DETROIT, Since 1989. Gratis! www. FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! April/abril 26, 2006 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 24 Páginas Vol. 39, No. 7 St. Francis HS’s LASSO’s Fundraiser , page 12 DENTRO: Cientos de detenidos en redadas laborales a inmigrantes .............. 2 Davide García .......... 5 La Prensa’s Endorsements for May 2 Primary ........ 6 District 3 Candidates by The Word............. 7 OCHLA hosts annual awards banquet ........ 8 Earth Day by Rep. Marcy Kaptur .......... 9 Carla’s Corner ...... 10 11th Conference HOROSCOPE ........ 11 St. Francis HS’s Cinco April 28-29 de Mayo .................. 12 Events ...................... 14 th Obituaries ............... 15 11 Hispanic Leadership Conference features Deportes .............16-17 La Liga de Las education, culture, and entertainment Américas ................. 17 Elyria: Under the able panic Leadership Confer- This year is no differ- Classifieds..........21-23 leadership of Mike and ence offered tremendous ent thanks to, otra vez, La Dina Ferrer and Angie exposure to Latino culture Familia Ferrer and CHIP. Martínez and her UAW and awesome discussions The conference is sched- Breves: Hispanic Council, last of many of the problems uled for Saturday, April 29 EEUU promete medidas year the 10th annual His- confronting Latinos. (Continued on Page 9) duras contra empleadores de indocumentados Por ANDREW MIGA WASHINGTON (AP): Gabino Moreno y La X, 103.1 El gobierno planea tomar medidas aún más duras con- Pura Raza: Mejor que el café tra los empleadores que Por Marivel Aguirre, Reportera para La Prensa esconden y contratan a [email protected] inmigrantes indocu- mentados, y perseguirá a Aquellos latinos que Moreno por la mañana. El las empresas que ignoran viven en Columbus y sus programa es transmitido de las leyes para explotar mano alrededores y que se 6:00 a 11:00 de la mañana de de obra barata. levantan temprano para ir lunes a viernes a través de la “Vamos a incrementar el actual nivel de actividad al trabajo ya tienen algo estación de radio La X cada mes y año’’, expresó el mejor que el café para 103.1FM Pura Raza desde jueves el secretario de quitarse el sueño: el Columbus, Ohio. Seguridad Nacional Michael programa de Gabino (Continua en la p. 19) Chertoff, refiriéndose a las redadas que se efectúan actualmente. BGSU to host 12th annual Las autoridades federales arrestaron el El Día del Trabajador Latino Issues Conference miércoles a siete gerentes (Continua en la p. 18) ¡Siga la presión! Proxima BOWLING GREEN, Practices.” movilización nacional 1 de OH: The overlap of U.S. Open to the public, the society and national and free conference will be held Club mayo international Latino food from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. El 1 de mayo, Día del and cultures will be in the in the Lenhart Grand Ball- La Vista Trabajador en la mayoría spotlight Thursday, April room of the Bowen-Thomp- Latino Style of de los paises del mundo, 27, when Bowling Green son Student Union. Toledo se esta llamando en los State University hosts the Councilwoman Taylor Music, Dancing Estados Unidos; Día Sin 12th annual Latino Issues Balderas, a BGSU alumna, Taylor Balderas & Fun! Inmigrantes, y en inmigrantes. Conference. This year’s will give opening remarks at from around the nation. Downtown Toledo Corner of Summit & Locust St. solidaridad con esta En Ohio, la Red de theme is “Meeting at the 9:00 a.m. The program will Luncheon speaker Dr. esfuerzo pedimos a Inmigrantes de Ohio Intersection of Market, feature BGSU students and Arlene Dávila, an associ- Saturday: miembros y apoyadores: (RIO) se une al llamado Politics and Other Cultural faculty, plus guest speakers (Continued on Page 6) INVENZIBLE! • Lleve ropa blanca nacional convocando a la Call (419) 917-1541 (por paz) todo el día. población a participar en Hablamos Español • No comprar nada en las siguientes acciones: 419-242-7377 todo el día, para 800-828-8564 demostrar las “LOS INMIGRANTES 3011 Council St., Toledo OH 43606 contribuciones de los SON AMERICA” inmigrantes. TOLEDO Tenemos todo para • No trabaje (si es Protesta frente a las Taquerías, Mariscos, posible), también para oficinas del Congresista Tex-Mex, y toda demostrar las Paul Gillmor, que voto a clase de contribuciones de los (Continua en la p. 22) Se Habla Español Celebrity Cash restaurantes. Explosion, p. 10 Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina 89.1 FM cada día 9AM-5PM • Visit Grandma’s Country Cookin’ for Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner, 3312 Glendale Ave. • 419-382-1115 • Página 2 La Prensa Político April/abril 26, 2006 Divisions emerge over May 1 immigration work and school boycott EEUU: cientos de detenidos By PETER PRENGAMAN Armando Navarro, coordina- tensifying and Los Angeles ers licenses had sporadic par- Associated Press Writer tor of the National Alliance Cardinal Roger Mahony, an ticipation and didn’t change en redadas laborales a LOS ANGELES (AP): Or- for Human Rights, a South- outspoken supporter