EDITED BY ARTHUR GRIFFITH Vol. I. *No, 32. (New Series). SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1917. PRICE ONE PENNY. J. J.- Coen, .Westmeath. while . we_ .a8k when was the valuation of the, WGBK* BIT w e m . Jt Bolger,-*.J.Pi, Vn^xfprtf Co>,Council. -‘ City Life ” taken, .&& advertised ^ M. J' Nolan, J.P.,£I£efry Cp. Council. <»■ <t- . , < • - ’ The Sinn Fein oampaign ^ 'TJlster was ffori- ^Joh n Cullinan, " M.E.P., Tapper£^y Co. ‘ We rfliferi^d last week Jp 4hjL.allege4- assats .. tinned ^a&t^ eek frith.,^ crowdgd »ineetmg at Council. V. ^Ii^he-^i^y Lif e^ ss uratice. Compauv, Ltd^'of’ i : the'^owirTiall, lAia&agll,viid^essel$r uy’. jjifclr. « J fT . Dolan, M^»vLoti.th* Co. CtountWi.WyrSM siL^ndon. One Of these merits' a X‘lo.sp3^.ex#iJU? ' Eamon De Valera;- ofi^rhe Wednesday night," _ T .xJ.‘ Cl^r^e^ J!Pr,, Du^hn Co. Qouncil. i^.tio^tl^n-^>u».-gaw^it^'la^Lweek.« W eta f® •* and ant enthusiastic- gathering in 'trlenties,'. * "D. 3T. Cogan, WickloV ■Council. ■ ■; „•, ./1 ’ttfWeatem ^Purehase% of Snares, iitc., in Law Donegal, addressed by.‘Professor JiacNeill-.-On M. J. Mirichy J.P., KjldaSe CoV'Cduncil. * Thursuay ^elfSst w&s entered, and St. Mary’s . «*» Iritegrity Insurance Cq ., Ltd.” This “ aSsefc” *.. * Hall could‘ not find accommodation for the is valued at the- substantial sum, of £22,644 ’ Mr. John Cullinari’s ^bffe# to pay £5 if it, ,19s. Od. In a footnote Xo' thejr repait the : thousands who wisheji to be present. Mr. were proven that he was- one of the Conspira­ Auditors mention that this sum wafs “ treated.. ,£' Denis McGuUagh* presided, and the speakers tors who seek to have Irelaild excluded from asy an asset.” Apparently the Auditors-- ■ included Dr’. Mc^abb,' Messrs. Herbert Pirn, the franchise jneasure on which Ht is planned thought it called for' somoFexplanationr arid Darrell Figgis, Eoin MacNeill, Eamon De to fight the next election can now be redeemed they tell its it ^presents thageOBt of scares , Valera and Arthur'Griffith. QriSund&y Down by him. • But^ if we know* anything of Mr, acquired at pai', toget^ie!- with^t/5B5 98.,J0d., and South'Armagh assembled at Newry, where Cullinan, 'the/^£5 wiltynever be paSl. $ ..‘Mother payments made l^ponnlbtion with th|*r ’ a similar proclamation to that issued at Omagh • - ♦ ♦ ♦ “ Dirty Dicfci'5’ as hi* lovmg colleagues style iransactioriv’ What-theSifc, were is not. dis« was promulgated, and* a similar display of closed. It is difficult to unu^stanu how the. *armed force made. -The vast meeting, which Mr. Richard McGhee, ]$£E£P.S held, a “ meet­ ing ” at Greericastle, Tyrone, *las^ Sunday. No “ other payments” could 6e treated.as an / was pressed oyer, by Mr. Robert Kelly,. Pre- asset. The-amount paid1- for tne» Shares -was ^sident^vof the1 Trades Council, 'and Which notice was giyen ^A he;i“ jneeting,” the. first intimation the ;1oct!1 people- had. of something • ^ over* £15,000'S- Kow, let u^ <.see ^ha^^his 4)ledged^its ^Hegiance to 'Sinn ’Fein, was ad^ ‘ ‘ asset” representedi W e'tuirtfto tlje^usj-' dressed by^Sffes^g. Arthur Griffith and W . L. unusual being^the arrival i’df a contingent of police, headeci by the District-Inspector from.; ness done by the Lajsr. IntjegEity. Its premium ; Cole, o£ Dublin ;T)r. MacNabb, of Belfastj and j : income, as the .Chairman, of the City^' Life Y Messrs, Sheridan•, *0’E&illy,- Donnelly and. D. Otnagh. •* ‘ The meeting ’ ’ was an indoor' brie?'* and consistedl>f Mr. .MpGJiee, Mr. McCatfron, stated, is largefy derifvejl from’ industrialJlin- McCann, B.*A. ^ Surance, its. sord£aarjt, Ijle business being-jve^y ^ o- • ■’ Ik ■ ex-R .I.C.; Messrs. P. McLoughlin.andStair^,. In the South, at' Limerick great meetings Omagh; the jdrivers of brakes, ten polfce con­ small. '■In the'lIn8uraucfe Directory,*191'r, we \yere addressed at Bruree arid Newcastle West stables, and thirty-i3lre''men, wonieri and oHil; iffii^d' the •foDpwing,4etaift by Countess Marckieviecz, Mr. De Valera and dren . In . tKe course of' his address, e Mr. JBritish Industrial Life Busiriess. V Dr. Hayes', while ”at’' Millstreet, - in Cbrk, McGhee stated that ]Qr. ^cCaftan» was 8k, spy Law arid jntegrity, 1915. Messrs. Ginnell, M.I.P.* Sean Milroy arid Sean in the pay *of the Engli&n 0oyeFriment; thdt- ; . ■ ' £ •' Rro.wir wereytbc. speakers. In^.Connachl, at he got a\yay to Aineroca- through the^ help 'bf^ ;Tota| Preiriiums. '. .. 