General Index Illustrations Are Denoted by Page Numbers in Italics Pottery Fabrics Listed in Tables Are Not Indexed Unless They Appear in the Main Text

General Index Illustrations Are Denoted by Page Numbers in Italics Pottery Fabrics Listed in Tables Are Not Indexed Unless They Appear in the Main Text

Archaeologia Cantiana - Vol. 131 2011 GENERAL INDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics Pottery fabrics listed in tables are not indexed unless they appear in the main text. IA Iron Age arrowhead 202 LBA Late Bronze Age Ash 278, 385-6 LIA Late Iron Age Ashbee, Andrew, Alfred Hambrook’s Mid- RB Romano-British Kent Through Time, reviewed 436 Ashburnham, Joan 321 Acheulian hand-axe 90, 99, 99 Ashburnham family 322-3, 324 Acol 376, 378 Ashford, marriages 386 HMS Actaeon 171, 172 Assheton, Sir Ralph 76 Adam, Stephen, vintner 17 Atholl, David, Earl of 313 Adisham 351 Atterbury, Edward 387 church, tiles 51, 59, 60 Atterbury family 387 agriculture, Thanet 375, 378, 379 Audley, Sir Hugh 218 air defence 170, 174, 177, 188 Austin, H.G., surveyor 349 air raid shelters 172, 175, 176-7, 190, 191 Aylesford Priory 60 airships 172, 191 Aksted, John, armourer 6 Bacheler, Hugh and Agnes 389 Alderstone, John 389 Badock, Julian and Thomas 380, 389 Allhallows Barber, Luke see Waller, Martyn decoy 179 Barbett, William 383 defences 160, 161, 166, 171, 174, 178, Barfreston, windmill 68, 76 180, 186, 187, 190, 192 Barham, floor tiles 60 Slough Fort 164, 167, 169, 180, 189 barn, Roman 413 amphora burials 27 Barnack stone, coffin 90 Anderson, Alderman 146 Barnes, Thomas 382 animal bone barrow cemetery, prehistoric 369-70 cattle 210, 213, 358 barrow mounds, Roman 30 dog 222, 358 Barwick, R.J. 153 horse 213, 214, 358 Bate, Gregory and Agnes (dau.) 389 pig 213, 214, 358 Battle, John 280 sheep/goat 210, 213, 358 Bayham Abbey, floor tiles 62 sites Beacon Hill 170, 171, 184, 190 Dartford 102 Beane, Thomas 389 Nonington 358, 359, 361 Beard family 387 Tonbridge 210, 213, 214, 222 Bearsted, marriages 385, 386 Wood Hill, Kingsdown 400, 402, 412 Beaufort, Cardinal Henry 66, 76 Anne of Bohemia 2 Beaufort, Margaret 82 n.83 Anne of Cleves 324 Beaufort family 76 anti-aircraft batteries 170-2, 174, 175, Becket 119 177, 183, 184, 185-6, 191 Bekesbourne 351 Appledore 20 n.12 Benett, John, feretrar 282 tiles 61, 62 Berry, William, Genealogies 384 Archaeology South-East 291 Bertelotte family 6 archbishops of Canterbury 204, 220, 277 Beverley, poll tax returns 15 475 GENERAL INDEX Bidborough, gold stater 203 Brown, Matthew 77 Biddenden, John 281 Brown, Sir Thomas (‘the elder’) 65, 66, Biddenden Local History Society, Bid- 67, 68 denden in Pictures: People, Places, Brown, Thomas (‘the younger’) 65-6, 78 Events, reviewed 436-7 Buckingham, Edward Stafford, Duke of Bingham, Henry 389 221 Bishop, E.J., mayor 154 ‘Buckingham’s Rebellion’ 75-6 Bishopsbourne, St Mary’s Church 44, 47, Buckland 278 59, 60, 61 buildings Black Death 7, 131 Harrietsham, 5th-7th cent. 294 Blaxland, John 383 Nonington, sunken-floored 360-70 Blean, floor tiles 62 Tonbridge, post-medieval 198 Blechenden, Alice 385 Bukherst, Stephen, pupil 111 Blechenden, Frances 389 Bunce, Cyprian Rondeau 346-7, 348, Blechenden, John 389 349, 350, 351 Blore, George J. 350 burials, East Hill RB cemetery 90-3, 95, 96, Blowfield, Henry 385 97, 101-3, 104-6; see also cemeteries Blue Bell Hill 170 Burnap, Mrs 157 n.27 boat-building 14 Burntwick Island 167, 172, 189 Bodiam