of un- public policy. ganizers of the movement that ern California organization documented immigrants, dis- Boycott supporters say inmigrantes has led hundreds of thousands pushing the boycott. “We’ve couraged it during Easter they’re working to mend di- Por MARK SHERMAN of immigrants onto the shown our power politically, Mass. visions. WASHINGTON (AP): nation’s streets are divided but if we can’t show it eco- “Go to work. Go to Still, strains are showing. Siete ejecutivos y cientos over their next big protest— nomically we are going to school,” said Mahony. “And In Los Angeles, the March a May 1 boycott urging work- lose it.’’ then join thousands of us at a 25th Coalition—named for de obreros extranjeros ers and students to stay home. Some organizers hope to major rally afterward.’’ the day 500,000 people ral- fueron detenidos en Boycott backers want to see turnout so large that it Leaders of the Service lied there—sent a mass e- redadas realizadas por highlight the economic toll if will protect participants from Employees International mail clarifying who was au- autoridades migratorias constructions sites and res- retribution. Union, which has gotten thorized to speak for the estadounidenses en varias taurants are undermanned, “If immigrants continue thousands to rallies and group after a few loosely af- fábricas de una compañía crops untended and hotels demonstrating in large num- helped with crowd control, filiated organizations ques- alemana el miércoles, uncleaned. They also hope bers, are they going to fire all said they can’t endorse a boy- tioned the boycott. como parte de una tems no estuvo disponible empty classrooms will dem- of them?” said Julita Rincon, cott because of collective Boycott supporters also campaña enérgica contra para comentarios el onstrate that immigration re- 21, an undocumented im- bargaining agreements. And have criticized the disen- form is a major issue for fu- migrant and University of some feel it’s premature, any- gagement of Spanish-lan- quienes emplean a miércoles. ture voters. Houston student who leads a way. guage deejays such as El ilegales. Varios empleados de la Doubters fear alienating student activist organization. Before leaving town two Piolin, a nationally syndi- Luego de un año de empresa IFCO Systems federal lawmakers who are Boycott opponents argue weeks ago, the U.S. Senate cated morning show host. investigación, agentes de fueron detenidos en Hous- still pondering over how to that skipping work and nearly voted on immigration El Piolin, whose real name inmigración realizaron ton, Phoenix, Cincinnati, reshape U.S. immigration school could sour main- legislation that included a is Eduardo Sotelo and whose inspecciones en diferentes Albany, Indianápolis, policy. stream support and even get path to citizenship for un- nickname means “Tweety fábricas de la compañía Livonia (Michigan), Among them are figures thousands of immigrants documented immigrants, Bird,” was one of a handful alemana IFCO Systems en Biglerville (Pensilvania), from unions and religious fired. noted Jaime Contreras, a of Los Angeles-based al menos nueve estados de Charlotte (Carolina del and Latino groups who have “If they lost their jobs, union spokesman and chair- deejays who supercharged mustered nationwide there would be nothing we man of an influential immi- turnout March 25. Since then, Estados Unidos, Norte), Richmond (Vir- marches supporting a could do,’’ said Ana María gration group in Washing- he’s been more reserved in reportaron oficiales ginia) y partes de Tennes- chance at U.S. citizenship Archila, executive director ton, D.C. his calls to activism—and federales. see. for an estimated 11-12 mil- of the Latin American Inte- “You are using the last openly opposes students Siete gerentes actuales Un oficial de lion undocumented immi- gration Center. Her New weapon in your arsenal skipping school May 1. y pasados de la empresa inmigración, hablando en grants. These leaders sup- York City group plans alter- now?’’ asked Contreras. If “We have to demonstrate fueron detenidos, bajo los condición anónima, port a protest May 1—but native May 1 activities, such senators move toward more that we came here to suc- cargos de conspiración contabilizó en cientos los after school is out and busi- as persuading businesses to punitive legislation, “then ceed,” said Sotelo. “There are para transportar, acoger y obreros arrestados. nesses are closed. close for 30 minutes in honor what are you going to do?’’ different ways to show we alentar a trabajadores Julie Myers, jefa del If the split suppresses par- of immigrants. And effective boycotts love the United States; we ticipation, even boycott back- Sporadic but mostly mild aren’t easy to organize. A just have to make sure we ilegales en Estados Unidos servicio de Aduanas e ers acknowledge their move- criticism of the boycott be- one-day boycott to protest don’t damage anyone.” y obtener con ello ventajas Inmigración (ICE, según ment will lose momentum.
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