only, with the loss of the others of the series, suggests that they probably are admarginal rather than submarginal. This is the first record of H. meterus Hewitson west of the divide. It has the yellow postdiscal band of H. m. deemae Fox, but it is wider, the distad pro- Fig. 1. Ithomia diasia browni, dissection of jection over M2 especially being deeper and male,genital armature. (Drawn by Alice Gray.) rounded. The forewings of zephyrus are a little broader, the apex is blunter. the discocellular and cell bands are notice- FEMALE: Forewing above and below ably thinner. On the underside, diasia has agrees closely with deemae, especially with tawny only in the outer half of the hind- the paratype from eastern Ecuador now in wing costal margin, all other margins and the United States National Museum. The bands being black, and the white dots in postdiscal yellow band is wider, being fully the borders are wider and tend to be 7 mm. wide along M2, as compared to 5 mm. round; browni has the tawny on the outer or less in deemae, and the projection along half of the hindwing costal margin also, this vein in zephyrus is broadly rounded, but there is a rich red brown scaling along rather than pointed. There is yellow scal- the inner edge of the forewing distal mar- ing below Cu2 at the end of the black gin, in the discocellular and cell bands, and comma mark, which here is nearly as broad along the inner edge of the hindwing distal at its proximal end as at the margin, thus margin, and the white spots in the border being rectangular rather than wedge are narrow and elongated. shaped. The two yellow submarginal dots This subspecies is named for Mr. Frank characteristic of this species are present, Martin Brown. strong; there are vestigial submarginal TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype, male, Pal- dots at R-M1 and M2-M3, especially visible mar, Manabi, Ecuador, 200 meters, April beneath. Hindwing above with distal mar- 1945] NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF ITHOMIINAE 3 gin narrowly tawny from the apex; a black series of dentate spots centered on the bar over the upper part of the cell and be- veins and pointing anteriorad, and the low Sc; a black median band beginning in basal area within this band is slightly more the middle of M2-M3 and extending nearly transparent and is tinged faintly with to the inner margin just below the cell, both yellow, somewhat as in C. nise Cramer. sides of it denticulate. A black submar- In callichroma the spots of the median band ginal series, of which only the first spot, are heavier, while their points are directed M3-Cu1, is isolated, the others connected posteriorad, the anterior edge of the band with the marginal line; Cul remains tawny being straight. The hindwing beneath nearly to the margin, however. Remainder bears a series of tiny white spots placed in of the wing tawny. Hindwing beneath the black triangles of the border, as in most similar, the black markings stronger; two Ceratinia species. C. bisulca is entirely additional black spots, one beyond the end semitransparent, even to the black apices of the cell opposite the black costal bar, as of the forewings, fully as transparent as C. in meterus meterus, and a small narrow singularis Rebel, and decidedly more so streak in the cell opposite M3-Cul, as in than callichroma or C. poecila Bates. C. deemae; costal margin narrowly tawny; bisulca was found flying with these last two a small yellow spot over the base of the species. The genitalia are remarkable for humeral vein. Antennae and body colors the cleft, laterally bifid uncus. This as in deemae. character, which at first I took to be an 0.5mm. Fig. 3. Ceratini,a bisulca, center figure of bifid uncus compared with unci of other species. (Drawn by R. M. Fox.) individual freak, is present in every slide I Fig. 2. Ceratinia bisulca, dissection of male have made of the species, but has not been genital armature. (Drawn by Alice Gray.) observed in any other Ceratinia. TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype, female, Rio I have seen no females. These should be Toachi, Pichincha, Ecuador, 800 meters, recognizable by the peculiarities of the November, 1939. hindwing median band and the light fascia across the forewings. Ceratinia bisulca, new species TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype, male, Hua- Figures 2, 3, 27 gra-yacu, Oriente [Napo-Pastaza], Ecua- MALE: No doubt this has passed hereto- dor, 900 meters, April 8, 1941 (genitalia fore as C.
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