480 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 24 The Senato·r from New York [Mr. sometimes, in my impatience at what SENATE WAGNER] 1s necessarily absent. may have seemed to be too lengthy de- Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that bate, referred to it as the most delibera­ MoNDAY, JANUARY 24, 1949 the senior Senator from Nebraska [Mr. tive body in the world. But be that as it The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, BUTLER], the Senator from Vermont [Mr. may, I believe that the United States D. D., offered the following prayer: FLANDERS], the Senator from New York Senate-and I say it with due apologies (Mr. IVES], the Senator from Indiana to any other legisla~ive body-is the Today, 0 Lord, as the Members of the [Mr. JENNER], the Senator from South greatest deliberative body, because there Senate pause in this moment of prayer, Dakota [Mr. MuNDT], and the junior is deliberation here, there is the right to we unite our petitions for Thy blessing Senator from Nebraska [Mr. WHERRY] speak; there is the right to be repre- upon Thy servant who, in his new ca­ are necessarily absent. sented; there is the right to express pacity, presides over this body. We The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-seven one's views, however much they may dis­ thank Thee for his long years of de.: Senators having answered to their names, agree with the views of other Members voted public service, for the testimony a quorum is present. of the Senate or with the people outside of his life and the inspiration of his the Senate. So that to me membership example. LEAVES OF ABSENCE in the Senate constitute::: one of the su- May he never feel lonely in this chair, Mr. THOMAS of Oklahoma asked and preme honors that the American people, but always be aware of Thy hand upon obtained consent that his colleague [Mr through any State, can confer upon one him and Thy spirit with him. KERR] be excused from attendance in of their citiZens. When differences arise, as they will, the Senate today because of his inability While it is true that every Senator may Thy servants be not disturbed at to return to Washington from Oklahoma, represents the State which has chosen being misunderstood, but rather be dis­ due to bad weather. };lim, and in the very nature of things is turbed at not understanding. Mr. CAPEHART asked and obtained interested in the problems which affect May Thy will be done here, and may leave to be absent from the Senate until his State, in a real and a broader sense Thy program be carried out, above party Friday of the present week. every Senator is a Senator of the United and personality, beyond time and cir­ REMARKS OF THE VICE PRESIDENT ON States. Though chosen by a single cumstance, for the good of America ASSUMING THE CHAIR State, every vote he casts here for or and the peace of ·the world. Through against legislation which is general in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The VICE PRESIDENT. Before the its scope affects the people of every other Senate begins the transaction of busi- State, as well as the people of his own THE JOURNAL ness, I ask its indulgence for a few State. So that it is a great thing not On request of Mr. LucAs, and by unan­ moments to respond to the very gracious only to be chosen by a State as its am­ imous consent, the reading of the Journal remarks made by Members of the Senate bassador to this great body, but it is a of the proceedings of Tuesday, Janu­ on last Tuesday from both sides of the great thing to feel that while in that ca­ ary 18, and Thursday, January 20, 1949, aisle upon the occasion of my retirement pacity we are Members . here, we are was dispensed with, and the Journal was as a Member. I could not trust myself also Members of the United States Sen­ approved. on that day to respond appropriately, ate for the country at large. So I expe .. because, as I have said frequently, I did rienced considerable regret in dissociat­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT not abandon, without regret, tt.at seat ing myself from this body as a Member. Messages in writing from the President upon the aisle in the front row after I will be hanging around for 4 years, of the United States submitting nomi­ occupying it for 12 years. But I do ap- and I wish not only to welcome the co­ nations were communicated to the Sen­ preciate the very generous remarks, not operation of every Member of the Sen­ ate by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. only made by Members of the Senate in ate, but I invite the cooperation and the CALL OF THE ROLL public, but similar remarks that have sympathetic good will of every Member been made to me 1n