An Index to Bohemian Souls: A Facsimile of the Original Manuscript of “A Scandal in Bohemia” by Arthur Conan Doyle, with Annotations and Commentary Edited by Otto Penzler, BSI Index Prepared for the BSI by Adrian Nebbett From the edition by The Baker Street Irregulars in association with The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin (2011) 5 February 2011 www.bakerstreetjournal.com Bohemian Souls is part of The Baker Street Irregulars Manuscript Series. Books from that series, along with volumes from the International Series and the History Series, are available from The Baker Street Journal website at <http://www.bakerstreetjournal.com>. An Index to Bohemian Souls Bohemian Souls Table of Contents General Editor’s Foreword and Preface to the Series by Andrew G. Fusco (pp. vii-xiii) Introduction by Otto Penzler (pp. 1-7) Initial Reflections on a Scandal by Phillip Bergem (pp. 9-15) Manuscript Facsimile of “A Scandal in Bohemia” with Annotated Transcription by Phillip Bergem (pp. 17-94) Description of the Manuscript by Randall Stock (pp. 96-103) Revealing “A Scandal in Bohemia”: Its History and Manuscript by Randall Stock (pp. 105-124) The Curious Case of the Very Odd Marriage by John Linsenmeyer (pp. 125-132) As to Your Dates, That Is the Biggest Mystification of All by Andrew Jay Peck (pp. 133-138) Cutting the Poetry: The Case Against an Affair Between Holmes and Irene Adler by Ray Betzner (pp. 139-143) A Touch of the Dramatic by Curtis Armstrong (pp. 145-156) The Late Irene Adler, of Dubious and Questionable Memory by Michael H. Kean (pp. 157-176) Irene Adler in Dubious and Questionable Legend by Julia Rosenblatt (pp. 177-183) Reflections on the Adler Problem by Donald Pollock (pp. 185-189) Appendix: A Note from the Artist about the Jacket Illustration by Rikki Niehaus (pp. 191-195) www.bakerstreetjournal.com Page 2 of 13 An Index to Bohemian Souls Conventions Used in this Index: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations or photographs. Page numbers in bold refer to an entire article or section of the book. ‘n’ refers to a footnote or an endnote. Material within the story “A Scandal in Bohemia” is not indexed. Names of books, stories, and articles are all shown in italic. Dates indexed are only those relevant to the chronology of the story / publication or main topic of an article, and appear at the end of this Index. www.bakerstreetjournal.com Page 3 of 13 An Index to Bohemian Souls 221B Studies in Sherlock Holmes (Vincent Starrett, Baker Street and Beyond: Together with Some Trifling ed.), x (n), ix(n), xiii(n) Monographs (Edgar W. Smith), 163n Adler, Damian, 181-182 Baker Street Chronology (Ernest Bloomfield Zeisler), Adler, Irene, vii, 1-4, 6, 9, 12, 86, 89, 91, 125, 130, 133n 132, 134, 137-138, 139-143, 152, 154-155, 157- Baker Street Irregulars, ix-x, xi, 105, 114-115, 118, 157n, 176, 177-183, 185-189, 191-192, 192-195 177, 180, 191 age, 87, 159, 177-178, 186 annual dinner, 114-115, 118 bipolarism, 188-189 Manuscript Series, vii, viii, x-xii, 1, 5 marriage, 9, 125-132, 161, 173, 175, 185-189, 191 Baker Street Journal, The, ix, 116, 119, 140n, 162n, 163n, photographs, 3-4, 12, 134, 137-138, 143, 161, 167- 166n, 177-178, 179n, 180n 168, 170-176, 185-186, 188 Christmas Annual 1957, 160n pregnancy, 161, 163-176, 178 Christmas Annual 1999, 131n relationship with King of Bohemia, 1-4 Editor’s Gas-Lamp, The, ix(n) religion, 169 From the Editor’s Commonplace Book, 180n ‘The late…’, viii, 6, 157-158, 160-163, 174-176, Baker