Introducing Macintosh. For the rest of us. In the olden days, before 1984, not So it was that those very engineers And when the engineers were finally very many people used computers, for a worked long days and nights, and a few finished, they introduced us to a personal very good reason. legal holidays, teaching tiny silicon chips computer so personable it can practically Not very many people knew how. all about people. How they make mistakes shake hands. And not very many people wanted and change their minds. How they refer to And so easy to use most people already to learn. file folders and save old phone numbers. know how. 1 After all, in those days, it meant How they labor for their livelihoods, and They didn't call it the QZ190, or the listening to your stomach growl through doodle in their spare time. Zipchip 5000. computer seminars. Falling asleep They called it Macintosh'" over computer manuals. And staving And now we'd like to introduce awake nights to memorize commands • • so complicated you'd have to be a F computer to understand them. ^ -t '1 Then, on a particularly bright day in Cupertino, California, some particularly bright engineers had a particularly bright idea: since computers are so smart, wouldn't it make more sense to teach computers For the first time in recorded computer about people, instead of teaching history, hardware engineers actually people about computers? talked to software engineers in moderate tones of voice, and both were united by a common goal: to build the most powerful, most transportable, most flexible, most versatile computer not- very-much-money could buy. lids i 0 L- C } If you can point, you can use a Macintosh. You do it at baseball games. At the Then, we developed a natural way for And whether you're working with counter in grocery stores. And every time you to pick up, hold and move these numbers, words or even pictures, you let your fingers do the walking. objects around. Macintosh works the same basic way. In By now, you should be pretty good We put a pointer on the screen, and other words, once you've learned to use at pointing. attached the pointer to a small, rolling box one Macintosh program, you've learned And having mastered the oldest known called a "mouse." The mouse fits in your to use them all. method of making yourself understood, hand, and as you move the mouse around If Macintosh seems extraordinarily you've also mastered using the most on your desktop, you move the pointer simple, it's probably because sophisticated personal computer yet on the screen. conventional computers are developed. To tell a Macintosh personal computer extraordinarily complicated. Macintosh. Designed on the simple what you want to do, you simply move premise that a computer is a lot more the mouse until you're pointing to the useful if it's easy to use. object or function you want. Then click So, first of all, we made the screen the button on top of the mouse, and you layout resemble a desktop, displaying instantly begin working with that object. pictures of objects you'll have no trouble Open a file folder. Review the papers recognizing. File folders. Clipboards. Even inside. Read a memo. Use a calculator. a trash can. And so on. Palettes display available tools, line The pointer becomes whatever tool You're not limited to the work area "Pu widths, and patterns. you select to work with — you see here. You can scroll up and all 1 in this case, a pencil. down, left and right. lk f File Edit Goodies Font FontSize Style ^ >: ti • p • . .>.^: •: ti : ^l•^•:•'\ti% \^\ ,ca k• •^^,• -sk. +'t: ti ••. {.y.:.:,fCjs> .7 L ^J =^ confidential y LJ A`t power pivot p ti000000a000000 q - ll ii %>{^ ti0000aa^oa0000a q q oaooao ,; o qq aoa0000q 000000do l-,I-1 0000q q 00000000 .^. nn nnnnnnnnnnnne-nr,r,r^a,.... -I ___ Vic.. PO'nt,Click, 1 To tell Macintosh what you want to do, all you have to do is point and click. You move the pointer on the screen by moving the mouse on your desktop. When you get to the item you want to use, click once, and you've selected that item to work with. In this case, the pointer appears as the pencil you've selected to put some finishing touches on an illustration you'd like to include in a memo. "Pull-down menu" displays To select whatever you want to "cut" from all your options. the screen, just put a rectangle around it. ilk do Cal prc dr wr to Macintosh makes room for your illustration in the text. File Search Format Fonts Style =_ t r d Hthena Sport Subject: €H apata! Cut Copy 39C } No Lg up your people in marketing, I wanted to bottom 1 _--- ....--_.__.-_._ _.._-_-._-..