Of Wet( fOet ber Deeemlth 11th t° www.americanradiohistory.com Latest Apr 1933 ATWATER KENT IS HERE! Short-wave long -wave combination. Single control, 10 newest super-power tubes, Tonebeam visible tuning, auto- matic volume control. Walnut and burl maple six -legged cabi- net. The world at your finger tips !Come in for demonstration. Model 480 $109.7 5 COMPLETE COAST RADIO SUPPLY COMPANY-Wholesale Distributors 123 TENTH STREET SAN FRANCISCO www.americanradiohistory.com BROADCAST NEW YORK Edwin F. Ripley WE E K L 118 East 28th Street New York The Leading Radio Guide of the Pacific Coast City A. J. URBAIN, Editor and Publisher Vol. XI, No. 50 726 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. December 10, 1932 THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS WITH the nineteen hundred a n d ent without means of self-support. Does a thirty-second observance of the loaf of bread and a leaky roof fulfill our birth of Christ but a week away, Christian duty to those unfortunates? An woe and want stalk the earth. Is it a stretch army half that size could overthrow any of the imagination to conceive the world's government on earth. Is it possible that plight as deserved punishment visited upon one -eighth of all the citizens in a country a generation steeped in selfishness and pro- maintaining the highest standards of living fligate to the point of paganism? the world has ever known, should or will Christmas is not merely a glutton's excuse long tolerate treatment which even its live for feasting, a gala holiday, or occasion for stock would not be expected to endure? In the perfunctory exchange of gaudy baubles. every human body there is a soul, and except It is an opportunity for spiritual self -redemp- as a weapon of vengeance the body is of tion through self-sacrifice and humble atone- little use if the soul is left to die. ment. The boasted self-sufficiency of a mod- The new radios are greatly improved over ern age has failed in the face of a great de- those purchased a year or more ago, prices pression. Our dependence on a Greater are low, and you will have little difficulty in Power is again established. Frantically seek- meeting the small monthly payments. Why ing the remedy to waning work and mount- not get a new radio and give the old set to ing misery let us again look for salva- some unfortunate for Christmas. Somewhere tion to that Refuge which has never failed a soul is starving for that music, that contact us since revealed in a blaze of glory in the with the sublime, that ladder to hope. Per- Eastern Heaven twenty centuries ago. Again haps an invalid whose empty hours know the time has come to rejuvenate that great no surcease from pain. Perhaps a luckless saving Effulgence so that no single dark human with sightless eyes whose only happi- corner may be left where greed or doubt or ness can come through hearing. Perhaps hate may hide, no human heart left un - some destitute family to whom time is only illumined or uninspired. With hope and faith prolonged waiting and misery and bitter and courage at low ebb, this Christmas per- thoughts broken by the wail of a hungry little haps brings greater need and opportunity one. This Christmas give. Give much. And for real Christian activity and achievement in the giving forget not food for the soul as than at any previous time in more than nine- well as the stomach. Give the eternal gift teen hundred years of Christianity. Let us of music and in its most versatile, most in- make the most of it. spiring form-radio. "As Ye have done it In this country alone it is estimated that unto the least of these, My brethern, so have Ye more than fifteen million people are at pres- done it unto Me." Published weekly by the Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company, 726 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. Telephone DOuglas 5273 Yearly subscription: $3.00 in the United States. Entered as second class matter, March 25, 1923, at the Post Office, San Francisco, California, under Act of March 3, 1879 Copyright, 1932, by Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company 3 www.americanradiohistory.com PERSONAL PICKUPS L. A., Se- in Chicago. Mr. Hughes is became a Pi Kappa Alpha, attle.-Tom thirty-seven years of age, un- worked on the air in his spare Mitchell married, handsome_ six feet 2 time, and upon arrival in San (NBC) was inches tall, weighs 220 pounds, Francisco, joined the KPO an- born in has blue eyes and dark brown nouncers' staff. Recently he Bradford, hair. His favorite sport is in- enrolled at Hastings Law Yorkshire, door baseball; he is wont to be School, and although he is much England, re- "superstitious" about women, interested in radio, he hopes ceived his enjoys steaks and chicken and eventually to sit at a desk in early educa- invariably wears a fresh gar- an office, surrounded by pon- tion abroad, denia when he fares forth upon derous volumes and wealthy finished the Avenue. clients. He is married and the school in proud father of a beautiful Boston, Mrs. M. W., Lompoc.