IN REPLY REFER TO: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W A SHI NGTON 25, D. C . October 10, 1958 AEC-126/9 Mr. James E. Reeves Assistant Manager for Test Operations Albuquerque Operations Office u. s. Atomic Energy Commission P. 0. Box 5400 Albuquerque, New Mexico Dear Mr. Reeves: Transmitted herewith are ten copies of TEI -729, "The action of heat and of superheated steam on the tuff of the Oak Spring formation," by George W. Morey, August 1958. This report is part of our Nevada Test Site project. We plan to incorporate the information in TEI-729 with that in other reports on this project for publication by the Geological Survey. · Sincerely yours, -~ . ~~ ~/Vc):,R j..,- W. H. Bradley Chief Geologist UNI1rED STAIJ::'ES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GE LOGI CAL SliRVEY THE .AC TION OF HFJ\.T A~TD OF SUPERHEATED STEAM ON ·IE~ T0~ OF TFili OAK SPRING FORMATION* George Wa Morey Augu.st 1958 Trace El ements Investiga t i ons Report 729 This preliminary report is distributed without editoria l and. technical review f or conformity ·with official standards and nomenclature . It is not f or public . inspection or quot ation. *This report concerns work done on behal f of Albuquerque Operations Office, U. s. Atomi c Energy Commission .. 2 USGS - TEI- 729 Distribution No. of copies Albuquer que Opera t:i.ons Office ( J.. :F~.. Ree·7es) o •• o " .... o .... " ... o e .. ., .. o • ., .. 10 Division of Re search, Washington (D .. R. Mi.l_er) .... .... ., ., .. o. o.......... 2 Office o.f the Commissioners, Washington (J .. C .. Pot~s ) •o••ooe•o•o •o 1 Office of Operations Analysis & Plan~ing, Was hi ngton ' P .. C. Fine) 1 Chemistry Division, ArgorLne National Lab . (W, M .. Mann.ing ) .. • .. • • • .. .. • 1 Chemical Tech ., Di v ., Oak Ridge Natl. Lab .. (F~ R. Bruce) ... ~••o•ooo 1 Engineer Research & Deve ~opment Lab"' Ft .. Belvoir, Va. (Chief, Spec:ia l P:t'l... jec-ts B"':"'82u.ch) o ooo. oott<> o G> <> o<>&<> o o•eaoseooeeooeo 1 Health Physi ~ s Div .. , Oak Ridge Na tl. La.b o ( F .. L .. Parker) ..... ..... •• 3 Los A- amos Scientific Labora tory ·· J. iL. Ha. ll .J .. ,. .. .. o ..... o •••••••• o .. • 1 Uni v. Ca lif. Radia tion J...a b., , L~'~-vermore (G .. W. Johnson) . .. ...... " •••• 10 U .. S. Naval Ordnance Lab" ' Whi+.e Oak, Mri . (J .. E .. .Abla!'d) . .. .......... 1 U. S. Naval Radiological Lab .. , San Francisco (IlL E . Ballou) • • • • • • • 1 U. s. Geological Survey~ Engineering Geology Bran.ch, Denve~c· ...... o ........ o & .. • • • • • • • • .. .. • • • • • • • • 10 Fuels Branch, Denver •o••• .. •••&ee &o o•• o • o •••eo•••"'"""••••.,••<>••e••• 2 Geochemistry and Petrology Br anch, Was hington ••o~••••o• .. o••• •••••• 8 Ge ophysics Branch, Washington o•e•e ••oo .... ..... .......... ..... o ..... .......... 6 Militar y Geology Bran~ h , Washington •••• oo •••o•••·~••••eooe•••••o•• 2 Mineral Deposits B:ranch, Washington ............ .,oooo••o•• •• """'"""•"• 2 Radiohydrology Section , Washington ••• o., e " ...... a." ••• e ... 0 · .. o ...... .., e • • 6 TEreo' Denve r ••••• 0 Q • e Q ••••••• ~ 0 Qo •••• • e 0 0 Cio 0 0 0 0 G () Q •• G • 0 A} " •• 0 •• • · . 0 • • l TEPCO, Washington (including maste:r) .... o•o•••oo.,ooeoe<><>OOCOee•o••• • 4 74 Page Abstract 4 Introduc~ ti. o!J . 4 Experi.me r..-:;s in. a .i!" 5 Exper iments E2. s~;~~Jerheate •1 s+,eam at h:~g:C. :r;c:'e BS'-)~'e o~, o.... o........ 9 RefeTences e o o e o. e • (I o t'> " e t:~ t':'l o o ~ f'l fl e o o I") <» o o o a o o tJ o c· n o (} o o o o o o e 41 • & o o o e • 13 Table l . in a i.r 6 Effect u:f heat::.:o_g he-J.landi.te ., -,...., a~i.~~· 8 X~ray :~?atter::; of the l12:~~ :1.e~~":i:;if::_e(. : .a :ri~.-at:.~.-e of !J.eula:'J.d.:.te · {~:r:t ich ~\ra. ,s ob·:.a5.r..ed. b;y- ::.ea.t2.l!.g .b.e u:l.anL~. i te f r o:Ti Icelar2.d. to 290° C ~- D:!:" 64 !:D:.J::.' S, and :te1;~landi te ::.::.-:;. ·~uff of tb.e Oa.~~. S:p:':"'2 ~2. g f or::nat:Lc>rl to ~~6~~c C fQr 4 d.a;y-s 10 4. The e f:'ect r::;f sv.pe:::-hea.ted. .stemr. a-+~ hig:!.". pressu.:':"e 0:::1 t :he tuff' of the Oak. Sp~<~.: :1~ forma-cion. •• o ...... G., • ., ........ ll 4 TEE A"GTION OF HEAT Al\ID OF SOPERfiEATED STEAM ON TUFF OF THE OAK SPRING FORMATION By G-eorge W. Morey ABSTRACT Samples of tuff of the Oak Spring f ormation hea ted in air at different temperatures were examined. with the petrographic microscope and by X-ray diffraction methods. The changes in the heulandi te, which makes up the greater part of the tuff, can be used to estimate the temperature to which the tuff had been heatedo The tuff becomes f luid enough to begin to flow under its own weight at about 1,200° C in air, but even a t higher temperatures the mo lten w~terial has extremel y high viscosityo Samples of the tuff were heated in superheated steam at high pressures, and from these experiments it is concluded that recrystallization of the heulandite with formation of plagioclase feldspar is indicative of the presence of steam at high temperature and pressure during recrystallization .. INTRODUCTION The underground nuclear explosion of September l~ 1957 took place in a rhyolitic tuff of the Oak Spring formation of Tertiary age. In the specimen used for the experiments described below the originally glassy shards have been completely altered, chiefly to the zeol ite mineral heul andite [(Ca,Na2)0•Al203 ·6Si02•5H20 ] . Heulandite makes up about 70 percent of the rock specimen. The remainder is about 20 percent quartz, many of bipyramid.crl habit indicating that they were formed as high-quartz above 575° C, and r:: / 10 percent of K feld.spar, plagioclase, hornblende, mag~1eti te, and bi.oti te (Hansen and Lemke, 1958)., A considerable amount o.f -~!later is a.l.so present. Some of this is combi ned. in the heulandi te, which i.d.eally contains 15 percent water. If the tuff is 70 per'cer. ~ .t he<.Llan.d.:f. 'te, i.t shm.1.ld. have a minimum water con.tent of J,O percent .. Actual analyses of -l:uff range from 10 to 29 percent "Water, so t:~1e quantity of water i::1. the -:;uff actually subject to the heating efi.ects of the naclear explosi.or.;. is UJ.'lce:.:'tain. The authoY takes pleas'l.J2'e j_n. acknm-1:::..edging tl~.e assistance of W. F. Outerbridge in the pet:.ographic examinati.ons ar.'::. of Daphne R .. Ross in the X-ray diffraction st·o.c":.ies. T!le \<Tork. herein repcr,ted. is part of a program being corrd.ucted ·:::r;y the U. S" C-eologi.cal Su:.:·vey 02 behalf of Al~uquerque Operations Office, U .. S. Atomi-c Energy Com.rnissio!.'... EXPERIMENTS L\! AIR Sam;ples of tuff taken. from the exploi3ic:n chani::,er prior to -th.e shot, and identified by the number G57 -9-l, ·were purN"d.e:red, :pla eed in sma::;_l crucibles hanging i:n an automatically con.tl"ollec1 quench1ng furnace, ar1d. heated in air. After heating, the samples ·were :!:'emoved and exarr..iEed with the petrographic microscope and. X-.:ray diffractometer. The ex:perime~ . tal conditions and. results of these experiments are sho•..m. in. table l Q The author estimates, from the chemical compositicn of the material and the melting :!:'elati.ons of per·t:!.nent systems -~..r~i.c!h have al:!:'eady been studied at the Geophysical Iaborato:r·y, Carnegie Irrst:i. t·u.tion of Washington, that the temperature of completim:·"' of the melt~.. ng p:('ocess is abou.t 900° C. This estimate p:r-esl2pp9ses that the material -w-as O:::'iginally crystalline and that eq_uilibril:'.m Y.TaS reached., 1r:he last crystallin-e phase to disappear wou ld be 6 Table 1.--Effect of heating tuff of the Oak Spring formation in air. Temperature .J£L Time Condition 36o 4 days X-ray pattern shows heulandite altered to unidentified., Other minerals unchanged. 500 18 hrs Heulandite has decomposed to glass. Other minerals unchanged., 760 42 hrs Doo 1,032 42 hrs Not sintered. Heulandite has decomposed to glass. Other minerals unchangedo 1,150 8 days Partly sintered; heulandite decomposed to bubbly glass. Other minerals Q~changedo 1,160 4 hrs Thoroughly sintered and cemented together by bubbly glass. Other minerals unchanged. 1,191 6 days Melted, but phenocrysts of ~uartz and K feldspar are not altered. In addition to the bubbly glass formed from heulandite, there is a clear glass probably formed from the plagioclase. 1,205 5 days Melted to bubbly glass with some phenocrysts of quartz and K feldspar remaining metastably. 7 silica i n the :form of' quartz or trid;ylilite.. The tu:rf original y , however, -was largely gl ass, s o the me ; ting process v.Jas near completion, 'but ·the phases pre-sent , quartz .and f el dspar, are as wou.ld be expected ~ Howeve r ~ equilibrium in mixtures of this general composition -~ras real.hed very slo-wly, as is shown in tabl e 1 " At 1 ~ 03 2° C the heul a ndi te had decomposed t o a gl ass , but t he material was still so viscous that the powder did not s:.:nter together i n 42 hours" At 1 ,150° C sintering had begun, and at 1 , 19-o C the material was thoroughly me l ted t ogethe:c" T r,._ro types of gl a ss could.
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