2017 year end report 2017 year end report Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena INB Performing Arts Center Spokane Convention Center i 2017 year end report Table of Contents Spokane Public Facilities District INB Performing Arts Center Letter of Introduction 1 INB Performing Arts Center Executive Summary 49 District Revenues 2 Marketing Summary 51 District Expenses 3 Statement of Operations: Revenues 52 Statement of Operations: Expenses 53 INB Revenues 2017 54 INB Revenues to Date 2013-2017 55 INB Expenses 2017 56 Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena INB Expenses to Date 2013-2017 57 INB Operating Profit 2013-2017 58 Spokane Arena Executive Summary 7 INB Admission Tax 59 Marketing Summary 9-11 Event Revenue by Month/Event Type 60 Statement of Operations: Revenues 12 Activity by Month 61-65 Statement of Operations: Expenses 13 Activity by Event Type 66-67 Arena Revenues 2017 14 Attendance/Revenue By Month 68 Arena Revenues to Date 2013-2017 15 Attendance/Revenue by Event Type 69 Arena Expenses 2017 16 Event Revenue Comparison 2017/2016 70 Arena Expenses to Date 2013-2017 17 History by Event Type (Revenue/Attendance) 71 Arena Operating Profit 2013-2017 18 Per Cap/Daily Revenue by Event Type 72 Arena Admission Tax 19 Top 10 Events by Attendance 73 Event Revenue by Month/Event Type 20 Food and Beverage/Merchandise Report 74 Activity by Month 21-30 Renewal and Replacement 75 Activity by Event Type 31-32 Attendance/Revenue by Month 33 Attendance/Revenue by Event Type 34 Event Revenue Comparison 2017/2016 35 Spokane Convention Center History by Event Type (Revenue/Attendance) 36 Per Cap/Daily Revenue by Event Type 37 Spokane Convention Center Executive Summary 79 Top 15 Events by Attendance 38 Marketing Summary 81-83 Merchandise Report 39 Statement of Operations: Revenues 84 Food and Beverage Report 40 Statement of Operations: Expenses 85 Parking Report 41 CC Revenues 2017 86 Revenues from Spokane Chiefs 42 CC Revenues 2013-2017 87 Revenues Paid to Spokane Chiefs 43 CC Expenses 2017 88 Revenues from Spokane Empire 44 CC Expenses 2013-2017 89 Revenues Paid to Spokane Empire 44 CC Operating Profit 2013-2017 90 Renewal & Replacement 45 CC Lodging Tax - 2% 91 CC Admission Tax 92 Event Revenue by Month/Event Type 93 Activity by Month 94-105 Activity by Event Type 106-112 Attendance/Revenue By Month 113 Attendance/Revenue by Event Type 114 Event Revenue Comparison 2017/2016 115 History by Event Type (Revenue) 116 History by Event Type (Attendance) 117 Per Cap/Daily Revenue by Event Type 118 Top 10 Events by Attendance 119 Food and Beverage Report 120 Renewal and Replacement 121 iii 2017 year end report 1 2017 year end report 2017 year end report District Revenues District Expenses Combined Statement of Operations Combined Statement of Operations Description Budget Arena Conv Center INB PAC Total Unrealized Description Budget Arena Conv Center INB PAC Total Unrealized Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Revenues Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Facilities Rental $3,500,000.00 $919,059.00 $1,917,067.08 $445,578.28 $3,281,704.36 $218,295.64 Salaries & Wages $2,989,415.00 $981,271.59 $1,451,726.42 $258,748.33 $2,691,746.34 $297,668.66 Benefits & Expense 1,150,191.00 393,819.43 577,253.03 101,680.25 1,072,752.71 77,438.29 Sales Discounts (303,000.00) - (135,206.45) - (135,206.45) (167,793.55) Office Supplies 19,000.00 8,897.52 7,441.54 956.47 17,295.53 1,704.47 Chemical/Lab Supplies 11,000.00 10,807.38 9,016.79 714.63 20,538.80 (9,538.80) Concessions 1,680,000.00 1,620,810.41 279,861.04 124,752.36 2,025,423.81 (345,423.81) Clothing 18,130.00 1,654.05 760.21 291.43 2,705.69 15,424.31 Operating Supplies 217,100.00 131,761.38 112,929.01 21,541.00 266,231.39 (49,131.39) Catering 627,000.00 104,040.63 695,221.45 11,587.80 810,849.88 (183,849.88) Publications 2,430.00 136.24 172.51 35.50 344.25 2,085.75 Merchandise 160,500.00 151,515.44 5,300.00 37,384.73 194,200.17 (33,700.17) Software 47,350.00 - 2,720.00 - 2,720.00 44,630.00 Meals 2,700.00 810.13 473.43 76.74 1,360.30 1,339.70 Parking 138,127.00 38,056.17 102,335.03 - 140,391.20 (2,264.20) Fuel 9,300.00 4,141.05 3,169.05 109.17 7,419.27 1,880.73 Minor Equipment 204,255.00 47,388.29 62,647.48 14,236.85 124,272.62 79,982.38 Event Parking 650,000.00 722,151.00 - - 722,151.00 (72,151.00) Professional Services 31,730.00 14,407.99 16,820.36 5,123.31 36,351.66 (4,621.66) Club Seat Commissions 58,218.00 81,982.60 - - 81,982.60 (23,764.60) Daily Parking 550,000.00 192,739.33 - 400,000.00 592,739.33 (42,739.33) Suite Commissions 92,800.00 104,663.77 - - 104,663.77 (11,863.77) Advertising Commissions 214,983.00 254,454.06 - 28,725.00 283,179.06 (68,196.06) Box Office 600,000.00 432,843.83 15,036.95 152,119.22 600,000.00 - Contract Services 640,100.00 481,639.84 136,584.99 41,227.38 659,452.21 (19,352.21) Suite Income 726,976.00 756,633.24 - - 756,633.24 (29,657.24) Contract Labor 1,652,000.00 830,318.20 743,886.13 160,169.81 1,734,374.14 (82,374.14) Reimbursed Event Ushering 245,600.00 147.90 311,589.81 1,962.90 313,700.61 (68,100.61) Advertising 687,712.00 618,284.00 - 191,500.00 809,784.00 (122,072.00) Reimbursed Stagehands 4,750.00 - 2,743.58 - 2,743.58 2,006.42 Hockey 325,000.00 291,192.83 - - 291,192.83 33,807.17 Membership Income 16,600.00 16,583.33 - - 16,583.33 16.67 Football 38,000.00 28,141.75 - - 28,141.75 9,858.25 Co-Promote 220,000.00 762,180.19 - - 762,180.19 (542,180.19) Club Income 529,250.00 546,550.68 - - 546,550.68 (17,300.68) Incentive Funds 100,000.00 - 187,964.50 - 187,964.50 (87,964.50) Misc Event Revenue 10,000.00 14,392.17 4,058.00 95.09 18,545.26 (8,545.26) Contract Services VS 1,099,240.00 - 1,301,343.08 - 1,301,343.08 (202,103.08) Contractual Services SSC 99,931.00 - 118,303.92 - 118,303.92 (18,372.92) Cleaning Fees 115,000.00 154,000.14 408.00 - 154,408.14 (39,408.14) Telephone 97,000.00 39,840.86 38,264.68 5,932.48 84,038.02 12,961.98 Cell Phone 3,564.00 1,318.29 1,931.47 827.90 4,077.66 (513.66) Electrical Fees 265,000.00 101,363.32 128,275.70 - 229,639.02 35,360.98 Postage 4,500.00 1,228.13 1,200.00 316.01 2,744.14 1,755.86 Cable TV 22,700.00 16,417.25 3,163.49 1,903.07 21,483.81 1,216.19 Set-up Fees 50,300.00 10,733.20 49,023.50 981.00 60,737.70 (10,437.70) Travel 171,817.00 20,970.14 37,131.09 7,719.37 65,820.60 105,996.40 Equipment Rental 212,000.00 36,561.45 313,799.45 13,195.00 363,555.90 (151,555.90) Building Advertising 249,186.00 138,676.25 77,279.73 - 215,955.98 33,230.02 Event Advertising 32,400.00 28,483.33 - 1,138.83 29,622.16 2,777.84 Phone & Internet 35,350.00 17,377.16 12,830.52 1,000.00 31,207.68 4,142.32 Chiefs Advertising 36,362.00 35,866.00 - - 35,866.00 496.00 Advertising 1,100.00 271.44 