
DECEMBE.R, 18i7. x. Bache/a,'s and Undergmd"ales (canlhllled): I,uce, E. Price. E. M .• B.A. Tofts, A. C. Mackenzie. A. Price. F .• n.A. Tooth, H. H., B.A. Mackinnon. F. A .• Price. G. C. Trotter, H. B.A. E. lIlanisty. G. E. Pugh. M. H .• B.A. Trumpel',Rev.J.F.W iI Mann, M. F. J. Rammell. W. H. Tufnell, , '. W. F., LL.B •• " Mnrgerison. J. B .• B.A. Rnwson, E. O. Turner, T. A. Marr, J. E. Rl\ynor, G. H .• Upward, E. P. TI�E B.A. EAGLE. Marsden, Rev. 'V. H. Reynolds, B., B.A. Vale, H. B., B.A. H.A. Mnrshall, A. M .• B.A. Reynolds, G. F. Vuughllll, M. )lartell. E. D. ReYllolds, 11. Vaughun, W. P. H. 1Ilarwood, G. H. Ridley. F. T. Viney, B .. Matthew. G. A. Robinson, Rev. G. Waldo, F. J., B.A. Matthews. H. L. Roney.Dougnl. J. C. \Vallel', H. P .• A MAGAZINE SUPPORTED BY MEMBERS OF H.A. )laxwell. R. P .• B.A. Rooper. H. N. \Valters, St. D. G. McKee. Rev. R. B.A. Roughton. Q. E. Wareing, A., W. R., n.A. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 1Ilerivale, C. Russdl. �l. H. Wnrleigh, Rev. F. L., Michael, M. J. Ryland, R. Il. 'Val'l'en, W. 8.0\, Middlewood. M., Scott, R. F . .. \Vedmol'e, E. B.A. B �. lIlitford. E .• Scurlamore. G. E. Welsby, C., B.A. B.A. Moore, Rev.• J., Sellon, A. G. White, G. B.A. lIlorgan, Rev. P., B.A. J. Sells, A. \OVhytehead,Rev. R. Y., B.A. }I[on-is. J. S. Sharp, H. J. \OVickens, H. J. �rint£� fllr £\nIJllLtiu.crll .onIlJ. tMoser. E. B .• B.A. Shuker. A., B.A. Widgel'Y. W.· lIlosley, E. R., B.A. ·Simpkillsun, H. W .• B.A. Wilkins, E. W. Moss, \V., Simpson, U. 11. Wilkes, J., 11.11.. B.A. 1I10ull, C. A. Simpson, W. H., Willan, W. ,T. B.A. lIIurphy, H. H., Slater, B. B. Willcox, F., B.A. 11.11.. Murray, J. D. M. D.A. Smith, B. A. B.A , Wilkinson, Rev. J. T., . Newton, Rev. H. J., B.A. Smith, T. Willacy, Rev. H. G., B.A. Nevinson, T. K. B., B.A. flollmes, H. Williams, H. A. NicksOll. C. M. E. Sollns, W. J., .A. Williams, 'V. G., B H.A. NixOll, H. E. Southam. Rev. J. H., B.A. Williams, \V. T. Northcott, W. Spicer, W., \Villiamsoll, C. C. B.A. Oddie, G. V., B.A. Spokes, J. H. Wills, W., B.A. Odell, A. C. St. Clair,Re v. E. H. G., B.A. \Vilson, A. R. Oldham, \V. C. Stnfl'urth, J., Wilson, W. �I. O. B.A. Osborne, J.