Castle 331, 333, 334, 335-6 Bury, Thomas 282 Borne, Thomas 282, 289 butchers 4, 18 Boughton 279 Bourchier, Sir Thomas (of Barnes) 73, 76 Calehill 323 Bracy, John, porter 6 Cambridge (Cambs), Parker Library (MS Brasted 225 298) 277-8 Brenchley, market place 225 Canterbury 2, 74 Brent, Roger, lawyer 74 Cathedral Library manuscript 112 Brewer, William 307, 314 Christ Church Priory 204, 376 brewing, Nonington, malted spelt wheat almonry school 112 356, 362-6, 364, 368-9, 378 floor tiles 44, 46, 47, 59 brewing industry, Thanet 375, 378 monastic community 277-89 brick, Roman 297, 302 monk 111, 112 British Library, school exercises mss 111 shrine of Thomas Becket 113, 115, Broadstairs 376 116 Brompton, shelter 177 Corona Chapel, Cathedral 44, 47, 60 Bromwell, James, curate 383 Cranmer House site 25, 26, 35, 38 Bronze Age floor tiles 62 Nonington 356, 369 marriages 385, 386, 387 Wood Hill, flint 403 mayors 277 see also pottery poll tax returns 15 Brook, St Mary’s Church medieval Poor Priests’ Hospital 45, 62 decorated tile pavement 43-64 Romano-British cemeteries 23-42 details of layout and design 46-59 St Augustine’s Abbey 129, 278, 376 Brookes, Stuart and Sue Harrington, floor tiles 44, 59, 60, 62 The Kingdom and People of Kent St Dunstan’s Terrace site 25, 26, 35 AD 400-1066: Their History and St Gregory’s Priory, floor tiles 44 Archaeology, reviewed 418-21 St Stephen’s Hill 45 Brookland, floor tiles 60 St Stephen’s Road kilns 237, 261 Brown, Anthony 76 school exercises c.1480 111-27 Brown, Eleanor (m. T. Vaughan) 65, 68, taxation 4, 9 69 war memorial 144-5, 146, 147, 148, Brown, Elizabeth (nee Paston) 70, 77 149-50, 149, 151, 152, 154, 156 Brown, Sir George 65-83 Westgate 68, 71 476 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury Archaeological Trust 85, 88, ring fortress 163, 188, 189, 190 353 Royal Marine Barracks 186 Canterbury Cathedral Archives 204, 345- volunteer drill halls 167 52 see also Fort Amherst Lit. MS D12 277-89 Chatham, John, prior 280 marriage records 373 Chattenden 162, 166, 167, 169, 170, 173, Canterbury Hill tileyard 43, 45, 57 177, 178, 186, 190 Canterbury Roman Cemeteries project 23 Chaundeler, John, rector 220 Cantis, Cecily 382-3 Chichele, Henry, archbishop 323 Capstone, airfield 179 Chichele, Robert 323 Carpenter, Henry, yeoman 69 Chichester, poll tax returns 15 Carruthers, Wendy see Helm, Richard Chilham 307, 313; see also Richard of Caryl, Dr Lynford 346 Chilham Cassidy, Richard, ‘Rose of Dover Chingford (Essex) 309, 310, 312, 313 ( d.1261), Richard of Chilham and an Chislet, marriages 386 inheritance in Kent’ 305-19 church memorials 390 Castrianus (poem) 116 civil defence 174-6, 184, 185, 186-7, Catesby, John 73 189, 190, 191-2 Catesby, William 76 Clancy, John, Milton Regis Through Catsgore (Somerset), corn-drier 365 Time, reviewed 436 Cawston, Thomas 277, 278, 279, 280, Clare 214 281-2, 283 Clare, Elizabeth de 219 cemeteries, Romano-British Clare, Gilbert de 218 Canterbury 23-42 Clare, Margaret de 218 East Hill Dartford 85-110 Clare, Richard de 213 Centre for Kentish Studies 373 de Clare family (later Earls of Gloucester) Chacombe, John 73 218, 225 chalk quarry 402, 412 Clarence, George, Duke of 70, 71, 72, 73, Challock 385 74, 77 chapels see Ospringe; Scotney Clarke, Helen et al., Sandwich, The Chart 278, 279 ‘completest medieval town in Chartae Antiquae 345, 346, 347 England’. A study of the town Chartham 67 and port from its origins to 1600, Chatham reviewed 