TI 1E T OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ASSGCIATED STUDENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF PUGET SOUND VOLUME I. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1923. NUMBER THETAS ENTERTAIN SIGMA ZETAS AT ST PATRICK'S BOUQUETS TOURNAMENT TO PARTY C I P. S. STUDENT Virginia Craig, Mildred Gast and Inez 1iiIi, ;vith yt t-kts The Kappa Sigma Theta sorority Marion Handing are absolutely "Come Out of the Kitchon" in her hand, approached Van Dci BE HELD OF C. P.S entertained the Sigma Zeta Epsi- WILL TOUR GLOBE I crazy to have their names in the Ion fraternity Saturday evening, limelight. They left their flames Vanter and said, "You want two March 17, at the homeof Ruth in the Trail box with a penny to tickets for the play, don't you Wheeler at Steilacoom Lake, with pay for the printing. Say they Van?" Leave it to Micki. TENNIS PLAYERS2 M 1111101]iIillII a St. Patrick's party. The even- : are not vain. Oh, no! On his way with Nan Tuell to ing was spent informally, a Vir- Carlyle Horn, a member of the Ed Newell Is Appointed Tennis ginia Reel being one of the fea- What a surprise. Ben Lanpher the Theta paity, Saturday night, Manager freshman class, left Tacoma on tures. St. Pat certainly had a board the S. S. Wilipolo, of the says he went to church a few Everett Buckley was pinched—by a cop— for going too fast. The hand in the resfreshments, which William's Line, Sunday morning weeks ago. car was crowded with well known A t€nnis tournament will be held were unique. Those present were for New York. The Willpolo is a C. P. S. people (see the driver to find out who are the ternis the Misses Anna Crasper, Olive steel freighter and carries a ship- Notice! If there is any scandal for information) and they were stars. This is the plan of Ed Baicke, Evelyn Ahnquist, Juliette ment of copper from the Tacoma around school about you it will get in a hurry. ,Tust as they reached Newell, Tennis Manager. Palmer, Florence Todd, Evelyn smelter at Pt. Defiance. in this column. Please don't in- the outskirts of So. Tac. a cop It has not been definitely decid- Backus, Nar Tuell, Ruth Wheeler, Carlyle Horn was graduated suit the editor with bribes. interferred. "Well," and Mr. ed as . to scheduling meets with Hilda Scheyer, Margaret Lemmon, from the Stadium high school last Buckley as he slowed down, "if other Colleges at present. The Anita Greenlaw, Lucille Alslip, June, and William Schlegel, a mem- Anne Davis was seen at the matter depends upon how the Margaret Moore, Erma Eagan, ber of this year's graduating class Stadium opera with another girl. this isn't the limit." players show up in the tournament. Jean Van Zante, Joyce Hazelton, of Stadium, is making the trip also, We saw Erma Eagan with a This year there is a lack of tal- Joyce Glasgow, Agnes Hauge, Eli- both boys working their way. The Matt Thompson is boasting of diamond, but sorry to say it was ented tennis players compared to zabeth Anderson, Lorene Bonds. ship will go by way of Frisco and being engaged to ten girls at the past two years. It is said Charlotte McCool, Gertdue Con- the Panama Canal, and will reach once. on the wrong hand. that Dariel comes highly recom- iad, Mrs. Harry Parker, and Car- New York some time during April. mended as a tennis player. He olyn Somers: the Messrs. Tom From there, the boys expect to get We hear Carolyn Somers is very Chemistry was among one of the best in Swayze, Eric Dalberg, Bruce Blev- a boat for Europe, and upon their interested in Russia, it's people, Who is the one who worries, the Oregon College. irs, Everett Buckley, Chancy arrival there will take in all the habits and customs and intends to Who scares us almost blue, With formulas of "HCL", Brady, Melvin Olene, Wilbur Dan- sights that th European countries make a very intensive study in iel, Fred Savage, Paul Lung, Rus- have to offer. They will visit the that direction. And CaCl2's? ALPHA GAMMAS PRESENT sell Anderson, Bob Weisel, Frank battle fields of Europe and will STUN'r IN CHAPEL Brooks, James Mitchell, Allison return to the Urited States within Camp Lewis was seen in the Because of whom do all our dreams Wetmore, Merrill Ginn, Sam War- the next two ears by way of Chem. lab.J again! End with heart rendering cries, r - ren, Dighy Williams, Don Wall- Asia, thus encieling the globe. Who causes H20 to gush The Delta Alpha Gamin1 From weary Freshmen's eyes? ority presented a clever stunt in man, Charles Mentzer, Stanton The o'reat nuostion! Will Ciirt chapel during the student body Warburton, Jess