My-Coast: Ecosystem-Based Conservation of Myanmar?s Southern Coastal Zone Part I: Project Information GEF ID 9261 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET Project Title My-Coast: Ecosystem-Based Conservation of Myanmar?s Southern Coastal Zone Countries Myanmar Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation; and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation Executing Partner Type Government GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change, Focal Areas, Sustainable Development Goals, Biodiversity, Coral Reefs, Biomes, Sea Grasses, Mangroves, Tropical Dry Forests, Wetlands, Productive Seascapes, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Community Based Natural Resource Mngt, Fisheries, Mainstreaming, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Influencing models, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Demonstrate innovative approache, Civil Society, Stakeholders, Community Based Organization, Local Communities, Type of Engagement, Participation, Partnership, Private Sector, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Equality, Beneficiaries, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Gender results areas, Awareness Raising, Access to benefits and services, Access and control over natural resources, Capacity Development, Participation and leadership, Training, Knowledge Generation, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Innovation Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 2 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Duration 48In Months Agency Fee($) 289,403.00 A. Focal Area Strategy Framework and Program Objectives/Programs Focal Area Trust GEF Co-Fin Outcomes Fund Amount($) Amount($) BD-3_P6 Outcome 6.1 Integrity GET 1,306,863.00 5,160,966.00 and functioning of coral reef ecosystems maintained and area increased BD-4_P9 Outcome 9.1 Increased GET 871,242.00 3,470,882.00 area of production landscapes and seascapes that integrate conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity into management Outcome 9.2 Sector policies and regulatory frameworks incorporate biodiversity considerations CCM-2_P4 Outcome A. Accelerated GET 868,242.00 2,620,882.00 adoption of innovative technologies and management practices for GHG emission reduction and carbon sequestration Total Project Cost($) 3,046,347.00 11,252,730.00 B. Project description summary Project Objective Project Objective: Improved coastal zone management to benefit marine biodiversity, climate-change mitigation, and food security Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Type Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Type Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) Component Technical 1.1: An GET 1,111,941. 5,478,000.0 1: National Assistanc Outcome ICZM 00 0 and sub- e 1:Strengthened training and national national and capacity (region/state sub-national development ) (region/state) program for institutional institutional national and capacity to capacity for sub-national develop and ICZM, (region/state) implement a including stakeholders large-scale improved especially coastal zone national from conservation policies, Tanintharyi strategy strategic planning and a 1.2 sound Strengthened knowledge national and base for regional informed policy decision- guidance making frameworks and 1. 4000 (at institutional least 50% arrangements women) for ICZM national and region/state 1.3 decision- Sustainable makers/manag financing ers involved in mechanisms project ICZM for coastal capacity- conservation building and activities management (disaggregated identified by gender, and tested m/f) 1.4: An 2. Evidence integrated of increased coastal zone knowledge and management capacity on strategy for ICZM among Tanintharyi key Region stakeholders at national and 1.5: An state/region information levels (m/f) management system 3. Number (IMS) and operating to institutional support position/role of informed personnel ICZM assigned to decision- ICZM policy making and and planning adaptive tasks management 4. Evidence 1.6: A of inter- project sectoral and monitoring multi- and stakeholder evaluation cooperation in system strategic reporting on coastal policy progress, development, results, planning and lessons implementatio learned, n (m/f) achievement impacting over s and impact. 4.7 million ha 5. Stakeholders who have attended capacity- building events are applying knowledge and skills gained in their work 6. An ICZM Strategy for Taninthayi Region 7. An approved sustainable financing plan for coastal zone conservation management 1. 