OPEN POWER FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE. WE EMPOWER SUSTAINABLE PROGRESS. HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT AT JUNE 30, 2021 OPEN POWER FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE. BRIGHTER HALF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT AT JUNE 30, 2021 ENEL IS OPEN POWER Open Power VI to tackle some SI of the world’s ON biggest challenges. POS ITI PUR ON ING PO Open Power SE > Open access to electricity for more people. MI > Open the world of energy to new technology. > Open up to new uses of energy. SSI > Open up to new ways of managing energy for people. ON > Open up to new partnerships. > Make decisions in daily activities PRI and take responsibility for them. > Share information, being willing to collaborate NCI and open to the contribution of others. PLES > Follow through with commitments, pursuing OF activities with determination and passion. > Change priorities rapidly if the situation evolves. CO > Get results by aiming for excellence. NDU > Adopt and promote safe behavior and move pro-actively to improve conditions for health, CT safety and well-being. > Work for the integration of all, recognizing and leveraging individual diversity (culture, gender, age, disabilities, personality etc.). Open Power > Work focusing on satisfying customers for a brighter and/or co-workers, acting effectively and rapidly. future. > Propose new solution and do not give up when faced with obstacles or failure. We empower > Recognize merit in co-workers and give sustainable feedback that can improve their contribution. progress. > Trust VA > Proactivity LU > Responsibility ES > Innovation Half-Year Financial Report at June 30, 2021 ENEL IS OPEN POWER 2 CONTENTS ENEL GOVERNANCE GROUP STRATEGY GROUP & RISK MANAGEMENT Highlights 8 Corporate boards 18 Group strategy 28 World Economic Enel organizational The 2021-2023 Forum (WEF) 10 model 20 Business Plan 30 Value creation Values and pillars Reference scenario 32 and the business model 12 of corporate ethics 22 Risk management 37 INTERIM REPORT ON OPERATIONS INTERIM REPORT GROUP OUTLOOK CONDENSED INTERIM PERFORMANCE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Definition of performance Outlook for operations 142 Consolidated Income indicators 54 Statement 146 Performance of the Group 56 Statement of Consolidated Comprehensive Income 147 Value created and distributed Statement of Consolidated to stakeholders 68 Financial Position 148 Analysis of the Statement of Changes Group’s financial position in Consolidated Equity 150 and structure 69 Consolidated Statement Results by business line 75 of Cash Flows 152 > Thermal Generation Notes to the condensed and Trading 80 interim consolidated financial statements 153 > Enel Green Power 86 Declaration of the > Infrastructure Chief Executive Officer and Networks 94 CONDENSED INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL CONDENSED INTERIM CONSOLIDATED and the Financial Reporting > End-user Markets 100 Officer 198 > Enel X 104 Reports > Services and Other 108 Independent auditors’ Innovation report 200 and digitalization 111 Attachments People centricity 114 Subsidiaries, associates Sustainable supply chain 120 and other significant investments of the The circular economy 121 Enel Group at June 30, 2021 202 Significant events in the 1st Half of 2021 123 Regulatory and rate issues 127 Half-Year Financial Report at June 30, 2021 1 ENEL GROUP INTERIM REPORT ON OPERATIONS INTERIM REPORT 6 Half-Year Financial Report at June 30, 2021 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Condensed interim Enel Group Governance Group Strategy & Group Outlook consolidated financial Risk Management Performance statements HIGHLIGHTS 8 1st Half SDG 2021 2020 Change Revenue (millions of euro) 29,853 33,375 -10.6% Gross operating profit (millions of euro) 7,719 8,645 -10.7% Ordinary gross operating profit (millions of euro) 8,360 8,794 -4.9% Profit attributable to owners of the Parent (millions of euro) 1,778 1,947 -8.7% Ordinary profit attributable to owners of the Parent (millions of euro) 2,299 2,405 -4.4% Net financial debt (millions of euro) 50,418 45,415 (2) 11.0% Cash flows from operating activities (millions of euro) 2,676 2,042 31.0% Capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (millions of euro) 4,813 (1) 4,137 16.3% Total net efficient installed capacity (GW) 85.5 84.0 (2) 1.8% 7 Net efficient installed renewables capacity (GW) 46.6 45.0 (2) 3.6% 7 Net efficient installed renewables capacity (%) 54.5% 53.6% (2) 1.7% 7 Additional efficient installed renewables capacity (GW) 1.6 0.8 - Net electricity generation (TWh) 105.8 97.6 8.4% 7 Net renewable electricity generation (TWh) 54.75 51.10 7. 