HOUSE SPECIALITY RIBS pork Glazed to you choiсe served by weight/min. 350-550 g Sweet teriyaki 100 g 68 UAH Savoury BBQ Hot chili #7/31.07.2021 Starters Bread Spreads Herring with apple caviar Salmon tartare with truffle paste Herring spread and artichoke 120/75/30 74 280 79 220/70 172 Smoky salmon carpaccio Salmon spread 145/75 155 Veal tartare 120/70/25 79 Veal carpaccio with pesto sauce 220/70 179 Pomazukha (mashed lard and buckwheat toasts with herbs and spices) Jelly of three types of meat 145/75 155 100/75 39 260/40 63 Lard „three traditions“ Tender chicken liver pate with orange caviar 120/35/40 79 Craft cheese collection 100/75 72 Pickled vegetables from barrel 120/30/10 184 Hummus with house chips 335 77 120/40 76 Mixed Vegetables 330/40 92 Salat with goat cheese, prosciutto and arugula Salads 210 142 Salat with arugula and Salat with slightly salted salmon Salat with Lakedra (yellow tail) marinated veal 270 172 and baked peper 220 167 230 127 Caesar with chicken Duck with cones jam wrapped in bacon Grilled vegetables with smoky cheese 250 159 235 102 260 76 Greek salad 250 70 #7/31.07.2021 Hot starters Cheese sticks wrapped in bacon Hachapuri with meat and cheese Hachapuri on a skewer 180/40 69 360 117 300/40 94 Brynza cheese steak with vegetables Baked Camembert with berry Сaramelized bacon chips sauce 200 77 served by weight/min. 100 g 250 166 100 123 Beer snacks Fried whitebait Meat jerks Lavash (pancake bread) chips 85/30 49 served by weight/min. 100 g served by weight/min. 100 g 100 167 100 59 Prosciutto Chicken jerks with spices Mix of chips for beer served by weight/min. 100 g served by weight/min. 100 g 120 123 100 122 100 101 Entrees Chicken bouilion Ukrainian borsch Тom Yum with pork with homemade pasta 350/85 83 425 115 and parmesan 350 52 Okroshka (cold soup) with veal Spicy soup with rib tongue in ice plate 350/70 99 350 99 Peas cream soup with Okroshka (cold soup) with smoked rib Mushroom cream soup salmon in ice plate 380/15 84 380/15 73 350 114 #7/31.07.2021 Fire fish and seafood Salmon steak Dorado Langoustines in vegetable souce served by weight/min. 250-350 g 270/50/40 201 served by weight/min. 200/100 g 100/15 152 100/50 119 Spicy Sea Bass wrapped Yellowtail file with baked Seafood sauté into the black salt vegetables 300 216 300 257 300 157 Sausages of our own production Blood sausages Pork sausages 180/90 96 180/90 142 Chicken sausages 180/90 119 Eat it if you can Tar-tar sandwich with lightly FAT JOE‘s salted salmon veal sandwich 370 164 440 158 Sandwich with pork cutlet (minced meat ball) and bacon 440 147 #7/31.07.2021 A piece of meat on the fire for every taste Steak minion with chili sauce REBROFF beef steak Porterhouse steak and caramelized pineapple on the bone served by weight, average weight 300-500 g served by weight, average weight 250-350 g served by weight, average weight 400-600 g 100 132 100/40/15 149 100/10 124 Steak ribeye Rack of veal Veal skewer wet aging served by weight, average weight 250 g 200 286 served by weight, average weight 300-500 g 100/30 118 100 121 Pork knuckle Pork skewer Piquant pork rib and celery root mash 940/380/80 314 200 161 260 99 Turkey skewer Chicken filet stake with tomatoes Foie gras with caramelized apple in cheese crasp and berry