4000 (at least 40% women) national and regional decision- makers/ stakeholders involved in project training and capacity- building activities on ICZM planning (disaggregated by gender, m/f) 2. Evidence of increased knowledge and capacity about ICZM among male and female stakeholders at national and regional levels 3. One inter-sectoral and multi- stakeholder cooperation in strategical coastal planning and implementatio n (m/f) 4. An approved Sustainable financing for coastal zone management Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Type Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) Component Technical Outcome 2: Output 2.1 GET 1,789,342. 5,774,730.0 2: Assistanc Strategic coastal Integrated 00 0 Organizatio e zone conservation coastal zone nal capacity management implementati and action to providing on capacity implement measurable development strategic environmental and and coastal zone socio-economic awareness conservation benefits programs management demonstrated in the established in Myeik Archipelago within Tanintharyi of Tanintharyi Tanintharyi Region, with Region Region for special district, focus on the 1. 210,000 ha township and coastal (includes 110,000 village-tract habitats and ha of mangrove as level biodiversity below) of coastal stakeholders in the Myeik habitat brought Archipelago under improved Output 2.2: conservation Multi- management via stakeholder Community coordination Fishery/Forestry and decision- User Groups and making LMMAs mechanisms for coastal 2. 110,000 ha of conservation existing mangrove management forest in in Tanintharyi Tanintharyi showing reduced Region degradation strengthened 3. 1100 ha of 2.3: reforestation/ Expanded enriched forest and improved coastal fisheries and 4. At least 3,000 habitat coastal forestry and conservation fisheries dependent management households measures benefiting from emplaced in project livelihood the Myeik activities Archipelago 5. Reduced Output 2.4: dependency on Improved fishing and tenure, mangrove fuelwood livelihoods, in target villages by food security 20-30% and climate change 6. Increased adaptation involvement of benefits to women in coastal traditional management coastal planning processes resource in target villages by users 20-30% demonstrate d at Myeik Increase in Archipelago abundance/size of key biodiversity Output 2.5: and fishery A coastal indicator species environment (e.g. mud crab) in al and socio- monitored locations economic monitoring system operating and supporting informed ICZM decision- making at field level in the ICZM demonstratio n site in the Myeik Archipelago Project Financi Expected Expected Tru GEF Confirmed Compone ng Type Outcomes Outputs st Project Co- nt Fun Financing( Financing( d $) $) Sub Total ($) 2,901,283. 11,252,730. 00 00 Project Management Cost (PMC) GET 145,064.00 Sub Total($) 145,064.00 0.00 Total Project Cost($) 3,046,347.00 11,252,730.00 C. Sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type Sources of Co- Name of Co-financier Type of Co- Amount($) financing financing Recipient Country Department of Fisheries, Ministry of In-kind 6,450,000.00 Government Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Recipient Country Forest Department In-kind 2,132,730.00 Government GEF Agency FAO Grant 620,000.00 GEF Agency FAO In-kind 100,000.00 Donor Agency Institute of Marine Research Norway In-kind 1,800,000.00 Other WorldFish Myanmar In-kind 150,000.00 Total Co-Financing($) 11,252,730.00 D. Trust Fund Resources Requested by Agency(ies), Country(ies), Focal Area and the Programming of Funds Agenc Trust Country Focal Programmin NGI Amount($) Fee($) y Fund Area g of Funds FAO GET Myanmar Biodiversity No 2,178,105 206,920 FAO GET Myanmar Climate No 868,242 82,483 Change Total Grant Resources($) 3,046,347.00 289,403.00 E. Non Grant Instrument NON-GRANT INSTRUMENT at CEO Endorsement Includes Non grant instruments? No Includes reflow to GEF? No F. Project Preparation Grant (PPG) PPG Required PPG Amount ($) 150,000 PPG Agency Fee ($) 14,250 Agenc Trus Countr Focal Programmin NG Amount($ Fee($) y t y Area g of Funds I ) Fun d FAO GET Myanma Biodiversit No 105,000 9,975 r y FAO GET Myanma Climate No 45,000 4,275 r Change Total Project Costs($) 150,000.0 14,250.0 0 0 Core Indicators Indicator 4 Area of landscapes under improved practices (hectares; excluding protected areas) Ha (Expected at Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE) 0.00 321100.00 0.00 0.00 Indicator 4.1 Area of landscapes under improved management to benefit biodiversity (hectares, qualitative assessment, non-certified) Ha (Expected at Ha (Expected at CEO Ha (Achieved at Ha (Achieved at PIF) Endorsement) MTR) TE) 321,100.00 Indicator 4.2 Area of landscapes that meets national or international
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