-Aileen curly -headed little girl named Mass., and Fealy (Piano Pictures, KGO) is Donna Marie. after the a San Francisco girl of Irish war, during origin, and, being an only child, Mrs. J. O. H., Portland.-The which he served in the United found the task of mingling with "01' Pappy" programs originate States Army as machine gun- other children rather a compli- in Chicago and are presented ner, came to the Pacific Coast. cated matter, since by nature by Clifford Soubier, sandy - married an Oregon girl and set- she was, and still is, somewhat haired, hazel -eyed Canadian. It tled down in Southern Cali- she fornia. His radio career began diffident. However, as does not worry Tom Terriss at in the pioneer days of broad- points out, this living within all that eleven of the original casting. He acted as program herself made for a certain self- fifteen men who were present manager of a small station In reliance which she found ex- at the opening of the tomb of the southland, later, enjoyed a ceedingly advantageous later King Tut-ankh-haman met successful and long engagement when opportunities for travel with strange or violent deaths- at KFI, came to San Francisco and study abroad presented (he was of that party, you early in 1931, worked here a themselves. She is a most in- know)-"What Is to be will be," number of months, took an en- teresting type; an attractive is his answer to all curious in- gagement in the Northwest and brunette, of average height, terviewers. returned to his present stamp- slender and very modish, with ing -ground last May. His pro- restless blue eyes and a pen- Mary, Campbell.-Maris Lud- fessional activities deal with chant for continually changing low (Yeomanettes) was born in radio, exclusively. Mrs. Mitchell the style of her coiffure. Poli- Texas, educated in California, has never been Identified with tics and finance bore her; the was the sole feminine member the stage or radio. There are color yellow is distasteful to of a Modesto dance orchestra two beautiful children, a boy, her and she is slightly super- for some time, and then decided aged seven and a girl four years stitious about the number thir- to strike out for herself as or- old. Golf and fishing are Mr. teen. Her favorite diversions ganist in a San Francisco the- Mitchell's hobbies. are motoring and horseback atre. The Hayward Theatre intensely fond her; Mrs. L. H. N., Santa Barbara. riding. She is is across the bay next saw -Keltner Williamson has just of dogs, likes to wear char- she played there for three completed a series of articles for treuse -green, goes in for pro- years, took a fling at radio In a current scientific magazine so found books and is among the double piano numbers with it is quite likely he will again few personalities I have en- Charles Thode, and while filling write radio dramas this winter. countered who honestly prefers an engagement at KYA, met (I'll do some checking and let tube -roses to all other flowers. Lorna Martin and Pauline Du - you know.) gart, who invited her to join T. E. C., Berkeley.-"Dinny" their girls' band. From that F. W., Sacramento.-Walter (Joseph Edward) Doyle has association the present trio Winchell returned to the air on been active in radio affairs for eventually developed, but we the 4th of December. John Swal- more than seven years. Among were speaking of Maris, weren't low was connected with the Hal little thing, just annexing his specialties are news broad- we? She is a Roach studios before casts, interviews, talks between 5 feet in height, and weighs himself to NBC. "Looney and halves at football games and en- only 100 pounds. Her eyes are Gooney," (KTAB) are Arnold lightening chats relative to blue and her hair is a light Maguire and Glenhall Taylor. newspaper work. golden brown. Tennis is her * best game, blue her pet color. Mrs. R. W., Spokane.-Charles zenias her floral choice and Parnell Hughes (The First Helen, Sacramento. - Grant an addiction. to radio Pollock (KTAB) hails from Salt cross -word puzzles Nighter, NBC) came Septem- October 15 is the date of her ten years ago after an eventful Lake City, was born birth, she is in her early twen- stage and motion picture ca- ber 24, twenty-three years ago, ties and single.
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