Archaeological Report No. 3 1 Mississippi Projectile Point Guide Samuel o. McGahey Mississippi Department ofArchives and History J ackson, Mississippi Mississippi Department ofArch ives and History Archaeological Report No. 3 1 Patrici a Galloway Series Ed ito r Elbert R. Hilliard Director Cover Illu stration: Sequence of Mississippi projectile points. ISBN : 0-9 38896-86-5 Co pyright © 2000 Revised ed ition 2004 Mississip pi Department of Arc hives and Hi story Table ofContents Acknowledgmen ts IV List of Illustration s V Introd uct ion x Paleoindian Per iod ] Early Paleo indi an Points 3 Clovis 3 Group I 3 Group II 6 Group III 8 Cum berla nd I I Middle Pal eoindian Poin ts 14 Beaver Lake 14 Q ua d 16 Coldwater 18 H inds 22 Arkabutla 25 Late Paleoindi an Points 26 Lanceolate Dal ton 27 Side-Notched Dalto n 3 1 San Patrice 33 San Patrice, val'. St.J ohns 34 San Patrice, val'. Lest River 36 Ge nei ll (Provisional) 38 Archaic Period 4 1 Early Archa ic Period 4 1 Gree nbrier 42 Cache River '15 Big Sand)' 50 Stilwell 53 Jude 56 Cave Springs 58 Decatu r 6 1 Becker (Provisio na l) 66 ii Archaeological Rep ort No. 3 I, 2000 Early Archaic Period (co n t.) St. Charles 68 Hardin 71 Scottsbluff 76 Bolen 78 Pine Tree 80 Bifurcate Tradition 85 Middle Archaic Peri od 87 Beachum 88 Cypress Creek 90 Eva 93 Morrow Mountain 97 White Springs 99 Sykes 101 Vaughn 106 Benton 108 Benton Ceremo nial Cac he T ypes II 1 Oversized Benton Points III TurkeyTail 11 3 Double Notch T ur key Tail 11 5 Double Notch Squa re Base 11 7 Oversized Cac he Blad es 117 Furr (Provisional) 117 St. Helena 121 St. Tamman y 124 Denton 128 Opossum Bayou 132 Late Archaic-Poverty Point-GulfFormat ion al 136 Mcintire 138 Pickwick 139 Ledbetter 141 Ga ry 144 Tangipah oa (Prov isiona l) 148 Little Bear Creek 152 Late Archaic Barbed (Provisional) 155 Val". Rounded Base 156 var. Straight Base 158 Co taco Creek 161 Kent 163 Flint Cree k-Pontchartrai n 165 Mud Creek 171 Sm ith sonia 173 Mississippi Proj ectile Point Guide iii Late Archa ic-Pove rty Point-GulfForma tiona l (con t.) Wade 174 Motl ey 176 Epps 178 Delhi 180 Macon 182 Wolf La ke (Provi sional) 184 Woodland Period 187 Woodland Period Dart or Spear Points 187 Baker's Creek 187 Wilson (Provisiona l) 190 Gary, var, Mayhan 192 Edwards Stemmed 194 T om bigbee Stemmed 196 Late Woodland-Mississippian Period Arrow Points 198 Colli ns 198 Mad ison 200 Scallorn 202 Bayogoula Fish tailed 204 No dena 206 Glossary 209 References Cited 211 Map Id entifying Mississippi Cou nties 219 Acknowledgments The data recorded in the process of producing this publication has come from a variety of sources, including primarily the private collections of individuals. The owners of private collections who have cooperated in the project are too numerous to list, and although some have contributed more than others, I do not think it appropriate to single any of them out for praise. If it were not for these people, the guide would not have been done. so it is to this group that lowe the most gratitude. Most of the projectile points that have been collected are in their possession. While the collecting procedures and standards of most amateur archaeologists or collectors do not meet the standards of the professional archaeological community, they have collected because ofa curiosity about the past which is shared with professionals, and this common concern is what brings us together. I have spent countless hours in the company ofnon-professionals and have almost invariably been met with hospitality and an eagerness to help by sharing information with me. I would also like to express my gratitude to the institutions that have assisted in this project by making collections available. Especially noteworthy in this category are the University of Mississippi, Mississippi State University, the Cottonlandia Museum in Greenwood, Mississippi, and the Mississippi Department ofArchives and History. Last but not least of those supporting this work have been my professional colleagues who are current or former staff members of the Mississippi Department ofArchives and History: Sam Brookes, John Connaway, Joe Giliberti, Keith Baca, and Doug Sims, who, collectively, have contributed greatly to both the accumulation of data and to the editing of the manuscript. - Samuel O. McGahey List of Illustrations Figures 1 Clovis Gro u p I Points. 4 2 Clovis Group I Points. 5 3 Known Distribution of Clovis Group I Points. 