-- make Zapata[ the hottest selling all-sport shoe in Show Clipboard - You ed 143-page report at your leisure, but this really gives you everything you need to know: "power pivot' Paste. And now, to finish your memo, bring up MacWrite;" Macintosh's word processing program. Just pick a place for your illustration. In the meantime, your illustration has been conveniently stored in another part of Macintosh's memory. To paste the illustration into your memo, move the mouse pointer once again to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and hold the mouse button down. This time, you pull the pointer down until "Paste" is highlighted. Release the mouse button and, once again, zap. With Macintosh, you can print out your own office forms or stationery. Athena/Sport MEMO CONFIDENTIAL From Nancy Aronson To Chris Jordan Subject: Launching ilapatal Now that you're gearing up your people In marketing. I wanted to --, bottom line what's going to make i7apatal the hottest selling all-sport shoe in our line. You can read the attached 143-page report at your leisure, but j this really gives you eve rything you need to know: zc Bower pivot° n nr nrsn rp mnni^"noonni nnn nnnnn. n'r°tI'rn nnon "" " `tS nor 5nonrtnnr ,nonon noonnnn,n r tint 5nnnnnni. ^nnnanrn nnrnnnt r tint hon000cx:. nn ,_mo t onnnnr r6nnpn ; gf^ n I -rr.nrr Vew styling. yes. But the 'pow•sr pivots cn the sole dell all -- -_ rh^i, ma., tint i-. t Ilan mrrh No It tnnlc alxiunt a meeahiek in research U And Print. You tell a Macintosh personal computer to print the same way you tell it to do everything else. And, provided you have a printer, you'll immediately see your work in print. All your work. Nothing but your work. Because with Macintosh's companion printer, Imagewriter, you can print out everything you can put on a Macintosh's screen. P7 If you have a desk, you need a Macintosh. Macintosh was designed for anyone If, for example, your desk is in a And even if you work for a company who handles, collects, distributes, dormitory, Macintosh isn't just a tool, but big enough to have its own mainframe or interprets, organizes, files, comprehends, a learning tool. For doing everything from minicomputer, Macintosh can fit right in. generates, duplicates, or otherwise works problem sets in Astrophysics 538 to term With additional hardware, it can talk to with information. papers in Art Appreciation 101. Not to IBM °mainframes in their very own 3278 Any information. mention perfecting skills in programming protocols. It's also fluent in DEC ®VT100;" Whether it's words, numbers or pictures. languages like Macintosh BASIC and VT52 T ' and plain old TTY. We've narrowed it down to anyone Macintosh Pascal. Which explains why If your company has a subsidiary who sits at a desk. colleges and universities across the country abroad, your colleagues there can use all are ordering Macintoshes by the campus-full. the same tools. Because Macintosh will be If you own your own business, owning available in several international versions your own Macintosh personal computer with local conventions (alphabets, could mean the difference between currencies, dates, and more). getting home before dark, and getting In other words, wherever there's a home before Christmas. With software desk, there's a need for a Macintosh. programs like MacWrite," MacPaint;" And the less you can see of your MacTerminar, MacProject,' and desktop, the more you could use one. MacDraw,' as well as data-base managers, business graphics programs and other personal productivity tools available from leading software developers, you can spend more time running your business, and less time chasing after it. And here's where ordinary personal computers draw a blank. You've just seen some of the logic, the technology, the engineering genius and the software wizardr y that separates Macintosh from conventional computers. Now, we'd like to show you some of the magic. First, there's MacPaint. A program that transforms Macintosh into a combination architect's drafting table, artist's easel and illustrator's sketch pad. With MacPaint, for the first time in computer history, a personal computer can produce virtually any image the human hand can create. Because the mouse allows the human hand to create it. MacPaint gives you total freedom to doodle. To cross- hatch. To spray paint. To fill in. To erase. And even if you're not a MacPaint produces virtually any image the human hand can create. terrific artist, MacPaint includes tools for You simply enter all the tasks and attitude that the only thing limiting what a designing everything from office forms to resources involved in a project — whether computer can do is the imagination of the technical illustrations.
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