Street Miscellanea, 114n, 167n 177, 185, 189 Baltimore Weekly Sun, 11, 82 true identity, 178-180 Bannister, 131 Adler, Samuel, 169 Banns, 128 Adler, Scott, 140, 182 Bar of Gold, The, 149 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The, 113, 117 Barbados, 129n Oxford edition, 98n, 99n, 124, 127n, 158n, 160n Baring-Gould, William S., x, 139, 145, 155, 159, 178, 181 Adventuress, The: see Good Morning, Irene Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The, 129n, 139 Adventuress of Sherlock Holmes, Some Observations Chronological Holmes, The, 159n Upon the Identification of Irene (Julian Wolff), Nero Wolfe of West Thirty-fifth Street, 140 179n Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street, 139-140, 166, 178n Africa, North, 126 Bavaria, 85, 179 Agatha, 151, 171 Beeton’s Christmas Annual, 115, 117, 119, 122, 123n Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), Bell, H.W., ix, 135, 159 116 Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Chronology of Altamont, 151 Their Adventures, 135n Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The (William S. Baring- Bell, Dr. Joseph, 142 Gould), 129n, 139 Benedict XIV, Pope, 129 Annotations for “A Scandal in Bohemia” (Phillip Berg Collection, 109 Bergem), 82-94 Bergem, Phillip, 5, 197 Another Gasp in re Irene (Donald A. Redmond), Annotations for “A Scandal in Bohemia”, 82-94 179n Initial Reflections on a Scandal, 9-13 Another Scandal in Bohemia: see Irene’s Last Waltz Bergquist, John, 6, 197 Armstrong, Curtis, 5, 197 Beryl Coronet, The, 148 Touch of the Dramatic, A, 145-156 bestofsherlock.com, 123n Arthur Conan Doyle: A Life in Letters (Jon Betzner, Ray, 5, 136, 197 Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower & Charles Foley, Cutting the Poetry: The Case Against an affair Between eds.), 107n Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler, 139-143 As to Your Dates, That Is the Biggest Mystification of Biorhythmic Holmes: A Chronological Perspective, The All (Andrew Jay Peck), 133-138 (Carey Cummings), 138n Asimov, Isaac, 5 Black Peter, 147 Augustine of Hippo, St., 126 Blackbeard, Bill, 12 Augustinians, 126 Blakeney, T.S., vii, ix, 131n, 135-137, 151, 159 Aunt Clara, 180 Sherlock Holmes: Fact or Fiction?, 135n Austin, Texas, 94, 98n, 123 Blau, Peter E., 99, 100 Austin, James Bliss, 122 Blue Carbuncle, The, 133, 177n Austria-Hungary, vii Bobbitt, John Wayne, 2 Axelrad, Arthur M., Bock, Jerry, 181n ‘Late’ Irene Adler, The, 162n Baker Street (Musical), 122, 140, 181 What a Night This is Going to Be, 140n www.bakerstreetjournal.com Page 4 of 13 An Index to Bohemian Souls Bohemia, 82, 85 Christ, Jay Finley, 133, 134n, 135, 159 Bohemia, King of, vii, 1-5, 9, 12, 134, 136-138, 141, Irregular Chronology of Sherlock Holmes of Baker 151-152, 158, 160-164, 166-176, 178, 180, 186- Street, An, 135n 188 Chronological Holmes, The (William S. Baring-Gould), true identity of, vii-viii 159n Bohemian Scandal, A, 10, 82 Church of England, 126-129 Book of Common Prayer, 128 Cincinnati, 11 Boston Sunday Globe, The, 11, 12, 15, 82 Clark, John D., Brend, Gavin, 133, 135-136, 159 Some Notes Relating to a Preliminary Investigation into My Dear Holmes, 135n the Paternity of Nero Wolfe, 140n, 178n Brett, Jeremy, x Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meningen, 3-5, 9, 134, 164, British Library, 110 168-169, 175, 186 British Literary Culture and Publishing Practice, Columbia University, 118 1880-1914 (Peter D. McDonald), 109 Conan Doyle (Hesketh Pearson), 