private upon the of this body, regardless of politics. I Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of occasion of my departure from the can assure you that not only personally a quorum. Senate as a Member, and the assump- but officially I will accord to every Mem­ The VICE PRESIDENT (ALBEN W. tion of my duties as its Presiding Officer. ber of the Senate, regardless of the BARKLEY, of Kentucky). The clerk will I recall that in 1913, when Vice Presi:. State from which he comes, and regard­ call the roll. dent Marshall from this very rostrum less of his political inclinations, that The Chief Clerk called the roll, and took the oath of office, as was then the same degree of good will and cooperation the following Senators answered to their custom, he made a little speech, after which I hope to receive from you. names: announcing that his reason for it was I wish also to say not only to the new Aiken Hill Morse that he was entering upon a 4-year Members who are just coming into this Anderson Hoey Murray period of silence. I do not put myself body, but'to the older Members also, that Baldwin Holland Myers Brewster Humphrey Neely -precisely in that position, because I shall if in my capacity of Presiding Officet of Bricker Hunt O'Conor probably have to adjust myself gradu- the Senate I can be of service to you in a Bridges Johnson, Colo. O'Mahoney ally to the fact that I am not a Member legislative way, in helping you to solve Broughton Johnson, Tex. Pepper Byrd Johnston, S. C. Reed of the Senate, and it might not surprise your problems, I shall be most happy to Cain Kefauver Robertson the Senate if some day I should do so. Capehart Kern Russell thoughtlessly walk down from the ros- While I am on that phase of what I am Chapman Kilgore Saltonstall Chavez Knowland Schoeppel trum and begin to debate some problem, saying I wish also to say that, while the Connally Langer Smith, Maine upon which occasion I would expect to Constitution prescribes only one duty for Cordon Lodge Smith, N.J. be called promptly to order. But I do the Vice President of the United States, Donnell Long Sparkman Douglas Lucas Stennis appreciate, of course, the magnitude and · and that is to be the Presiding Officer of Downey McCarran Taft the unanimity of the courtesies which the Senate, I should like the Senate to Eastland McCarthy Taylor have been extended to me as a Member know, and the Congress to know, and the Ecton McClellan Thomas, Oklt. of the Senate of the United States by administration and the Government to Ferguson McFarland Thomas, Utah Frear McGrath Thye all Members, regardless of their party know, and the people to know, that if at FulOrlght McKellar Tobey and regardless of their States. any time I may be of service to the Con- George McMahon Tydings I have often doubted, and I do not gress, to the administration, of course, Gillette Magnuson Vandenberg Green Malone Watkins hesitate to say that I doubt yet, whether and to the Government and to the Amer­ Gurney Martin Wiley there is any promotion to a higher omce lean people beyond the mere technical Hayden Maybank Wllliams than a United States Senator that can duties of presiding over the Senate, I Hendrickson Miller Withers Hlckenlooper M1llik1n Young be regarded as such, or to a role that shall be happy to be available for any can be regarded as more important than such service as any branch of the Gov­ Mr. MYERS. I announce that the Sen­ the role played by a Member of the ernment, or both branches of the Con­ ator from Louisiana [Mr. ELLENDER] and United States Senate. We frequently gress, may feel I can render. the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. ·KERR] refer to the Senate as the greatest de- - So let me again thank all the Members are absent on omcial business. liberative body in the world. I have who are here today, and all those who 1949 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 481 have been here while I have been a Memo:' Coast and Geqdetic. Survey the proVisions of submitting reports, or introducing bills ber of this body, for the un~nimous the Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946 (with and joint resolutions, or other resolu­ courtesy and consideration of which I an accompanying paper); to the Committee tions, the rules provide that there shall have been the object. You have been on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. be no debate and no speeches on any tolerant of my mistakes, you have been REPORT ON VALUATION OF PROPERTIES OF SHELL subject during the consideration of patient with my shortcomings, and I look OIL Co., INC., PRODUCTS PIPE-LINE DEPART­ morning business.
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