424-6 anti-aircraft 171, 172 clay tobacco pipes bombing 172-3, 175 Dartford 99, 100, 102 Brompton 167, 184, 191 Tonbridge 222 defences 174, 183, 184, 189 Clement, Richard 282 Dockyard 159, 160, 162, 164, 166, Clerk, Agnes and William 18 167, 168-9, 170, 173, 174, 175, Cleybrooke family 387 177, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189- Cliffe 279 90, 191 defences 160, 161, 164, 165, 174, 183, Fire Station 187 186, 187, 192 Fougasse 183 village 171, 172 Gun Wharf 186, 187 Cliffe Fort 164, 165, 165, 167, 169, 173, Kitchener Barracks 167, 177, 191 178, 179, 189, 191 Lines 172, 173, 183, 191 Cliffe Marshes 179, 191 Melville Hospital 186 Cliffs End 376 naval base 161, 162, 172, 175, 179, Clowes Wood, kiln site 43-4 185, 190, 191 Clubb, Jane see Martin, David Nodal Point 182-3, 184, 191 Coalhouse Fort 166, 169, 173 Pembroke naval barracks 162, 172, Cocke, Henry and Agnes 389 175, 190 Cockham Wood 184 477 GENERAL INDEX coffin nails, iron 97, 98, 103, 105 human remains 85, 87, 103, 105, 109 coins IA structure 87-8 Iron Age staters 203 Palaeolithic 88, 90, 101, 102 Roman 30, 87, 101, 102, 103, 203 post-medieval tiles 102 Colbrond, Johanna 17 pot boilers, lithic 98, 102 Colbrond family 6 pottery 87, 88, 90, 93-7, 99-100, 101, Colchester, John 281 102, 106-8 Colchester (Essex), Roman cemeteries 23 sarcophagi 85-7, 88-90, 91, 103 Coleman, John the elder and Anne 381 Darwin College, University of Kent 45, 55 Collet, John and Margaret 384 daub, burnt 400 Colyn, Andrew 19 Davington Colyns, John 73 church 138 Connor, Joe, ‘Profession and death at Priory, floor tiles 62 Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, Day family 387 1207-1534’ 277-89 Deale, Thomas and Richard 380 Connor, Meriel, John Stone’s Chronicle: Decoy Farm 177, 178 Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, decoy sites 177, 179, 191 1417-1472, reviewed 423-4 Delamere family 70 Cooling 177, 178, 183 Deme family 6 castle 343 n.8 dendrochronology, Tonbridge 207 corn-driers 365-6, 369 Denne, Revd Samuel 86 Cornilo hundred 4 Despenser, Hugh, the younger 218 Cosen, Dorothy 388-9 Dillywood Lane 177 Cosen, William 389 Dingley, Henry 385 Coupere, John, tailor 7 Dinham, John, Lord 73 Courthope 321, 322 Doddington, floor tiles 61 cremation burials see cemeteries Doggett, Mary and Isaac 390 Criell, Bertram de 310 Domesday Survey 46, 206 Crispe, Sir Henry 376, 382 domino piece, bone 100 Crispe, Richard 383 Donaldson, Peter, ‘In the name of the Crispe family 374, 387 Fallen: legitimising the Great War in Crispin, Benedict, moneylender 309, 310 East Kent’ 143-58 Curling, Joan 389 Dover Curling, Katherine 383 castle 305 Cuxton 278 mill 313 pottery 246, 256 Dadds, Christian 389 Spanish iron 219 Dallyngridge, Sir Edward 343 n.4 war memorial 144, 146, 147, 150, 152- Dane manor 67, 68 3, 154, 155, 156 Darell, Ralph 74 Dover Archaeological Group (DAG) 394 Darell family 323-4 Dowle, John 389 Dartford 66, 70, 74 Dowle, William 389 poll tax returns 9, 15 Draper, Gillian see Holden, Stuart Dartford District Archaeological Group Drayner, Agnes, William and John 389- (DDAG) 85 90 Dartford East Hill Romano-British Driver, J.T., ‘The Kentish origins and cemetery 85-110 connections of Sir George Brown animal bone 102 (c.1438-1483)’ 65-83 coffin nails 97, 98, 103, 105 Dugdall, Elizabeth and Thomas 390 coins 87, 101, 102, 103 Dumpton 376 domino piece, bone 100 Duncan, Cpl C.E.

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