THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF COCHRANE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2019 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 P.M. ORDERS TO THE DAY Page 1. OPENING REMARKS AND ROLL CALL 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4 - 23 4.1 Minutes of the Regular Council meetings of April 2nd and 16th and Special Council meeting of April 9th, 2019 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 6. PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS 24 - 27 6.1 Volunteer of the Month of January and February - Award Presentation 28 6.2 Crystal Burkholder - 1st Cochrane Scout Group - Community Yellow Fish Program 29 - 30 6.3 Heather Brouwer and Amy Baxendell-Young - Cochrane Community Clean-up 7. HEAD OF COUNCIL AND COUNCILLORS REPORTS 8. REPORTS 8.1 Community Services Department 31 - 35 8.1.1 Rec Board Donation Policy Page 1 of 250 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 14, 2019 Page 8.2 Infrastructure Services Department 8.3 Protective Services Department 8.4 Polar Bear Habitat and Heritage Village Department 8.5 Corporate Services Department 8.6 CAO/EDO Department 36 - 194 8.6.1 CIP - Financial Incentive Programs 195 - 198 8.6.2 Ontario's Next Great Economic Opportunity - Ontario Claybet Development Corporation 199 - 203 8.6.3 Appointments to the Economic Development Steering Board 8.7 Clerk Department 9. COMMITTEE/BOARD REPORTS 10. COMMUNICATIONS 11. RESOLUTIONS 204 11.1 The Corporation of the Township of Tudor and Cashel 12. NEW BUSINESS 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 205 - 208 13.1 Regular Council Meeting of March 5th - Northern Ontario Energy Board - Appointment 14. NOTICE OF MOTION 209 - 212 14.1 Councillor Daniel Belisle - Remuneration of the Mayor and members of Council 15. BY-LAWS 213 - 214 15.1 By-Law Number 1363-2019 - Being a By-Law to authorize the changing of the name of a highway (Menard Lake Road) 215 - 216 15.2 By-Law Number 1364-2019 - Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of an Amending Agreement to the Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Cochrane and DS Management Services for the Page 2 of 250 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 14, 2019 Page provision of services at the Cochrane Municipal Airport 217 - 219 15.3 By-Law Number 1365-2019 - Being a By-Law to adopt the Terms of Reference for the Cochrane Housing Strategy Committee 220 - 249 15.4 By-Law Number 1366-2019 - Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of a Grant Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Cochrane and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to hire a Climate Change Coordinator 16. ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA 17. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INQUIRIES 18. IN CAMERA - COUNCIL 250 18.1 Potential Litigation and Personal Matters 19. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 250 AGENDA ITEM #4.1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF COCHRANE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 171 FOURTH AVENUE, COCHRANE, ONTARIO ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2019 AT 6:00 PM, LOCAL TIME. PRESENT: Mayor: Denis Clement Councillors: Daniel Bélisle Todd Calaiezzi Shea Henderson Rodney Hoogenhoud Robert Hutchinson Desmond O'Connor MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS CAO: Jean Pierre Ouellette Clerk: Alice Mercier Director of Corporate Services: Monika Malherbe Director of Community Services: Jason Boyer Director of Operations and Infrastructure: Shane Skinner (via teleconference) Director of Protective Services: Richard Vallée Polar Bear Habitat and Heritage Village Manager: Michael Honeth Deputy-Treasurer: Vanessa Vachon Child Care Manager: Lora St. Pierre Cochrane Public Library - CEO Christina Blazecka - Noël OTHERS: Second Mile Club: Clifford Wilson Cochrane Committee for Alzheimer’s: Yvonne Thomas Yvette Larabee Cochrane Public Library – Vice-Chair: Katherine Johnson 1. OPENING REMARKS AND ROLL CALL Mayor Clement mentioned that Council will be starting a new tradition by opening their meetings with a traditional land acknowledgement statement. Councillor O’Connor explained that making a statement indicates a small and important step in the process of reconciliation and building a positive relationship with Indigenous people(s) and their communities. Councillor O’Connor mentioned that he, the Mayor and the CAO prepared a draft statement, which was provided to the Ininew Friendship Centre and Taykwa Tagamou Nation for their endorsement. Mayor Clement welcomed everyone in attendance and read the land acknowledgement statement. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Nil. 