108 Brooklyn, 117 Conan Doyle of Wimpole Street (Richard Lancelyn Brooks, Mel, 1 Green), 124n Brown, Dan, Condom, Dr., 164 Da Vinci Code, The, 125n Coopersmith, Jerome, 181n Brownie camera, 3 Cornhill Magazine, 107 Bruce-Partington Plans, The, 134n Courier-Journal, The (Louisville), 10, 12, 82-94 Brundage, Paul H., 162, 170 Creeping Man, The, 133, 134, 134n, 137 In Defense of Irene Adler, 162n, 166n, 170n, 173n Crown Jewels, The, 181 Buffalo Courier, 10 Cummings, Carey, 138 Byerly, Ann, Biorhythmic Holmes: A Chronological Perspective, Sidney Paget: Victorian Black-and-White The, 138n Illustrator, 114n Curious Case of the Very Odd Marriage, The (John Cab fares, 89 Linsenmeyer), 125-132 Calhoun, Philo Clarke, 115 Currency, British, Carroll Atwood Wilson, 124n conversions, 87, 89 California, University of, 115 decimalization, 125n Canadian Holmes, 169n guinea, 89, 125n Canary Trainer, The (Nicholas Meyer), 181 pound, 87, 125n Canon Fire, 162n shilling, 89, 125n Captain Basil, 147 sovereign, 89, 125n Carr, John Dickson, 98-99, 102 Cutting the Poetry: The Case Against an affair Between Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The, 98 Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler (Ray Betzner), 139- Note on the Handwriting in ‘A Scandal in 143 Bohemia’, 98n Da Vinci Code, The (Dan Brown), 125n Carroll, Lewis, Daily Inter-Ocean, The (Chicago), 10, 12, 13, 82-94 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 116 Daily Picayune, The (New Orleans), 10, 12, 82-94 Carroll Atwood Wilson (Philo Clarke Calhoun), 124n Dakin, D. Martin, 135, 170 Case Book of Sherlock Holmes, The, 122 Sherlock Holmes Commentary, A, 136n, 163, 164n, Case of Identity, A, 112, 177n 170n Case of the Yankee Diva, The (Edward J. Vatza), Dannay, Frederic, 94, 97, 117-122 179n ‘The Dying Detective’ investiture, 118 Castle Rouge (Carole Nelson Douglas), 181n Date Being-?”: A Compendium of Chronological Data, Chambers’s Journal, 107 “The (Andrew J. Peck & Leslie S. Klinger), 134n, 159n Chancellor, Anna, 182n Davis, Elmer, ix Chapel Noir (Carole Nelson Douglas), 181n Descartes, René, 1 Charles II, 128 Description of the Manuscript (Randall Stock), 97-103 Charles Augustus Milverton, 126-127n, 133, 140n, Detective Short Story: A Bibliography, The (Ellery 151, 171 Queen), 121 Cheb, 85 Detroit Free Press, The, 11 Chicago, 10, 82 Devil’s Foot, The, 133, 134n De Waal, Ronald Burt, Universal Sherlock Holmes, The, 157 www.bakerstreetjournal.com Page 5 of 13 An Index to Bohemian Souls Dickens, Charles, Jr., Dying Detective, The, 150 Dickens’s Dictionary of London 1888, 94n Edward VII, vii Dickens’s Dictionary of London 1888 (Charles Eger, 85 Dickens, Jr.), 94n Egria, 85 Disjecta Membra (Jon Lellenberg, ed.), 114n Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, 118, 121 Dispatch Box, The, 162n Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 115 Doings of Raffles Haw, The (Arthur Conan Doyle), Empty House, The, 147-148 111 English Channel, 160 Douglas, Carole Nelson, 9, 181 Escott, 140n, 151 Adventuress, The: see Good Morning, Irene Examiner, The (San Francisco), 11, 12, 14-15, 82-94 Another Scandal in Bohemia: see Irene’s Last Faber, Johann, 132n Waltz Feldman, Lew David, 99, 117, 119-122 Castle Rouge, 181n Looking Backward, 99, 117 Chapel Noir, 181n Femme Fatale (Carole Nelson Douglas), 181n Femme Fatale, 181n Ferdinand II, 85 Good Morning, Irene, 181n Final Problem, The, 147, 149-150, 153n Good Night, Mr.
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