THE SIXTH GERMAN-RUSSIAN WEEK OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER “URBAN STUDIES: MOSCOW, SEPTEMBER 12–16, 2016 12–16, SEPTEMBER MOSCOW, THE CITY OF THE FUTURE” Moscow, September 12–16, 2016 THE SIXTH GERMAN-RUSSIAN WEEK OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER “URBAN STUDIES: THE CITY OF THE FUTURE” THE CITY THE OF STUDIES: “URBAN RESEARCHER YOUNG THE OF WEEK GERMAN-RUSSIAN SIXTH THE Impressum Volume of the Conference “The Sixth German Russian Week of the Young Researcher” Moscow, September 12–16, 2016 Editors: DAAD/DWIH Moscow DFG Moscow Edited by: Julia Ilina (DFG) Layout by: “MaWi group” AG / Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung Photos by: DWIH, MGSU Moscow, April 2017 Printed by: LLC “Tverskoy Pechatny Dvor” Supported by Federal Foreign Offi ce THE SIXTH GERMAN-RUSSIAN WEEK OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER “URBAN STUDIES: THE CITY OF THE FUTURE” Moscow, September 12–16, 2016 ТABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents Preface Reinhard Hinkelmann / Mikael Gillefalk / Evgeny Pupyrev, Dr Peter Hiller / Dr Jörn Achterberg 3 Robert Ladwig / Clara Romero / Katharina Teuber, Interregional Union of Designers 63 DFG Research Training Group Markus Scheffer, Welcoming Addresses “Urban Water Interfaces” 40 Ruhr-Universität Bochum 64 Sebastian Hollermann, Gerhard Schubert, Andrey Volkov, Bauhaus Universität Weimar 45 Technical University of Munich 64 Rector of the Moscow State University Frederik Hupperts, Kevin Schwabe, of Civil Engineering (MGSU) 4 Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry 46 Ruhr Universität Bochum 65 Valery Telichenko, Irina Ivashkina, Maksim Sharov, President of the MGSU 6 Genplan Institute of Moscow 47 Irkutsk National Research Technical University 66 Rüdiger Freiherr von Fritsch, Ekaterina Kalemeneva, Olga Solkina, Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany 8 Higher School of Economics Moscow 48 Samara State University of Architecture Marat Khusnullin, Heiko Kirschke, and Civil Engineering 67 Deputy Mayor for Urban Development Bauhaus University Weimar Yulia Strashnova, and Construction, Government of Moscow 12 Olga Golovina, Genplan Institute of Moscow 68 Frank Allgöwer, Ed. Züblin AG, Stuttgart Khasbi Sugarov, Vice President of the Deutsche Markus König, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol 71 Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) 14 Ruhr Universität Bochum Sergey Tsiulin, Ulrich Grothus, Jochen Teizer, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk 71 Deputy Secretary General of the German Academic Rapids Construction Safety and Technology Aleksandr Tunik, Exchange Service (DAAD) 18 Laboratory, Ettlingen 49 Irkutsk National Research Technical University 72 Ekaterina Korenkova, “What will we be talking about?” Andrey Volkov, Orel State Agrarian University 52 Introductory Remarks MGSU Moscow 73 Aleksey Krasheninnikov, Interview with Dorothee Dzwonnek, Olga Yantsen, Moscow Architectural Institute MARKHI; Secretary General of the DFG 22 MGSU Moscow 74 Higher School of Economics Moscow 53 Ulrich Grothus, Ekaterina Zyryanova, Thomas Krupp / Hartmut Reinhard, Deputy Secretary General of the DAAD 30 Irkutsk National Research Technical University 75 University of Applied Sciences Cologne 54 Frank Allgöwer, Springer Nature 76 Vice President of the DFG 32 Maria Krutilova, Michael Lentze, Belgorod State Technological University 56 Scientific Organizations DFG Bonn 34 Olga Kuzina, MGSU Moscow 56 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering Participants of the Week of the Young Researcher Aleksey Levashev, (MGSU) 78 Irkutsk National Research Technical University 57 German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) 79 Oliver Barfusz, Nikolay Makisha, German Research Foundation (DFG) 80 RWTH Aachen University 36 MGSU Moscow 57 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 81 Nina Danilina, Katharina Martin, Helmholtz Association of German MGSU Moscow 37 RWTH Aachen University 58 Research Centres 82 Immo Feine / Eike Tauscher, Jürgen Melzner, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation (AvH) 83 Bauhaus Universität Weimar 37 W. Markgraf GmbH & Co KG 59 Sten Gillner, Nils Seifert / Klaus Mühlhaus, Complete List of Participants 84 Technische Universität Dresden 38 Technical University of Munich 60 Programme 90 Denis Gritsiyenko, Irina Nechaeva, MGSU Moscow 38 Higher School of Economics Moscow 61 Stefanie Halwas, Maria Nikolaenko, University of Applied Sciences Cologne 39 Tomsk University of Architecture and Building 62 2 GERMAN-RUSSIAN WEEK OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER WELCOMING ADDRESS Welcome to the „Sixth German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher“! Dear colleagues from Russia and Germany, We would like to offer you a warm welcome to our Sixth Week of the Young Researcher! When we convened the “German-Russian Year of Science“, six years ago, the idea was