6 4 Clovis Group II Points. 7 5 Known Distribution of Clovis Group II Points (Redstone). 8 6 Clovis Group III Points. 9 7 Clov is Group III Points. 10 8 Kn own Distribution of Clovis Group III Points. 11 9 Cu mberland Points. 12 10 Cu mberland Points. 13 11 Kn own Distribution of Cum be rland Points. 14 12 Beaver Lak e Points. 15 13 Known Distribution of Beaver Lak e Points. 16 14 Qua d Points. 17 15 Known Dist ribu tion of Quad Points. 18 16 Co ldwater Poi nts. 19 17 Co ldwa ter Poin ts. 20 18 Known Distribu tion ofCo ldwa ter Poi n ts. 2 1 19 H inds Points. 22 20 H inds Points. 23 2 1 Kn own Distribution of Hinds Points. 24 22 Ar ka butla Po ints. 25 23 Known Distribu tion of Ar kabutla Points. 26 24 La nceolate Dalton Points. 28 25 Lan ceolate Dal ton Points. 29 26 Lanceolate Dalt on Points. 30 27 Known Distribution of Lan ceolate Dalton Points. 3 1 28 Side-notched Dalton Points. 32 29 Side-notche d Dalt on Points. 33 30 Know n Distribution of Side-no tched Dalton Points. 34 31 San Patrice, var, St. Johns Points. 35 32 Kn own Distrib ution ofSan Patrice, var , St. Lohns Points. 36 33 San Patrice, var, LeafRi ver Points. 37 34 Known Distribu tion of San Patrice var. Lea f River Poin ts. 38 35 Ge neill Poi n ts. 39 36 Known Distribution of Geneill Points. 40 vi Archaeological Report No . 31, 2000 Figures, continued 37 Greenbrier Points. 43 38 Green brie r Points. 44 39 Known Distribution of Greenbrier Points. 45 40 Cac he River Points. 46 41 Cac he River Points. 47 42 Cache River Points. 48 43 Known Distribution of Cac he River Points. 49 44 Big Sandy Points. 50 45 Big Sandy Points . 51 46 Known Distribution of Big Sandy Points. 52 47 Stilwell Points . 54 48 Sti lwell Points. 55 49 Known Distribution ofStilwell Points. 56 50 Jude Points. 57 5 1 Known Distribution ofJude Point s. 58 52 Cave Spring Points. 59 53 Cave Spring Points. 60 54 Known Distribution of Cave Spring Points. 6 1 55 Decatur Points. 62 56 Decatur Points. 63 57 Decatur Points. 64 58 Known Distribution of Decatur Points. 65 59 Becker Points. 66 60 Becker Points. 67 6 1 Known Distribution of Becker Points. 68 62 St . Charles Points. 69 63 St. Cha rles Points. 70 64 Kno wn Distribution of St. Charles Points. 7 1 65 Hard in Points. 72 66 H ard in Points. 73 67 Hard in Points. 74 68 Hardin Points. 75 69 Known Distribution of Hardin Points. 76 70 Scottsbluff Points. 77 7 1 Known Distribution of Scottsbluff Points. 78 72 Bolen Points. 79 73 Known Distribution of Bolen Points. 80 74 Pine Tree Poin ts. 8 1 75 Pine Tree Points. 82 76 Pine Tree Point s. 83 77 Known Distribution of Pin e Tree Points. 84 78 Bifurcate Tradition Points. 86 79 Known Distribution of Bifurcate Tradition Points. 87 Mississippi Projectile Point Guide Vll Figures, continued 80 Beachum Points. 89 81 Known distribution of Beachu m Points. 89 82 Cypress Creek Points. 91 83 Cypress Creek Points. 92 84 Cypress Creek Points. 93 85 Known Disribution of Cypress Creek Points. 93 86 Eva Points. 94 87 Known Distribution of Eva Point s. 95 88 Morr ow Mountain Points. 96 89 Known Distribution of Morrow Mountain Points. 97 90 Wh ite Springs Poin ts. 98 91 Known Distribution ofWhite Springs Points. 99 92 Sykes Points from 22-Mo-876 . 100 93 Sykes Points fro m 22-Mo-876. 101 94 Sykes Points from 22-Cb-623. 102 95 Sykes Points from 22-C b-623 . 103 96 Sykes Points fro m 22-Cb-623. 104 97 Known Distribution ofSykes Points. 105 98 Vau ghn Points. 106 99 Known Distribution of Vaughn Points. 107 100 Benton Points. 108 101 Benton Points. 109 102 Known Distribution of Benton Points. 110 103 Oversize Benton Points. 112 104 Known Distribution of Benton Cache T ypes. 11 3 105 TurkeyTail Points. 114 106 Double Notch Turkey Tail Points. 115 107 Dou ble Notch Squa re Base Points. 116 108 Oversize Cache Blad es. 118 109 Furr Points. 119 110 Known Distribution ofFurr Points. 120 III St. Helena Points. 122 112 St. Helena Points. 123 113 Known Distribution ofSt. Helen a Points. 124 114 St. T ammany Points. 125 115 St. T ammany Points. 126 116 St. Tammany Points. 127 117 Known Distributi on of St. T amman y Points. 128 118 Den ton Points. 129 119 Denton Points. 130 120 Den ton Points. 131 121 Known Distribution of Denton Points. 132 122 O possum Bayou Points. 134 viii Archaeological Report No. 3 1,2000 Figures, continu ed 123 Opossum Bayou Points. 135 124 Known Distributi on of Opossum Bayou Points. 136 125 Mclntire Points.
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