Species Commonname Accession Seqstart Seqcomment Class Order

Species Commonname Accession Seqstart Seqcomment Class Order

Species CommonName Accession SeqStart SeqComment Class Order Annotation Anabas testudineus climbing perch XP_026222100.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDESTVQTEVPASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Anabantiformes zinc finger protein 423 Gouania willdenowi blunt-snouted clingfish XP_028305499.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSECGGTWDESTLQTEVPVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Blenniiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Salarias fasciatus jewelled blenny XP_029952236.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSECGGTWDESTVQTDVLASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Blenniiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Echeneis naucrates live sharksucker XP_029379029.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDESTVQTEVPASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Carangiformes zinc finger protein 423 Astyanax meXicanus blind cave fish XP_007249250.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEADSAEFTGSWDSTTAADAAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Characiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Pygocentrus nattereri red piranha XP_017546794.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVDEAESAEFTSSWDSSAPADVAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Characiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X3 Astatotilapia calliptera eastern happy XP_026032600.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDGSTVQTDVAAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cichliformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Haplochromis burtoni Burton's mouthbrooder XP_005945132.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDGSTVQTDVAAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cichliformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Maylandia zebra Malawi blue cichlid XP_004569239.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDGSTVQTDVAAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cichliformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia XP_005463110.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDGSTVQTDIVAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cichliformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Pundamilia nyererei cichlid XP_005752889.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDGSTVQTDVAAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cichliformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Clupea harengus Atlantic herring XP_012674128.1 MKTSPVEEGETSTEFAGSWDSSSVQTDVPAQOutlier - dubious first eXon Actinopterygii Clupeiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 Denticeps clupeoides denticle herring XP_028813434.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGETSEFTGTWDSSSVQTDVPAPMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Clupeiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X4 Carassius auratus goldfish XP_026143205.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEAESTECASGWDSSVQTDAAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cypriniformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Danio rerio zebra fish NP_001073499 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEAESTECASGWDSSVQTDAAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cypriniformes zinc finger protein 423 Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous cavefish XP_016406056.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEAESTECASGWDSSVHTDAAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cypriniformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Austrofundulus limnaeus killifish XP_013883935.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESLECGGTWEEAAVHTVPTSMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cyprinodontiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 Nothobranchius furzeri turquoise killifish XP_015820603.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESLECGGTWEKSAVQTEVPAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cyprinodontiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X3 Poecilia formosa Amazon molly XP_007553223.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSDFAGNWDSSSIQTDAPVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Cyprinodontiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Esox luciu northern pike XP_012994471.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSDFAGNWDSSSIQTDAPVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Esociformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 Gadus morhua Atlantic cod XP_030222816.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEDGESSECGGTWDESNVQTDVPAAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Gadiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Sphaeramia orbicularis orbiculate cardinalfish XP_029992001.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECAGTWDESTVQTEVPASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Kurtiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Labrus bergylta ballan wrasse XP_020496130.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGAWDESTVQTEVQASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Labriformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Paramormyrops kingsleyae elephantfish (Mormyridae) XP_023683078.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSEFAGTWESSSAHTDVPGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Osteoglossiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Scleropages formosus Asian bonytongue XP_018582161.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGQSSEFAGNWESSSVHTDVPGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Osteoglossiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Cottoperca gobio Channel bull blenny XP_029289573.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECRGTWDESTVQTEVPASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Perciformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X8 Lates calcarifer barramundi perch XP_018559066.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDESTVQTEVPASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Perciformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Perca flavescens yellow perch XP_028441398.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDESTVQTDVPAAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Perciformes zinc finger protein 423 Sander lucioperca pike-perch XP_031150672.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWDESTVQTDVPAAMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Perciformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Cynoglossus semilaevis tongue sole XP_008309482.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGTWEESTVQTEVPASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Pleuronectiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Oncorhynchus kisutch coho salmon XP_020336239.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSEFAGNWDSSSAQTDAPAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Salmoniformes zinc finger protein 423 Salmo salar Atlantic salmon XP_014004474.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSEFAGNWDSSSAQTDVPAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Salmoniformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Lepisosteus oculatus spotted gar XP_015223950.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSEFTGSWESSAVQTDVPGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Semionotiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Ictalurus punctatus channel catfish XP_017322066.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEADSAECAGSWDSSAPAAAVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Siluriformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Pangasianodon hypophthalmus striped catfish XP_026782950.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEADSAECAGSWDSSAPAGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Siluriformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Tachysurus fulvidraco yellow catfish XP_027017463.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEADSAECTGSWDSSAPAAGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Siluriformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 Monopterus albus swamp eel XP_020459993.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSACGGAWDESSVQTEVPASMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Synbranchiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Hippocampus comes Tiger tail seahorse XP_019712613.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKAVEEGESSECGGASDESAVQTEVPASVMSRRK has wide phylogeny Actinopterygii Syngnathiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform Nanorana parkeri High Himalaya frog XP_018421247.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEDSDDYSLNWDASLNQTGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Amphibia Anura PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Xenopus laevis African clawed frog ACX34053.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEDAEDFGLNWESTVNQTGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Amphibia Anura zinc finger protein 423 Xenopus tropicalis tropical clawed frog XP_002937417.2 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEDSEDFGLNWESTVTQAGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Amphibia Anura PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Rhinatrema bivittatum two-lined caecilian XP_029464349.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSEFTLTWDSSLAQSAGLGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Amphibia Gymnophiona zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Aquila chrysaetos canadensis Golden eagle XP_011572356.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Accipitriformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Haliaeetus leucocephalus bald eagle XP_010583329.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Accipitriformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 Anas platyrhynchos mallard XP_027322993.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSDFALNWVSSVTQSGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Aves Anseriformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Anser cygnoides domesticus swan goose XP_013042328.1 MLTEIPVDVGGPRASLVEEGESSDFALNWDSSVTQSGOutlier - dubious first eXon Aves Anseriformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X3 Calypte anna Anna's hummingbird XP_030313813.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSDFGLTWDSSVTQSGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Aves Apodiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Chaetura pelagica chimney swift XP_009995757.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Apodiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 ApteryX australis mantelli kiwi XP_013796535.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Apterygiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X3 Calidris pugnax ruff XP_014797662.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Charadriiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X1 Charadrius vociferus killdeer XP_009883374.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Charadriiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 Cuculus canorus common cuckoo XP_009569503.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Cuculiformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 Falco cherrug Saker falcon XP_005444663.1 MEDESIYTCDNCQQDFD Starts in consensus eXon 3 Aves Falconiformes zinc finger protein 423 isoform X2 CoturniX japonica Japanese quail XP_015728976.1 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSDFALNWDSSVTQSGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Aves Galliformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X3 Gallus gallus chicken XP_414103.3 MSRRKQAKPRSVKVEEGESSDFALNWDSSVTQSGMSRRK has wide phylogeny Aves Galliformes PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 423 isoform X3 Numida meleagris

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