born to invite young researchers from both countries to come together to discuss current topics of mutual interest. Since then it has grown from strength to strength. The success of the first week in Kazan encouraged us to turn it into an annual event. The following years we met in Ekaterinburg (2012), Novosibirsk (2013), St. Petersburg (2014) and Moscow (2015). Dr Peter Hiller The main goal of these meetings is to foster collaboration among young scientists and re- searchers who will be setting the agenda of scientific cooperation between Russia and Ger- many in the near future. Research organizations and institutions of higher education of both our countries will be presenting their funding programmes and describing the platforms that they can offer to both Russian and German PhD students or PostDoctoral researchers. The over arching principle behind these presentations is to facilitate collaboration and to broaden research networks. The brochure will illustrate how young and experienced scientists can work across borders with local authorities, associations and industry in order to develop new approaches to global challenges. This week we are glad to discuss matters of urbanism at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engi- neering (MGSU). Urban Studies comprise a wide range of interdisciplinary research areas from urban planning to civil engineering. With the sub-theme “City of the Future” we will also include ecological, social and economic aspects of the sustainable development of our Dr Jörn Achterberg cities. Our host university MGSU is famous for its participation in designing and con- structing international giant building projects like the Aswan High Dam in Africa. MGSU is the top Russian university in the area of civil engineering and was granted the status of a National Research University by the Russian government. In November 2016 MGSU celebrated the 95th anniversary of its foundation. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and its academic hospitality, to the German Embassy in Moscow for its kind support, as well as to the Moscow Government. And, of course, we thank all of you, the par- ticipants, for your involvement and cooperation in this conference. СПАСИБО ВАМ! Dr Peter Hiller Dr Jörn Achterberg German Academic Exchange Service German Research Foundation Head of DAAD Office Moscow Head of DFG Office Moscow Managing Director of DWIH Moscow Deputy Director of DWIH Moscow GERMAN-RUSSIAN WEEK OF THE YOUNG RESEARCHER 3 WELCOMING ADDRESS Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Liebe Freunde! Ich freue mich sehr, Sie, Teilnehmer der den des roten Bandes. Gleich beim allerers- 6. Deutsch-Russischen Woche des jungen ten Entwurf für ein Gebäude soll man sich Wissenschaftlers „Urbanistik – Stadt der genau vorstellen, was damit später passieren Zukunft“, in der ältesten Hochschule für wird, wie man es nutzen soll und wie viel PROF. DR. HABIL. ANDREY VOLKOV Bauwesen in Russland – in der Nationalen das kosten wird. Sie, junge Forscher, kont- Forschungsuniversität Staatlichen Universi- rollieren die wichtigste Phase des technolo- Rektor der Staatlichen tät für Bauwesen Moskau – zu begrüßen! gischen Lebenszyklus eines Wohnbaus. Um Universität für Bauwesen Moskau dieser Aufgabe gerecht zu werden, muss (Nationale Forschungsuniversität) Dieses Forum, an dem Sie teilnehmen, hat man lernen. Heute ist in der ganzen Welt Korrespondierendes Mitglied eine besondere Bedeutung nicht nur für un- und auch in Russland das Prinzip „Lernen der Russischen Akademie für Architektur sere Universität, sondern auch für die Ent- für das Leben“ vom Prinzip des „lebenslan- und Bauwissenschaften wicklung der Branche in der ganzen Welt. gen Lernens“ abgelöst worden. Denjenigen, Kurz vor dem 95. Jubiläum der MGSU ha- die bereit sind, sich zu entwickeln und Neues ПРОФЕССОР, Д.ТЕХН.Н. ben wir die Durchführung der 6. Deutsch- zu erlernen, stehen unsere Türen stets offen! АНДРЕЙ ВОЛКОВ Russischen Woche des jungen Wissen- Ректор Московского государственного schaftlers an unserer Universität initiiert, Ich bin froh, dass am Forum so viele Nach- строительного университета deren Ziel es ist, sowohl den Erfahrungsaus- wuchswissenschaftler aus Russland und (Национального исследовательского tausch zwischen einzelnen Fachdisziplinen Deutschland teilnehmen. Das Forum gibt университета) zu ermöglichen als auch internationale wis- Ihnen die Möglichkeit, in die wunderbare Член-корреспондент senschaftliche Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Welt der Wissenschaft hineinzublicken, es Российской академии архитектуры Urbanistik zu stärken. lehrt Sie, wissenschaftliche Sprache zu spre- и строительных наук chen, zu hören, zu verstehen, von den bes- Ich freue mich ganz besonders, unsere ten Lehrern und weltweit führenden For- Kolleginnen und Kollegen und Gäste aus schern zu lernen. Ich bin sicher, dass Ihre Deutschland begrüßen zu dürfen, denn Energie und
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