52r425’ t/lie- iSi in 'Anw- 1 ^ ; ' >■* $39 M .I.P., and Mr. Darrell Figgis addressed a fica'aoing ‘‘^bvernmra^wci^T®^ large demonstration; while at Newport, in tulate Mr. John Redmond ori Mr. Kicnafd Mayo, Mr. Figgis was the chief speaker. In McGhee. He is worthy of him. But when £ Leinster enthusiastic meetings at Naas (Kil­ Tyrone gets an opportunity Mr. McGhee will Claims 13,638 dare), Maryborough (Leix), Drumraney share the fate of the other liars. Commission and Other Ex­ (Westmeath), and St. Margaret’s (Dublin) ♦ ♦ ♦ penses 40,920. were addressed by Dr. Boyd-Barrett, Messrs. Mr. Samuel Heron, who appealed at Belfast Other Outgoings 153 W . Cdsgrave, M .I.P., O’Leary Curtis, .Harry last week against a sentence of four months’ Boland, Alderman Kelly, M. Collins, P. Cos- imprisonment for refusing admission to a de­ Total Expenditure £54,711 grave and Pierce Beaslai. In Waterford City, tective to a meeting and ceilidh at St. Mary's Killarney and Kenmare other , meetings were Hall, in the course of a speech said he learned It will be noticed here that the income of this company, for which the City Life paid over addressed by Mr. Sean Milroy. the first lessons of nationality from the man who was prosecutig Jrim—Crown Prosecutor £22,000, did not meet its total expenditure. Mr. Wmi O’Malley, M.E.P., the London Moorehead—who in foririer days talked of; the Moreover, the cash paid to the officers and company promoter, arrived iri Clonbur, Gal­ wrongs of Ireland, and some other lessons agents of the company was three times as way, on Sunday, and used the Catholic church from the man in court acting as Clerk of the great as the amount paid to the public. This grounds for the purpose, of holding “ a meet­ Crown and Peace, Martin J. Burke. If, said “ asset” appears to have been valued on the ing,” speaking from the church steps. Ap^ Mr. Heron, Mr. Burke at £1,600 a year was basis of the low ratio of claims to commission, the less the public get and the more the agents parently since a priest was banished by Bishop as useful to the Judge as he had been to the Higgins to an island off the coast for protest­ cause of Nationalism, he wished Judge Craig being apparently the “ bull point” in this ■transaction. To such a company it is pro­ ing against this Stock Exchange adventurer’s luck of him. Burke, we may add, secured his language, O’Malley believes he has a right to appointment through the efforts of Mr. posed to hand over the “ Irish United So­ use the Church property. What would hap­ ciety.” Joseph Devlin, M.P., two years ago, to whom ♦ ♦ ♦ pen a priest in the Archdiocese of Tuam who he acted as a political spy. used the chapel grounds for a Sinn Fein meet­ ^ ♦ ♦ The circulation of •“ Nationality ” has be­ ing ? O’Malley’s “ meeting” was boycotted Mr. E. C. Dooley, of Birr, member of the come so large—‘■it now exceeds that of any by the people, the local band refusing to at­ King’s Co. County Council, does not think the journal published in Ireland exccpt the tend; but locally there is much comment on death of the Bishop of Limerick is a matter foi “ Daily Independent” —that it is impossible the fact that this man could use the church the County Council’s condolence. The Bin for our- machines to get the week’s edition steps for his political purposes. What is the Sinn Fein Club regards Mr. E. C. Dooley as a printed in time for simultaneous publication influence this notorious person—this promoter person of vicious political bias, and it will, at on Thursday. In consequence Dublin and of' a* score of bubble companies and owner the first opportunity, help to kick him out of some other centres have been obliged to wait of “ Chic ” —possesses which enables him to the position in which he misrepresents Birr. until the Friday of each week for the edition have Catholic curates bariished and use Ca­ ^ ♦ ♦ of “ Nationality” which goes to press each tholic church property, for his political purr The Ennis Board of Guardian?, at their last Tuesday evening. Considerable inconvenience ' poses? meeting, adopted resolutions deploring tho i.to-.our readers and ourselves has been caused ^ ♦ ♦ death of the Bishop of Limerick and request­ by this fact, and to meet the difficulty we have We understand that Mr. John Cullinan, ing Sir Horace Plunkett and the members of decided to alter the form of the journal from M.E.P., has announced Ms? intention of parting the Convention to withdraw froni the | Con­ an eight-page to a larger four-page “ Nationa­ with 1J per cent, of the annual salary he draws vention unless all prisoners now in jail for lity^* which, printed in smaller type, will from the English Treasury for helping to up-* political -offences are released. permit us to get more reading matter into each hold English government in Ireland if it be <t> ♦ . ♦ issue and to print the issue so much more , shown that lie liad anytfcrfngtO;do with the We notice as we are going to press that the rapidly that it can be published simultaneously passage of the- Resolution of the Executive Chairman of theyOity Life has contributed a throughout Ireland each Thursday morning.
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