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Councillor Hoogenhoud requested an update on the Dudley Hewitt Cup and members were in agreement to add to the agenda under 8.1.3. Moved By: DANIEL BÉLISLE Seconded By: SHEA HENDERSON 140-2019 THAT the agenda be accepted as amended. CARRIED 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Budget Meeting of February 20th and Regular Council meeting of March 5th, 2019 A correction under item 5.1 of the Budget meeting minutes was noted. Moved By: DESMOND O'CONNOR Seconded By: RODNEY HOOGENHOUD 141-2019 THAT the minutes of the Budget meeting of February 20th and the Regular Council meeting of March 5th, 2019 be adopted as amended. Page 4 of 250 Minutes of the Regular Council meetings of April 2nd and 16th and Specia... AGENDA ITEM #4.1 CARRIED …/2 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 2, 2019 PAGE TWO 5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES Councillor Hutchinson inquired with Mr. Skinner if he received further information pertaining to the brush cutter and Mr. Skinner advised that he received pricing from his contact on the Kapuskasing Local Roads Board and will be preparing a proposal for the next Council meeting. 6. PETITIONS AND DELEGATIONS 6.1 Clifford Wilson - Second Mile Club - Grant Contribution Mr. Clifford Wilson attended the meeting requesting Council to continue supporting the Club by keeping the former Masonic Lodge building and the $10,000 annual grant in place for the next two years. He indicated that the building is utilized six days of the week for meetings and activities; and that their membership has been going up and wishes to offer more programs and activities to the members; however, at this time, the grant has been going into renovating the building. Mr. Wilson indicated their renovation projects for the next two years; due to the size of the building and its challenges. Members of Council suggested that the club consider working with other groups in the community to maximize the use of other buildings in the community and requested that Mr. Wilson to provide them with a 3 to 4 year expenditure forecast to maintain the building and suggested that a site visit be scheduled, so the members may come back to the table with other options for the Club. 6.2 Yvonne Thomas and Yvette Larabee - Cochrane Committee for Alzheimer's - Walk for Alzheimer's Mrs. Yvette Larabee along with other members of the Cochrane Committee for Alzheimer’s attended the meeting requesting new Council to join them in co-hosting their 4th National Walk for Alzheimer’s Walk in June. Mrs. Larabee indicated that last year the walk was held on a Sunday and raised $19,000; however, this year they are proposing to hold the event on a weekday from 4 to 7 pm, at the Pavilion, followed by a BBQ, entertainment and displays of agencies; and hopes that Council will continue supporting this event by donate the use of the Pavilion. She provided the members with the 2018 statistics for the Cochrane community, mentioned the services provided by the Timmins Alzheimer’s Society; and encouraged the members to join the walk. 7. HEAD OF COUNCIL AND COUNCILLORS REPORTS 7.1 Councillor O’Connor reported that he attended a MIC’s Board meeting and a Cemetery Committee meeting last week and a Strategy Housing meeting at the Fire Hall today. Councillor O’Connor indicated that he was elected as Chairperson of the Cemetery Committee. Councillor Hoogenhoud reported that he attended an EcDev Board meeting last week and indicated that there are vacant seats on the Board and welcome the public to apply. He also mentioned that he will be attending a Dr. Recruitment fair in Halifax this week and that he will report back to Council on the outcome. Mayor Clement reported that he met with Mrs. Lavoie-Girard to assist with the Lady Minto Hospital Dr. Recruitment package; attended an open house at the THEC hosted by Wildland League in regards to a plan for forestry and caribou and mentioned that a formal presentation to Council will be forthcoming on the Plan; and attended the NEOMA meeting in Smooth Rock Falls with Councillor Hutchinson and the CAO. Page 5 of 250 Minutes of the Regular Council meetings of April 2nd and 16th and Specia... AGENDA ITEM #4.1 …/3 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 2, 2019 PAGE THREE 8. REPORTS 8.1 Community Services Department 8.1.1 Cochrane Child Care Centre Bi-Monthly report Report from the Child Care Manager was received and the following resolution was presented. The Manager indicated that the new program has been running for two days and that everyone is very fascinated with the design and space; and proud to be providing this new expansion. Moved By: TODD CALAIEZZI Seconded By: ROBERT HUTCHINSON 142-2019 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Cochrane acknowledges receipt of the Cochrane Child Care Centre bi-monthly report of March 2019. CARRIED 8.1.2 Community Services – Bimonthly Report Report from the Director of Community Services was received and the following resolution was presented. The Director had nothing to add to his report; however, members discussed the pool closure and it’s timing for renovations and Mr. Boyer will forward a report to the members on the usage of the pool last year during the summer months. Members discussed the Ontario Snowmobile Oval Race (OSOR) Polar Bear Cup financials and Mr.
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