57 International Edition 57 Edição Internacional 2018 INSTITUTO CULTURAL do Governo da R. A. E. de Macau REVIEW OF CULTURE é uma revista de Cultura e, domínio do Espírito, é Livre. Avassalada International Edition 57 ao encontro universal das culturas, servente da identidade cultural de 2018 Macau, agente de mais íntima relação entre o Oriente e o Ocidente, particularmente entre a China e Portugal. RC propõe-se publicar todos ORGANIZADOR Publisher os textos interessantes aos objectivos confessados, pelo puro critério da qualidade. Assim, as opiniões e as doutrinas, expressas ou professas nos textos INSTITUTO CULTURAL assinados, ou implícitas nas imagens de autoria, são da responsabilidade do Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau dos seus autores, e nem na parte, nem no todo, podem confundir-se com a Praça do Tap Seac, Edifício do Instituto Cultural orientação da RC. A Direcção da revista reserva-se o direito de não publicar, Tel: (853) 2836 6866 nem devolver, textos não solicitados. Internet: www.icm.gov.mo é uma revista simultaneamente publicada nas versões Chinesa e DIRECÇÃO EDITORIAL Director of the Editorial Board Internacional (em Português e Inglês). Buscando o diálogo e o encontro Mok Ian Ian francos de Culturas, RC tem na limpidez a vocação e na transparência Leong Wai Man o seu processo. EDITOR PRINCIPAL Chief Editor is a cultural magazine published in two versions — Chinese and Lam Iok Fong, Agnes Wong Man Fai International (Portuguese/English) — whose purpose is to reflect the unique identity of Macao. The magazine also seeks to promote freedom of EDITOR EXECUTIVO E COORDENADOR expression and through the articles published we hope to stimulate ideas Executive Editor and Coordinator and discussion of topics related to Western/Eastern cultural interchange, Sofia Salgado especially between China and Portugal. [email protected] DIRECTOR DE ARTE publishes articles covering an extensive range of topics expressing a Art Editor diversity of views. However, RC is not responsible for ideas and opinions Lampo Leong voiced in these articles and thus they cannot be taken as editorial opinion. CONCEPÇÃO GRÁFICA In addition, we reserve the right to withhold any unsolicited text from Graphic Designer publication and the right not to return any unsolicited text. Li Lin ASSISTÊNCIA EDIÇÃO DE IMAGEM Image Editing Assistant Eloi Scarva Tao Jiang SECRETARIADO EDITORIAL Editorial Secretary Lei Tan Tong, Kose Chao Sio Fu, Dina REDACÇÃO E SECRETARIADO Editorial Office Centre for Macau Studies Humanities and Social Sciences Building E21-G052d University of Macau Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China Tel: (853) 8822 8131 (853) 8822 8130 Fax: (853) 2886 0009 Email: [email protected] IMAGENS VERSO E CONTRACAPA Inside Cover and Inside Back Cover Images Lampo Leong: Macao Fantasia (detail), photography, 2018 SEPARAÇÃO DE CORES E IMPRESSÃO Color Separation and Printing Tipografia Welfare Ltda. NÚMERO DE SÉRIE ISSN Number ISSN 0872-4407 PREÇO Rate MOP 150 2 Revista de Cultura • 57 • 2018 TRIBUTE TO CAMILO PESSANHA – 150 YEARS , Macau, photography, 2018 photography, , Macau, Light and Color at Av. de Almeida Ribeiro de Almeida and Color at Av. Light Lampo Leong, 2018 • 56 • Review of Culture 3 Lampo Leong, Mount Fortress (detail), photography, 2018 ATRIUM Imagem da Capa / Cover Image: Busto do Compositor do Povo Chinês Xian Xinghai / Sculpture of the People’s Musician Xian Xinghai Conservatório de Música Xinghai / Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Guangzhou, China Autor/Sculptor: Congen Cao Fotografia/Photography: Lampo Leong Design: Lampo Leong e/and Li Lin A NOSSA CAPA Este número de Revista de Cultura reúne uma série de trabalhos sobre a vida e obra de proeminentes figuras. Christina Miu Bing Cheng assina um estudo sobre um filho de Macau, o músico do povo chinês Xian Xinghai. Song Haoyan revela as actividades musicais do jesuíta português Tomás Pereira e Clara Sarmento examina as quatro grandes categorias do feminino patentes nas Cartas e Escritos do missionário Francisco Xavier. O espólio literário do historiador e jornalista José Maria Braga (Jack Braga) e a sua actividade enquanto radialista em língua inglesa em Macau, durante a Guerra Sino-Japonesa são temas explorados por Leonor Diaz de Seabra e Tang Io Weng respectivamente. No campo historiográfico, por seu turno, Geoffrey C. Gunn oferece novas interpretações sobre a vivência dos deportados políticos portugueses em Timor Leste. Por fim, no módulo dedicado ao património literário da China, Giorgio Sinedino apresenta dois trabalhos. O primeiro sobre a unidade literária e a pluralidade de géneros e o segundo, pioneiro em língua portuguesa, centrado na tradução e comentário do principal prefácio das “Selecções Literárias” de Xiao Tong, o príncipe Zhaoming da dinastia Liang. OUR COVER This issue of Review of Culture brings together a series of works centered on the life and work of prominent figures. Christina Miu Bing Cheng writes on a son of Macao, Chinese