1 % 9 Electricity distribution and transmission grid (km) (3) 2,240,255 2,232,039 (2) 0.4% 9 Electricity transported on Enel’s distribution grid (TWh) (3) 245.7 231.1 6.3% End users (no.) 74,783,118 7,035,488 1.0% 9 End users with active smart meters (no.) (4) 44,688,896 44,156,784 1.2% Electricity sold by Enel (TWh) 152.1 145.0 4.9% Retail customers (no.) 69,123,677 70,013,654 -1.3% - of which free market (3) 24,163,373 23,178,572 4.2% 11 Storage (MW) 137 123 (2) 11.4% 11 Charging points (no.) (3) 124,532 87,74 5 41.9% 11 Demand response (MW) 7,376 6,128 20.4% No. of employees 65,923 66,717 (2) -1.2% No. of “high consequence” accidents 1 2 -50.0% (5) 13 Specific direct greenhouse gas emissions - Scope 1 - gCO2eq/kWh 207 - - (1) Does not include €61 million regarding units classified as “held for sale” in the 1st Half of 2021. (2) At December 31, 2020. (3) The figure for 2020 reflects a more accurate calculation of the aggregate. (4) To ensure a uniform comparison, the figure for 2020 has been adjusted on the basis of the new calculation method, which excludes digital meters with an active contract that are not managed remotely. (5) Comparative figures for the 1st Half of 2020 are not available as the semi-annual collection of this data began in 2021. Half-Year Financial Report at June 30, 2021 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Condensed interim Enel Group Governance Group Strategy & Group Outlook consolidated financial Risk Management Performance statements sistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation”, with the aim WORLD of defining shared common metrics to measure, report and compare levels of sustainability – in other words, the effec- ECONOMIC tiveness of its actions in pursuing the Sustainable Develop- ment Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations – in the business FORUM (WEF) model adopted to create value for stakeholders. The metrics are based on existing standards and seek to in- crease convergence and comparability between the various The International Business Council (IBC) of the World Eco- parameters used today in sustainability reports. nomic Forum has developed a report entitled “Measuring The following table gives the 21 main indicators specified in Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Con- the WEF report. Consolidated Half-Year Financial Report 2021 KPIs representing the 21 H1 Chapter/Section reporting all KPIs and Pillar Theme 21 CORE KPIs CORE KPIs of the WEF 2021 disclosure on the 21 CORE KPIs of the WEF Governing Setting purpose Enel is Open Power purpose Quality of Governance body “Corporate boards” section in “Governance” governing No. of women on Board (no.) 4 composition chapter body Material issues Stakeholder “Basis of Presentation” section of the 2020 impacting engagement Integrated Annual Report PRINCIPLES OF stakeholders GOVERNANCE Confirmed violations for conflict Anti-corruption 1 of interest/corruption (no.) Ethical “Values and pillars of corporate ethics” Protected ethics behaviour Reports received for violations section in “Governance” chapter advice and reporting 78 of Code of Ethics (no.) mechanisms Risk and Integrating risk and “Risk management” section in “Group opportunity opportunity into Strategy & Risk Management” chapter oversight business process Direct greenhouse gas 22.4 emissions - Scope 1 (million teq) “Fighting climate change and ensuring Greenhouse gas Indirect greenhouse gas environmental sustainability” section in (GHG) emissions emissions - Scope 3: emissions Climate 11.51 “Group Performance” chapter connected with sale of gas change PLANET (million teq) “Governance”, “Group Strategy & Risk TCFD Management”, “Group Performance” and implementation “Outlook” chapters Land use and Nature loss Protected areas (1) (no.) 187 ecological sensitivity Water consumption “Fighting climate change and ensuring Freshwater and withdrawals Water withdrawals in water- 27 environmental sustainability” section in availability in water-stressed stressed areas (%) “Group Performance” chapter areas 10 Consolidated Half-Year Financial Report 2021 KPIs representing the 21 H1 Chapter/Section reporting all KPIs and Pillar Theme 21 CORE KPIs CORE KPIs of the WEF 2021 disclosure on the 21 CORE KPIs of the WEF Diversity and Women as proportion of total “People centricity” section in “Group 22.1 inclusion employees (%) Perfomance” chapter Pay equality Equal Remuneration Ratio (1) (%) 83.3 Dignity and Wage level CEO Pay Ratio (2) (%) 146 equality Assessment of protection of Risk for incidents child labor and compliance “Values and pillars of corporate ethics” of child, forced or with ban on forced labor in the section in “Governance” chapter compulsory labour supply chain PEOPLE Fatal accidents - Enel (no.) 1 Frequency of fatal accidents 0.016 - Enel (i.) Health and “People centricity” section in “Group Health and safety “High consequence” accidents well-being 1 Performance” chapter - Enel (no.) Frequency of “high 0.016 consequence” accidents - Enel (i.) Skills for the Average hours of training per “People centricity”
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