OFFICIAL GAZETTE 60VERNMENTPRINTINGA6ENGY f E^ISH g^K>N j mwz+~#-t-a=+a h No. 970 SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1949 Price 28.00 yen Article 18. In case any manufacturer, importer, MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE 'seller, dealer or designated consumer violated the provisions of this Ordinance, the Minister Ministry of Education Ordinance No. 24 of Welfare or Prefectural Governor may reduce June 25, 1949 or suspend the allocation of the designated A part of the Regulations concerning Qualifying rationed goods or approved amount of ration to , Examination for College Graduation Level shall him, or in case of a manufacturer, a importer be amended as follows: or a seller, suspend the licensed business or Minister of Education cancel the registration of license. r TAKASE Sotaro 2 Any manufacturer, importer, seller, dealer or designated consumer who is subject to the pro- In Article 5, "¥200 shall read "¥300". visions of the preceding paragraph, shall display Supplementary Provision: a notice stating given penalty according to form shown in theAppendixForm No. 6 for the fixed The present Ministerial Ordinance shall come period of time at the shop or any other visible into force as from the day of its promulgation. places. Article 18-(2). In case the measures referred to in par. 1 of the preceding Article are imposed Ministry ot Welfare Ordinance No. 25 upon the manufacturer, importer, seller or dealer, June 25, 1949 the Minister of Welfare or the Governor of The Ordinance on Distribution of the Medicines metropolis, district or urban or rural prefecture and Other Medical Supplies (Ministry of Welfare shall take necessary steps so that the person Ordinance No. 30, 1947) shall partially be amended who had been dependent upon the manufacturer, as follows: importer, seller or dealer in obtaining the desig- Minister of Welfare nated rationed goods allocated or rationed may HAYASHI Joji continue to obtain such goods from another Article 9-(2). Any manufacturer, importer or seller manufacturer, importer, seller of dealer. shall, when he wishes to have his license can- Article l8-(3). Any person who has not been celled, apply to the Minister of Welfare or to registered as a seller at the time of renewal of the Prefectural Governor with the reason, and registration provided in par.4 of Art. 9, or who the names of items of the designated rationed has been cancelled his registration according to goods and their amount which the manufacturer, par.3 of Art.9-(2) or par.1of Art.18, if he importer or seller may possess on the day of possesses the designated rationed goods, shall application together with his own license certi- transfer them according to the designation of ficate. the Minister of Welfare or a Prefectural Governor 2 When any manufacturer, importer orseller has as to the person, time and method. died or has dissolved his organization a successor, Article 18-(4). The Minister of Welfare or Pre (the custodian of the inherited property, if the fectural Governor shall, prior to taking measures successor cannot be found) or liquidator shall mentioned in par. 1 of Art. 18, request the report to the Minister of Welfare or Prefectural manufacturer, importer, seller, dealer or desig- Governor with the names of items of the desig- nated consumer concerned, or his proxy to pre- nated rationed goods and their amount which sent himself at the office or to file a statement the manufacturer, importer or seller possessed explaining the alleged violation for hearing on the day when he died or dissolved his orga- thereon. But incase theevidenceof thealleged nization together with license certificate. violation is clear and immediate measures are 3 In casethe Ministerof Welfare ora Prefectural necessary, the Minister or the Governor may Governor has received the application or report take action on the case prior to the hearing provided in paragraph 1 or in preceding paragraph, thereon. he shall cancel the registration of license. Article 18-(5). In case the hearing is to be made -1 according to the provision of the preceding 2 Incase where an appeal is filed with the Pre~ ^ Article, the Minister of Welfare or the Prefec- sident of the Economic Stabilization Board in tural Governor shall notify the manufacturer, accordance with the provisions of the preceding; - importer, seller, dealer or designated consumer paragraph, the Minister of the Welfare or the concerned as to the date and place to present Prefectural Governor who has rendered decision himself or the time-limit of filing an appeal not shall transmit to the President of the Economic less than ten days before the date of hearing. stabilization Board copies of facts of violation But in case that the action was taken inac- mentioned in Art. 18-(5), par. 2, the notice of cordance with the proviso of the preceding hearing or supporting statements, filed by the Article, the Minister or the Governor shall notify manufacturer, importer, seller, dealer or desig- the manufacturer, importer, seller, dealer or nated consumer concerned, the action of the designated consumer concerned thereof simul- Ministry, and other related necessary documents. taneously with the action. In the latter case, 3 Even in case anappeal is filed to thePresident the date to present himself or the time-limit of of the Economic Stabilization Board in accordance filing an appeal shall be fixed not less than ten with par. 1, the decision made by the Minister days or not more than twenty days after the of Welfare or Prefectural Governor shall remain action is taken. effective. 