80S2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- :HOU-SE May --1-4 • century by -the distinguished junior The message also announced that the Senator from the State of Massachusetts. Senator from New York. He deserves Vice President has appointed Mr. JOHN­ He was a member of the Continental the richest praise from· the people not STON of South Carolina and Mr. CARLSON Congress and was also a delegate to the only of New York but also of the Nation. members of the joint select committee State convention that adopted the Fed­ Mr. LEHMAN. I thank the s ·enator on the part of the Senate, as provided eral Constitution in 1788. Among his from Illinois very much indeed. for in the act of August 5, 1939, entitled many distinguished public services were "An act to provide for the disposition of his service as President pro tempore of certain records of the United States the United States Senate in 1798. RECESS TO 11 A. M. TOMORROW Government," for the disposition of ex­ The great-great-grandson of this The PRESIDING OFFICER.. What is ecutive papers referred to in the report eminent son of Massachusetts, Dr. Sedg­ the pleasure of the Senate? of the Archivist of the United States wick, who served as our chaplain today, Mr. LEHMAN. Mr. President, in ac­ numbered 56-13. is rector of St. Thomas' Church in Wash­ cordance with the previous order, I now ington, D. C. We are glad to welcome move that the Senate stand in recess him to this House, once so ably presided until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. AMENDING THE INTERNAL REVENUE over by his fine ancestor. The motion was agreed to; and (at 7 CODE OF 1939 Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, will o'clock and 1 minute p. m.) the Senate Mr. COOPER,. Mr. Speaker, I ask the gentleman yield? took a recess, the recess being, under the ·unanimous consent ·to take from · the Mr. MARTIN. I yield. order previously entered, until ~omorrow, Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 6143) to Mr. McCORMACK. I want to asso­ Tuesday, May 15, 1956, at 11 o'clock a. m. amend the Internal Revenue Code of ciate myself as an individual Member of 1939 to provide that for taxable years the House, and speaking for the Demo­ beginning after May 31, 1950, certain cratic Members, ·with the remarks made CONFIRMATION amounts r'eceived in consideration of the by my friend, the gentleman from Mas­ Executive nomination confirmed by transfer of· patent rights shall be consid­ sachusetts [Mr. 'MARTIN], in relation to the Senate April 14 (legislative day May ered capital gain regardless of the basis Dr. Sedgwick. We are very happy to 7), 1956: upon which such amounts are paid, with have · or. Sedgwick with us to offer FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Senate amendments thereto, disagree to· prayer o_n the occasion of t-he meeting SaM H.' Bober, of South ·Dakota: to be a. the Senate amendments, and asl{ for a of the House today. I know it must member of the Federal Farin Credit Board, conference. bring · to Dr. Sedgwicl{ a great feeling Farm Credit Administration, for the term The SPEAKER. Is there objection to of happiness to know that he offered expiring March 31, 1962. the request of the gentleman from Ten­ prayer in the very bbdy over which his nessee? [After a pause.] The Chair · great-grea·t-grandfather presided with •• .... • • hears none and appoints the following such dignity, strength, and effectiveness. conferees: Messrs. COOPER, MILLS; GREG­ For my collea_gues I join my dear · HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ORY, REED of New York, and JENKINS, . friend from Massachusetts [Mr. MAR~ TIN] in the very appropriate remarks MONDAY, MAY 14, 1956 that he made on the occ·asion of Dr. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION Sedgwick offering pr·ayer in the House The House met at 12 o'clock noon. today, The Reverend Harold B. Sedgwick, St. BILL-CONFERENCE REPORT Thomas' Church, Was;hi_ngton, .D. C., . Pur.suant to authority g:rarited on May offered the following prayer: 10, Mr. CANNON on May 11 submitted a EDWIN K. STANTON Almighty God whom to forget is to conference report and statement on the Mr. FORRESTER: Mr. Speaker, I stumble and whom to remember is to bill (H. R. 10004) making supplemental. ask unanimous consent to take from the rise again, set Thy seal, we beseech Thee, appropriations for the fl.seal year ending Speaker's table the bill H. R. 2057, ·an upon every work which ·we dd in Thy June 30, 1956! ~nd for ot1:1:er purpo~es, act for the relief of Edwin K. Stanton, . name; that we' may not' begin an action . together with a Senate ame·ndm·ent without a pure intention-we may not 'thereto, and agree to the Senate amend­ continue it without