sauce 200 176 240 95 160 287 #7/31.07.2021 Garnishes Sauces Baked potatoes with Creamy mash Adjika Tar-tar bacon and cheese underneath cheese crust 50 15 50 15 260 57 200 36 Pesto Hot chili Grilled vegetables Asparagus in bacon 50 32 50 25 250 71 with parmesan 170 119 Grilled pineapple Vegetable ratatouille served by weight, 240 61 average weight 300-400 g 100 33 Sweets REBROFF cig Chocolate Fondan Cake Concrete Tiramisu 100 132 70/40/20 85 280 230 115 91 Сheese cake Transparent cake for adults Pavlova dessert with Red Velor on Captain Morgan Tiki base fresh berries 130/35 91 110 125 140 121 200 79 Fruit in a bottle 700 142 #7/31.07.2021 Own produced Ice-cream Creamy Chocolate Salty caramel Pistachio Strawberry 50/14 30 50/14 40 50/14 30 50/14 55 50/14 40 Green tea 50/14 45 SUMMER HIT House ice cream with alcohol 2021 Love Baileys & Oreo HUGO PINK KhrynoFF 50/3 60 50/2 60 50/5 60 50/3 60 CUSTOMERS WITH SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS OR ALLERGIES, WHO NEED TO KNOW THE INGREDIENTS OF THEIR MEALS, PLEASE, CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR #7/31.07.2021 Dear Guests! Every year in Ukraine, thousands of people die and are seriously injured in road accidents due to Driving Under Influence (DUI). Moreover, there is civil liability from 17000 grn. fine and driving ban from one year term provided for DUI according to 130 clause of the Administrative Offenses Code. Is it worth it? If you take an advantage of our broad bar offer and came to us driving a car, we offer you to order a car driver or taxi service from the administrator of our restaurant. Take care about yourself, your family, friends and other people! Sincerely, Rebroff #7/31.07.2021 Beer without shot- waste of money! For good mood enjoy 3 l of beer of one type and get 4 shots of Khrinoff tincture as a bonus! Lvivske 1715 Lvivske Bilyi Lev Lvivske Dunkel Carlsberg 3l 270 3l 300 3l 300 3l 300 Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc Grimbergen Blanche Grimbergen Double-Ambrée 3l 360 3l 510 3l 510 #7/31.07.2021 house liqueurs VyshnoFF SmorodynoFF 0,5l 230 0,5l 230 100ml 46 100ml 46 MedochkоFF KhrynоFF 0,5l 300 0,5l 300 50ml 30 50ml 30 Vermouths Italian Vermouths Marengo Classic Marengo Classiс Martini Extra Dry Martini Bianco Martini Rosso bianco rosso 1l 700 1l 700 1l 700 1l 400 1l 400 50ml 35 50ml 35 50ml 35 50ml 20 50ml 20 Bitters Absinthe Balms Volare Sprizzer Campari Xenta Absenta Riga Black Currant 0,7l 700 1l 1300 1l 2060 0,7l 868 50ml 50 50ml 65 50ml 103 50ml 62 #7/31.07.2021 Italian sparkling wine Champagne Terra Fresca Spago Terra Serena Moёt & Chandon Moёt & Chandon Alzaia Frizzante Frizzante Prosecco Frizzante Impérial Rosé Impérial Prosecco white dry white dry white brut rose brut white dry 0,75l 450 0,75l 645 0,75l 3450 0,75l 3975 100ml 52 100ml 60 Val D‘Oca Prosecco San Mare Pesca San Mare Lambrusco Spanish sparkling wine Spumante, white semi-sweet Bianco Millesimato 0,75l 345 white semi-sweet Arte Latino Cava white dry Seco 0,75l 345 0,75l 825 white dry 0,75l 624 San Mare Fragolino Terra Serena San Mare Lambrusco Bianco Prosecco DOC Rose Rosso Brut Millesimato white sweet red semi-sweet San Mare Fragolino 0,75l 345 rose brut 0,75l 345 Rosso 100ml 46 0,75л 795 red sweet 0,75l 345 