• Stpwart, M , Winch, R. F. B.A. H.A� larsons. B., Strahnn, A., Winll, S. J. B.A. B.A. Parsons, C. A. Stuart. E. A., \Vinstnnley. J. A., .. B.A. B.I Peake, E. C., Stllnrt, M. G. \OVinstone, E. H., B.A. B.A. Peek. A. ?or. Suart, 'V. K., Winter, W. E., B.A. H'A' Pendlebury, O. Swift, A. E. \Vise, J, S., B.A. Penny. J. J., B.A. Tait, T. S. Wood. Hev. H. T., B.A. Perkes, R. M. , Talbot. H. T., B.A. \oVood, Ho. M., B.A. LL.B. (!tontcnts� Peter, L. G., Tarleton, A. P., Il.A. Wood. W. B }t. Phillips, H., B.A. Tarrant. E. G. \Yoodhouse, A. C., CommemoTa'tic)ll SeJ'm()llq, I'A'CR 11.11.. �8n 193 Phillips, R. W., Tate, J. M. Woodhousc, R I. B.A. Pinsent, H. C. Taylor, T. \Voolley, A. D., B.A. 011.1' Gallery 215 Piper, A. D. Thomas, H. S. \Vol'kman, A. The PllbJ.ic Schools: Marlboratllgh 224 Pitman, Rev. E. A. B., B.A. Thomas, S. H. 'Vright, F. P .• B.A. Platt, H. B. Thomas, T. W .• Wyles, W., B.A. B.A. Our Chronicle (Afio1zaslmas 7errll, l8i;) 24 Platt. J. H. Thorndike, A. J. W., Yal'dley,J.S., Il.A. 3 B.A. Pope, J. Tillard. J. :Musical Services • 254 des The Subscription for the current year is fixed at 4S. 6d. ; it inclu . rs Nos. 54, 55, 56, being the first three numbers of Vol. X. Subscnbe r, are requested to pay their Subscriptions to lVIr. E. J ohnson, Bookselle n. Trinity Street. Subscribers should leave their addresses with Mr. J ohnsO Non-resident Subscribers are requested to give notice of any change in their addresses. to �Ulnbxi�gt : The Secretaries or other Members of College Societies, are requested erm. send in their notices for the Chronicle before the end of the current T W. :METCALFE AND SON, TRINITY STREET. : Contributions for the next number should be sent in during the Vacati on H . 18n· the Secretary (Mr. Whitaker), or to one of the Editors (Mr. .Sandys, J, Bevan, J. H. Jenkins. J. A. G. Hamilton). I copzes of the Autotype Pllotograph of' the .Medalllon of Lady .lI£argare (Carte de Vz'st'ie Size) may be obta/metfrom tile Secretary, Pr/cc 6cl. md/. .IST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Fellows. I}f the Coil_ e al/d ,l/(lstus of Arts (COlltil!llerl): tll. Members of tlte Oommittoe. g (+J Mell/bers of th. Oamm '1'3 Late Utee. THE REV. - J., M.A. t Whitaker, Re�. G. H.,M.A. Wilson,'V. S., M.A. TT ,vatkins, Rev. THE REVEREND JOHN Preside A. VV., \Vhitchurst, Rev. J., IEU.A. MASTER, \Viseman, D.D.Hev. 1-1. J., 1I.A. SPICEU \VOOD, D.D., nt. ,V':ltson', Rev. M.A. Fellows the Maste,'s L., M.A. Whitworth,Rev. \V.A.,M.A. Wood, Rev. A., M.A. of Collpge and qf A"ls: ,\,ilsOI1, Rev. \V. A. M.A. E. M.A. � .A. !>, Rev. Frederic, tWilkins, S., \Yood, Rev. F. H., tAbbott,Rev. A., Gamett, W., U. ,V'atso 101.11.. M.A. I Newton,Rev. � .A t W l(.A. M.A.. Adams, Prof. 