Mathis, J. M. Hart get diptheria too? Coach McNeal, we know 't n assembly Thursday. The first part Reinhart, and Ted Upton. FUTURE BLU 8 ARI OUR1 - - . It thy iault Wa:; eutitled Li' of the pram FroM ll indications Howard That thou must cause such pain; ing PictuTes"t Dorothy DuBuissun Roben is Happy these spring days. Innocent G:r6 IN ii to be Care- So for thy sake, we'll all plod on, appeared as a beguiling Turkish But, oh, alas—in vain. maid; Ruth Hoage represented ful Where T. cy Lay Their UNIOUETIAN A ffctions Ed Newell was seen running ONE WHO HAS HEARD "Sweet Adelene;" Helen Small was down the hall in a manner very a shy Indian maid; Carol Hovious t_n a-- -- - -.1. t:. uiiueeuiniiig LU OJIC UI. iii uigiiiy Enter Dick Weir in full dress made a hit as "Nobody's Darling," With bold "sng-froid" a mem- and prestibe. The cause was the suit. and Beatrice Wahigren took the BOOSTING bet- of the rilkg generation at- tending the iL nious College of candy sale of the Scienticians. Postmaster—What do you want, part of a gypsy maid. The second young man? part of the program was entitled Puget Sound arnunced Friday af- The Dramatic Booster Contest is Digby W. is now contemplating Dick Weir—I came down after "Entertaining the M mister," Stella ternoon that in the course of his "on" at the College of Puget an elaborate plan of establishing my diploma. Eide taking the part of the young Sound. The students of the Col- young life he intended to make way with no less than eighteen wives. himself in Day Island. Yes, Dig, P. M.—Your diploma? daughter of the household, who en- lege of Puget Sound have taken Dick Weir—Yes, I graduated tertained the minister while her He made the statement that • he we agree with you the bus fare on a unique plan of boosting their each week must surely amount to from the Buncha Boobs corres- mother was dressing. Florence was already engaged to no less all college play "Come Out of the something. pondence school this week. Davis took the part of the preach- Kitchen," a three-act comedy by than eighteen girls, and that he en, and Ardis Fox was the mother. A. E. Thomas, based on the story was ready to take on any girl who wished to become engaged, pro- Merril Ginn won the Amateur For Sale—Assorted vegetables of Alice Duer Miller, which is to and country eggs by Matt Thomp- he given at Tacoma Theatre, vided she wasn't too particular. Championship of tennis last IDAHO TAKES COAST CHAMP- The author of these bold state- Thursday in twelve rounds with son. We want to assure prospec- Tuesday, May 1. Mrs. Lynette tive customers that the eggs are IONSHIP AGAIN Hovious, head of the Public Speak- ments went on to say that he be- several opponents. He won it on gan his carrei- as an enveigler of merit of being the most amateur- of good quality since they came ing Department of the College of from Wilkinson only last Friday. Puget Sound is director of the women's affections about four years ish. University of Idaho, Moscow, ago, and that the demands for his March 6.—The University of Idaho play. Miss Balcke, the head of the hand became so numerous that he We saw Horse Blevins slinging Clyde Kinch it still with us. won the second game of the coast : was compelled to employ a private championship series from the Uni- Domestic Science Department, has balls at Joe iVicArthur on the presented the "Boosters" with a secretary to take care of his af- diamond and we fear another David What is Ken Warner acting so versity of California by a score of fairs of the heart, so to speak. 29 to 25 at Moscow last right and splendid pennant which will be pre- and Goliath case. queer about? Suppose all the egg sented to the Winning team. The He announces he never accepts the thrown at him Friday right could thereby cinched the coast title. By actual proposal hiniself, but the contest started last Wednesday and Guy McWilliams must be plan- have given him shell shock? virtue of this, Idaho is winner of interested party contracts the en- the coast championship for the continues up to the date of the ning on being an army officer as he college play. The captains of the gagement through his secretary. has begun practising this spring. Weather Report second successive season. In regard to the marriage ques- teams are as follows: Team No. 1, He is always ordering some person Unsettled when we went to press tion, the speaker said that he in- the "Go Getters," Everett Buck- or other to be "shot" down at but a storm is expected when this icy; Team No.
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