Thy blessing. REV. HAROLD BEND SEDGWICK ment. Give to each of us a passionate desire Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask The Clerk read the title of the bill. to 13ee the truth, courage to say yes when unanimous consent to address the House The Clerk read the Senate amend­ it would be easier to say no, and no for 1 minute and to revise and extend ment, as fallows: · · when it would be easier to say yes. May my remarks. Page 2, line 3, strike· out "in excess of we never be content with anything less The SPEAKER. Is there objection to 10 percent thereof." than the best, for Thou hast entrusted the request of the gentleman from Mas­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to into our hands great responsibilities and sachusetts? . the request . of the gentleman from infinite· powers. There was no objection. Georgia? Deliver us from pettiness when human Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, the There was no objection. life is at stake. Teach us when to speak Reverend Harold Bend Sedgwick, who and when to be silent, when to rise up The Senate amendment was agreed to. has just given the opening prayer, has the A motion to reconsider was laid on and when to sit down-so by the manner distinction of being the great-great­ the table. of our life may be judged the stature of grandson of a . former Speaker of this our soul. Finally, O God, grant that we body. Dr. Sedgwick's distinguished an­ may so quit ourselves this day that when cestor w~s . Theo.dore Sedgwic·k, a Rep­ GRAPI-IlC ARTS CORPORATION OF evening comes, we may·be deserving of · resentative from the great State of Mas­ OHIO rest and quietness that only Thou canst sachusetts. He was the Speaker of the Mr. FORRESTER; Mr. · Speaker I give, at peace with ourselves and with House during the sixth session of the ask unanimous consent to take from the our own consciences;· Amen. Congress and was the first Speaker to Speaker's table the bill H. R. 2893, an The Journal of the proceedings of preside over the House when this body act to confer jurisdiction upon the ·Thursday,· May 10, 1956, was read and first met in the ·city of Washington. ·United States Court of Claims to hear, approved. Speaker Sedgwick presided over this determine, and render judgment upon body on November 18, 1800, when the the claim of Graphic Arts Corporation MESSAGE FROM THE· SENATE Congress first met in Washington. The of Ohio, of Toledo, Ohio, together with a quarters in which the House met and Senate amendment thereto, and agree to A message from the Senate, by Mr: over which Speaker Sedgwic~ presided, the Senate amendment. Ast, one of its clerks, announced that were the rooms now occupied by the The Clerk read the title o·f the bill. the Senate had passed a bill of the fol­ Senate Disbursing Office in the original The·c1erk read the Senate amendment lowing title, in which the concurrence of north wing of the Capitol, now known as the House is requested: as follows: ' the Supreme ~ourt section of the Capitol. Strike out all after the enacting cl~use and S. 3732. An act to provide insurance against Theodore Sedgwick served as a dele­ insert · "That jurisdiction is hereby con­ flood damage; and for other purposes. gate, as a Representative, and also as a ferred upon the Court of Claims to hear, de- 1956 CONGRESSIONAL- RECORD - HOUSE 8083 termine, and ·render judgment upon the this act shall be deemed guilty of a misde­ Mr. McCORMACK. Well, the gentle .. claim of the Graphic Arts Corporation of meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be Ohio, Toledo, Ohio, as to the liability of the fined in any sum not exceding $1,000." man from Massachusetts went as far as United States, if any, either legal or equitable, he possibly could the other day, and there for losses alleged to have been sustained by The SPEAKER. Is there objection to is nothing further that he can add, and the said Graphic Arts Corporation of Ohio as the r:equest of the-gentleman from Geor• there is no further assist he can give at the result of the performance of a contract, gia [Mr. FORRESTER]? this time. Numbered W33-038ac· 2023, dated April 17, There was no objection. 1944, entered into with the· United States The Senate amendment was agreed to. SEVER DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS Army Air Corps. A motion to reconsider was laid on the "SEC. 2. Notwithstanding any statute of WITH RUSSIA limitations or lapse of time, suit upon such table. claim may be instituted by the claimant Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ad­ within 1 year after the date of enactment of COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND this act.
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