1,021.24 120.36 1,413.04 (313.04) Technical Service 65,000.00 42,338.17 44,062.00 - 86,400.17 (21,400.17) Other Marketing 11,000.00 - - - - 11,000.00 Promotional Hosting 4,750.00 5,641.75 2,397.72 96.71 8,136.18 (3,386.18) Ushering Revenue 307,000.00 - 198,341.13 351.00 198,692.13 108,307.87 Operating Rentals 15,884.00 6,227.07 3,901.12 824.28 10,952.47 4,931.53 Stagehand Revenue 5,000.00 - 4,745.00 - 4,745.00 255.00 Insurance 131,000.00 35,511.26 75,443.73 15,380.57 126,335.56 4,664.44 Insurance Claims - - 1,043.76 - 1,043.76 (1,043.76) Forfeited Deposits / Liquidated Damages - - 3,890.00 - 3,890.00 (3,890.00) Water & Sewer 113,000.00 51,837.76 34,477.09 9,621.50 95,936.35 17,063.65 Electricity 1,090,000.00 457,401.03 484,303.41 61,351.30 1,003,055.74 86,944.26 Recycling Revenue 1,100.00 1,206.36 1,328.84 - 2,535.20 (1,435.20) Refuse 55,000.00 27,601.13 19,847.94 6,931.92 54,380.99 619.01 Gas 250,000.00 94,553.80 125,628.55 24,896.72 245,079.07 4,920.93 Distributed Antenna System Revenue 1,000.00 4,447.30 - - 4,447.30 (3,447.30) Exterior Repairs & Maintenance 100,550.00 41,910.87 38,849.80 4,168.86 84,929.53 15,620.47 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 16,500.00 9,763.35 6,133.73 1,434.78 17,331.86 (831.86) Bldg Repairs & Maintenance 293,310.00 89,356.66 187,706.20 40,591.57 317,654.43 (24,344.43) Equip Repairs & Maintentance 84,222.00 23,618.21 15,190.27 1,384.17 40,192.65 44,029.35 Admission Tax 889,000.00 902,272.27 46,992.25 317,095.77 1,266,360.29 (377,360.29) Repair & Maintenance Supplies 77,750.00 27,459.13 34,874.24 9,171.08 71,504.45 6,245.55 Suite & Club Tickets 223,824.00 180,994.46 - - 180,994.46 42,829.54 Lodging Tax 2,559,210.00 - 2,966,467.00 - 2,966,467.00 (407,257.00) Dues, Subs, Memberships 67,627.00 4,799.05 50,890.75 687.52 56,377.32 11,249.68 Registration & Schooling 35,998.00 11,758.47 15,143.89 4,040.28 30,942.64 5,055.36 Total $14,094,625.00 $7,413,721.95 $6,659,970.22 $1,697,075.03 $15,770,767.20 $(1,676,142.20) Laundry & Sanitation 7,400.00 4,461.27 188.70 188.70 4,838.67 2,561.33 Permits, Other Fees 33,000.00 2,501.89 23,607.17 3,274.55 29,383.61 3,616.39 Printing & Copying 8,250.00 1,115.16 618.51 126.17 1,859.84 6,390.16 Tuition Reimbursement - - - - - - Awards 10,000.00 1,380.00 575.00 345.00 2,300.00 7,700.00 Bank Charges 43,500.00 27,676.84 18,630.87 2,009.93 48,317.64 (4,817.64) Reserve For Budget Adjustment 15,000.00 - - - - 15,000.00 Taxes 146,000.00 91,186.38 56,289.26 21,533.49 169,009.13 (23,009.13) Total $12,928,917.00 $5,899,880.07 $6,397,145.52 $860,181.11 $13,157,206.70 $(228,289.70) - - - $0.00 Operating Profit/(Loss) $1,165,708.00 $1,513,841.88 $262,824.70 $836,893.92 $2,613,560.50 $(1,447,852.50) Attendance 675,155 382,114 170,445 1,227,714 Description 2017 2016 % Revenue $15,770,767.20 $14,067,971.01 112% Expenses 13,157,206.70 11,894,619.10 111% Operating Profit/Loss $2,613,560.50 $2,173,351.91 120% Attendance 1,227,714 1,216,772 101% 2 3 2017 year end report 2017 year end report Executive Summary Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena It is our commitment that through teamwork we will operate the Spokane Arena with a continuing effort to provide with pride the highest quality of Guest services and a safe, comfortable environment for all events, in a fiscally responsible manner.
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