'V. G.,M.A., . tson, Frank, M.A. i180n, J. M., Wood, Rev. \V. S., Garrod, A. H., M.A. Newton, ' ,Va T H G.,� • �l.A. Rev. W. L. Wilson, tYeld,Hev. C., ll.A. F.It.S. Genese,R. W., �I.A. ,,'cbb, n.. R., M.A. Noon,J., ��.A: 1 .1.. Adams,Rev. T., �r.A. E., hitby, Hev. '1'., M.A. Gorst, J. M.P. Norris, L. C. ,V E., M.A. M.A.., C. R. � . Adamson, Rev. C. tUraves, Rev. C. E., M.A. Obbard, I Rev. A. A.. N: . Bachelof's Undel'gt'a(luates: Anstice, Rev. J. B., M.A. Green,Rev. E. K., �I ... alUl M.A. Page, T. E., M.A. tBa!low,Rev. W. H.,M.A. r ' � ?enhill, A. G., ALA. Pale),',F.A., M.A. Colenso,R. L. D. J,..dam, C. 'V. Haviland, G. Babmgton, Professor C. C., (rl'lffith, W., �l.A. Rev. Parklllson, Rev. A., Collinson. U. F. H. Haviland, R. C.,B.A. M.A., S. , dams, n.A. F.It.S. Gurne ','f . '1' ., A .A. • � ! I'.U.A.S .. F.U.s. D D .t\- ams,H . B .•A Coombes, G. F. Heather, W. M. J. Dakewell, J. W., M.A. ., , pod ., n Gwatlnn, Rev. 1., �r.A. tPalmer, B.A. E. T., Prof. E. H. .t\-"new,G. 'V., Cooper, C. Henderson, B.A. Darnacle,Rev. H., M.A. Hallam, G. H., �l.A. LL Pate, H W,M. A. ,G. C. Cope, A. N. lIeywood, J., H.A. Darnacle,Rev. J., �!.A. , .D. .t\-l1en Hartle J., tPeat'son, Cope, F. H.,B.A. A. N. ?" LL.D. Rev. J. B.,l[ .A .t\-llen, J. Hibbmt, J. Date�an,Rev. J. F., M.A. tHaskms, C. E , M.A. ., B A, H.A. Peckovel', Rev. E. G., .. .t\- derton, 'V., B.A. Cordeuux, \V., Hibbel't, P. J., TIayhs, P., M.A. M. n Haslam, J. B., Penrllebul'y, It., Cort, J. P. Higgs,Rev. A. C., B.A. M.A �r.,\ J,..ndrews, \V. Daynes, T. H.,M.A. Haslam, \V A., M.A.. � Pennant, P. P., M.A. J3 haw, T. W. Crick, A. H., B.A. Jl ildersley, A. li. 'V. �!.A. ags Desant, H.,M.A.,F.R.S. IIavlland, B.A. E., J., PeI'kes, Rev. R. J., �!.A. ines,T., Cummings,Rev. C. Hildyard, G. G.,B.A. Dlunn,J. H., LL. M. Ilu B.A. Ha:wes,Rev. Robt., P!erpoint, n.A. Cunynghame,H, H. S., F. D.D. Rev. R. D., M.A. anks,A. R., Hill, C. Dody, Rev. C. W. E., n.A. HeItland, E., B H.A. W. M.A. Pletel's,Rev. J. \V., n.D \V.,B ,A. Curry, E. L. Ilitchman, A. 'V. H. M., M.A. 13arlo\\', W. Dompas, Heppenstall, Rev. F.,�!.A. B.A. B A. B.A. Pinder, Itev. H. F., B.A. tt,Rev. \V. F., Davies, Rev. J. P., Hope,Rev. C. A., Donney, Rev. T. Ban'e G., Hereford, Right Rev. the Powcll, F. S., 111., B.A. Deakin, J. E., B.A. IIopkin, J., B B.D., l!.A. Ilarton, Hev. H. C. A. F.G.S., F.S.A. Lord Bishop of, \V. B.A. E. D.D. Pryke,Rev. E.,�!.A. Batchelor, A., De vVend, \V. F., Hopper, C. M.A. �I.A. B.A. Donney, Rev. A., Hewison, J. E., Pulliblank, AI.A. F. D.A. Rev. J., llatten,J. M., .. Dixon, J. Homer, J., Donsey, Rev W., M.A. Hey, Rev. R., �I.A.
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