Ukrainian sparkling wine Marengo Brut Marengo Semi-dry Marengo Marengo Sweet Marengo Rose white dry white semi-dry Semi-sweet white sweet rose sweet 0,75l 300 0,75l 300 white semi-sweet 0,75l 300 0,75l 300 0,75l 300 100ml 40 #7/31.07.2021 French wine Uvica Richebaron Maison Castel Dourthe Grands Roland Lavantureux Vieux Papes Blanc Sauvignon Blanc Terroirs Bordeaux Chablis white semi-sweet Blanc Vieilles Vignes white dry white dry 0,75l 375 white dry white dry 0,75l 372 0,75l 510 0,75l 585 0,75l 1365 100ml 50 100ml 68 100ml 78 Uvica Richebaron Dourthe Grands Maison Castel Vieux Papes Rouge Terroirs Bordeaux Cabernet Sauvignon red semi-sweet Rouge red dry red semi-dry 0,75l 375 red dry 0,75l 372 0,75l 510 0,75l 585 100ml 50 100ml 68 100ml 78 Italian wine Sensi Orvieto Cantina di Negrar Sensi Chianti Cantina di Negrar white dry Pinot Grigio Dalcampo Valpolicella 0,75l 420 white dry red dry red dry 0,75l 450 0,75l 495 0,75l 525 100ml 60 100ml 66 German wine Latinium Latinium Riesling Gewurztraminer white semi-sweet white semi-sweet 0,75l 450 0,75l 450 #7/31.07.2021 Australian wine Banrock Station Banrock Station Chardonnay Shiraz Mataro white dry red dry 0,75l 435 0,75l 435 100ml 58 100ml 58 wines of new zealand Mud House Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc white dry 0,75l 822 chili wine Frontera Casillero del Casillero del Frontera Merlot Sauvignon Blanc Diablo Chardonnay Diablo Cabernet red semi-dry Sauvignon white dry white dry 0,75l 420 red dry 0,75l 420 0,75l 630 0,75l 630 100ml 84 100ml 84 #7/31.07.2021 Ukrainian Horilka KОZАTSKА KОZАTSKА КОZАTSКА First Guild First Guild RАDА Classic RАDА Special RАDА Premium Verhovna Znatna 0,5l 300 0,5l 300 0,7l 518 0,5l 340 0,5l 340 50ml 30 50ml 30 50ml 37 50ml 34 50ml 34 First Guild First Guild RADA Premium RADA Premium RADA Premium Povazhna Prestige Special Сlassic Respect 0,5l 340 0,75l 750 0,7l 518 0,7l 518 0,7l 518 50ml 34 50ml 50 50ml 37 50ml 37 50ml 37 Horilka Import Koskenkorva Smirnoff Red №21 Ketel One 1l 1020 1l 1080 0,7l 1386 50ml 51 50ml 54 50ml 99 Belvedere Ciroc 0,7l 1540 0,7l 1820 50ml 110 50ml 130 #7/31.07.2021 Tequila Tequila Premium True Tequila Silver True Tequila Gold Don Julio Blanco 1l 1500 1l 1500 0,7l 2744 50ml 75 50ml 75 50ml 196 Gin Gordon’s London Gordon’s Premium Gordon‘s Sicilian Tanqueray London Dry Pink Lemon Dry 1l 1500 1l 1680 0,7л 1176 1l 1904 50ml 75 50ml 84 50мл 84 50ml 136 Tanqueray №Ten 0,7l 1778 Rum Rum Premium 50ml 127 Captain Morgan Captain Morgan Captain Morgan Zacapa 23 Original Spiced White Rum Dark Rum 0,7l 3668 Gold 1l 1400 1l 1540 50ml 262 1l 1400 50ml 70 50ml 77 50ml 70 Captain Morgan Captain Morgan Tiki Black Spiced 0,7л 980 1l 1700 50мл 70 50ml 85 #7/31.07.2021 Scotch whisky Bell’s Original Johnnie Walker Johnnie Walker Copper Dog Red Label Double Black 1l 1300 0,7l 1764 50ml 65 1l 1800 0,7l 2912 50ml 126 50ml 90 50ml 208 Bell’s Spiced Johnnie Walker Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Black Label 12YO 0,7l 924 50ml 66 0,7l 3710 1l 3200 50ml 265 50ml 160 Bourbon Scotch single-malt whisky USA The Singleton of The Singleton of Talisker 10 YO Ardbeg 10 YO Dufftown Malt Dufftown 12 YO Bulleit Bourbon 0,7l 2982 0,7l 3444 Master’s 0,7l 1470
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