2 The notification of the Minister of Welfare or Article 18-(8j. In case where an appeal is made Prefectural Governor mentioned in the preceding in accordance with the par. 1 of the preceding , paragraph shall contain a statement concerning Article, and the decision thereon by the President reason of the charge together with statement of the Economic Stabilization Board is rendered signed by a competent officer in charge of the within fifty days after the appeal is received, case concerning the facts of violation which the Minister of Welfare or Prefectural Governor formulated reason for penalty action. shall take necessary steps accordingly. 3 The Minister of Welfareor Prefectural Governor 2 In case where the decision is not rendered by may, when deemed necessary, after such hearing, the President of the Economic Stabilization Board request for presentation of evidences from the within the period mentioned in paragraph 1, the manufacturer, importer, seller, dealer or desig- appeal shall be deemed justified and the Minister nated consumer, or the competent agency men- of Welfare or the Prefectural Governor concerned tioned in paragraph 2 setting date of presenta- tion. shall take necessary steps accordingly. Article 18-(6). The Minister of Welfare or Pre- Supplementary Provision : fectural Governor shall render final decision as to the action on the case, and notify the manu- This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force facturer, importer, seller or designated consumer as from the days of its promulgation. concerned thereof within ten days after the Appendix Form No. 6 (B4 Size) hearing mentioned in the preceding two Articles (Business) Date: is made, or after the designated date in case Address (Location) where the presentation of further evidence is Name (Title) requested in accordance with paragraph 3 of the The abovementioned person is hereby disposed preceding Article; provided that the Minister of of as indicated below by the Minister of Welfare the Governor may render final decision without (or Prefectural Governor) for violation of the provisions of Art. of the Ordinance on hearing and notify the manufacturer, importer, the Distribution of Medicines and Other Medical seller, dealer or designated consumer concerned Supplies (Ministry of Welfare Ordinance N">. 30, thereof not less than five days not more than 1947). ten days after the fixed date in case where the Statement : 1. Reduction of the allocation of the desig- manufacturer, importer, seller, dealer or desig- nated rationed goods or approved amount nated consumer or his proxy failed to present of ration himself or file a statement at the fixed date. 1. Suspension of the allocation of the desig- nated rationed goods or approved amount Article 18-(7). Any manufacturer, importer, seller, of ration (From , , 19..., to , dealer or designated consumer who is not satis- ,19.-0 1. Suspension of the registered business(From fied with the action may appeal with adocumcMit ,19...,to ^ , ,19...) t) the President of the Economic Stabilization 1. Cancellation of the registration Board within twenty days after the date of re- ceipt of the notification. In thiscase themanu- Minister or Welfare Stamp facturer, importer, seller, dealer or designated consumer shall send a copyof theappeal to the ( Prefectural Governor) Minister of Welfare or to the Prefectural Gover- Period of Maintaining of the notice: nor who has rendered decision. From , , 19..., to , , 19... 2 Remarks: (Specification of application items for permission) The statement of the disposition which he falls Article 4. The Director-General of the Maritime under shall he described. Safety Agency may, when it is deemed especial- ly necessary for application of permission tinder Articles 1, 3 and 7, giveorder the applicantsto Ministry of Transportation Ordinance make an application instructing those other than No. 30 the items ordained by the said Articles. June 25, 1949 (Direct management) In accordance with the Navigational Aids Law Article 5. In case the DirectorGeneral of the (Law No. 99of 1949), the Enforcement Regulations Maritime Safety Agency wishes to manage it of the Navigational Aids Law shall be provided directly according to the provisions of Article for as follows: 4, par. 2 of the Law, he shall takeaction as Minister of Transportation provided by the following items: OYA Shinzo (1) It must be informed to the owner and the (Application for permission of establishment) manager of the proper navigational aid to that Article 1.
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