musician Xian Xinghai. Song Haoyan reveals the musical activi- ties of the Portuguese Jesuit Tomás Pereira, and Clara Sarmento examines the four great categories of the feminine in the Letters and Writings of the missionary Francisco Xavier. The literary estate of the historian and journalist José Maria Braga (Jack Braga) and his activity as an English radio broadcaster in Macao during the Sino-Japanese War are themes explored by Leonor Diaz de Seabra and Tang Io Weng respectively. In the historiographical field, Geoffrey C. Gunn offers new interpretations on the life and times of Portuguese political deportees in East Timor. Finally, in the module dedicated to the literary heritage of China, Giorgio Sinedino presents two works. The first focuses on literary unity and the plurality of genres, and the second—a pioneering study in Portuguese—is centered on the translation and commentary of the main preface to the "Literary Selections" by Xiao Tong, Prince Zhaoming of the Liang Dynasty. 4 Revista de Cultura • 57 • 2018 ATRIUM MÚSICA · MUSIC 06 THE RIVER AND THE SEA - THE PEOPLE’S MUSICIAN IN A TIME OF CHAOS 黃河與星海:亂世中的人民音樂家 Christina Miu Bing Cheng 26 ACTIVIDADES MUSICAIS COMO FORMA DE COMUNICAÇÃO DE TOMÁS PEREIRA COM A CULTURA CHINESA 徐日昇的音樂活動:作為一種與中華文化交流的方式 Song Haoyan ESTUDOS DE MACAU · MACAO STUDIES SUMÁRIO Contents 40 JOSÉ MARIA BRAGA (JACK BRAGA) IN MACAU AND HIS LITERARY ESTATE 白樂嘉在澳門以及他的文學遺產 Leonor Diaz de Seabra 54 THE ENGLISH BROADCAST OF J.M. BRAGA IN MACAO 白樂嘉在濠江的英語廣播 Tang Io Weng HISTORIOGRAFIA · HISTORIOGRAPHY 66 REPRESENTAÇÕES INTERCULTURAIS NO ORIENTE DE S. FRANCISCO XAVIER 聖方濟•沙勿略在東方的跨文化表達 Clara Sarmento 86 PORTUGUESE COLONIAL STATE INCARCERATION: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE ANARCHO-SYNDICALIST DEPORTADOS ON TIMOR 葡萄牙殖民地的監禁:無政府工團在東帝汶被驅逐的生活與時代 Geoffrey C. Gunn AS DIMENSÕES DO CÂNONE-IX · THE DIMENSIONS OF THE CANON-IX 112 ENSAIO INICIAL: SOBRE AS NOVE MUSAS E OS PADRÕES DE CÉU E TERRA: DA UNIDADE LITERÁRIA À PLURALIDADE DE GÉNEROS 論“九個繆斯”與“天文地理”: 從文學的統一性到體裁的多元化 Giorgio Sinedino 120 UM PRIMEIRO OLHAR DAS “SELECÇÕES LITERÁRIAS” DE XIAO TONG, O PRÍNCIPE ZHAOMING: ENTRE GÉNERO, TEMÁTICA E FORMA LITERÁRIA 初探昭明太子蕭統之《文選》: 在文學體裁、題材及形式之間 Giorgio Sinedino 148 RESUMOS 150 ABSTRACTS 2018 • 57 • Review of Culture 5 CHRISTINA MIU BING CHENG MÚSICA Xian Xinghai. Reproduced from He Naiqiang 何乃强, Xian Xinghai zai Xinjiapo shi nian 1911-1921 《冼星海在新加坡十年 1911-1921》(Singapore: Lingzi Chuanmei Siren Youxian Gongsi 2015), p. 5. 6 Revista de Cultura • 57 • 2018 THE RIVER AND THE SEA - THE PEOPLE’S MUSICIAN IN A TIME OF CHAOS MUSIC The River and the Sea The People’s Musician in a Time of Chaos Christina Miu Bing Cheng * ABSTRACT: Born to a poor Tanka fishing family in Macao, the Distinguished Son of Macao— Xian Xinghai—led an itinerant life and died in Moscow. In his short life, he composed almost 300 patriotic musical works. His iconic masterpiece The Yellow River Cantata was created as a weapon for defence and resistance during Japan’s invasion of China in the 1930s. Playing a significant role in the history of New Music in China, he has been en- shrined in the Chinese music pantheon. KEYWORDS: Tanka minority; Sino-Japanese Wars; New Music movement; Paris Conservatory; People’s Musician A TANKA BOY IN MACAO traditional livelihood of fishing. These boat dwellers are often marginalised as a Macao lies at the estuary of the Pearl River into race inferior to the Chinese and pejoratively put at the which flow the waters of south China’s three great rivers— lowest social stratum. They are discriminatorily dubbed the East, North and West Rivers. Intrinsically, Macao has Dan barbarian (Dan man 蜑蠻), and “a race outside been impregnated by the river and the sea. Xian Xinghai civilization” (hua wai zhi min 化外之民), not to mention 冼星海 (alternative spelling in Cantonese: Sinn Sing- that they are disdained and bullied by the land people hoi) (1905-1945)was born into a Tanka 蜑家 fishing (Guangdong Dan min she hui diao cha, 2001:15-16; family off the coast of Praia do Manduco下環街 in the Chen, 2012:32-33). Literally, they are the unclassifiable inner harbour of Macao in 1905. The Tanka, known in because they are not even recognised within China’s 56 pinyin as Danjia 蜑家 or referred to as Dan people (Dan ethnic groups (55 ethnic minorities in addition to the min 蜑民), are a small ethnic subgroup of boat people in Han majority). Hence, they always carry a disparaging south China. They live on their boats and pursue their stigma. Despite their low social status, Robert Elwes has described a pleasant image of the Tanka girls in his * 鄭妙冰 is the author of Macao: A Cultural Janus (1999), In Search of Folk travel journal, “They are better-looking than most of the Humour: The Rebellious Cult of Nezha (2009) and Tracing Macao through Chinese, not that their features are very handsome, but Chinese Writers and Buddhist/Daoist Temples (2013). Macao: A Cultural Janus has been translated into Chinese.
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